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War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]


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[Color=DarkBlue][Size=1]Time seemed to be flying by Yukiko in a whirlwind as both Akio and Tetsuya came into town, plus the offer from Night Raider of his clan, and then the news that Tetsuya brought of Mochiko?s death, it just didn?t click with her. ?So, you killed her, why??

?I have my reasons. You have no need to know or understand them.? Tetsuya said, cold faced.

?Where?d Naoto get to?? Akio asked, looking around. He suddenly pulled Yukiko to the side, and hoarsly whispered to Yukiko ?He?s calling the vampire. What are we gonna do? I would prefer to tell Tetsuya about the alliance, then have to explain the reason vampires showed up at the airport at the same time he did.?

Yukiko walked over to Naoto and held up two fingers. The two of them had made a code when they were on the phone. Two fingers meant they had been the ones to call, and one meant that they had picked up the phone. Naoto held up one finger, and Yukiko let out a small sigh. She walked back over to Akio and told him ?It?s OK he was called.?

?That?s not the problem at?? Akio started, until he was interrupted.

?Not to be rude, but do you three have a ride for us?? Peter said, flicking his ashes on the ground.

?Shut up.? growled Yukiko, instantly regretting it.

?So, you think you can just treat me like yesterday?s trash now?? he asked, dropping his cigarette.

?No, I?m sorry, but now is not the time to be making demands or asking questions.? Yukiko said, looking at Tetsuya. ?You never said you were bring guests, Tetsuya.?

?I told Naoto. You really haven?t lightened up much, have you Yukiko?? Tetsuya said, looking her in the eyes.

?I?m sure you know what happened. I don?t have time to idly chit chat right now. You four can take a seat in the waiting area, or just stand there, but give us a minute.? Yukiko said, walking back over to Naoto. She motioned for Akio to follow, and the three began to talk.

?What did you tell them?? Yukiko demanded.

?That Tetsuya killed Mochiko. They?re coming.? Naoto said, closing his cell phone.

?YOU IDIOT!? Yukiko said, restraining her hand from slapping his face. ?Now what the hell are we going to tell Tetsuya when the come looking for a fight??

?Hopefully, they?ll have a clearer head than your Yukiko.? Akio said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Yukiko shot a glance at the entrance, and sure enough, there was Dusk, standing there with a good crowd of seven to eight other vampires. Yukiko cursed and motioned for the group of four to follow them. ?Might as well get this over with.?

Yukiko suddenly pulled out her 1873 Classic, and aimed it towards the ceiling, but Akio grabbed it from her and stuck in his pocket. ?Now who?s the idiot? You want whatever scum might be here to know that we?re here. Get a hold of yourself Yukiko.?

Dusk and his group spotted Yukiko and began to walk over to the group. Yukiko rolled her eyes, sighed, and hoped that things wouldn?t turn into a full scale war.

?Naoto which one?s Tetsuya?? Dusk asked, pointing to the group.

?Is it not obvious?? Peter asked, flicking off the ash from another cigarette.

?I am Tetsuya, since you seem to be that dumb.? Tetsuya said, standing up. ?I?m assuming you?re a vampire.?

Yukiko looked dumb struck. How could he know? She leaned over to Akio and whispered ?How the hell did he find out??

?I don?t..? Akio started.

?I can read lips. Stop talking about us.? Aly said, standing up.

?Dusk.? One of the vampires said.

?So, you want to destroy Kuroichi as well?? Tetsuya asked Dusk, ignoring the voice calling.

?Yes, he?s gotten too powerful for his own good, and he?s also gotten too cocky.? Dusk said, turning to the voice. ?What??

?Phone.? It replied, pointing to his belt.

Dusk picked it up and walked away from the group, his voice seeming a bit troubled.

Aneko stood next to Aly and said ?Shouldn?t we get our baggage and head out??

?Of course. We have things to take care of first.? Yukiko snapped back, becoming annoyed with the two.

?Jeez, sorry I asked.? Aneko said, sitting back down.
?Naoto can we continue this back at base or something? People are starting to get suspicious.? Yukiko said, turning towards the entrance.

?Yes, Dusk, can you meet us at the Hearts Covenant again in like an hour?? Naoto asked, ushering his group towards the entrance.

?Yes. I will meet you there.? Dusk said, pointing his posse in the same direction.

Yukiko walked quickly forward and got the car, brining it around the front. She parked, loaded everyone and everything in, and zoomed off for headquarters, her anger and worry starting to rise.

When they arrived, everyone grabbed their stuff and first stopped on the fourth floor to find the rooms the had, and to freshen up. Afterwards, the new four rode the elevator upwards, looks of concern and boredom playing across their contingences.

Yukiko and Akio sat on the couch, talking, and when the four entered, Yukiko steered them towards Naoto office, where he sat handling something. As they filed in, he stashed it in a drawer, and addressed them. ?Before we go, there has to be some rules set. One, no one talk out of turn, or about anything other than the topic at hand. I don?t want anyone getting friendly because things change, and I don?t want anyone faltering because of friendship.

Two, no one will carry anything visible weapon wise. If you can hide your weapons, fine and dandy, otherwise, leave them here.

Lastly, I only want Akio, Yukiko, Tetsuya, and myself to go in. I want you other three to stand guard.? He said, standing up.

?That?s a lot of rules for a meeting of allies.? Peter said, lighting up a cigarette.

?Stop. No smoking here. Besides, I said things change, didn?t I?? Naoto said, controlling his anger.

?Let?s go. We don?t want to be late.? Akio said, motioning everyone towards the door.

The seven people left the building, unaware that there was a lonely vampire watching them from an adjacent building. He chuckled to himself, and muttered ?Kuroichi might want information like this.?[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lana hissed at Keitha's departure. Nye looked sadly at Lana.

[i]When will she realise that Keitha was not in control? When will she stop hating her?[/i]

Sighing, Nye turned on his heel and walked back to their mode of transport, a black Mercedes Benz with a chaffuer. The man opened the door as Nye approached, Lana following closely behind. Nye climbed in first and then Lana. The door shut and in a few moments, they started moving. Lana crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at the seat in front of her. Nye looked over to the young assassin.

" Lana, you will treat Keitha will respect the next time we meet."
Lana didn't look at her Lord. " How can you forgive her Nye? How can you not hate her for almost killing you?"
" She was not in control of herself when that happened."
" And she is now?"
" Yes."
" I cannot forgive her. She betrayed us Nye. She left me behind, like she always did. Always..."

It suddenly occuried to Nye that Lana didn't hate Keitha just for trying to kill him. Lana was young and inexperienced as a vampire and a warrior when Keitha took her to Australia. By what Lana had just said, Keitha must have always left Lana out of the loop, and had not introduced her to the leaders of groups. He could see that Lana resented the fact that she was always dragged around, not knowing anything but what Keitha was willing to tell her.

" I was her friend Nye......" Lana whispered softly. Nye looked over to Lana and saw a lone tear roll down her cheek. He wiped it away with a finger.
" As was I Lana."
Lana shuddered - either from grief or supressed rage. Nye looked ahead.
" Now she wants to kill me......it makes me think if I was just a tag-along...."
" She doesn't want to kill you Lana. She is just....confused...."
" Heh. You're not so confident either Nye."
Nye staed silent. Lana easily called his bluff.

The car started to slow down. It slowed to a stop and the door opened. Nye climbed out and then Lana. They stood in front of a hotel. Entering, Nye and Lana walked up to the receptionist.
" Booking for Gyshram," Nye said firmly. The receptionist typed in the name into the computer. Their booking came up, with an extra note on the side.

