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Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin [M-LSV]


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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan walked around the floor where all the resident's were staying. She heard various conversations go around.

[i]Always the outsider...[/i]

Karyan sighed to herself. Maybe this time she should make an effort trying to talk to someone. She had never been much of a talker. Maybe someone here would be like that too.

Stalking the corridor, Karyan looked into each of the rooms, all with the doors open. Various people stood in some of the rooms. Others were empty. Suddenly she bumped into someone who was walking down the hall. Karyan was knocked to the ground.

" Are you okay?" came a male voice from above. Karyan looked up and saw the late arrival staring down at her.
" I'm fine," she said and got up easily, brushing off her leather trenchcoat.
" That's good. My name's Marcus, from New York."
" Karyan, from Moscow."
" Really?"
" Yes."
" Nice to meet you Karyan. Isn't that like a boy's name?"
" No. It's Armenian. Means darkness."
" Oh."
" So...." Karyan took a stab at making conversation. He wasn't bad looking. " Are you single or married?"
Marcus had a look of pain upon his face. " Divorced."
" I'm sorry." [i]You fucking idiot![/i] She looked at his blonde hair. It was sort of....adorable. " Anyway. Sorry again. I'll be going now."
Marcus did nothing to stop her. Karyan was swearing at herself when she looked into one room and saw three people in there. Deciding to try and make some sort of friends, Karyan knocked on the door. The two males and the one female looked at her.

" Hi," Karyan said rather stiffly. She wasn't used to doing this.
" Hey. You're the girl from Russia, aren't you?" the Spanish man said. " I'm Sergio by the way." He held out his hand in a friendly gesture. Karyan took it.
" Karyan."
" I'm Sean," the other said. He shook Karyan's hand too. Karyan felt a pricke of fear and a thrill of excitement rush through her body at the same time.
" I'm Kai," said the Japanese girl. Karyan nodded.
" So....what are you guys doing?" she asked, trying to make conversation.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: Naw, that's fine, amgoddess

"Well, you see, Sean was playing Halo 2, when I heard an assault rifle go off." he recounted. He hoped people actually cared. At all. "So I was nervous; I mean, the guns sounded real, so I opened the door, rudely of course. But it was just the game... so yeah."

Then Kai told Karyan of the Xbox tale. How she fixed it, what she used, and what had gone wrong in the first place.

"Anyway, we all just stumbled in here because of the ... [i]mishap[/i]. Excuse me, but was mishap the correct word?" He felt like an idiot. Studying English at Oxford, and messing up a word like mishap.

"Yeah, it's fine." Sean said, as Kai took a controller.

"Don't forget about the game." She said challengingly. Karyan looked at the two with a hint of emotion. Sergio couldn't tell which one, and turned to the screen. He had better things to do than play shrink. The new game booted up, and the game began.

Sean moved quickly through the level, getting a few choice guns, then finding Kai, whereas she picked up a sniper rifle and posted up in a secluded spot overlooking the entire level. She zoomed in, tracking Sean's head with every move he made down the level in his jeep. Then a shot rang out, and Sean hit the ground, him stunned for a moment, Kai giving a smile as he respawned.

"Nice shot. You a sniper?"

"Well, I do alot of things... You'll see."
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Marcus was puzzeled at the question Karyan had asked him...was a long time since he thought about the divorse. Like a thorn in the back of his mind...could only sense it was there unless something reminded him of the pain that it inflicted.

[I]*sigh*...she was lovely....seems sensitive....[/I] he thought to himself as he picked back up his luggage and headed towards his room. Approaching the door with his name carved into it...he looked at his neighbors and saw Karyan on his left and Sergio on his right. There was a loud noise coming from Sergio's room...

[I]hahaha.....Halo...aweomse game...[/I] as he opened his door and plopped his luggage on the floor. The room was exactly what he hoped it would be; a large king size futton lying on the ground; shelves full of books with a large flat screen tv and PS2 with a wonderful view overlooking the waters surrounding the island. Some of his favorite movies were already on display for him; ''The Shawshank Redemption,'' ''Independence Day''...the list was so long, Marcus couldn't believe that it was all here.

Taking out his laptop from his duffle bag; he placed it onto one of the desks next to his bed...the room was so big, he could fit his entire apartment into it. Turning on the computer...he pulled out the internet cord and looked for a phone jack; until he realized that there was no phone at all.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door with the master of games leaning up against the side of the door frame. Marcus got up from the floor to take in the appearance of the old man. ''There is no outside connection to the outside world my friend...only calls and communications within the mansion is allowed...such as with your cell phone.''

''Um...thanks...didn't realize that that was a rule...''

''Oh...its not...its a requirement without a choice my friend.'' the Master replied as he left the entrance of Marcus's doorway. He ran after him, wanting some more questions answered...but when he got to the hallway...he was gone.

