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Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin [M-LSV]


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Sarah looked at the pill. She nodded, but didn't take it. She refused to take the easy way out of her pain. She wanted more than anything just to feel right for once, but she couldn't. But taking pills wasn't the answer. Alex was a nice girl, but completely different from her. She picked at her food and just sat there. She wasn't really wanting to be around [i]people.[/i]

She smiled for a second. It was brief, and it felt nice to smile about something... but it didn't last long... good memories became her worst memories in the next second.

"Come on, you really will feel better afterwards."

For once in her life she was tempted. She knew she was falling. She smiled, and handed the pill back to her. She proceeded to put on a front. "I'm fine, really... just tired I guess from all the traveling."

"Okay." she said as she went on talking with the gentlemen next to her. Sarah looked at the Master of Games. He was... smiling... it creeped her out. She turned back to her food and ate, which was really good in fact. She sighed. She didn't give a damn about what other people thought of her... she only cared about not feeling completely okay herself. But she could live with it. No need to make others around her uncomfortable.
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[size=1]Well here I am, thanks for inviting me.


Adrian stood with his head slightly tilted to the side as he looked over the large mansion that was spread before him. He had watched the estate grow larger as the limo that drove drove him mad its way up the drive. now that he stood before the Mansion he really handn't any idea how big the place really was. he let out a low whistle before he swung his bag over his shoulder and walked up to the main doors.

The frenchman had decided to dress rather casaully for his arrival, no need to show himself off so soon. A green partially buttoned shirt and designer jeans seemed to suit him just fine for now. He kicked at the steps as he strode up them, removing dirt from his shoes before he lifted and dropped the door knocker. After several minutes of inactivity he decided to just invite himself in, pushing open the heavy wooden door that seperated him from the normal world and the supposed fantacies that awaited inside.

Adrian walked over the threshold into the main foyer, not really noting any life wandering about. He dropped his bag in the middle of the floor and called out into the empty hall.

"Bonjour? Est-quelqu'un ici?" he called in french, receiving no answer. Perhaps English would receive a response , "Hello? Is anyone here?"

Still, no answer. Adrian huffed impatiently, abandoning his bag in search of people. He neared a wing that looked reminiscent of his own family's Dinning entrance when he heard the quiet murmur of people. He came upon the dinning hall, a grand room with gold ceilings and ornate chandeliers. A white haired man dressed in the finest of clothing nodded to him from his seat at the head of the table. Adrian grinned, taking in the man's lushious appearance,

[i]"Ah, le MaƮtre...The master"[/i] He thought to himself, striding to the nearest seat he could find, not breaking eye contact with the man who would controll his fantacies. He found a seat next to a young red-haired woman, whom he regarded silently before she began to talk to him in a most flirtatious manner.


[i]"this shall be an interesting visit indeed..."[/i] he thought, nodding and smiling to the woman named Alex.[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan looked around. A new arrival had joined them. She could tell he wasn't from the United Kingdom, but he certainly did come from Europe somewhere.

Looking at the food, the wonderful smells wafted past her noise. They all smelt delicious. Taking some roast lamb, boiled potatoes and creamed beans, Karyan began to eat. It was wonderful. The food in Moscow was pitiful. Sometimes just eating it would make you violently sick. So this was heaven for her. The exquisite tastes touched every part of her tongue. Karyan began to enjoy herself.

Drinking deeply from her glass of red wine, Karyan looked to Tre beside her.
" So...Tre.....what do you think of this place so far?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''I don't know if he's stalking us or not..." replied Marcus softly, after he had finished chewing some of his food. Almost everyone was done with their meal already; they all seemed quite content with their dinner...obviously hungry.

''It is strange that he knows so much about us Imogen...'' added Marcus, as he turned his attention back to Imogen.

Suddenly there was a ringing noise echoing through the entire dinning room...The Master had risen from his chair and was tapping his fork up against his crystal glass.

''Attention everyone...my brothers and sisters. I hope that you all have enjoyed your stay so far at my mansion and have found everything to your liking. I'm sure you all are already making friends...and settling yourselves in. I propose a toast...let the rest of your days here be adventurous and fullfilling, just as my life has done for me.''