" Oh Mr Gyshram, a man came in a few minutes ago, asking for you and your partner. He is in your room currently."
Nye and Lana looked at each other and then back at the receptionist. Together they walked to the elevator and caught it to the 9th floor. Nye withdrew his sword and Lana withdrew her sais. Opening the door carefully, Lana and Nye shadow-melded and entered the room.

" I know you are there Lord of the Gyshram, you too Black Widow," came a male's voice. Nye and Lana came out of the shadows to see Zoku standing there. Lana's oath to kill him for what he did to Keitha came back to her. She flung a sai at him. It buried itself into his right shoulder but was not moved. He merely took out the blade from his flesh and flung the weapon to the floor. Lana hissed at him.

" That's for what you did to Keitha you bastard..." Lana growled. Nye stepped forward and slapped Lana across the face. Lana was taken aback by the move and fell back into the shadows, ashamed. Nye looked at Zoku. Zoku looked at Nye. Nye was the first to talk.

" What are you here for Zoku?"

[b]OOC: There you go demonchild. Lana doesn't exactly hate Keitha. She just resents her.[/b][/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Zoku bowed in respect to the Grysham Lord....''Nye...overlord of the Grysham Clan; I come here to pay my respects.''

''For what?'' Nye answered back quickly.

As he rose his head...''to pay my respects to yet another dying clan.''

''You bastard...how dare you mock me.'' his voice deep with anger...this man killed his father...his mother. Nye yielded his sword from its shealth and swung it at Zoku. As the blade came at him, Zoku stuck forth his hand and grabbed the sword before it connected with his body. Nye pressed harder onto the blade; but it did not move in Zoku's grasp.

''You have ever right to hate me Nye...your father was a great man; but you must understand...he asked for his death.''

''What?'' questioned Nye as he was taken back by the titians words. Slowly he dropped his sword as Zoku let go of it. ''State you business Zoku.''

''Thee old king of the Grysham...David...was honorable...but imagine for a moment young one; I was once a human...and he nearly destroyed me for my friendship with Keitha.''

''Keitha? What about her?''

''It was only a few months ago that I was turned by the blood of Cain; turning into what is before you now. But...I was once a human; fighting against Kuroichi and his quest for power. Me and Keitha found one another...as she became curious about my origin. To make a long story short...David became jealous...and brought me over the edge of madness; nerel breaking my infatuation for Keitha.''

''So you're saying my father deserved to die?''

''No young king...no one deserves to die. I've come for two things this night Nye...one; to ask for your forgiveness...

[COLOR=Black]Forget forgiveness....KILL HIM[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Black]Now is the time to break the Grysham...KILL HIM[/COLOR]


''and two; to bring the Grysham Clan alive again.''


''Please my king...do not forget about your children in New York City. You have many followers still there in your underground city. If you want to do anything in this war...reunite with them...and bring them here to Japan. Whatever side you choose will be yours to make. Make Lana your general...she will know what to do.''

Zoku bowed once again...and started walking towards Lana who was still hiding in the shadows. He brushed by Nye as he whispered into his ear...''thank you for bringing this to my attention Zoku...your apologize is accepted.''

His attention did not faulter as he approached the shadows...Lana was leaning against the far wall with her arms crossed; torn between sadness and hatred.

''Lana.......forgive me as well. What history is between me and Keitha is our own...and I assure you...that all has been forgiven between the two of us. Take action vampress...lead the Grysham army...and obey your master Kuroichi.''

Zoku said nothing else...and didn't wait for a response from Lana as he exited throught the window...descending to the streets in a free fall once more.

[I]Now that I have said my peace....we can have a war....for I now can fight you. [/I]

The wind in the streets was brisk as it whistled around the tall buildings. Everyone around him were being pushed from side to side easily as they tried to contain themselves and their possessions while Zoku kept on walking perfectly.

*ring ring ring*

Zoku reached into his trench coat pocket and pulled out his cell phone, flipping it open. ''Dusk...''

''Hey Zoku...where have you been?''

''As I said before Dusk...I've had other business to attend too.''

''I'm sorry Zoku...''

''Dusk...no apology is needed...you know that from me. Now whats going on?''

''We've made contact with the Project Members...and have agreed to a meeting at the Hearts Covenant. I'm here now with Jinsei, Dracula and LeStat...we've also requested Zuriel's presence here as well. The meeting is nearly upon us now...and we were hoping to have you accompany us.''

''As you wish Dusk...I'll be there in a moment...I may be late...but I will arrive; I promise.''

''Thank you Zoku...we haven't seen you in a while; I'm sure everyone will be happy to have you around again.''

''Perhaps...good luck with the talk before my arrival Dusk. Take care...later.'' as Zoku snapped the cell phone back shut.

[I]......oh Keitha....how I miss you so.....[/I]

Leaping onto one of the neighboring rooftops, as the crowd around him stood in shock and awe...Zoku made his way towards the covenant; taking his time.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]

OCC: :D hopefully you all are seeing what I'm trying to do with all these clans...if not.......more anticipation then;)
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]Dusk and the others packed themselves into two rental cars and drove over to Hearts Covenant. They parked a couple of blocks away, and decided that omly Dusk, Jinsei, Dracula, and LeStat would go in, and the other seven would wait outside. Suddenly Dusk had a thought. He turned to Kaze and Reya, the new girls.

[B]"Would you two please find Zuriel and escort him here? And everyone else just keep an eye on the place and alert me when Zoku arrives."[/B] Dusk walked over to the club doors and strode in. He he quickly took a once over of the place, making sure that there were no other vampires around, may the be a part of Kuroichi's 'army'. He took a seat at a random table and waited. [I]Not here yet...[/I]

Jinsei nervously wrung his hands as they waited for the hunters to arrive. Dusk looked over to his friend and knew he was thinking the same thing as him. That Tetsuya guy...none of the hunters was ordinary, but he...he was almost god-like. Dusk brushed aside his golden hair, realizing it was starting to get pretty long. A waiter came by and he ordered a drink, when he saw Tetsuya walk in. Dusk shivered slightly. Yukiko, Naoto, and Akio followed behind and Dusk motioned over to them.

They walked over to the table and all took a seat. Dusk couldn't help but scowl slightly at the thought of Tetsuya's earlier comment towards him, but he knew to keep his cool. He would not want to make this man his enemy. Dusk began speaking to Tetsuya.

[B]"Considering that you already seem to know everything that's going on, and what's at stake, I'm going to cut to the chase. We need your help to bring down Kuroichi. I know you must harbor a deep hatred for vampires, and would much rather kill one then join with them, but your friends here managed to get past that to form an alliance, even if it is only temporary. I'm kindly asking that you do the same and join us."[/B]

Tetsuya just stared at Dusk, his cold glare practically piercing Dusk's flesh. It was as if he was gazing at his very soul. Suddenly Dusk's rang. He cursed and then picked up the phone.

[I][B]"What?"[/B][/I] Dusk practically yelled into the phone. Disaster's voice came through.

[I][B]"Sir, Zoku's approaching. And I just got a call from Kaze and Reya saying that they found Zuriel and are bringing him here right away."[/B][/I]

[I][B]"Good. Thanks for informing me."[/B][/I]

Dusk turned back to the hunters.

[B]"Zoku should be joining us any second now, and I feel we should wait to continue this conversation untill when he gets in."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]OOC: Either kairiIce2 or JJRiddler can take it from here.[/B][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lana glared at Zoku as he left. He really brushed her the wrong way. Nye turned to Lana.
" We are going to New York Lana for a brief trip. Teleport us there."
" Yes my Lord."
Lana walked over to Nye and held one of his hands. In an instant, they were transported to New York.


