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Drix wants his friends to be Starwars Characters

Drix D'Zanth

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So... with some WELCOME HELP from DW, I finally started dabbling in Photoshop. I decided to start out with a fun little project using real pictures of Alex and Annie and just messing around with them. Comments?


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I hope to ObiWan Kenobi that I didn't look that atrocious in the original pic...lol. I'm so incredibly flattered that you made that for me, Jordan. Even though you made me into a vile, disgusting, malicious, cruel, mean-spirited, heartless, brutal and manipulative monster, I'm still very touched, because, well, that's who I am IRL, which you and Annie will come to realize this Summer. ^_^

Just figured I'd include my little logo for Lady Annie, Mistress of the Dark Side

[left] [/left]
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[left]I was just looking at the images again, and damn, Annie, you are a cutie, even when you're immersed in the Dark Side of the Force. I have a very sexy Apprentice. ^_^[/left]
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If there were a bowdown emoticon here I'd be using it right now.

That picture of Alex is just [i]too[/i] perfect. I mean, he always looks off his rocker, but he looked particularly nutty there. He makes a great Palpatine.

And Annie looks like she's gonna teach someone a lesson in the Dark Side. Aww yeah.

Great stuff, Drix. Very entertaining and well done, especially since it's apparently your first time with Photoshop. :)
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[color=#404142]XD When Drix first showed me Alex's pic, I ran for the hills. I was so terrified. It just suits him so perfectly. I just can't say much more. I can't get over it, but I love it.

As for mine..I was taken back, lol. Flattered, I mean. I was a bit nervous when Drix IMed me saying that he was making me something. But I adore it! I have not one, but 2 lightsabers!! And they're red!!!

ph33r m3!! I am the Mistress of the Darkside. Bow.[/color]
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