Everyone raised their glasses and clanged their glasses together with the person sitting next to them. Sarah was on Marcus's left...and Imogen on his right. He smiled at Sarah, and did the same to Imogen.

"Least he's polite" said Imogen.


''Now...'' said the Master, still standing. ''I have some things I need to address to you all. I apologize for not being able to explain the rules of this little game before you came into the mansion...I commend you for your courage.''

"I would like to begin with the rules...please...do not speak while I'm talking for here on out.'' everyone in the dinner room became silent.

"Danko......now...the rules. They are as stated...rule number one." as he pointed up one finger. "No one is to go into the Angelic Wing...it is forbidden to all who live in this house. I will warn you...this house is haunted..."

Everyone gasped...

"You heard me right...the Angelic Wing is forbidden because of that regard...which concides with rule number two..." as he shot up his hand again with two fingers. "You may never leave the light...for within the shadows also lie the ghosts of this place. And believe me...they will feed upon your greatest fears."

Still...there was complete silence within the dinning room.

"It going to be tough at first...constantly being in the light...but I'm sure you all will persevere. And finally...the last rule...number three." this time however...he did not put up three fingers; he simply leaned on the table with his two arms. "You must obey your cards."

At that moment...servants circled all thirteen individuals and placed an envelope with their name on it before them.

"These cards are very important everyone...whatever is said inside...you must obey it...or you will be punished for your disobediance. And if you tell anyone about your card without consulting me first...you will be punished for such a violation."

"These rules have been placed within the game to keep things interesting...remember; you all knew what you were getting into by reading my email to you all. Billions of dollars await you if you are able to survive within my home for a certain period of time which I will designate at another time."

"Other than the three rules...anything you ask for will be given too you. Believe me...we have the technological advancements within this mansion to do anything you wish. Just ask either the servants around the house or myself for your needs...and it will be given too you without question."

"Now...I bide you all a goodnight" as he picked up a napkin and whipped his face; picking up his cane he walked out of the dinning room, leaving everyone to themselves."[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[B]OOC: Remember...you must obey these cards...or you will be punished:)...some of them are tough i know...and some not that bad:) I hope you all will be able to fullfill what has been given too you:) If things get complicated or difficult for you...PM about the situation. Take care...and enjoy *with a very evil grin*[/B]

Oh...if you all know the band ''Orgy,'' I highly recommend them:)...a new motivational music for writting:)...sorry...random thought:)
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan looked down at her envelope and opened it slowly. Taking our the piece of card inside, she read the embossed letters carefully, so no one would see her cards.

A glint of anger flicked across her eyes as Karyan read the card. She growled to herself.

[i]This man is content with torturing me. Very well. I shall play his game.[/i]

Standing up, and gathering the courage to speak about her past, Karyan cleared her throat. Everyone looked at her, wondering what the hell she was doing.

" I want to tell you all something that is personal to me."

She took in a deep breath and breathed out slowly, calming herself.

" Everytime I get close to someone, they are taken away from me. By either death, or absence. They just leave me there alone. I have lived my entire life alone. My parents and siblings were killed by the Russian Army because my father refused to be conscripted because I was aonly 3. I used to be a street-kid. Run around after rats, trying to eat whatever I could get my hands on. And in Moscow, if you're caught by the authorities, you are taken to an adoption agency until they kick you out again onto the streets because no one wants a street kid."

With that, Karyan left the table and walked to her room. The Master was definitely playing with her head. She growled again, revealing something that close to her heart in front of everyone. Kicking the door open to her room, she undressed quickly and walked to the bathroom. Taking out a razor blade, Karyan cut herself in the arm deeply.

" You stupid stupid girl Karyan."[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[color=pink]Alicia watched as the Master left, curiosity getting the better of her as she unfolded the card. She read it carefully, and then folded it up and slid it in a pocket. She stirred her food around on her plate, but refused to eat, smiling pleasantly.