Walking through the entrance to the underground city of the Gyshram. Nye shuddered. It had been a long time since he was in the underground city his father built long ago. Lana looked around, sussing out where they were. She had never been down in the underground city before. Keitha had forbid her of it.

[i]Keitha......come back.....[/i]

Finally coming to the end of the tunnel entrance, a magnificent display appeared before them. Gyshram vampires walked around the underground city. Nye had completely forgotten them. They were a secret that the Gyshram alone held. Not even Kuroichi knew of this place. But how did Zoku find out? The answer was simple. Keitha.

Walking to the royal house, Nye stood on the blacony overlooking the city. One of the vampires below looked up and saw Nye.

" MY LORD!" he shouted from below. The crowd of Gyshram stopped and looked up at the royal house. Nye stood there kingly.
" Gather all forces my fellow Gyshrams! We have a war to attend to!" he bellowed out orders. The crowd bowed and went to gather forces. There would easily be 100 strong male vampires in service. There would be more if able-bodied females joined as well, but not this time. The Gyshram clan needed to rebuild after their drastic losses. Lana would be the only female.

In half an hour, the force of vampires were assembled in front of the royal house. Nye stood there, surveying the army. Lana stood a little behind him, to his left side.
" A war has brewed my friends. We have to defend the Gyshram's honour. To Japan my loyal soldiers!"
A hideous howl of delight echoed from the crowd as they started to march out of the city and towards transport that Nye had organised while the army was assembled. Nye turned to Lana.

" Japan my dear Lady Lana."


Back in their hotel room in Japan, Nye paced around the room.
" We must see Kuroichi. And find Kietha."
Lana didn't say anything. She was beginning to become tired of being angry at Keitha. She was slowly beginning to realise that what Keitha had done, she wasn't in control of. But it was a hard fact to accept. All she did was sit down upon the bed.
" Dawn comes upon us Lana. We must sleep. When night falls again, we shall go see Kuroichi and tell him that our forces will be here soon."
Lana nodded and lay on the bed, drifting off to sleep.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[I]'Et numini patri et fili, spiritus sancti.'[/I]

Colville looked straight up into the sky, very bored. A pile of ash lay in front of him, the remains of yet another vampire who was unfortunate enough to cross his path.

'Why can't I find something worth me time?' he said, turning to leave, 'And I still have ta find that vampire from Australia and her little pet.'

Colville wandered into the darkness, leaving the body of the little girl lying dead in the street.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Bursting through the doors...Zoku's thundering foots steps could be heard approaching the group of men and women converging with one another. His escorts waited at the doors as Zoku towards the group of individuals. On one side...were the vampires...and on the other, were the hunters who immidiately recognized him. Apart from his long black hair and heavier exterior; they could never forget those eyes of his.

Looking at both of the groups as he approaced; the room was a solid red; the carpets, chairs...even the lighting in the center of the room. No one was sitting however, the tension could be felt between the two powers.

[I]Kuroichi underestimated the power of the humans...he did with me....it will be his downfall once again. [/I]

Between the two groups was a single light...the shadows surrounding them all as the red light penetrated the dark in the center. Whomever wanted to speak...merely had to step inside as the others respected thee other. A common practice within the convenant.

''Zoku!'' yelled out Dusk as he acknowledged his presence. The first person to draw Zoku's attention was Tetsuya and the rest of the hunters. At first...no one knew what to say as Zoku took his place in the center of the light; leaning closer to the hunters.

''Yukiko, Akio...Naoto...'' as Zoku addressed them seperately, giving each a respectable bow. ''Tetsuya...'' as both men bowed to one another. Zoku remember them just as if it were back in the old days...during the times of war against Kuroichi...during the times of the project.

''It's been a long time Zoku...you've changed.'' with a sudden sarcasm underneathe his breathe. It was the first time Tetsuya saw of Zoku ever since that fateful day; and now here he was before him...a vampire...that which he hated the most.

''I know Tetsuya...hear me out.'' as Zoku walked away; returning to the light, coming into view for everyone.

''My brothers...friends...allies!'' Zoku's voice was profoud...unflinching as he spoke to the others; making himself be heard perfectly.

''We come together under a common banner...a cause which has been brewing for centuries. You...survivors of the Project have a fought against Kuroichi and the Krilat Zmaj's presence here in Japan for a long time. Despite your efforts...Kuroichi sitll maintains control over this provance.''

''And what do you have to offer for us Zoku...we've survived this long without the help of likes of you.'' Naoto exclaimed. Tetsuya ushered for him to be quiet...but Zoku was already reacting.

''And where has it gotten you...................no where. It is now by the likes of the Knudrap Clan that pose a threat to Kuroichi now...drawing him back here. With him he has brought his most powerful allies...including the Zugai and its king...Jarrod.''

''What of the Knudrap...'' replied Zuriel...stepping out of the darkness...''they are weak...stubborn and cruel to our ways Zoku. They do not deserve our support...''

''And yet they were able to make Kuroichi flinch Zuriel...bringing him here.'' Zoku took a moment to gather himself...''and what if I told you that the Knudrap are now unified."

At that moment...Lady Rose, as well as the leader of the Mirichai followed from behind. The vampires were in shock; while the hunters intensified the look upon their faces...preparing themselves for anything.

''Do not be afraid my friends...they are our allies as well. With the leadership of Lady Rose...the Knudrap forces are now one.''

''We have also developed some efficient weaponary against Kuroichi's forces as well.'' added Brolly...a pudgy looking man, standing at about 5'4'', almost three hundred pounds. Despite his size...his knowledge in human technology was far superior to any other.

Dusk and Dracula and the rest of the vampires all had large grins on their faces...marveling at Zoku's work over the past couple of days.

"So this was what you were up too Zoku.'' Dusk smiling at his friend.

"You see...............we are not alone in this. Kuroichi has created some of the most powerful weapons this world has ever seen. We must be ready...we fight off against the Krilat Zmaj, the Grysham clan, the Labareda, and the Zugai. We; the Gwyar, Myrkur Aniol, Mirichai, the Knudrap...'' turning his attention back towards the hunters...''ask you...to side with us...to bring down a common foe.''

Silence spread throughout the entire room...

''The rest...I leave too you all.'' ended Zoku and his little speech as he walked out from the center of the light, walking towards Zuriel.

"Michael has informed me of your needs Zuriel...once these meetings have ended...I will meet with you in private with Dusk on the next moon.''

Turning around before Zuriel could answer, he drifted towards Jinsei, Dusk, Dracula and LeStat...''I will tallk with you all later...as I will with Tetsuya and the rest of the hunters if need be.''...he then walked back to the center.

''Please...take this opportunity to reflect...and to decide on what course of action to take against Kuroichi. Together...we will bring the fight to his footsteps; and we will certainly give him a war.'' and with that...Zoku walked away back towards the exit; letting everyone talk amongst themselves.

***Outside in the cold night air***

''Zoku!" cried out Kairi as he ran out to his master...

''Not now Kairi...watch over Dracula as I commanded."

"As you wish...'' leaving Zoku in the open air alone.

[I]I've done what I can....let us see where this goes...[/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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Colville looked out from the top of Tokyo Tower.

'Aye, but this place has me bored.' he said to the cold night, 'The assassin is nowhere to be found and the rest seem a little... flat.'

'Oi, but what's this, 'Colville said, leaning over the railing and looking down towards the streets, 'It seem I be sensin' something down there. Perhaps I should take a closer look.

An hour of walking later and Colville found himself outside a building.

'Now, I wonder what could be in here.' he said, 'There be at least four or five, not all the same, but they be in there.' he said, twirling his guns in his hands.

