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Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin [M-LSV]


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[color=red][size=1]Tre woke, and found Alicia nestled into his chest. He put his arm around her shoulders, and went back to sleep, trying not to disturb her. However, as he fell back into the world of dream, Alicia woke. She was trying to figure out where she was. She looked down, and saw Tre.

[i]Why am I on top of...[/i] She knew Tre wouldn't make her be in this posision, so she must of done it her self in her sleep. She rolled off of him lightly, caressing his arm with her slender, soft fingers.

Tre was awake, however, and he felt her touch on his arm. He rolled so he was on top of her, the blankets making a drape around his body and her's. "...Alicia..." He began, then he started to kiss her, hand brushing across her shoulder, pushing away the fabric of her pajamas.

"I love you."[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]White. Blinding. Pure. Mocking.

Xander lay on his back, staring up at the blank ceiling. Blank paper. Words seemed to seep onto the surface. He blinked and they were gone. A vision of his tortured mind. The message appeared wherever he looked, until he blinked them away. He could only look at the mural, but it hurt to see her. He couldn't find rest...not in sleep, where his dreams would be filled with maddening desires.

[I]I can't do it.[/I]

[I]You must...[/I] the blank-ness laughed. [I]Or you'll die...[/I]

[I]I can't do it.

You have to.

I can't!

You must, or you die![/I]

"I [I]can't[/I]!" he yelled aloud, rising to his feet.

[I]You'll die if you refuse, Xander. Die. Dead. No more.[/I]

"I don't care! I care do that to her!"

[I]It's not that bad, is it Xander? It's not worth dieing for, is it?[/I]

He looked away, gritting his teeth. Do or die. Do or die. So many say it, but now it's true. Do or die. Game Start - Game Over. Do or die. At last, he settled his mind...and walked out the door. Just a few steps ahead was a door labeled "Imogen." He swallowed hard, and set his hand to the lock.

[I]Please be locked...[/I]

It opened easily.


She was asleep on the bed, or looked it. It was a gorgeous room, and she was gorgeous in it. Almost painful. Slow and steady, steps light on the hardwood. Trembling hand out, reaching for her shoulder. Time slows, heart stops, just like before. But worse.

He touched her bare shoulder, and she groaned in her sleep, looking blearily at him.


"We've gotta talk."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Sean grasped at his heart when he woke up, he saw Karyans? face looking over him with concern.

?Card?? he finally got out, he still felt the cold running through his body, and he still heard the voices slowly disappearing from his head.

?He told you to??

Sean managed a nod, ?I?ll be fine, I won?t turn them off, I just got told to go somewhere dark, I did, that?s it.?

Karyan nodded. ?Sleep well.?

Sean thanked her, and she left Sean clutching the covers, the room looked so grey now, the pure white looked tainted to a dull grey. Sean shook his head and got some clothes on.

He walked out of his room to see Karyan?s door shut. ?Thanks.? Sean whispered, then turned away and walked down the hall. [I]Alicia, Tre, Imogen, Kai, ?[/I]

Sean walked past the door with the three dots on it. No-one used to be there, but he remembered a name on it when he was looking for his own room. [I]Syn[/I].

Sean shook it off, and went to Sergio?s room, he rasped on the door, and after a few minutes a very groggy Sergio answered the door.[/COLOR]
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[color=Navy]Kai lay on the bed restlessly, she had tried to fall asleep several times but each attempt resulted in failure. The words on the card still flowed through her mind. If anyone else had seen the writing, they would have found the task simple to do, but it was entirely different for her.

Growling angrily she got up from the bed and her feet carried her to the table where she had layed out her things. She stared at the items for 5 minutes, but they seemed to last for eternity. Kai took a deep breath and picked up the hammer, the light bounced off the shiny metal head and gave it an evil shine. Kai looked the object over and placed it back onto the table, instead picking up her mini computer. She held the device in her hands tenderly, lightly running her thumbs over the shiny surface. She flipped the computer over and pulled out the memory card that had all of her files in. Setting both the card and the computer on the table, she picked the hammer up again with a trembling hand.

[b]"Doushite...?"[/b] she whispered quietly. [b]"Gomen nasai, arigatou...sayonara..."[/b] she continued.

As she said the last word, she squeezed her eyes shut tightly and shakily brought the hammer down with force on the memory card. The sound of something breaking echoed and tears gathered in Kai's eyes as she swallowed a lump in her throat. That had been the hardest part, now she just had to finish it.

Raising the hammer from the shattered pieces of technology that had been her life, she brought it to hover over the mini computer, the shadow of the hammer projecting on the cover of the computer. This time Kai raised the hammer higher, it would take more force this time. Kai squeezed her eyes closed again and brought the hammer down, there was an echoing crash as the two metals collided. Kai looked and saw the it was cracked, but it would take several more hits before it would be destroyed. She hit it another time, watching as pieces of her computer separated from the main body of it. Doing it again, the crack grew larger. Raising the hammer higher than before, she brought it down on the broken computer, which was the finishing blow, there was a loud crack and crash as the computer shattered.

Tears were flowing steadily down Kai's eyes as she stared at the destroyed memory card and technology. Looking at her hand she saw the hammer in her grasp and dropped it as if it was on fire, staring at the instrument. She backed away from the table, she had now lost the one thing she could count on always, her data that she had saved. In that memory card had been things dear to her, collected from the year she had gotten out of the orphanage. She had even back tracked and recorded everything she remembered about the things she'd done there. And now it was all gone.

Kai fell to the bed and buried her face into her pillow, the tears soaked the case and seeped through to the cushiony material. She started to sob out loud and she soon cried herself to sleep. She had done it, and now there was a large empty hole in her heart where her memories had been. In her mind, all of her memories had been contained within that thin piece of technology. During the night Kai curled up into a tight ball, in her sleep she gripped her ring and the finger it was on tightly, as soon as possible, she would engrave another date onto the inside of the ring. A date to remember the day she destroyed her memories.