[b]?Well, that was interesting. I?m tired; I will be seeing everyone later.?[/b]

The girl stood, winking at Tre across the table, and left, heading for her room. The tall pillars in the main hall cast long shadows, and she stepped around them carefully. Her stomach rumbled in protest, but she ignored it. She often had to do so when work called, and this was a small feat. [i]No doubt this will become exceedingly difficult, though. Of course...[/i]

Alicia locked the door to her room, turning the lights on high. She grabbed a robe, and stepped into the bathroom, and ran the master bath full of rose-scented water. While the bath was running, she took out a bottle of vitamin supplements, and a glass of water. She looked at the glass, and finally decided that water did not constitute as food, and thus, she could not eat it. She downed the full glass and the vitamins and stripped, sliding into the hot tub.

The young woman lay there for a while, and then got out, dripping. She dried off, and wrapped herself in her robe before letting out the water and going to watch TV.

OOC: I hope that wasn?t violating it. ;_; I tried, I really did. :<[/color]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Good stuff man! I'm lovin' this more and more.

Sergio smiled contentedly as he ate the buttered lobster -- this personal favorite. All was well with the world. He had friends, food, and luxury. Then the card hit the table. He picked it up eagerly, making sure no one could read it. Skimming across the message, he was extremely nervous, then read it again, more carefully, making sure he had the message right. There was no mistake. He was over come with a feeling of vertigo, struggling to hold down his dinner.

"I... must be going." He said, knocking his napkin onto his lap in a dizzy haze. He shoved it in his pocket, along with this card, and walked up stairs, thinking hard the whole way. He felt scared, nervous, and eager all at the same time.

He opened the door, and sat on his bed. To his surprise, several classical CDs were left on his bed, along with an mp3 player which had already been programmed with his favorite songs. He grinned, but it soon faded as he turned back to reality. He flopped backwards into the cushiony bed, lavishing in such luxury, praying it would never end.

Turned to his right side, he felt metal poking his hip, and he pulled it out. It was the fork and knife from dinner, the fork was dripping in the rich butter.

"Aw.. in my khakis. Ahh well." He tossed the silverware into a drawer, then changed his clothes into pajamas. Black silk was already waiting for him, another one of his favorite luxuries. He slipped into it, and brushed his teeth. Finally, when it was all done, he fell into an uneasy, restless, light sleep. He woke up a few hours later, at around midnight, and decided to watch television to pass the time. It felt like insomnia, but he knew better. It was the card plaguing him.[/SIZE]
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[size=1][font=tahoma][color=darkslategray]Adrian smirked at the folded card that lay before him. It seemed that this game was to begin and come about full steam. He set his fork aside and picked up the card in front of him, making sure that no one could see what was written inside.

He glanced over the instructions at least twice, his eyes growing wide at what was printed. Adrian snorted as he tucked the card away into his shirt pocket. It seemed that things would become [i]very[/i] interesting sooner than he thought. He cast a dull look to the Irish woman beside him who had introduced herself Alex, he then grinned and decided that this task before him could not only be menial to himself, but very embarassing to her as well.

Adrian slid out of his chair and onto one knee, taking the young woman's hand in his and lightly brushing his lips across her knuckles, "Je suis le vƓtre, la MaƮtresse." He purred deeply, looking into her eyes and licking his lips.

Alex quirken an eyebrow and withdrew her hand, "Excuse me?"

Adrien stood, leaning over her and placing his mouth close to her ear to speak. This all seemd deliciously fun to him, and he couldn't wait to get started,

"I am yours, Mistress." he whispered before licking the rim of her ear. Judging by Alex's reaction, she couldn't wait to start either.[/color][/font][/size]
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Xander watched with a dry mouth as the two women left the room. He couldn't imagine the perils his own envelope would contain...well, he could, but that was starting to make him even more afraid, so he stopped. Hands trembling, he reached out for the water glass and took a sip, flipping open the envelope.

The paper that fell out was heavy and yellow. He flipped it over as he drank, and nearly choked as he read the instruction. He hacked and choked, setting the water glass down hard on the table. Imogen looked over, concern in her eyes.

"Are you okay, Xander?"

Xander choked and blushed lightly, hiding the instruction with his hand.

"Fine," he gasped. "Just a bit shocked is all."

She eyed him carefully, but turned away, holding her envelope in her hand. He stared at it hard, trying to peer through...and quickly realized he mightn't want to, lest it be as bad as his own. His eyes moved back to the paper, and he read it about ten more times, trying to discern whether he was mistaken. He wasn't.