'I wonder if they like visitors.' he said, laughing.
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[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black] The priest searches for you and Lady Lana[/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha could here the shadows whisper as she walked towards the small Heart Covenant. The place reeked of human with the sweet scents of Dracula and....Zoku. She had just missed him. On his way already. But that was not of her concern at this moment.

Two guards came into few as Kietha stopped to allow the shadows to venture in and return to her. The cool night breeze fluttered over her, blowing her crimson and black hair from her face. Her dim grey colored eyes reflected the soft moon light as she stared at the men. They watched her with curious eyes, knowing that she was a vampire, but did nothing. [/COLOR] [/FONT]

[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]He is there

So our the Hunters

And Dusk

And his companion

And Zuriel[/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]The shrill whispers of the shadows circled around in Kietha?s head, brushing her skin and hair. They danced about her as if they were drunken fiends ready to have their way with her. She stayed perfectly still as they fluttered around her delicate clothing and through her hair. They teased at her, but paid them no attention as if they were nothing more than shadows.

Kietha allowed her eyes to slide close as she reached up to touch the Blue Lace around her neck. The gem sent a small pulse of blue light through her body as she projected herself through the shadows as she had when she visited Lana and Nye. A shadow cased itself before her, taking on her shape, her structure and appearance down to her dim grey eyes.

It walked forward in the same manner she would have and Kietha?s eyes took on whatever the shadow saw. And she could feel whatever it felt as it approached the door.

?I?m sorry miss, but you can?t enter here.? The main in front said firmly, placing a hand before her.

She looked up at him, cocking her head to the side gently. ?You can?t stop the shadows.? She whispered gently.

Silently she slipped past them both and through the door. A beautiful red light glowed all around them as the figures came into sight. No one seemed to notice her at first as she played along the walls, chairs and tables as she made her way closer to them.

?HALT!? a very masculine voice shouted as it rushed forward, towards her. She paused, standing firmly in the middle of the room, her shape swaying slightly upon realizing what it was.

Kairi rushed forward, throwing a dagger to the Shadow Assassin?s throat. Kietha did not move, but tilted her head gently to the right, her eyes staring straight into his.

?She?s one of Kuroichi?s,? Zuriel shouted.

?The Shadow Assassin,? Kietha could hear Dusk nearly whisper.

Kietha could feel Dracula move through the shadows, his scent engulfing her. She attempted to move, but Kairi kept her still. She brought her eyes over to the light where they all circled around as the tall, mysteriously handsome vampire made his presence known.

?Dracula,? Kietha?s whispered voice sounded desperate, pain filled.

The ancient vampire tried to keep his composure as he walked towards her. ?She comes here for me, Kairi. Let her be.? Dracula?s voice echoed through the room.

?You must be mad!? Zuriel shouted.

Kietha brought innocent and curious eyes towards the hunters. She smiled at their sight, though they could no see who she was. Not now. She was far more rogue then she had been when Kuroichi originally threatened things and they were so you, and she so old now.

?I pose no threat to you in this form.? Kietha hissed towards Zuriel, he looked bitterly towards her. Kietha slid her body through Kairi?s blade and towards them all. Her shadowy structure showing itself for a brief moment.

?Why are you here?? Dusk asked.

?To see Dracula.? Kietha said sweetly. ?How you?ve changed.?[/COLOR][/FONT]

[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]Time grows short

Some one comes[/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha brought her head back towards Dracula. She walked up to him and buried her face into his neck as he embraced her.

?You have lost so much, Kietha.? He said softly, trying not to be heard.

?My end, draws near, Dracula. And I find I have little strength left without this gem. It is all that holds me together. I have nearly finished the Gyshram, my Lord young and I nearly killed him too. Its like it was when Serio granted me this life and now...? Kietha?s voice faultered.

?He is not to share it with you. You have found another, have you not?? Dracula caught her sentence.

?We are of opposites, my dear Dracula. I cannot fight with him nor against him. I am lost.? [/COLOR] [/FONT]

[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]Kietha![/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]The shadows began to hiss, growling and dancing franticly.

Kietha creased her face as she pulled away from Dracula. ?I have to go. Please forgive me, my Father.? Kietha nodded her head and vanished from the building.

Upon entering her body again, Kietha felt a rush of dizziness take hold. Her body glowed a soft blue for a moment before it faded. Focusing again, Kietha saw the two guards rushing towards her. She was unprepared and unable to draw her weapons from a sudden surge of weakness. The guards pulled guns from their sides and aimed them at Kietha?s chest.

The shadows hissed and circled around her in a black wall. The bullets hit them solidly, causing them to groan and scream with pain. When the guards had emptied their shells, the shadows swirled around them, engulfing them and crushing their bones. Kietha watched in amazement when the shadows vanished, dropping them to the ground lifeless. [/COLOR] [/FONT]

[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]Lady Lana and Nye

Have returned to Japan

Go to them

But what of Zoku...

It is not time

Nye and Lady Lana

They go to Kuroichi

You must go with them[/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha bowed softly as the showed engulfed her, taking hold of her as they carried her to where Lana and Nye had kept themselves and the army. The hotel was small and out of the way. She had seen it before, when she was much younger when she use to travel with Lord David. Taking a deep breath Kietha walked into the office.

The man at the counter recognized her on sight and drew a gun, pointing it in her face as she stood at the counter. She stayed calm and cool, feeling and smelling Nye?s presence as he made his way down the hall towards them.

?Let her pass,? Nye commanded.

?Yes, my Lord.? the man replied, putting the gun away.

?My young Lord,? Kietha bowed at her waist. ?I have heard that you wish to see Kuroichi and my shadows have told me that I should be at your side once more.? Kietha rose, her dim eyes flickering over his face.

?Yes, of course. Lady Lana will be delighted to see you again.? Nye smiled as he turned around to start back down the hall. Kietha followed silently behind him, watching his aggressive and confident walk. He had grown so much and she...she so little.

[I]Zoku...how can this love last when I am against all you are planning? How can my love grow when I am so close to death?[/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The night was quiet outside the Heart's Covenant, silence broken only by the quick clicking of a lighter and the wisp of flame that followed. Peter took a quick drag, glaring out into the darkness. His pale brown eyes moved from Aly to Aneko and back again.

"I'm a fucking computer programmer, not a fucking guard..." he growled, taking another puff off the cigarette. "What do they expect me to do? Through a mother-fucking motherboard at them?"

"Can it, nerd boy," Aly snarled. She ran a black-gloved hand through her short, snowy white hair. "You think I want to be here? I could be at home, taking a warm bath - "

"And doing your wrist exercises, ne?" Peter cut in, grinning wickedly.

Aly's eyes flashed and she pointed a hand at Peter, glaring harshly.

"Shut your mouth you filthy pervert!"

"Or what?" the young man scoffed.

"I'll use that castration spell I found yesterday."

"Point taken."

Peter turned to stare off into the darkness again. It stared back.[/SIZE][/COLOR]


[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"I refuse," Tetsuya said calmly.

"What!?" Akio barked. He glowered down at Tetsuya with gleaming golden eyes. "We can kill Kuroichi, end it once and for all! We can bring peace back to Japan!"

"I don't care."

"What are you talking about!?"

"I said I don't care!" Tetsuya barked, rising to his feet.

Akio was a large man, tall and muscular. But Tetsuya had an inner power to him, allowing him to meet his rival in a stare-down. Golden eyes met, and the air crackled with power.

"How can you say that to us...after all the Project has done for you..." Akio snarled.

"What has it done for me? Made me an outcast? Trained me in skills I'll never use? Nearly get me and everyone I love killed?"

"No, you did that yourself!" Akio bellowed.