[color=black][b]OOC: [/b]I tried to beat you Retribution, but I think yours wins ^_~[/color]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Yeah, thanks. I guess stabbing a guy and smashing a computer have different results. heh


Sergio heard the knocks on his door, and turned over in his bed. He wanted to sleep off the guilt that was slowly ebbing away. He stayed under his warm sheets, but the knock persisted for several minutes. Whoever it was, they must want to see him...

"Fine, fine. I'm coming..." He whispered in a tired voice, as if the knocker would hear him. He picked up the blankets, not wanting to leave their warmth and wore them like a cloak around him. Opening the door, he saw a tired Sean.

"Oh, hey. Que pasa?" He said tiredly. "C'mon in."

"Uh.." he obviously had to think about the spanish phrase. Eventually, he ignored it and came in. "Well, hey."

"Yeah.. any particular reason you're knocking on mi puerta in the middle of the night?" He grinned slightly. Sean shrugged, opening his mouth to answer as he sat down on a louge chair and Sergio sat back on his bed.

"Well, I was tired but couldn't get to sleep. So I just came around. Anything new happen lately?"

"Naw, but the dinner was great!" Sergio lied, thinking about the buttered lobster again. Sean nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, man. My food was good too. Things are pretty ... interesting here." He said, searching for the right word. Sergio knew exactly what he was talking about, probably the card that was dropped off.

"Indeed. Anything you wanna do, talk about, anything?" Sergio said. He wasn't one to talk about the disturbing card he got.

"See, I thought ahead about this." Sean stood up, and walked out.

"Wha?" He said, wondering where he went. About a minute later, he came back, Xbox in hand, along with two controllers and a few games. He sat down at the plasma tv, and hooked everything up. "Oh... nice. What game?"

"I don't really play video games much. What's your favorite? I'm willing to learn I guess." He sat down on the carpeted floor, the blanket still wrapped up around him. The floor was comfortable as well ... it must've been the rug.

"Never met a person who didn't play videogames. Anyway, I guess we'll play Halo 2."

The game started up, and Sergio quickly caught on. They played co-op mode to get him aquainted to spitting death and killing aliens on screen. The sound was turned down low, so as not to wake up anyone at...

[I]2:43 AM?[/I]

...it's late. Sergio thought. Ahh well, I can sleep later. This is too fun to stop for now. The kept playing the game for a while, and he had become a proficient player. Of course, Sean turned around and killed him every now and then. Sergio found it hilarious, actually, when he got back-stabbed, and eventually caught on, attacking Sean back when he was being surprised.

"Yeah. Take that. OH! You got [I]killed![/I]" Sergio said, rather loudly. Sean told him to be quiet, and then they both laughed.

"Right, right. I'll get ya back." It was a fun night, playing videogames at 2:30 in the morning.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Imogen's heart skipped a beat when she felt the touch on her shoulder. Even without looking she knew who it would be. She had already memorised his scent, the way his fingertips were rough from holding a paintbrush.

She turned over and rubbed her eyes, pulling the covers around herself for privacy. Xander sat on the edge of the bed and buried his face in his hand, running them through his hair,
[B]"We've gotta talk."[/B]

Imogen nodded and sat up, one hand ruffling her hair, the other clutching the covers up to the base of her neck. She reached out to switch on the bedside lamp; Xander was a mess. He obviously hadn't slept, his eyes were already showing dark shadows underneath, and they looked hurt. Imogen frowned and reached a hand out, resting it on his cheek. She smiled reassuringly and nodded again, running her thumb across his right cheekbone.

Xander sighed deeply and reached up to squeeze her hand, [B]"My card..."[/B] he started, pain and regret showing through in his voice. Imogen stopped him; placing a finger on his lips lightly, [B]"I know, my card told me that you have to seduce me."[/B] he looked somewhat relieved that his news wouldn't come as a shock.
[B]"But it also said that I must resist no matter what."[/B]

Xander's smile faulted and he squeezed Imogen?s hand tighter, both of them knew that one of them would fail and one would win. One of them would be punished and they didn't know how.

Imogen took a breath and pulled her hand from Xander's, shifting so that she was sitting next to him, still under the covers, [B]"We won't die."[/B] she stated, her voice flat and calm.

[B]"How do you know that?"[/B] Xander wasn't so calm. She could hear his voice breaking, he was on the verge of tears and Imogen was finding it hard to keep herself from holding him, it must be so painful. She sighed and continued, "The Master has some sort of perverted pleasure in seeing us squirm, you saw the other?s faces, most of them were less than thrilled." Xander nodded and looked at his hands now trembling in his lap. Imogen moved closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder, [B]"It's far too early in the game for him to eliminate one of us. I believe this first challenge is a test."
"A test? What kind of fucked up mind does he have?"[/B] Xander's voice was low but the venom in his last few words shocked Imogen and she wrapped an arm around his waist in an attempt to comfort him. He calmed down somewhat and let her continue, she chose her words wisely.

[B]"I believe that it is a test to see how we react under pressure. Everyone knew we would get these challenges but we didn't know what to expect. I speak for myself when I say that I thought it would be a simple task, a test of wit or logic. I imagine he is trying to gage how strong people are and how easy it will be for him to mould them to his will."[/B]

Xander's gaze intensified and Imogen could feel the anger building in him again. She bit into her bottom lip and cupped his face, drawing him in for a short but loving kiss. His taste lingered on her lips as she pulled away, the tip of her tongue flicking out to wet her now dry mouth. [B]"I say we listen to our cards and have faith in human decency. It's when the game gets into full swing that we need to be careful."[/B][/COLOR]

[B]OOC And with that, I leave it to ULX as I know this...situation is one of his specialities. Heh heh heh?[/B][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]?Of course, one of my favourite pass times is gaming, but another one would be sleeping, something I better be doing. We?ll have a strange day ahead of us tomorrow.? Sean said.