''Quick little devil for an old guy...'' gun shots could still be heard from the room next to him. ''I might as well pay a visit.'' he said to himself with a smile on his face. It was the first time in a long time...where he felt like he could start over; to make his life anew.

As he got to the door, saw that it was open and knocked on the side of it to be polite of his intrusion.

''Hey...'' spun around Sergio who was watching Kai and Sean play on the X-Box system. ''Another visitor guys.''

Kai paused the game as she, Sean, Sergio and Karyan turned their attention towards Marcus. ''Hi...I'm Marcus...sorry if I'm bothering you all.''

''Not at all...please...come join us...the more the better.'' answered Sean as they all introduced themselves; except for Karyan...who just kept her head down.

''Thanks everyone...means a lot to me. Would be nice to make some friends here...''

''No problem.'' replied Kai...''Hey Sean!...thats cheating, I wasn't ready yet.'' as she and Sean went back to playing as Sergio followed suit.

Marcus walked into the room and stood by Karyan. ''Nice to see you again Karyan...I hope I didn't bother you or anything before.''

''I'm sorry...'' she answered...finally bringing her eyes up to his.

[I]wow.......[/I] he thought to himself.

''Thats ok....nothing to forgive.'' as he gave her a nice big smile. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]

OCC: read underground:)...I think I said that the maps really dont matter at this point anymore:)...just the basic picture of the house. The floor plans dont really mean anything...were only a basic idea of what the house looked like...you didn't have to follow them. But thanks for the effort though;)
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Click. Key in a lock. Gun trigger pulled. New way open. No turning back. Nothing would ever be the same. The touch of skin to skin, an electric spark, and then...an explosion in his head. Xander was stunned from the moment she touched him, to the moment she mumbled a sorry.

She turned to walk away. His hand shot out...and for a brief, fluttering second, the world around was gone, replaced. Time slowed as he was locked into the painting. He knew now...he had to reach out...he had to grab her.

He grabbed her hand out of the air, pulling slightly. She turned to face him, that single tear in her gorgeous eyes. The painting-woman had the most vivid green eyes Xander had ever seen or drawn, but Imogen's were even more beautiful, with a depth and pain one couldn't capture in art. He held her hand, a word forming on his lips. He pushed it aside, and used another.

"Wait..." he nearly cried. "It...it's fine."

They stood there for a moment, until Xander let her hand drop. The spark faded.

"Maybe...maybe we should try a different staircase. To, um, get out," he muttered.

[I]This is the longest conversation I've ever had...I can talk to her...it's crazy![/I]

She nodded, smiling weakly. Her cheeks were still flushed, and Xander imagined his were as well. Which was crazy, considering he hadn't blushed since the fourth grade. The two started walking down the hall, when Xander heard a click. Audible, like a lock snapping open. The creaking that followed denoted a door swinging open. Xander turned, and sure enough, a door had opened behind them.

"That was closed, right?" he asked.

Imogen nodded.

"Just making sure I'm not insane...well, more than usual."

He stepped towards the open door and peered in the room. It was nothing special, a bit bare and empty. A huge window was the main feature, letting golden light filter in across the rich red carpet. The only other major feature was an old, black piano sitting in the middle of the room. It looked dusty, but in good repair.

"Why did this room open...?" Xander mused aloud.

He stepped slowly into the spacious room, taking in the atmosphere. It was a lovely room, if a bit musty. The window peered out into a gorgeous garden, and Xander pushed it open, taking a deep breath of fresh air. The air here smelled...different than the air in California. Cleaner. Crisper.

"Well, I did want fresh air," he sighed, taking another deep breath. He looked back at Imogen, who was standing just outside the doorway. "I assure you, the room is perfectly safe." His eyes flicked to the piano, and he had to ask, "You play?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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OOC: Since Heero isn't back yet, I hope he doesn't mind us all including his character in the story... he should be back soon.

Sarah walked out of the house. It was about an hour before dinner. She wasn't really wanting to go, but her curiosity was getting the better of her. She saw a man not too far in the distance. He was just standing by himself, not really talking to anyone. A lot of people were conversing in the main halls, but she wasn't in the talking mood... not until she knew exactly, what was going on.

She was curious as to why he was standing alone. She smiled to herself when the thought crossed her mind that he could be sleeping. She laughed as she turned around and went into the courtyard.

She wasn't always this way... for a brief moment in her life, she desired friends... but now that desire was gone. Something in her died, and she still wasn't sure what it was. But she longed to feel complete again... hopefully, that wouldn't involve her putting herself out there and letting someone inside. She didn't want to be that close to another person again. Or so she thought. She really wasn't sure WHAT she was looking for... something to make her feel whole again... those words were the only words that made any sense to her. She just wanted to feel complete.... without the holes in her heart. She was never an open person... and she didn't want to be open either. She rather be content with just one person. She didn't need or WANT a field of friends... just someone she could share her life with, and trust completely... someone... who would be there for her no matter what.