The silence fell swiftly, and fear swept across the room as Tetsuya stepped towards Akio. Though larger, Akio was dwarfed by the sheer power that radiated from the other man. He wilted under the unnatural stare.

"You know not of what you speak. Mochiko...it is complicated."

"Then why not explain," Naoto chipped in, in a futile attempt to lessen the tension. "Tell us what happened..."

"She died. It was my fault."

"But did you kill her?"

Tetsuya was silent for a moment, looking away from Akio to stare out the window.

"I did not. But she fell by my hand - or might as well have. She hired a man to kill me...a serial killer by the name of Keith Midnight. He killed her. But it was my fault."


"Yes it damn well was!"

A glass shattered on the table. The air hummed once more, and Tetsuya made all eyes fall to him.

"If I hadn't let her go...if I hadn't driven her to it...she would be alive. It's my fault. And I won't let it happen again."

With that, he turned on his heel and left. The rest of the room was stunned for a moment, until Akio flew to his feet.

"I'm not letting him get away," he growled. And then he was gone.

It was a loud scream that brought the rest.[/SIZE][/COLOR]


[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Peter lay in the street, unconscious. Aneko was writhing in the grip of a giant warrior. And smoke curled from Aly's gloved hand, the fire fading from view.

"Let her go!" she screamed.

Another bolt flashed through the gloom, but it was knocked out of the air by a blade. A strange weapon, a kind of gauntlet with long spokes glittering brightly. The Suzaku, wielded by Yaiba. Doppo held Aneko against his broad chest, muffling her mouth with one great hand. Dokeshi and Yurei stood to the sides, flanking their lord Kuroichi.

"So, this [I]is[/I] where Tetsuya-kun and the rest are..." Kuroichi said, grinning.

"You son of a bitch!" Aly shrieked.

Lightning arced through the sky and struck the spot where Kuroichi stood. He took a step back just in time, evading the blast. He smirked at the sorceress, arms crossed over his chest. Then the doors flew open, drawing Kuroichi's gaze...and bringing a wicked smile to his face.



"Oy, Tetsuya! [I]Matte[/I]!" Akio ran out into the street, and his hand strayed to his sword as soon as he saw the Vampires. "He's here! Kuroichi is here!"

"Tch...[I]urusai[/I]..." Kuroichi growled.

In a flash, Kuroichi was behind Tetsuya. The hunter's eyes grew wide. The Demon was far stronger now...far, far stronger. Kuroichi brought his hand out and wrapped it around Akio's neck, lifting the Hunter off his feet. The winged Vampire licked his pale lips, and brought his fangs to Akio's throat, tearing a hole in the artery. Blood spilled over his lips.

"It's been far too long since I've tasted the blood of a Hunter," Kuroichi said, letting Akio's corpse fall. "And I don't know if I can drink from just one...are the other two in there still?"

"Don't take another step!" Tetsuya barked, whirling. He swiftly drew his katana, pointing the blade at Kuroichi. "I'll kill you, or you will fall to the lords of the Gwyar and the King of the Myrkur Aniol."

Kuroichi stared at Tetsuya for a moment, then began to laugh.

"Akio, take care of Tetsuya-kun," Kuroichi chuckled. "I will deal with the others."

The corpse slowly staggered to its feet, glaring at Tetsuya with fierce golden eyes.

"[I]Yosh, Kuroichi-sama...[/I]"[/SIZE][/COLOR]


[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Sorry, but Kuroichi-sama had to get in on the action. Plus, it was getting too long between good fights.

The death of Akio is something I've had planned for a while, if only to give Tetsuya a real reason to join the fight against Kuroichi. And now we know the truth of Mochiko's death...to an extent, anyway.

Tetsuya is the main character of my novel, and that's the climax of it. I'm actually plotting a sequal featuring our favorite Silver-Haired Demon...so make sure to look for the Tetsuya the Hunter series in bookstores at some point in the distant future.

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The corpse slowly staggered to its feet, glaring at Tetsuya with fierce golden eyes.

[I]'Yosh, Kuroichi-sama...'[/I]

There was a pause as hunter and vampire alike heard heavy footsteps coming towards the room. After a few moments, the door swung open revealing Colville standing, guns drawn.

'Who are you?' Kuroichi demanded, angrily. Colville didn't answer.

'In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen.' he said, opening fire.
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Nye walked down the hall. Keitha followed obiedently. Turning into a large spacious room, both vampires saw Lana looking out of the window with her wings outstretched to their full extent.

" Lana. Put them away," Nye scolded her. The wings disappeared back into Lana's shoulders as she turned around. Seeing Keitha standing next to Nye, a mixture of feelings spread over the vampiress's face. Keitha could see was battling herself internally.

" Lady Keitha has decided to join us for whatever time she deems so," Nye said strongly. Lana merely nodded. She was too tired of fighting against Keitha to care at this present moment in time.

All of them stood in an awkward silence for a few moments before Keitha commented.
" You have grown Nye. A lot since I have last seen you."
Nye nodded. " Lady Lana here helped me grow. I think I have become stronger than my father. I hope to become like him. Strong."
" You will Nye. You are already becoming like your father. Your father was a great man."
Lana stayed silent. She went to looking back out of the window at the dark sky. Keitha looked over at Lana then back at Nye.
" Come with me Keitha."
He walked out of the room and into the next. They had the whole hotel to themselves. It was the Gyshram hotel in Japan.

Nye turned to Keitha suddenly.
" Lana desires that you don't leave her behind," he said simply.
Keitha looked rather confused at what he was trying to say. " I don't understand Nye."
" When we were returning to this hotel, she said something about always leaving her behind in Australia."
" Oh...."
" Lana does miss you Keitha. She thinks very highly of you. She doesn't realise what you did to, you weren't in control of."
" It would be hard for her. When she saw me as always in control."
" Lana is becoming like you Keitha. Her bloodlust is growing. I don't know what to do. I don't want her making the same mistakes as you."
" I don't know what to do either Nye. You'll just have to keep a watch on her."
Nye nodded silently. He cared for Lana like no one else, not even Keitha. But he wasn't going to show his emotions to Lana when she was already in a confused state of mind.
" At midnight, we go see Kuroichi."



Lana, Keitha and Nye walked out of the hotel and onto the dark street. Nye had left Parilth in charge until either Lana or himself returned. Until then, the three Gyshram were on their way to meet with Kuroichi.

[b]OOC: ULX, if you would be so kind to take it from there. We wish to inform you of thre Gyshram's direct involvement. Thanks.[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Zuriel's cloak billowed in the wind as he turned to leave. Dracula being friendly with an enemy? He must be more foolish than Zuriel had believed. He left the two vampires embracing, and stepped out into the cold night air. He began to shiver from the cold, something which didn't used to happen to him.

[I]Being without the Harbinger has drained my power[/I], thought Zuriel, [I]I must take it up again, or I will be weakened.[/I]

* * *

Zuriel found the Harbinger where he had locked it, and felt it vibrating with power, and some sort of need for being with him. He placed it in the leather straps on his back, and felt comfort and relief flow through him. He might not need it to fight, but he was beginning to depend on it to live.

He sighed with relief, and turned to look at himself in the mirror. He saw a filthy, ragged figure staring back at him. His eyes were bloodshot, and had thick dark rings under them. He looked thinner than before, and his hair hung down in lank locks over his eyes. He was a shadow of his former self.

He walked outside, and felt the Skull Sapphire tingle around his neck. He took it out from under his cloak and saw it glow. It had stored up too much power, and some needed to be freed. He found an empty construction site, and fired a few blasts into the ground. To his surprise, only a few skeletons emerged, only three or four at the most. They reached into the darkness, and pulled it onto themselves to form black cloaks, which seemed to absorb light from the surroundings. One of them stepped forward.