Sergio nodded, made his goodbyes, as did Sean, and Sean left the room to an empty hall, as it should be at this time of night. Sean didn?t fell tired, and didn?t feel like going back to his own room. He looked through the names on the door again, and found Kai?s. He chapped and slowly opened her door, she was asleep.

Sean walked in and tapped her shoulder, she woke up almost immediately, her eyes bright red/

?You ok?? Sean asked. She smiled and sat up in the bed, and made space for Sean to sit.

?Yeah, I?m fine?? she said hesitantly. Sean never believed her, but shrugged it off anyway.

?Is it ok if I stay here tonight? My room is kinda giving me the creeps from earlier.?

?Eh?why not?? she laughed.

?I?ll go and pull a mattress from mine, and get some covers, thanks very much.?

?No problem? she smiled.

Sean left Kai?s room, he heard whispers coming from Imogen?s, but kept on walking, he grabbed a few randoms, and left with a giant mattress and quilt draped over his fore head. He must have walked into the wrong room because he heard a voice telling him to get the hell out.

He finally got to Kai?s room, and set down everything beside her bed. Kai laughed at him walking in.

?You know there wasn?t much point in you bringing all that? she laughed.

?Hm, how now? I?m not gonna sleep on the floor, it?s comfy enough mind you.?

?This bed can fit around ten people, with some room left over to spread out.?

Sean laughed, ?Good point.?[/COLOR]
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[color=pink]OOC: I?ll put up spoilers. :)

Alicia?s breath caught in her throat, and she looked up to him, eyes bright with tears and love. Her voice was soft, and she pulled his head down next to hers, lips tickling his ear, ?[b]I love you, too. Don?t leave me ? please.[/b]?

Tre smiled, a true smile. ?[b]I?d never leave you, ever.[/b]?

Alicia smiled back.

[spoiler]Her lips gently caressed his earlobe as he slipped her top down over her shoulders, hands gently touching her skin. His lips moved to hers, tongue tracing her lips. His lips slid down her cheek and her neck, gently biting and licking her. She gasped, letting her head fall back. Alicia?s hands clutched at his shoulders as Tre?s lips moved to her shoulder, and her shirt came unlaced and fell to the bed beneath them.

?[b]Tre ? oh, God-[/b]?

His tongue led a wet trail down her skin, leaving a tingling feeling in her chest. She felt him hesitate, and her hands went to his face, bringing him back for another kiss. They broke it breathlessly, and Alicia gazed at him, smiling.[/spoiler]

?[b]Did I mention how much I love you?[/b]

Tre laughed, still smiling.

OOC: Tag.[/color]
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[color=red] Tre looked at her, his blue eyes shining. "No...but I know you do. I love you."

[spoiler]Tre kissed up her stomach to her chest, up her neck, ending on her lips. He took her hand in his, lacing fingers. His hand traced the skin down her upper body, and began pulling on her pants.

"Tre...I don't-"

"We should try anywa-"


"Just once..." Tre pulled her pants down softly, the fabric slipping along. His hand drifted to her thigh, massaging lightly. Tre broke his kiss, and began to bite her neck softly, kissing gently. He pushed his head into her neck.

"I'll never, ever leave you. I couldn't."[/spoiler]

[b]OOC:[/b] Tag.[/color]
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OOC: I warned you all...now you pay...people have broken rules...and it hasn't even been a day yet...wow:)

[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]*punch....punch kick jab...uppercut....punch* Marcus was in the weight lifting room...attacking a helpless little punching bag.

[I]I can't freaking sleep...at all...what a piece of shit card[/I] his muscles were burning as his punches intensified with every attack.

Sweat poured down his face, blood coming out from the cuts now on his knuckles from hours of training.

[I]Damn people...whats so wrong about me...not one makes an effort to talk to me[/I] Marcus was getting bitter...old childhood memories coming out. Reason why he was as strong as he was...constantly working out...improving himself...cause no one made the time for him.

[COLOR=Black][B]***The Masters Office***[/B][/COLOR]

"Sir...shall we proceed?''

"Immidiately...do what you will..." replied the master as he leaned back in his leather chair, his hands folded underneathe his chin.

Suddenly, loud footsteps could be heard throughout the entire estate...running to their destinations.

[COLOR=Black][B]***Imogens Room***[/B][/COLOR]

Bursting through the door, five hulk looking men came into the room; witnessing Imogen and Xander holding hands. Two of the men went right for Imogen and wrapped their muscular arms around her...carrying her away as she screamed.

"Let go of me...NOW!" she cried out.

"Before Xander could react; the other three jumped him...he tried to fight back...but there were far too many.

The men locked the door behind them with Xander unconcious on the ground.

[COLOR=Black][B]***Kai's room***[/B][/COLOR]

*knock knock*

"Hey Sean...can you get the door?"

"Sure thing" as Sean shot up from his bed on the floor and walked to the door. Outside; he saw three tall men standing with their arms crossed...staring down intensly onto the young man.

"You must come with us...now." Sean was speechless...but turned around and nodded towards Kai...not knowing where he was being led too.

[COLOR=Black][B]***Alicia's Room***[/B][/COLOR]

Another five men burst through Alicia's room...catching the two of them in bed together; obviously about to do certain "things." Four of the men grabbed each of Tre's limbs and carried him out the door as the other held Alicia to the bed.

"If you know what's best for your friend...you will stay here...understand!"

She nodded obiediantly and watched as her beloved was carried away from her.

Marcus was walking up the staircase as he saw both Imogen, Sean, and Tre being carried away...all of whom were struggling to get free. Instantly....Marcus realized what must have been happening, and ran towards them.