[I]Well...bugger...I mean...poo.[/I]

He stabbed a piece of food with his fork, swallowing hard. He twirled it around on his plate. His appetite vanished, rather non-mysteriously. It was replaced by a rather hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach and an unbelievable level of embarassment.

"Um..." he said, rising from his seat. "Imogen...I'm not feeling very hungry. Gonna head back to my room...in case you wanted to, um, know. Or, perchance follow. If you so desired of course. Yeah."

And with that, Xander strode off, horribly ashamed and beginning to dread that he wouldn't live to see the morning.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=Navy]Kai stared at the envelope for some time. Sergio had already excused himself and left, along with several others. Sean still sat beside her and was also looking at the envelope that had their names flourishly written on them. Kai reached out a hand carefully and picked it up. Flipping it over she opened the flap and pulled the card out carefully with it facing down so no one could see what was written on it. She took a deep breath and flipped it over so only she could see it. Kai's eyes widened as she looked at the card, and she pushed back in her chair, standing. Kai tucked the card into her right thigh pocket where her mini computer was and walked to behind her chair, pushing it in.

[b]"I-I'll see you later, Sean..." [/b]Kai excused herself, heading back to her room.

[i][b]'Shimatta...Kuso...Dammete...' [/b][/i]a steady stream of Japanese curses flowed through her mind as the words of the card were burned into her memory.

Kai entered her room and saw something on her bed that made her eyes start to water. It was a hammer. Kai bit her lip and picked it up, putting it on the table, also emptying out her pockets of the card, her kit, and mini computer. She put them all on the table, and she just stared at the items.

Changing out of her clothes, she fell onto the bed, burying her face into her pillow. The task for her wasn't particularly hard to do, but it was what she would be losing that hurt her.

Kai felt tears prick her eyes as she continued to ponder on the task that she had been set. [color=Black][/color]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Imogen stared at Xander until he left the room, he seemed to stumble through the door and his hand shot out to grab the frame. He stopped, reading the note again before shaking his head and jogging to the stairs.

Imogen wondered what had got the poor man so shook up and she opened her envelope, now noticing that she was one of few who were left. She read it and choked, slamming her fist into her chest to breathe again. The card dropped to the table but she grabbed it, re-reading the contents, [I]'Oh my...'[/I] in a situation like this, it was all she could think.

She rose from the table and cast her eyes to the Master of Games' chair, wondering why he would think of something like that. Her top lip curled in disgust before she whirled on her heel and left for the stairs.

She noticed Xander and clamped her hand down on the banister, putting speed into her stride and going right past him.


"Goodnight, Xander!"[/B]

With that she ran into her room and slammed the door. As she went to lock it she stared at the handle. [I]'There was a lock there before, I swear it'[/I] she thought frantically, instead looking for something to block the door with. Then she realised what she was doing, this was stupid and pointless. She sighed and started to get undressed, pulling back the covers for sleep.[/COLOR]

[B]OOC Kairi, I will find some way to get back at you for this *shakes fist*[/B][/SIZE]
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[b]OOC[/b]: This idea is amazing, I love this RP!

[COLOR=DarkRed]Sean looked at his card, the writing so simple to read, so easy to understand, but what he had to do. It was stupid, he saw people getting emotional about all there things, but Sean laughed as he made his leave.

"I'll see you later Sergio, I have something to do."

Sergio nodded in agreement, Sean walked out of the Dining Hall bidding the master his farewells, he walked through the corridors of the mansion, so light and bright. The paintings so beautiful, so perfect. Sean reached his room after glancing into somepeoples rooms.

"So..." he said aloud to himself as he stopped infront of his own door. He put in the key and opened the door. He sat on his bed and looked over at the corners of the room, everywhere was made so bright.

Sean gulped. A walked back over to the door, saw a light switch, and flicked it. The room went pitch black. Sean gulped again.[/COLOR]

Sorry for the short post, but I didn't want to go into too much detail about it. Hope that's fine. Again, this RP rocks!
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[color=red][size=1]Tre had no interest in his food after Alicia left. He got up, and thanked the Master for what little he had eaten. He followed Alicia, remebering what the card said. He saw her dissapear into her room, followed by a click.