"Greetings, Zuriel. We are the Council of the Skull. We are here to aid you in your time of need," he said in a gravelly, raspy voice.

"My time of need?"

"You are becoming drawn in by the power of the Harbinger. It will consume you. We are here to prevent this from happening. We are your humble servants."

"Well, you'd better stay out of my way!"

"We will do anything as long as you command it, sire."

"Good. Well, firstly you must find Zoku and tell him to meet me. Can you do that?"

The lead skeleton signalled to the two behind him, and they moved off at incredible speeds.

"Secondly, I need names to call you by. You may choose them yourselves."

"We already have names, sire. I am Fardoch, this is my second-in-command, Zaphier, and the two who have left are Riku and Kerthra. Do you wish anything else, sire?"

"Just for you to leave me alone when I am talking to Zoku. Understood?"

"Clearly, sire."

(OOC: I just thought if everyone else is getting servants to help them, why can't i?)
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[Color=DarkBlue][Size=1]Yukiko sat smuggly in the booth. She had told both Akio and Naoto that it wouldn?t work with Tetsuya, and she was right. As she turned to Naoto to laugh at him, she heard Akeno?s scream, and she stood up. ?What do you? Holy Shit, its Kuroichi. Can you feel him??

?Yeah, and we should get out there right now, because Akio and Tetsuya will need backup.? Naoto said, grabbing his briefcase.

?Why the hell do you need that?? Yukiko started to ask, only to gape at the man.

Naoto stood with a metal pole, his face set in a grim status. He tossed Yukiko her sais, expecting her to catch them. She ran forward, but was stopped but Naoto, who motioned for her to wait and try to get the element of surprise. The pair crept up, and were about to bang open the swinging doors when the gunfire poured through them. The pair jumped into booths, and waited for it to end.

They burst through the doors this time, seeing the mayhem that had been caused. The smoking corpse of Akio lay on the ground in front of the door, bullet holes riddled all around. Yukiko didn?t notice it at first, instead seeing a dumbfounded Tetsuya starring back at her. She looked down, and it finally dawned on her. ?Akio?.?

Yukiko fell to the ground and began to sob, her tears freely falling as she began to grope at the body. ?Akio, Akio, wake up damnit. This isn?t funny. You?re not dead, and you?re really pissing me off!?

Yukiko and Naoto didn?t see Kuroichi who had hidden in the shadows of the roof. He watched Yukiko?s reaction and chuckled. Things were going well, even Akio had already been killed.

Naoto slowly walked up to Yukiko who was still shaking the body. ?Yukiko, you need to come here. Come on, this isn?t the time or the place.? Naoto bent over and slowly grabbed Yukiko, who had just seen the vampire?s dirty work.

?YOU BASTARD!? She screamed, thrashing. ?Where the FUCK is that coward??

Kuroichi picked this moment to spring on the two unsuspecting hunters. He knocked Naoto back, throwing him into the building. He tried to grab Yukiko, but she whipped around with her sais. ?You killed Akio and my mother. So now, I?ll kill you.?

?Good luck trying.? Kuroichi said, quickly moving his hands towards her head. She crouched down quickly, and rolled out of his immediate grasp, surprising him. She looked at Tetsuya and the other newcomer with the guns.

The gun fellow seemed trigger happy as he opened fired again on Kuroichi. He merely dodged to the side, avoiding them.

Yukiko in the mean time was pulling out her 1873, and readying it for use. She reloaded the spin handle, and slammed it in. She stuck her sais on her back, and aimed at the vampire. At this point, Tetsuya decided to lunge at him with his sword. Before Yukiko could stop her self, she shot at Kuroichi, who in turn tried to put the bullet into Tetsuya.

He ducked, and rolled, using his powers to send a garbage can lid to trip up Kuroichi. He stepped over it, and unsheathed his Night Blade. Tetsuya stopped suddenly, and gaped at Kuroichi. His stop almost got him killed as Kuroichi suddenly rushed him.

Yukiko?s quick thinking saved him. She threw a dumpster towards Kuroichi, throwing his trajectory off. He grunted, and turned towards the woman again. ?He doesn?t need help.? He said, scowling.


Naoto began to stir, and he suddenly came to, seeing Aly trying to take on Yaiba and Doppo alone. Naoto decided to help, and drew his pole. He leapt over the threesome and landed close to Aly. ?Need some help??

She nodded and launched another lightening bolt at the group. Before the dust cleared, Naoto launched himself at the pair, swinging his pole around his head. He struck at Yaiba, who just flick Naoto off with his blade. He then brought it back around the slash at him, but Naoto brought his pole around faster, hitting him on the head.

Yaiba?s sword went harmlessly to the right as he stared at Naoto. He brought it around once more, but Naoto had already run back a step, already fiddling with his belt. In his pouch, he held a 9mm, and he wanted to try it out. He whipped it out, and fired his first shot, ignoring the kickback. The two vampires felt the bullet wiz right between them, and began to move.

Aly brought a bolt down, stopping their charge for a second. Naoto used the pause to fire at the two of them again. He hit Doppo in the arm, and Doppo dropped Aneko. Aly started towards her, but Naoto stopped her. ?By trying to get to her now, is going to cost us both our lives. Let?s finish off the vampires first.?

Aly nodded, and began to chant in a low voice. Naoto turned again towards the pair of vampires, only to find them gone. Naoto cursed his lack of attention on them, and turned around. They had planned a charge, and were very near when Naoto turned around. He opened fire, and didn?t stop until the clip was depleted.

When Naoto tried to see what damage he had caused, nothing seemed to be there. He cocked the pistol and walked over. He didn?t see anything, but the puddle of blood was the first thing he saw. ?I did hit them, but I don?t know where they got to.? Naoto said turning to Aly, ?Go check on your friend.?

Aly turned and ran over to Akeno, checking her pulse first. She turned towards Naoto and said ?She?s got a weak pulse. I?m going to try to heal her with a spell. Could you watch my back??

?Sure.? Naoto said, turning to see how the other two were faring. It was then that he knew where the other two vampires had gotten to. They had found their way into the fight, and even now, Naoto could hear the crazy idiot?s guns blazing. Naoto figured that Aly would be OK, so he sprinted towards the battle, praying no one else had died.[/size][/color]
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Night Rider found his hands full trying to get up to date information on the Vampire Clans, but he had other men doing that now. He looked down on the sceen,


The vampires ears perked at the sound,

Night Rider teleported down to the street, "I would have come for revenge sooner, but some one tryed to kill me, I had to recover."

Kuroichi watched Tetsuya closely, but turned to see Night Rider as well, "I killed them all Night Rider, all of you masters died by my hand and you think you can defeat me?"

Night Rider unsheathed his blade and waved his hand over it once, a sudden fire rushed over it. Strange, hellish flames danced across the surface, power surged through it.

"I was a poor sap who was too loyal for his own good. I have learned from my error."

Night Rider readied his blade, he knew this was going to be messy, Tetsuya didn't like him, but Kuroichi was the bigger problem at the moment. Tetsuya would focus on him, or so Night Rider hopped...
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]Dusk summoned Twilight to his side and unsheathed it. Jinsei called forth Satsujin from the ground and both of them ran to help Tetsuya. They got there just in time to watch Yukiko throw a dumpster at Kuroichi. Kuroichi made a snide comment then turned to face Tetsuya again.

Dusk fumed with anger. He knew that Tetsuya probably did not want his help, but he didn't care. After all that Kuroichi had done...Dusk needed one hit in. Just one. And then he'd step back if need be. He sprang into the air, Twilight held firmly in both hands. He brought the blade down fiercley above Kuroichi, white and black flames licking the surface of the blade.