"Let go of them...'' he roared in a battle cry as he attacked as many as he could. Taking down only two with a series of attacks; the rest dogpilled him as the others were carried down the hallway...to where...no one knew.


All three of the individuals were tied up with their hands behind their backs, kneeling on a solid pavement floor. Breathing heavily...a bright light shined on all three of them compared to the rest of the darkness that surrounded them.

In the shadows...you could hear the tapping of some kind of rod on the floor. The Master of Games then came from the shadows...walking in front of the three of them.

"You all have disobeyed....now you shall recieve your punishment...remember...if you tell anyone what is now going to be done to you...you will leave the game perminately..." with a quick nod...each of them were carried to different rooms set apart from the one they were in.

[I]...........TRE!........[/I] "you fell asleep with Alicia...having you loss sight of her at all times which violates the card which was given too you."

"Are you fucking kidding me!" yelled Tre as a group of men began to tie him up. A wooden post stuck out from the floor. His arms began to be tied around the post, exposing his back. He struggled...but to no avail.

"You will now recieve ten lashing for such disobediance...such foolishness and such dense perception upon reading your card...you will now be cleansed"

[I]............Imogen.......[/I] "you told Xander what your card told you to do which is in complete violation of the rules. For this...you will be punished."

Imogen sat on the floor in tears...fearing the torment that was about to be ushered to her.


The men surrounding her all left the room, locking her in the room alone...a cold shiver shot down her spine as a man walked out of the corner of the room. She looked only to see the image of her father!

He stared back at her with such hatred in his eyes...the man who Imogen had come to fear...come to hate for all these years...now locked in here with him.

[I]..............Sean..........[/I] "you told Karyan what your card told you to do which is in complete violation of the rules. For this...you will be punished."

Sean was exhausted...already from his experiances with the ghosts before...his mind and body was drained, now laying naked and exposed on the concrete floor.

The men surrounding him left the room, locking him alone in the dark. The ghosts began to come back...more intense this time...high pitch screams and voices began to surround him...horrible images now coming to his thoughts and eyes. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]

OOC: Those who aren't being punished...you have no idea where they are...nor will you be able to find them. Those being tortured...you broke the rules...have fun:)
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[color=pink]Alicia was silent as she was held down, heart beating like the wings of a butterfly. [I]Tre?[/I] She looked up to the man holding her down, and said, her voice calm and commanding, ?[b]Would you let me up. Now?[/b]?

The man seemed slightly surprised at how strong she was. Alicia was out from under him, and was dressing quickly. She ignored the man completely, and was out of the room in seconds. She passed through shadows and light with equal concern.

Ghostly hands grabbed at her, but she stepped into the light, ignoring them. Alicia was walking quickly, hair hanging loose down her back. She followed her insincts, and ended up at a door that said ?Master? on it in embossed gold lettering.

Without hesitation she opened the door. It swung open easily, and she stepped in, eyes flaring in anger.

?[b]You are a bastard, you know that?[/b]?

The man was watching her from his seat, looking sickly amused. Alicia?s hands clenched at her sides as she kicked the door closed. ?[b]And don?t bother giving me a speech, old man, about how I should not look for Tre.[/b]?

The Master chuckled. ?[b]I wasn?t going to. It?s pointless anyway, and if the ghosts get you, what concern of mine is it? It will take you off the list, though, and make Tre un-useful.[/b]?

Alicia was barely containing her rage. ?[b]You?re screwing with our heads!![/b]?

The man nodded. ?[b]Hmm. Yes, I think that is it.[/b]? He nodded again, and Alicia was seized by two burly men. She struggled, nearly slipping from their grasp before she was knocked out. The Master sniffed disdainfully. ?[b]Pitiful. Make sure she forgets this, won?t you?[/b]?

Alicia was carried back to her room, unconscious.

OOC: Hope that was okay, Kairi. :)[/color]
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[color=red]Strike one. [i]AHHHHH!....damn....[/i] Strike two. [i] That fucking card.... now I can't even sleep.[/i] Strike three. [i]I thought tourture was illegal.[/i] Strike four. [i]Agh...almost half way there.[/i] Strike five. [i] Chances are that I'll never get Alicia the way we were. Damn, I'm materialistic.[/i] Strike six. [i] Come on, put some heat into it![/i] Strike seven. [i]Damn...not that much.[/i] Strike eight. [i]That one didn't hurt as bad. Fucker![/i] Strike nine. [i] I hope Alicia's ok.[/i] Strike ten. [i] Now let me go, motherfucker![/i]

Tre was released, the blood flowing down his back. He wiped what he could with his arm, then whipped his arm in the direction of one of the whipers. The blood was stained across his face, but he merely grabbed tre, and knocked him out.

Tre woke up in his room. "Damn it, I better find Alicia, don't want to disobey the card. Never know what could happen." He exited his room, and entered her's.

"Alicia, are you ok?" As Tre said this, he began placing the mini cams around her room.[/color]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]"10 Minutes, you'll be crying like a baby."

The metal door swung shut, nothing else left, nothing else matters. The sound of a door locking, and the darkness creeping in. Not like Sean's own room, even when he thought his eyes were adjusted to the dark, there was ntohing there. Not even the voices coming into him, creeping up his neck and into his ears. But it began, as soon as he thought of it, he felt the cold hard grasp ofthe unknown.

He rose his hands to his ears, trying to drown the sounds out, but they crawled around his hands, and through his fingers.


"NO!" Sean screamed out, the door opened and Sean scurried into the light.

"Only 5 minutes, gerruf!"

The door shut again, and it happened again, silence, and his eyes adjusted again, the coldness now seeping through his bare skin, shaking uncontrollably, fits of pain, twitches of anger. Voices of suffering.