[i]Damn![/i] Tre thought about picking the lock, but after he tried, he couldn't get it. He slumped down in front of her door. After a while, he finally decided to knock. His knuckles rasped the door, penetrating inside. He didn't know if she could hear it, though.

After she didn't come, he thought about what the master said. He watched the door, and pulled out his cell phone. Tre had it wired into the servant's cell phones, able to call them at any time.

"I would like a key to Alicia's door. I would also like a palm pilot, and twenty Attachable Minicams." He hung up. The servant would be there soon, as Tre thought. he kept his eyes on the door.

Someone grasped his shoulder, and put a metallic object in his hand, followed by what seemed to be eletronics.

"Thank you." Tre said, without turning around. He put the key in the lock, turning it softly. It clicked, and he stepped in. Alicia was watching TV, her hair wet and hanging down over her robe.

"Hey, Alicia."

"Hey! Tre....how'd you get in?"

"The door was unlocked. I just wanted to see how you were doing." Tre walked over to the couch, and sat down beside her.[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=Indigo]Alex paused for a moment, watching every one leave and allowing the small joy that had spread across her to disappear after Adrian's little display. People were getting so emotional about their pretty little cards, could it really be that bad?

Alex shook her head, smiled and played with the rest of her food. Sarah seemed to be paying no attention to her card as she played with her food, not really eating it. Alex shook her head again, this girl needed to lighten up.

Well better not keep the card waiting.

Alex picked up the card and carefully opened it. The cardboard-like yellow paper had perfectly printed letters on it and the instructions simple. Alex read it carefully once. Her eyes flashed wide before a devilish smile creased across her lips. She carefully tucked the card back into its envelope and handed it to Adrian.

"What would you like me to do with this madam?" He asked politely, bowing.

"Place the card in my top left drawer of my vanity and then make yourself comfortable on my bed."

"Yes madam." Adrian prepared to turn and leave the dinning room before Alex added something.

"Talk to no one on your way there." Her voice was a little venoms.

"Of course madam." He nodded gently and preceed to leave.

"Enjoying your meal?" Alex turned to Sarah with a smile.[/COLOR]
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[color=pink]Alicia scooted over, allowing him space. She paused the movie, and looked at him. ?[b]I locked that door, Tre.[/b]?

Tre just shrugged, and smiled at her. Alicia sighed, and relaxed. Tre slipped an arm around her shoulder, and she rested her head on his shoulder, suddenly realizing how much she needed the companionship. Her stomach rumbled, but she ignored it as the movie played.

Tre?s arm went around her waist, and he kissed her forehead lightly. Alicia flushed, but smiled. She hugged him tightly. ?[b]I kind of missed having someone to talk to.[/b]? She looked at him warmly.

An hour later, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King was over, and Alicia hopped up, turning off the TV. She looked at Tre. ?[b]Bedtime. I?ll see you in the morning, neh?[/b]? Tre looked slightly uncomfortable. ?[b]Could I stay here?[/b]?

Alicia laughed. ?[b]Sure. I don?t mind. Let me get dressed.[/b]? She still had her robe on, so she disappeared into the bathroom with her pajamas.

OOC: Tag, Spencer.[/color]
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[color=red][size=1]Tre had attached a minicam to her neck, so he slaw what she was doing in the bathroom. His face flushed, he realized he'd have to watch in order to obey the Master's Cards. The camera was pointed at the mirror, so he saw her undress from her robe, and put on her pajamas.

She came out, hair dryed a bit more. She looked amazing to Tre. He set the palm pilot to a DoodlePad and began drawing things as she came out. He looked up at her again, and smiled.

"You look....beautitful." Tre remakred. "Thanks." She smiled back. Alicia sat down beside him, and once again, his hand went across her shoulders.

"So where should I sleep?"[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]?No escaping pain?you belong to me?clinging onto life by the skin o? my teeth? Sean whispered to himself as the lights went off. Lyrics to a favourite song of his.

He sat down on his bed, the room starting to morph back into it?s shape, some light coming in through the bottom of the door, but he heard whispers all around him, so quiet they were barely noticeable, but with no noise outside it felt all around him.