She sat on the grass cross legged and leaned back on her hands. She was afraid... of wanting those things again... she wasn't sure how much more rejection she could take.

OOC: Sorry for the short post. Not enough time in the day :)
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[color=red][size=1]Tre sat down in a chair, the marble floor underneath making the wheels on it slide. It was covered in Italian Leather, and was a very luxurious chair. He pushed off the wall, and grabbed another one for Alicia. He pushed it over to her, laughing.

"I've not seen you in what...well....its been a long time." He got out of his chair, and sat down on the bed, relaxing. Tre took the red band off of his head, letting his hair fall down, which covered his eyes. He pushed it back, but left the red band off. By his bed, there was a refrigerator, which hand different drinks and several food items.

"You hungry?" He asked, as Alicia nodded.

"I haven't eaten anything since I left." She told him. Tre stuck his head in the freezer, and found a box of Chicken Cordon Bleu Pockets. He stuck them in a microwave across the room, and set the time and power in.

"They're sorta like Hot Pockets made outta breaded chicken and filled with Bleu cheese and ham. They're good." He finished, as the piercing, somewhat annoying tone of the microwave buzzed through the air. Tre grabbed them gingerly, along with two plates. Setting them down on the plates, he sat down by Alicia.

As he handed Alicia her place, his hand touched hers, gently. His hand cupped around her's slightly, without him realizing it.[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan smiled a little when Marcus said it was all right. She felt like a complete fool when she asked that question, and he answered it. Made her realise a little that she was a little out of the loop.

[i]Always the outsider...[/i]

" I see you are living next to me," Marcus said, trying to make conversation with an unco-operative Karyan. She didn't want to put her foot in her mouth again.
" Yes."
" I hope you don't walk around naked," Marcus joked, trying to get a smile out of her. A small smile came to Karyan's face. Marcus was relieved to see she had a little bit of humour in her.
" Actually...."

But her sentence was cut short by a knock to the door. A servant bowed to all of them. The group looked at who it was.

" The Master requests that all be ready very soon for the welcoming dinner," the servant said softly, bowed and walked on. Everyone looked at each other.

" I suppose we'd better get ready," said Sean.
" Yeah," added Kai. Karyan nodded and walked out, Marcus at her side. They only walked a couple of metres when Marcus turned to his room.
" Um...Karyan....." he said tentatively.
" Yes Marcus?" Karyan replied very formally.
" Would you accompany me to dinner?"
Karyan was dumbfounded. " I'm sorry.....Marcus......I can't go with you......" she said. Karyan feared companionship, but she also longed for it. She hadn't had a love interest, or anything even near that since that fateful day. She shivered and looked at Marcus.

" I'm sorry. I can't accompany you. It's hard to explain....but....I had an encounter long ago. And it turned sour. I hope you don't take offence." As she finished her sentence, she walked into her room and closed the door behind her. She regretted instantly what she did, but it was too soon, too sudden. Karyan shook the feeling off and went to get ready for the dinner.

[b]OOC: I hope you don't mind me moving it along a bit kairi[/b][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Sergio walked out of the room, and caught a few passing words of Karyan and Marcus' conversation.

"I'm sorry... can't... you. Don't ... offense." He walked into his own room, shutting the door behind him, and then sighed.

"So why's he asking her out already? We've known each other for a few minutes. Strange." He automatically thought Marcus had dependency issues, if he was looking for a relationship so soon, but stopped his thought process immediately.

"I can't think bad about someone yet. I don't know him, and I can't judge him yet." He changed into a white dress-shirt, and buttoned it up, all except the top one. He felt like he was suffocating with it on. He put on slightly baggy khakis, and a Rolex watch, which was on his desk now. Then he turned, walking into the bathroom, and looked at all the toiletries on the counter. Deodorant, cologne, soap, towels, lotion... all of which was the best money could buy. Nodding his head in approval, he picked up the bottle of cologne, and rubbed a small dab on his neck.

"I hope things'll go well. I [i]think[/i] I've made some friends. Sean was definetly nice. The others, I didn't really get to speak to though. They seem like good people." he said whistfully, as he put on a pair of white shoes. Stepping out into the hall again, he was the first one done, and leaned against the opposing wall, sighing deeply. Was there a girl for him at this mansion? He usually did entertain such thoughts, keeping a studious mind, but with all the free-time in the world, his mind wandered idly.

He heard a door creak open, and he turned to see who would come out into the hall.
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[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Indigo]Alex watched the different people break off into their various groups and all she could do was stand there and smile.