"10 minutes"

Sean jamp out the room as fast as he could, he even thought he saw the darkness trying to seep out, but before he was able to see he was knocked out, carried back to his bed.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Imogen backed up against a wall and hugged her knees to her chest. The room would have been pitch black if it weren't for a small oil lamp hanging on the back wall, shadows playing around her father's angry face.

He stepped forward and she whimpered, drawing into herself for protection. How long had it been since she saw him last? Seven? No, more than that. Nine years? Yes, that seemed about right. He took another step forward, his lip curling in disgust.

[B]"Stupid brat..."[/B]

Imogen winced as she felt the back of his hand connect with her cheek, a swollen red mark already coming to the surface. He snarled and pulled her up, [B]"What the hell did you do to your hair? Turned into a bloody lesbian?"[/B] Imogen cried out as tears streamed down her face,
[B]"You?re not real! You're not my father, this is an illusion!"[/B]

Imogen wasn't sure if she was trying to convince herself or make whatever it was clutching at her head go away. It didn't matter, and the man smirked, he let go of the young woman and she slumped to the floor, her knees bleeding from the jagged concrete.

[B]"Get up, stupid girl."[/B]

Imogen stood, her eyes cast to the floor. The next half an hour was hell; a constant wave of insults and beatings from a man who she was sure was not her real father. It was her first day and Imogen hated it. She regretted the day she had accepted that e-mail.


No, it wasn't all that bad. She walked up the stairs back to her room, pleading to whatever deity listening that he was okay.


Her cuts burned, sleeping would prove difficult tonight.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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The loud screams from up the hallway and the thundering footsteps running about the mansion where just enough to distract Sarah from her shot and she scratched. Alex chuckled as she made her way over to the other end of the stable. She was acting rather funny-loving and was rather friendly with her hands since the game started.

Sarah watched her as she pulled the white cue ball from its resting spot. Alex's smile just kept getting wider and wider. The pool game had lasted well into the early morning, both girls doing their best to win. Now Sarah was a head with only one ball and the eight left. Alex had three and the eight ball, but the shots were near perfect.

"Right corner pocket," Alex called out as she placed the cue ball on the table.

Sarah shook her head and smiled. Alex had missed those long shots all night, there was no way she was going to make it now.

Alex lined the ball up and placed her stick on her hands. She seemed almost too careless to be playing such a game. She struck the ball and sent it flying into the three ball. They collided with a smack as it raced towards and into the pocket Alex had called. Sarah's jaw nearly dropped, but she shook of the trembling that had started to grow within her.

Alex walked around the table and began to square up her next shot. "Left side pocket." Alex declared just before shooting again. The cue ball flew halfway across the table, into the two and sending it into its destintation and senting her up for the five ball. She took her shoot effortlessly as she made her way around to decide how she was to sink the eight ball.

Sarah had caught her breath now. She tried to keep her composure as she waited for Alex to take her shot.

Alex tipped to one side for a moment, her smile still dancing across her face. She brought herself back up straight and began to aim her stick. She lightly tapped the ball, it rolled across the table gently and hit the eight ball lightly. Things seemed to move extremely slow as Sarah and Alex watched the ball.


"I think I just won!" Alex said joyfully, twirling around to smile at Sarah.

Sarah's face went white as she reached into her pocket to pull the drug out. Alex watched with anticapation as Sarah unwrapped it.

"Come on..." Alex said with slight annoyance when Sarah hesitated. "A deal is a deal."

"Yeah..." Sarah said looking at the pill.

"Hold on!" Alex ran off and hurried back with a glass of something. "Here, drinking it with this soda. It will make it easier to swallow."

Sarah took the glass and stared at the drug. She took a deep breath as she stuck it in her mouth, took a drink, and swallowed quickly.

"How long does it take?"

"By the time we get up stairs." Alex smiled as she ran her fingers across Sarah's arm. She pulled away. Alex smiled again and twirled around and started towards the door.

With every servant they passed, Alex drapped herself across them; whether they were male or female didn't matter. As they began to make their way up the stairs, Sarah started to feel the effects of the drug. Slowly at first and then really fast. She felt almost light headed, but good.

"Tingles and makes you want some one to touch you, because it feels so damn good." Alex turned on the last step before the top to look down at Sarah.

"Yeah," she smiled.

"Knew'd you like it!" Alex said as she made her way into the hallway. "Now where did my room go.

Sarah giggled at her.

Alex smiled again as she started down the hallway, noticing an approaching figure. She squinted at them as she strolled down the hall, chest held high and her body swaying as if she was on a catwalk. Sarah giggled at her as she followed behind.

"Hey," Alex said upon coming face to face with him. "Can you help me...."

"Marcus," the man replied.

"Marcus," Alex smiled and nodded. "Can you help show me and Sarah to my room. I have a guest," Alex winked at him, "waiting for us."

Marcus creased his brow, but agreed to help. "What's your name?"

"Alex Miltray," Alex placed her hand in front of him delicately. He shook it as he turned around.

Alex took a hold of Sarah's hand as they followed behind him. They past a few doors before they came to her own.

"Here ya go." Marcus said, stepping to one side.

"Thank you," Alex opened the door and ushered Sarah inside, closing the door behind her. "I would like to thank you properly." Alex smiled at the man who only looked her confused.

She walked up to him, slowly sliding herself against him and draping her arms over his shoulders. He looked at her with curious eyes as she leaned in and kissed him rather passionately. At first he just kind of stood there, shocked before pushing her off. She ran delicate fingers over his exposed chest as he continued to push her back by her arms.

"Um...no thanks." He said politely.

"Maybe next time," Alex winked as she provactively walked into her room. "Hello my pretties...oh my!" Alex said upon seeing both Sarah and Adrain laying on her bed. Sarah was still being a good girl, Adrian running his hands over her shoulders, but he was stunning in his nudity!