A cool shiver went up his spine as he felt something drip on his back, he felt around but nothing was there. Sean thought it would be better to try get some sleep before he went insane in the darkness. Sean eventually got his clothes off and lay down on his bed, the heating was on, he heard it, but the room was starting to cool over, he saw his breath format in front of himself.

The air in front of him manipulated into a face, and Sean jamp up, hitting randomly, it disappeared from his sight, and he began to lay down again. He shut his eyes, which sort of made it better, but he still heard the voices.

He finally drifted into a small doze, where pictures of death, came flooding into his head, people rejecting him, nothing left.

[I]Someone help me?[/I][/COLOR]
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[color=pink]Alicia looked slightly annoyed as she slipped a hand to her neck. She easily disengaged the camera, letting it get crushed between her and the couch. The girl covered her annoyed look with one of mischief, and she traced Tre?s mouth with her finger.

?[b]With me, of course. Only one bed.[/b]?

Tre didn?t seem to have expected that answer, but he didn?t look unhappy about it. Alicia tuned the lights down a little, so it was calm but not shadowy. She remembered the warning about the ghosts, and she took it seriously. The two didn?t go to the bed, though. Alicia found herself suddenly kissing Tre, hands laced through his hair.

His tongue traced her lips, and she returned the caress before pulling back slowly. Alicia?s eyes were misted over slightly, and she looked away. ?[b]I shouldn?t have done that, Tre, I?m sorry?[/b]?

The woman pulled away from him, standing. She walked over to the bed, and slid in, to the far side, not looking at him.

OOC: Whee! :) TO much funsies.[/color]
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[color=red][size=1]Tre slipped in, and held his hands in his head. [i]Fucking good job, dumbass. [/i] He grunted to himself. He felt sorry and stupid. He didn't blame her. He only blamed himself. He reached out and touched her arm softly, caressing her skin lightly.

"...Alicia, I'm sorry. I'm stupid for doing that. I'll be asleep, okay? I'm sorry."
He left his hand there, as he fell into troubled sleep. He couldn't get her out of his mind. Tre had left his earphones in, the Green Day CD spinning.

[i]The regrets are useless in my mind
She's in my head
I must confess, the regrets are useless
She's in my head from so long ago and in the darkest night
If my memory serves me right
I'll never turn back time...[/i]

The CD wouldn't go farther.[/color][/size]

[b]OOC:[/b] Tag, Mouse.
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Wow, these posts are getting intense, guess I'll have to do my best to compete.

[font=tahoma][color=darkslategray]Adrien cast one last glance at Alex before he strode from the Hall, merely avoiding eye contact with the others. It was a shame really, That he wasn't allowed to talk to anyone else. Adrien saw himself as a blooming socialite, his mistress ordering him not to speak to anyone put a small blemish upon his hopes for the games or any other mischeif he had in mind.

As he made his way around the mansion in search of Alex's room he vaugely remembered that he had left his bag in the main foyer. His steps paused but he shrugged the thought off as he knew that there were plenty of butlers and servants running around that would have swept it away by now. Adrien sighed, knowing that he wouldn't even see his own room well untill tomorow morning, yet the prospect of spending the entire night with the vixen that he would call [i]MaƮtresse[/i].

He smiled, reaching a door with gold lettering that spelled out "Alex"[/color][/font][/size]
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Sarah nodded. She really wasn't wanting to open her card until she was in her room. Somewhere away from everyone, but being around Alex made her smile. She enjoyed having a friend around... someone who was persistent in wanting to get to know her. Someone who could care less if she was a social butterfly or not.

"Have you looked at your card?" she asked.

"No, not yet... I was thinking of reading it later..." she said.

"Oh come on... read it. I won't ask you what it says." she said. Sarah nodded and opened the card. As she read it, she read it over again, and her face was completely white.

"Oh God." she said in an exasperated tone.

"That bad ?" she asked smiling.

"Depends on how you look at it I guess."

"Well whatever it is, try to think positively." she said. Sarah nodded and smiled. This wasn't going to be easy... she stood up from her table and brought her dish to the Kitchen.
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[COLOR=Indigo]"Hey, Sarah." Alex called when Sarah came back into the room.


