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BeatleMania: ReDux [PG - LV]

Ozymandius Jones

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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Eleanor played with her key-chain and leaned towards Pru, singing softly under her breath.

[B]"Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon Rigg's head, bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer made sure that he was dead."[/B] The man was boring her to death, he was basically telling them what they had already heard from Araby earlier. She stifled a yawn, twirling her key-chain faster. Except for Lucien's rather amusing outburst, this had been one really boring meeting so far, well, the part about the 60's was interesting, but Riggs would probably make that boring... too. Oh great, her mind had just said that last part exactly like Lennon in one of the Beatles Christmas records.

Eleanor started, she'd been off in her own world again. Now Riggs looked as if he was about to explode. She wondered why, then she saw her hammer key-chain dangling from his hand and a really small red mark on his forehead.

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[font=Tahoma][color=darkslategray]Jude had been sitting idly at the conference table for several minutes now. His current attention was picking dirt from his fingernails as he sat hunched over his small stack of papers and propped up by his elbows. He would occasionally lift his gaze to look at Riggs and somewhat nod, so it looked like he was listening.

he really didn't care for the specifics, and was damn sure someone would sum up events to him after the meeting. It's not like details were going to matter when they had to go out into the feild. Find out what's wrong. fix it. That was basicaly as exciting as their missions got.

Jude faltered in his deeply intense act of not paying attention when he heard mention of the Beatles. He knew who the Beatles were. Hell, who didn't? He wasn't particularly a big fan, but he knew that his parents were. He had his name as proof of that. He vaguely remembered his mother holding him close as a child, cooing that gentle piano tune as he drifted to sleep.

[i]"Hey Jude.. Don't make it bad.. Take a sad song.. And make it better..[/i]

Jude shuddered deeply, forcing the thought from his head. The last thing he needed was to look utterly disturbed or emotional in front of his comrades. This time he decided to lift his head and actually listen to what Riggs had to say, if anything at all...[/color][/font]

OMFG!!!1!!1 Its teh Glove!!!1!! LOLZ!1!!11! L00k, I poSt3d!

Ok, I'll stop that now :animeswea
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[COLOR=Purple]"Oops?" Pru looked up. Riggs stood rigid, dangling a keychain. Judgeing from Eleanor's expression, it was hers. Judgeing from Riggs's expression, it was the last straw. He huffed, picked up his pointer, and jabbed it at a copy of the timeline he had pinned to the wall.

"THIS is what's wrong," he said, his tone clearly attaching "you stupid twits" to the end of that sentence. "Something is missing from this time period, and it's changed everything." The pointer was touching the red dot...February 1965. Pru frowned, something tugging at the back of her mind. "Find what's missing, and you'll find our problem!" He dropped the keychain and pointer on the table and stormed to the door. "No breaks until you find it!" Pru cast a glare at the Director's back as he departed; somewhat pointless, but it made her feel better.

She looked at her version of the timeline. It looked, at first glance, like everything was there that was supposed to be there...she flipped a few pages forward to 1967. It had been her favorite year of study; music styles had been changing so much...her frown deepend. [i]Huh...guess he didn't consider music necessary...ot the Sgt would be on here...[/i] Curious, she scanned the rest of the page. There were five or six records listed - but no Sgt. Pepper...something clicked into place. She slapped the paper down on the table.

"Any of you remember that documentary they did on the Te'tani back in December?" Eleanor blinked.

"A documentary? You actually [i]watch[/i] them? They're so [i]boring[/i]." Pru spared time for one small glare at the younger agent, but looked back to the others. "Remember what they said made them start out for earth?" Lucien nodded.

"Sargeant Pe..." His voice trailed off. As one, he, Eleanor, and Julia jumped for the timelines. Pru crossed her arms.

"Think we've found what's missing?"[/COLOR]


OOC: Well...so it's been found. Directions for your next post are in the Underground...please read them. Don't hesitate to IM/PM me if you have questions...[/COLOR]
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[color=slategray]Penny blinked a couple times, and then fell forward onto the table. She banged her head a couple times for emphasis, and then leaned backwards in her chair, groaning. ?[b]Geez, someone took the BEATLES?![/b]?

Prudence snorted. ?[b]That?s what it looks like.[/b]?

Penny began rubbing her forehead, sighing. ?[b]Why the hell would they take the Beatles, of all things?[/b]?

That?s when it clicked. The Beatles. The music that was supposed to bring aliens. Her eyes widened in total and obvious disbelief. ?[b]Jesus Christ on a mother effin pogo-stick![/b]? Every single person in the room looked at like she had grown a second, third, fourth, and fifth head.

OOC: I have to get back into this? but my creativity is on the fritz?[/color]
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[SIZE=1]Lucian rubbed his temples and stared at his timeline, the one band he had grown to love. The music he had grown up with listening to. The way he had run his life for the past seven years. All of it had been taken because of one pissed off crack-head scientist...

Lucian stood, an unnervingly stern look on his usually happy face. [B]"I say we work at this until we find them. No holds barred, eh, mates?"[/B]

The room murmured a reply, Bill obviously not too pleased with Lucian's sudden change in attitude. [B]"Well I say you sit your ass down and listen, [I]mate[/I]. Let the more experienced members deal with this, who says you're going on the mission?"[/B]
[B]"I wouldn?t have been called here if I wasn't,"[/B] Lucian spat back, venom in his tone, [B]"'Sides, you lot need me." [/B] Again, his coy smirk was in place and he winked at Pru,[B] "You know what I mean, babe."[/B]

She shuddered and scooted next to Bill. Protection, it seemed, from the raving lunatic that was Lucian.

[B]"Let's get serious, guys."[/B] Jude, ever the voice of reason, managed to call order to the room once again.

[B]OOC I fear teh glove...I also think Lucian is a masochist O_o;[/B][/SIZE]
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