Alex licked her lips with a devilish smile. She walked over to them both as she pulled her shoes from her feet. Adrian's close laid draped across the large maroon colored cough that lay on the other side of the room. Oh how stunning he was!

Alex laid onto the bed in Sarah's lap and the girl slowly began to run her hands through the red head's hair. Alex tried not to reach around and start teasing Alex as he continued to massage Sarah's shoulders. He must have noticed her eyeing him because he started making small gestures towards her.


When Alex stirred from her deep sleep some time during mid morning, she was laying completely naked next to Adrian and Sarah, covered and probably in the same situation as she, was laying on the couch.[/COLOR]

OOC: No ... we didn't rape your character :) Just played a game of strip poker ;)
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan lay in her bed, restless. The sounds of a scruffle outside had awoken her. Now she couldn't get to sleep. The desire of someone to be next to her was almost too hard to bear.

Placing a dark blue satin robe over her naked body, Karyan walked out into the hall, looking right and left. A figure came down the hall. Karyan squinted to see who it was. Marcus appeared in the light.

" Marcus...." Karyan wrapped her robe over her more tightly. " What happened? You looked like you were in a fight."
" Tre, Imogen and Sean got taken away. I don't where they are now."
" What? How?"
" Guards took them. I tried to get them back, but there was just too many of the guards."
Karyan stayed silent after that. She was increasingly liking him, but she started to like Sean and Sergio as well. Was her desire for companionship becoming out of control?

She looked at Marcus, who looked a bit ruffled.
" Are....are you okay?"
" Well....Alex tried to kiss me...she did actually.....but I pushed her away."
A spark of jealousy flitted across Karyan's mind. She was going to confront this Alex person. She wasn't one to back down at all.
" Don't you want affection?" Karyan asked nervously. This had been one of the first times in her life she had been nervous.
" Just not from her. She seems a little strange to me."
" Oh."
" Well good-night Karyan."
" Good night Marcus."

She watched him walk to his room and close the door behind him. Turning back into her own, Karyan hopped onto bed and uneasily fell into a shallow doze. She dreamt of being with all three of the guys she had a crush on. It was a very strange dream. But a good one.

[b]OOC: I think it's time for another card for Karyan.[/b][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Sarah woke up and quickly shut her eyes again. Her head was killing her. The last thing she remembered was walking behind Alex after taking that damned pill. She sat up and in an instant realized she was naked. She jumped in hysterics and almost had a heart attack when she realized she was next to a man. She jumped out of the bed, and pulled the sheets with her in frantics, and instantly regretted that decision as she saw the man was naked as well.

"OH SHIT!" she screamed. Alex came into the room and laughed at Sarah's reaction... this infuriated Sarah as she searched for her clothes.

"Calm down, you don't want to wake Adrien do you?" she said with a friendly wink.

"Bitch..." Sarah mumbled as she searched for her clothes.

"Oh come on, you had fun last night, admit it."

"Tell you what, if I remember last night, I'll tell ya, okay?" she said as she gathered her clothes and ran into the bathroom.

"Nothing happend, Sarah, geez, lighten up." Alex said still smiling as she put the covers back over the man who was still asleep.

Sarah opened the bathroom door as she put her shoes back on. "As you may or may not have realized Alex, I'm not the partying type."

"Yes. I've [i]noticed[/i]" she said still smiling.

"I don't see what you find funny about all this." Sarah said as she stood up.

"Nothing.... but you did enjoy yourself..." she said. Sarah stared at her.

"I'm leaving..."

"But you can't remember?" she said winking at her. Sarah stared at her and then the door. She hated not being able to remember anything... she didn't want that again, but she had no clue as to when she would have to stop listening to this woman.

"I'll stay... but dammit, don't push me, Alex." she said. She looked at the man and he was still asleep.

"Nothing disturbs that man..." she said. Alex laughed, and Sarah couldn't help but smile.
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[size=1][font=tahoma][color=darkslategray]"Oh, quite a bit disturbs me..." Adrien spoke, rolling over onto his side and opening an eye to look about the room. When he spotted Alex and Sarah he grinned, getting to his knees and abandoning the sheet to the bed. He smiled and gave his goodmornings with touseled hair and completely in the buff.

"Bonjour, la Maîtresse" He nodded to a grinning Alex, then turned to a redening Sarah, "Bonjour"

He then stood and strode across the room, as if his nudity didn't exist. He didn't speak another word untill he had his pants in his hands.

"I trust you slept well Sarah?" he asked, sliding a leg into his jeans. Sarah hesitated for a moment, averting her gaze as Adrien put his clothes back on.

"Er, yes, I did....Um..." She paused, not recalling his name, "Mister....."

Adrien walked up to her, sliding a hand around her waist and kissing her forhead playfully, "Monsieur Adrien Lemont, but you may call me Adrien."

Sarah pulled away, smiling curtly, "Yes, Adrien."

"Hard to imagine that you'd forget it..." Adrien walked to Alex, making the same goodmorning kiss before turning to Sarah, "...You were screaming my name a lot last night."

Sarah paused, her face growing red as she made a small nervous noise in the back of her throat, staring a burning hole in the carpet. Adrien laughed lightly, swagering towards her with his gentlemanly charm,

"Je plaisante, I'm kidding." He lifted her chin to meet her gaze, "I was the perfect gentleman and you were a pleasant cuddle. Nothing more."

And with that, Adrien strode to the bathroom, quietly shutting the door behind him.[/color][/font][/size]
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"Oh crap..." Sarah said turning over to the table and pulling out a chair.

"Isn't he sweet?" Alex said smiling.

"Oh God... what have I gotten myself into?" she said to herself, but Alex took it upon herself to answer the question.