"Would you mind not talking to any one for awhile...until I say otherwise?"

Sarah gave a deep sigh and nodded her head in approval.

"Thanks. Um...y ou want to hang out in my room for a bit. I have some great tastying wine and a deck of cards." Alex smiled brightly, a hint of devilish fun hidden within.

"Um...ok." Sarah replied.

"Great!" Alex jumped away from the table and started towards the doors. Sarah followed obediently behind her. "You know," Alex said, twirling around to talk to the girl. "You don't have to be so quiet."

"Yeah, well...what am I suppose to say?" Sarah replied.

"Well you could start with where you're from?"


"United States?"


"Hey! I just remembered. We're suppose to play a game of pool weren't we?" Alex twirled back around in her black heeled boots.


"Well let's go!" Alex paraded towards a servant to ask him where the pool room was, flirting with him openly. He seemed rather distraught about the whole thing. "Thank you." Alex replied when he finish telling her, blowing a small kiss towards him. He flushed and tried to hide it from both girls.

"You know what?" Alex said upon entering the large pool room. She picked one of the center tables and began to set the balls up.

"What?" Sarah finally said, looking over the pool sticks and bringing two over, one for herself and the other for Alex.

"You should really try this ecstasy." Alex said as she pulled the triangle from the table.

Sarah looked at Alex with fear crossing her face. Alex smiled brightly as she pulled the small pink pill from her pocket. She extended her hand towards Sarah. Sarah hesitated, looking into Alex's eyes.

"Go on, take it." Alex said joyfully. [/COLOR]

OOC: ... you can start our little game if you so wish. :) Has fun!
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OOC: Dammit...

Sarah looked at her... she stared at the pill... not once did she want to take drugs... she began regretting her decision in coming... but her cards gave her no other choice... she had to do what she asked.

She took the pill and stared at it for awhile. "Mind if I take it later?" she said politely.

Alex smiled. "Sure why not."

Sarah wrapped the pill in a kleenex and tucked it away in her pocket. She took a triangle and set the pool table.

"How about we raise the stakes..." Sarah said smiling.

"Okay, what's your offer?"

"If I win, I don't have to take the pill... if I lose, you can choose my poison. Deal?"

Alex smiled. "Alright, we'll play." she said.

Sarah smiled. She just hoped she truly wasn't up on her game. "Alright, I'll break." she said. She broke, and three balls made their pockets. The game started, and Sarah prayed she'd be able to get out of this one.

OOC: LOL, I have NO clue how to even WRITE about someone who's on ecstasy DC :) But again, I'll let you choose whether you "push" my character or not.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan heard a yelp from Sean's room. Quickyl she bandaged her arm tightly, stopping the blood flow, and wiped off the blood that had trickled down her arm. She hastily walked out of her room and made her way to Sean's room.

" Sean?"
There was no answer. Karyan knocked on the door. No answer again. Then she noticed that there was no light in the room. She slammed the door open, letting light flow into the room. She saw Sean shaking on his bed, apparently sleeping. Karyan rushed over to him and shoke him awake.

" Sean! Sean!"
" ......Huh....what?"
" Why the hell did you turn your light off!!! You know you just broke a rule!!!" Karyan said angrily. On the outside Karyan seems like she doesn't care, but on the inside is a different story.
" Sorry! It was just a reaction when I go to bed."
" Just don't do it again."
" I didn't know you were so caring Karyan."
" I'm....I'm not. I just thought......" Karyan stopped mid-sentence. Whatever she was going to say, it would mean that she did care. " Just don't do it again." She waited for Sean's reaction.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: This should be... interesting...

I think I now hold the record for most graphic post in this RPG so far. Someone top me!


[b]Later that night...[/b]

Sergio woke up with a start, annoyed that he had to sleep with the lights on. He shook off the thought, realizing it was only the rules, no matter how annoying they were. He couldn't believe that everyone else could actually go to sleep with the bright light shining in their eyes. But he didn't dare challenge the rules; he heard Sean screaming a few hours ago. Was he okay? Finally, after dancing around the inevitable, he realized he had to fufill the task as quickly as possible.