Kuroichi dodged out of the way and swung his Night Blade at Dusk. It connected with his left side, tearing through skin and bone. Dusk roared in agony and was sent flying into the wall. Jinsei charged recklessly at Kuroichi, angered greatly by the suffering of his friend. Kuroichi side stepped and brought his blade up to strike Jinsei behind the neck.

Kuroichi was about to bring his blade down, when gunfire blasted from Colville. Dusk sprang up, and insted of attcking Kuroichi went to keep the human from doing real harm. Colville tried to fire at him as he approached, but Dusk was to fast. He managed to get behind Colville and struck him across the head. Colville's limp body collapsed. Dusk grabbed the machine gun and ran back to battle.

When he got there Doppo, Yaiba and Akio had joined Kuroichi, and Naoto had joined Yukiko, Tetsuya and Jinsei. Dusk ran by his allies and the two forces merely gazed at one another. The air crackled around them as they began empowering themselves, ready to do battle no matter what the cost. Kuroichi ran forward, hand on his Night Blade. Open battle. Dusk fired Colville's machine gun rapidly at Kuroichi, who evaded the bullets easily.

Dusk tossed the gun to the side and drew Twilight. He made a swipe at Kuroichi,suprised that he actually connected the blade with Kuroichi's arm. Kuroichi growled, then countered with his Night Blade, sending Dusk spiraling. Dusk concentrated and landed on his feet. Yaiba stood a couple feet away, and she was smiling mockingly at Dusk. Dusk gripped Twilight and swung at an unsespecting Yaiba, who recieved a large gash in her right arm.

Dusk bent down and licked some blood of the ground. He then snarled at Yaiba.

[B]"Your blood's disgusting...."[/B] Dusk lunged at Yaiba, attempting to impale her with Twilight. Yaiba sprung backwards and began attacking fiercley with Suzaku. Dusk took the defensive role, unable to attack anyway, Yaiba's attacks were too relentless.

Dusk finally saw an opening and buried his foot into Yaiba's knee. Yaiba howled with pain and collapsed onto her other knee, then suspressed the pain and rolled over to the side. She quickly stood back up and looked towards Dusk.

[B]"Heh, impressive. Tis' a shame you won't join us. Hmm...Considering that I like your abilities, I'll make you an offer. Join us, and maybe Kuroichi-sama will spare your life. Otherwise he may not be so kind..."[/B] Dusk laughed and dissapeared. Yaiba suddenly lost wind, and looked down at her stomach in pain. Dusk had driven Twilight in deep. He then snarled.

[B]"Fuck you." [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Zuriel awaited Zoku's arrival with great anticipation. He stood, shaking with excitement, as Riku and Kerthra arrived back at the building, but without Zoku.

"Where is he?" asked Zuriel, "Where is Zoku?"

"We could not find him, sire. We suggest that you visit the area around the Hearts Covenant club to find your allies."

Zuriel took off immediately, wihtout stopping to thank his servants. He ran at full pelt towards the club, where, outside, there was a fight taking place.

A priest fired his handguns at Kuroichi. Dusk and Jinsei fought with their Night-Blades. A group of humans fought against Kuroichi's men. Zuriel drew the Harbinger, vowing that this was the last time he would use it, and thrust it into the sky.

A pillar of red energy blasted from it's tip, piercing the black clouds. Rain fell on the street. The other warriors stopped fighting and looked in awe at Zuriel's weapon. Kuroichi merely laughed at his foe's inexperience with such a powerful weapon.

Zuriel held on tightly as the energies ripped parts of the buildings around him away, throwing them into the vast night sky, then lowered his weapon and levelled it at the Silver-Haired Demon. The pillar of energy ripped through concrete as it hurtled towards its target. Kuroichi stood still as the energy blasted towards him, and blocked it with his arm. It drove him backwards, his feet tearing rifts in the asphalt, but did him no harm whatsoever. Zuriel couldn't keep it up, and cut off the energy. He stood, exhausted and disbelieving, as Kuroichi laughed.

"Did you really think I would give you a weapon and the knowledge to defeat me? You are more foolish than I had ever imagined, Zuriel," said Kuroichi mockingly. The Silver-Haired one drew his own Night-Blade, and threw a beam of energy at the Angel King. It slammed into him, throwing him backwards into the side of a building. He fell to the floor, but got to his feet again.

Kuroichi continued throwing energy at him, knocking him back into the building, until there was nothing left of the wall but a pile of rubble. Zuriel continued to get to his feet, shakily though it was.

"You are resilient, I will give you that, Zuriel. But you will die!" shouted Zuriel's foe. Energy blasted into him, rippling the very fabric of the air around him. It threw him through the building, and out the other side, and the building, able to take no more strain, collapsed on Zuriel.

Kuroichi stepped over to the rubble, and saw no movement. He had finally disposed of the Angel King. He allowed himself a moment of mirth, then turned and walked back to the battle.

A hand burst up through the rubble, and Zuriel pulled himself out of the concrete. He was bloodied and beaten, but still standing. He spat out a mouthful of his own blood, and wrapped the Skull Sapphire's chain around his hand, clutching the gem itself in the palm of his hand. He held the Harbinger in the other, but he threw this onto the floor. It clattered as it slid away from him. He looked at the Sapphire, and it began to glow brightly. He drew power from it, becoming stronger physically.

Then, as Kuroichi watched, something strange happened. An image of Abaddon appeared above Zuriel, and moved into his body. A bright light engulfed Zuriel, making Kuroichi cover his eyes. The light faded eventually, and Zuriel was left, but he was changed.

His old dark blue robe was gone, replaced by a jet black one. A spiked gauntlet covered one hand and metal plates ran up his arm. A plate of armour was strapped onto his chest, with the symbols of the Myrkur Aniol engraved upon it. His eyes were icy blue, and his hair was now spiked up once more, and completely jet black. He was also more muscular somehow, and he radiated power.

"Zuriel?" said Kuroichi in disbelief. He couldn't believe that his enemy, whom he had thought was weak, was in fact linked so strongly with Abaddon, the vampire he had killed in Australia.

"Yes, Kuroichi. It is still me, but now I have Abaddon's blood within me. It courses through my veins, making me stronger than before."

"How? Why would Abaddon blend his blood with one so weak?"

"I'm weak, am I?" said Zuriel calmly, outstretching his hand and blasting Kuroichi backwards with a fireball. Kuroichi laughed, and Zuriel knew that the fireball hadn't hurt him, but had shocked him. Kuroichi lunged at Zuriel, swiping with his Night-Blade. Zuriel drew a longsword from his back and parried the blow, and the fight between the two warriors began...
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Colville lay there for many minutes, before his hand instinctively reached out to pick up his gun.

'It seems ah've been takin' it too easy on these creatures.' he said, rising from the floor as he drew his other gun.

'Ah've had me fun for this trip,' he continued, leaving the room, 'Ah suppose it's time ah take this seriously.'

'Now,' he said, reaching the street, 'Where'd they get off to?'
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Zuriel swung at Kuroichi, his blood boiling in rage from the last time he had faced the Silver-Haired one. Kuroichi blocked, their weapons throwing off sparks as they clashed. Zuriel swung again and again, every time blocked by Kuroichi. He kicked at him, landing a solid kick right in his chest. Kuroichi was sent flying back, but flew at the Angel King again, smashing into him. They both went crashing through a shop window, and Kuroichi flew upwards through the shop, before bursting through the roof, and flying high into the sky, holding Zuriel by the scruff of the neck.

