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"When everything seems like the movies..."


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[font=Verdana][size=1]Oh, [i]wow[/i]. I love it! I really like the first, third and fourth variations. I'm not so fond of the second one, because of that white thing. Plus, you get double points for the Goo Goo Dolls quote, because I really like that song. ^_^ But yeah, I really love the layers of textures. It just, yeah. Great job. :)[/size][/font]
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[size=1]I saw the title and I just couldn't help myself - one of my favorite songs, man. Awesome.

With that said, I like the first one the best because I like the layering effect with the words, and you can see them best that way. The white etch lines that are more prominent in the others give it a very grungy look, which is also cool (but I still like the first better :p).

And as much as I do love this song, the lyrics just stand out too much to me for me to like the fourth one. Maybe if they were in the same kind of cursive that's used in the background it would look a little better. I think they're just too bold, especially with the layered, faded effect that's going on with the rest of it.

Very awesome, though. ^_^[/size]
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Yeah, thank you for all the feedback. I couldn't really decide how to make the text blend into the background, but it still be legible. That was a problem. In retrospect, I should've made the movie film more prominent. Now that I look at it, it just looks... grungy and nondescript.
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[size=1][color=DimGray][b]I like [/b]the second and fourth variations.

Second, because you've superimposed another, white strip of film over the black film. This gives the piece a little more depth.

The fourth is very well done, from font choice to making the word "bleed" a [color=DarkRed]bloody red[/color], which adds a little vibrancy into an otherwise grayscale piece.[/color][/size]
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