"You've gotten yourself into some fun for a change." she said pulling out a chair and sitting next to her.

Sarah looked at her and then let her aching head hit the table. "I hate my life."

"Now what a thing to say..." Alex said looking at her. She put a hand on her shoulder. "How about you tell me a little more about yourself." she said.

Sarah looked up, her head was still killing her. "I don't know if I want to."

"You don't really have a choice, now do you." she said with a playful smile. Sarah grew tired of the smlies... but she could give a damn about who knew her past... it wasn't special, and she really didn't care too much about what people thought of her.

"I'm running from a broken heart. Like most naieve women out there."

Alex stared at her for a second and got up from the table and poured them some coffee. "Here, take this." she said.

"Thanks..." Sarah said. She stared at the cup for a second and Alex broke the silence.

"You know, that's why I never take relationships seriously... I don't exactly have that desire to find someone to hang my hat on, so to speak."

"Well that's where we're different." Sarah said smiling a little as she took a sip from her drink. She put it on the table and leaned back in her chair as she ran her fingers through her hair irritatingly... she hated remembering things... memories.... they never went away... "But I guess it's just time to move on right?" she said with another smile as she drank her coffee. Her walls always went up when she felt the pain coming back... and she tried supressing every memory in the back of her mind... as they waited to be recalled yet again, and remind her of the hole in her heart.

Alex looked at her, and she was worried about her. But she decided getting her mind off of things was the best solution. She looked over at the bathroom and Adrien had just come out.

She looked at Sarah and smiled as she stood up to talk with the man. Sarah just continued sitting there drinking her coffee, not really interested in Alex's flirtatious nature... she couldn't understand what it was... but something drew her to Alex... maybe it was her easy going nature... but her ways and hobbies were definetely something she conflicted with. She sat there wondering what in the hell was in store for her... she thought about the light rule... she didn't believe in ghosts... those stories didn't scare her. But she decided it was best not to make waves... but she swore to herself that she wouldn't compromise the person she was for anything... and if she was to be "punished" for that, then so be it. Alex and Adrien came over and sat at the table... they were an odd group of three, but Sarah had a feeling she'd be seeing a lot of these two during her stay.
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry for the short post. >_>


Sergio was awakened by stirring outside of his door.

"Jesuchristo, it's cuatro por la manana! What're they doing afuera de aqui?!" He said, sleepily in broken english. He staggered to the door, and peered down the hall with his head poking out of his room. There were two girls and a guy. None of which he knew yet. They were falling over him, and they retreated into their rooms once again.

Right as he was about to duck back into his room, a disgruntled Marcus staggered to Karyan's door. He stayed inside for a few minutes, then came back out, stopping by Sergio's door before going to his own room.

"What're you doin' up?"

"Uh... long story. Got attacked and kissed. Later." He obviously wasn't in the mood to talk. Sergio shrugged it off, shutting the door as he crashed into his glorious bed once more.

"I'm gonna sleep for a while..." He whispered, falling back into his deep sleep, even with the lights on.[/SIZE]
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[color=Navy]After Sean opened the door, Kai sat up, and she watched as he was faced with three tall men. They told him to go with them and he turned to her. He nodded, she wasn't sure if it was for his or her benefit. The four men left her room and Kai continued to stare at the closed door. Tears started to well in her eyes again, things just continued to get worse tonight.

Kai was worried for Sean, he had looked so unsure of himself when he had appeared in her room. It was amazing how this was only their first day but many people had already formed close relationships with others, which was the case with her and Sean, and slightly weaker bond with Sergio.

Kai decided to keep herself busy as she waited for Sean to eventually return and went to the bathroom to wash her face. She had noticed that her eyes wre red and puffy from the crying. Kai pulled the ring off her finger and traced the inner rim where she would engrave the new date, thinking of asking the Master if he had an engraver that she or someone else could use. Sighing she slipped it back on and went back into her bedroom.

There was a knock at the door and Kai opened it to find one of the tall men holding a limp Sean in his arms, and his face was pale. Kai just pointed him to wear Sean was sleeping and the man put him down, looked at her, then left. Kai glared at the door after he left and put Sean under the covers he had brought with him, watching him for a while before going to bed herself.
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[COLOR=Indigo]"Adrain darling," Alex said, running her fingers across his chest. He smiled playfully at her. "Would you care to go to your room for a moment, please. Found something fashionable to wear that is clean." She smiled teasingly.

"Of course, madam." Adrian nodded. He slid past Alex as he started towards the door.

"Do remember not to talk to any one." She watched him try to hide the rolling of his as he left the room.

Alex shook her head as she wandered into the bathroom. "I'll be right back. Just going to take a quick shower." Alex said before closing the door.

The bathroom was of proper size with two faucets and a rather long sink top. Beautiful pink and white marble decorated not only the sink but the floor as well. The dark cherry wood that made up the cupboards matched perfectly, along with the light pink colored rugs and wallpaper. The shower curtain was decorated with pastel pink and darker rose petals, and the tube also a soft pink. Alex fixed the small mess Adrain had left on the sink and made her way to the large shower. She started the water and began to undress herself.

The warm water rushed over her body, massaging her tighten muscled. She tried not to think as she bathed herself and got out. The cool air sent goosebumps along her skin as she grabbed a towel. She dried herself, wrapped a robe around her and walked back out into the bedroom.

Sarah still sat at the table, sipping on her coffee lightly. Alex couldn't help but smile at her as she took a seat across from the girl.

"I want to tell you something I haven't told any one in ten years." Alex said suddenly. Sarah looked up at her.


"When I was a little girl my family owned a small stables with a few horses." Alex played with her hair as she kept her eyes from Sarah. "My mother, my three older sisters and I use to go on long trail rides, for weeks sometimes. I loved going and never could get enough of it. Well one year I got sick with the flu, but we had already made plans to go on a trip, so my sisters and mother went without me. I was so mad that I threw a fit the whole week they were gone."