"Angels!" he cried, "This is your king! He is weak, unfit to lead you or any other clan! Will you accept this weakling as your leader?" He threw Zuriel into the ground, where he created a giant crater in the concrete. Zuriel lay there for a few moments, before jumping to his feet. Kuroichi flew downwards at him, readying his sword. Zuriel's sword reappeared in his hand, and he parried the bone-breaking blow. He struggled to support his parry, and finally crumpled to the ground.

He flipped his feet up and thrust them both into Kuroichi's chest, sending him flying into the air. Zuriel threw fire at him like a madman, burning holes in the sides of buildings and blowing up cars. The Silver-Haired Demon looked like he was going to go down, when he thrust the Silver Forge into the air. Lightning coursed from it, causing even more rain to tip down from the sky. He lowered the Forge to point it at Zuriel. Lightning blasted from it, striking Zuriel in the torso. He fell to the ground, badly injured. Blood plastered his hair to the side of his face, and ran down his chin, falling onto the rain-soaked street. His face and chest were bruised, and his torso was burnt from the energy of the Forge. He could feel that at least one of his legs was broken seriously, and the other was bleeding profusely.

Kuroichi stood over the fallen vampire, and laughed.

"You are foolish, Zuriel. You cannot hope to defeat me once, and yet you attempt to twice? I am unstoppable. No-one can stand in the way of my ultimate plan, not you, not anybody!"

Three of Zuriel's skeleton warriors swooped down like wraiths, scooping the king up and flying away to safety. The other warriors turned and resumed their battle.


Fardoch lay Zuriel gently on a bed, while Riku and Zaphier mended his wounds. Zuriel lay, barely conscious, as the skeletons healed him.

Soon, he was sitting up, staring at the wall in front of him, where the Harbinger was hung. He hated that thing, and yet he loved it. He couldn't stand to have it near him, yet he couldn't live without it.

Fardoch walked over to him, seeing him staring, and said:

"It is the only way to defeat Kuroichi, my lord. You must completely open yourself to the power of the Night-Blade. Only then will you have enough power to defeat him."

"But a combination of Abaddon's blood, the Skull Sapphire and the Harbinger could tear me apart."

"Then you must train yourself to hold all the energies, then you must fight Kuroichi. Only you can prepare yourself for what you must do. Zoku cannot help you with this."

"I will try, Fardoch, but I want you to do one thing for me."

"What is that, my lord?"

"If I go out of control, I want you to stop me. If the Harbinger takes over me again, then I want you to kill me, to stop me from harming innocents..."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha watched Lana and Nye exit the hotel before her, each holding their own weapons against their body. The small shine of Lana's sais' made her grit her teeth and Lana's betrayal flashing through her memory. The slight scar in Kietha's shoulder began to itch. She feverishly reached up and scratched at it, neither Nye or Lana noticing this action.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]What will you do with the Opal

Shadow Assassin[/FONT][/SIZE]

[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]The shadows swirled around Kietha, but managed stay hidden from Nye and Lana's sight and hearing. Kietha kept her composure as she follwed the two young vampires. The Blue Lace that laid around her neck and dangled against her flesh glowed with soft blue light under her thin shirt. She dared not touch it.

Reaching into her pocket, Kietha pulled out the Opal shard that was suppose to go to Kuroichi. She looked down at it and growled.

"Something wrong?" Nye turned his head slightly towards her

Kietha brought her head up, eyes soft grey. She shook her head, hidding the Opal in her hand. He gave her a curious look before he continued on his way.

[I]It is time I freed myself of loyalities and lords[/I]. Kietha's shadow voice spoke softly, Nye and Lana unable to hear it. [I]If Kuroichi wants to rule all the clans, he must face all the challenges one must take and if that includes bringing Nye my own head, then so be it.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]

[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]There is a war

With the hunters

And Kuroichi

Zuriel has fallen[/FONT][/SIZE]

[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kietha stopped suddenly, which brought both Lana and Nye to stop and bring their attention to her.

"What is it?" Lana asked.

"Kuroichi and the hunters fight, my young lord...Lady Lana. Zuriel has fallen once more, but his health seems to be recovering." Kietha avoided their gazes for a moment before bring her eyes back to them.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Jinsei stood, gripping Satsujin. He surveyed the battlefield, taking in the multitude of fights.

[B]"Damn, I'll have to rethink my strategy if I want to get anywhere."[/B] He growled under his breath. Then he remembered, [I]Zoku's creations.[/I]

Glancing over he yelled, [B]"Dusk! call Disaster and the others, there standing guard out front!"[/B] Dusk nodded. He then slammed Yaiba into a wall, rendering her unconsious; then pulled out his cell phone and almost instantly the other vampires sprang through the door. Disaster drew her two handguns and Griffin brandished his broadsword, then rushed over to engage in a bout with Kuroichi.

Kaze drew her katana and Reya clasped her staff as they ran to assist Dusk with Yaiba; who had gained consiousness and a sudden rush of streangth. Tetsuya and Naota went to engage with Akio. Yukiko started to follow but was knocked back by Doppo. Jinsei took notice and came to her aid. In addition, Rift and Obstruct unsheathed their daggers and made ready for battle.

[B]"Get outta my way!"[/B] Jinsei shouted as he charged, angling Satsujin toward the ground, then made for a destructive uppercut. But his attempt was parried easily by the crushing force of the Genbu Shield. Jinsei was knocked back, shattering a window. Then he flung his arm toward his opponent, telepathicly sending a barrage of glass shards to Doppo. Doppo cringed, only superficially affected by the assault.

Jinsei, Yukiko, Rift, and Obstruct then gathered, clearing their minds and readying for the battle. Doppo clenched his sheild, tilting his head and roared with laughter. Obsturct scolwed and Rift glared, and the two rushed forth recklessly.

[B]OOC: Gah! Couldn't allow the RP to end. Much, much, [I]much[/I] to good to end now. ^__~[/SIZE][/B]
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[Color=DarkBlue][Size=1]Yukiko was getting desperate. She glanced around the battlefield and saw total chaos. Tetsuya and Noata were fighting the undead Akio, some other vampires were fighting with Kuroichi and were losing badly, and Aly had just finished with Ankeo, putting her in the car. Yukiko couldn?t believe that all this was happening, and her pause gave Doppo the upperhand, which he used to knock her backwards with his hand.

?How about we play a bit before you join your friend.? Doppo said, grinning.

Yukiko scowled and stood up, grabbing her sais. ?Or, I could just kill you and save you the trouble.? She responded, charging at him.

Doppo pulled his sword back, and was about to strike, when Rift and Obstruct charged him, and knocked him over right onto Yukiko. She dodged to the side, and then rammed her sais into his back. He howled in pain, and Yukiko pulled them out again, causing even more pain.

Yukiko quickly ran back a pace, and watched as Obstruct lunged with his dagger. Doppo turned around and stuck the Genbu shield out, throwing the dagger and Obstruct off. He fell to the ground, and Doppo jumped up. ?I won?t go down that easily. Try again.?

Yukiko pulled out her 1873 and aimed it at Doppo. ?Nope, that won?t work Yukiko.? He said turning around. ?A bullet won?t kill me that easily.?

Yukiko?s jaw dropped for a second, but she saw the dumpster that she had hit Kuroichi with earlier. She motioned for the others to distract Doppo, and they did, giving Yukiko time to build up speed. She then launched it at Doppo, and sent him flying.

Yukiko then tried to predict his trajectory, but she failed as she quickly lost him. She turned around, and saw Rift running in another direction, so she decided to follow. She never saw the Genbu Shield flying out of the darkness, and darkness soon overcame her as she slumped onto the ground.[/size][/color]
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