"Well... I had better go now..." he said sadly, stemming the tears from his flowing eyes. He searched the room for a weapon, anything. Something to aid him. He remembered the fork and knife, and picked them up from the ground, washing the butter off of them, and shoving the spare napkin in his pocket. He had to get rid of that later...

He held the knife tightly in his right hand, in a stabbing position as he stalked out into the hall. It was well-lit, as they weren't allowed to be in the darkness. It made his task all the more harder. He glanced at each door, trying to find the correct one.

[i]Karyan, Sean, Alex, Sarah[/i]. "Fuck." he whispered, spotting the final name tag. [i]Syn.[/i]

He gripped the knife tighter, and slowly opened the door. He made sure it didn't creak, and peered inside. He had caught glimpses of Syn, but he had never spoken to anyone. Sergio wasn't even sure if he had attended dinner. He seemed like a mysterious, dark character, but he never talked to anyone. He didn't have any friends, or even aquaintences for that matter. It would be his downfall.

He closed his eyes, then opened them, glancing around the room before he turned the corner. He heard footfalls coming closer and closer to the corner. Would he pounce? Would he deal the final blow? Or might he die himself? No. He knew that. His urge to live was deep within his veins. He could not... would not die.

"..hm?" Syn grunted as he turned the corner, catching a mere glimpse of Sergio, before he attacked. It wasn't enough to defend himself.

Sergio gripped the knife tightly, and lashed out at Syn's neck, but he dodged.

"What the fuck?!" He said, in an almost conversational tone. Sergio spared no second, quickly driving the dinner knife into his left lung, and pulling it out with difficulty. Syn landed a square right-hook to Sergio's jaw, but couldn't knock him off. He gasped in pain, gurgling on his own blood. Such a silent, painful death was hell, and Sergio knew it.

Syn convulsed violently once more, and kicked Sergio in the abdomen. He doubled over in pain, keeping his blurring eyes on the profusely-bleeding man. Of course, Syn couldn't move, but he had a fighter's spirit. He gasped, trying to regain his strength, and did. He stood up, bent over his body again. Syn was having difficulty breathing, as he went into shock from the pain and lack of oxygen from his punctured lung.

Pulling the knife out of Syn's chest, he prepared to stab the incapacitated man through the heart, to deal the deathblow. It would be a swift end. He cried, sobbing silently, lest he wake others up. He knew he had to deal the deathblow quickly though, or he would put him through extra pain. Even if he were a killer, he had to be merciful.

He gulped again, then drove the knife through Syn's heart, then pulled the tainted knife from out of the man's body. The white carpet was spattered with innocent blood, but Sergio could afford no time reflecting. He wiped the knife off with the napkin in his pocket, to remove finger prints, then stuffed it down the bath-tub drain. It went down far enough for it to be unseen, and it would eventually clean itself off from constant use of the tub. Then he moved to wash himself off. Thankfully, he had no blood on his clothes, but his hands were another story.

They dripped in the red color of hate, screaming of his sin. He needed to purge it. Thinking quickly, he moved to the bathroom closet, and pulled out a heavy-duty body cleanser and scrubbed his hands clean. Washing it off, he looked clean again, but on the inside he felt terrible.

"What have ... I become? Christ have mercy... I have sinned against you. I know I am not worthy, but cleanse me of my sin. I am truly sorry. Please forgive me of my transgressions." He spoke quietly to his God, hoping to find reconciliation.

Sergio stood for a few seconds, listening to the voice of his God in his heart. He heard the good news, that Christ died while we were yet sinners. He felt better, but not completely guiltless. He needed to see a priest soon, and all would be better.

Breaking from his trance, he walked around Syn's dead body, feeling another pang of guilt, as he walked back into his room, double and triple checking for any sign of being the killer. He was clean, but his conscience made him check once more. There was nothing.

Sergio got into his room, and shut the door. He turned on the shower to hot, re-cleansing his physical body of impurity. It seemed his act impacted both his spirit and body.

"I need to be forgiven..." he trailed off as he stepped out, feeling clean again. He changed into a new pair of pajamas, then went to sleep with the lights on again. It was one hell of a night.[/SIZE]
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