"Ok." Sarah said, not really understanding why Alex had never talked about it before.

"Well at the end of that week, my mother and sisters were suppose to have come back. But they hadn't. There had been a sudden storm that occured and a flash flood that created a landslide. All four horses and my mother and sisters were caught in the slide and killed." Alex went quite for a moment, looking at the table.

She smiled suddenly and stood up just as there was knock on the door. Adrian came in with a handful of clothes and walked over to Sarah.

"Madam, I figured you would need something clean to wear so I brought your things from your room." He bowed lightly with a playful smile.

Sarah took her clothes with a smug look on her face. [/COLOR]
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Sarah took the clothes. She smiled a little and cursed as she walked past them. She got to the door. "Just going to my room to take a shower... I'll be back soon, and no, I won't talk to people." she said as she left the two alone. She walked to her room and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the wall and thought about what Alex told her... it was... shocking to say the least... not once had she had to live with those kind of memories... she was... grateful... that her life still included a loving family... she smiled. "Things are never as bad as we make them out to be." she said to herself. She wished she could just kick the depression away, but it always stayed in her... like a wound that reopened at the thought of it... Her family had a history with depression. But not once had anyone thought her depressed in her life... she hid it too well.

She got herself her shower and realized she was gone for a half hour. She smiled... hopefully Alex wouldn't mind. She walked back to Alex's room and they were sitting at the table talking.

"Well, I have to admit, I never gave you a time limit."

Sarah laughed. "Well to tell you the truth, I don't enjoy being alone."

"Well that's definetly a surprise." she said playfully. Sarah smiled and grabbed the book she had taken from her room and sat on the couch as she read. She wanted to lose her mind in something... and books were the next best thing.
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[b]OOC: [/b]Trying to bring this thread back to life.

[color=Navy]The next morning Kai woke up and looked around her room, she didn't recognise her surroundings until she remembered that she was staying at the mysterious mansion.

Kai sat up and peered over the foot to see if Sean was still around. He was, and was still pale and curled up from yesterday when the tall man returned him.

Kai put her feet onto the wooden floorboards and padded over to the mattress that Sean was on. She dropped to her knees and shook him gently.

[b]"Sean? Wake up..." [/b]she called softly, she was worried for him.

Kai continued to shake him and he eventually woke up.

[b]"Hey, are you ok? When you came back you were unconscious. What did they do to you?"

"N-Nothing...I'm fine...Don't worry." [/b]he said, remembering that the Master had said not to tell.

[b]"Thanks for letting me stay overnight, I'll go back to my room."

"It's ok, you can stay whenever you want."

[/b]Sean nodded and picked up his things, and left the room. Kai closed the door behind him and changed into proper clothes for the day, the opposite of what she wore at the dinner. Her cargos were forest green and her button up shirt was a creamy white. Looking at herself in the mirror she was satisfied, and put on her accessories. She looked at her ring and remembered that she wanted to see if she could find an engraver or some other tool to add another date. Her eyes moved over to the table, where the shattered pieces of stuff was, next to the hammer that shone with an evil gleame. She glared at it and scooped everything into the bin, and put it in a corner. She'd have to move on, it had been a task, and she had had to complete it. She'd signed up for this herself, there was no going back.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Soft sunlight hit Karyan in the face. It warmed her whole body as she slowly opened her eyes. Slowly sitting up, Karyan looked around the room. She sighed loudly.

Walking into the bathroom, Karyan stripped off and started the shower. Warm mists of vapour rose around her naked body. Sunlight filtered through the half open window to the bathroom.

[i]I wonder what happened to everyone last night. It seemed like a lot happened to a lot of people. Not just myself. I wonder who that new guy is. I think I'll go see.[/i]

After spending a long time in the shower, letting the warm water run all over her body, Karyan dressed herself in some long black cargo pants and a turtle-neck black jumper. She exited her room and walked down to the hall. Without watching where she was going, Karyan bumped straight into Sergio, who had just came out of his room.

" Sergio....I'm sorry...I didn't see you."
" It's ok Karyan. What were you doing?"
" I was going to see the new guy. Syn...."
Sergio froze for a second before regaining his composure.
" You okay Sergio?" Karyan asked kindly.
" Yes. I'll come with you."
" Do you really want to?" Karyan asked, a slight red tinge appeared on her white cheeks.
" Sure."

They walked down the hallway togetherand knocked on Syn's room. There was no answer. The door was slightly open.
" Hmm...." Karyan mumbled.
She pushed the door open and walked in, Sergio at her back.
" WHAT THE HELL!" she yelled.

What she saw was Syn laying on the door, not moving. A pool of blood lay around him. Karyan stood there frozen.
" Is ....is he dead?"
" I don't know," Sergio said. Karyan walked over to Syn and checked his pulse. There was none.
" He's dead."
" How?"
" I don't know. Looks like stabbed to death. What a horrible way to die."

Sergio felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. He wanted to not look at Syn, but he had to accompany Karyan in here, even if he was guilty of it. Karyan stood, gathered a sheet from the bed and layed it over Syn respectfully. She walked out of the room and summoned a servant.
" Tell the Master that someone has been murdered. And the body needs to be moved and given a proper burial." The servant nodded and rushed awy to inform the Master.

Karyan turned to Sergio.
" Lets leave. I don't want to be here when they remove the body."
" Sure."
Both of them walked to breakfast hall. When they sat down, food was presented to them and they chose their meals. Karyan began to eat slowly, but the image of Syn's dead body kept floating through her mind. She pushed her plate away from her. Sergio had done the same, but minutes before.
" Can't eat?" Karyan asked. Sergio nodded. " Neither can I."[/COLOR][/FONT]
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