[I]Silly little people.[/I]

Alex followed her driver up to her room and watched him leave. She would have started flirting with him if he was something to look at. Poor dear must have been rejected a few too many times when he was younger. She chuckled to herself as she opened her suitcases.

The room was rather large with a queen size bed sitting to the far right, delicately covered with fine red silk. Alex could barely contain herself as she followed the man into the room. He placed her things neatly on the bed and turned around, nearly running into Alex.

"Thank you, my good sir." Alex smiled playfully at the charming driver.

He made a half smile as he tried to step around her.

"Is there any thing," and her voice reached a higher pitch "I can do for you, to repay you for you serices?" Alex fluttered her eyes a bit as she took a stance to bring attention to her well shaped hips.

"No, but thank you ma'am." He smiled, nodding, and left the room.

Alex giggled to herself as she pranced over to the bed. On the wall opposite the bed was a large vanity with various things displayed on it. Very charming, but a little too childish for her taste. She began to unpack and there seemed to be enough room for everything she had brought with her. Even a small spot to stash her many drugs. Once finished with unpacking, Alex shoved the bags under her bed and wandered over to the vanity to see what was laying on it.

The mirror that laid gently against the wall was large enough to take in most of Alex's appearance and wide enough to stick three 300 lb women side by side. The wooden vanity was covered with a fine rose colored cloth and upon that were various little figurines. She smiled at the old memories they brought back before shoving them all into the top drawer.

"I have no time for old dreams," Alex smiled as she made sure her appearance was perfect before venturing back downstairs.

The other guests seemed to have found other things to do. A few servants wandered about, but nothing seemed to catch her eye. Well if this was going to continue she was going to find herself rather bored. As Alex wandered about she found a charming garden extrance that lay at the back of the house. On farther inspection, Alex found a lone girl laying in the grass. Having nothing better to do with her time, Alex decided to introduce herself.

She walked up to the girl and bent down, nearly startling her. "Hey, the names Alex Miltray. I'm from Galway, Ireland." Alex extended her hand gently towards the girl.

Taking Alex's hand the girl replied, "Sarah."

"Nice to meet you." Alex sound joyfully. "So when do we eat?" [/FONT]

OOC: Sorry so late. :)[/COLOR]
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Sarah wasn't in the mood for talking, but she smiled anyways and sat up. "I'm sure it'll be soon... maybe an hour or so." she said.

Alex sat next to her and nodded. There was a very long awkward silence between them, and Alex smiled at her. Sarah hated this... she was never the conversationalist, and it made everyone hate to be around her... she hated talking... the only time she opened up was when there was something to either complain about, or if she thought for a second someone may be interested in something... but there was nothing unique about her. Sarah often thought it was her own low self esteem that did this to her. But she had no idea how to change... there was a time, where she felt wanted, and she could talk just about anything... but her depression frayed away all feelings... all senses of being... interesting.

She looked at Alex again, and she was still smiling. "Are you always this quiet?"

"If you got a problem with it, I'm not forcing you to stay." Sarah replied.

"Hey, no need to get bitchy on me. I'm just asking a simple question."

"Well I just gave you a simple answer. I'm not talkative, nor will I ever be." Sarah said softly. Alex looked at her, and Sarah just stared at the sunset. She wasn't smiling... but she wasn't frowning either.

"Did something happen to you?" she asked.

Sarah turned and looked at her. "I'm just not one for conversations..." Sarah said.

"It seems like there's a lot more wrong than just not being talkative."

Sarah stood up. "I think I'll get going now."

"Are you that much of a coward?" Alex said challengingly as she stood up as well.

Sarah turned around and stared at her. "I'm not afraid of you." she said sharply.

Alex smiled. "Prove it. Do you play pool?"

Sarah cocked her head to the side and folded her arms. "Depends, you?"

"I play."

"Fine... what are the stakes?"

"Each pocket earned deserves a question in turn. Up for the game?" Alex said smiling.

Sarah smiled. "I'm up for it." she said as they made their way toward the game room.
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[color=navy]Kai sighed and left the room, seeing the others go off. She scratched her head and looked around that particular hall until she found her door, she hadn't known she lived so close to the others. She entered and flopped onto her bed. Kai remembered why they had been told to go back to their rooms and got up again. She took off her trenchcoat and hung it on the back of her swivel chair. She scratched her head and went through her wardrobe, she couldn't find anything good to wear, because most of her clothes were exactly the same as the ones she was currently wearing, some with different coloured t-shirts and/or cargos.[/color]
[color=#000080]She sighed and rummaged through to the bottom of her clothes, pulling out a forest green button up shirt with pink cherry blossoms embroidered on the bottom right side of the shirt, and cremeish white cargos. She put the outfit on and checked herself in the mirror, she wasn't sure if it would be good to wear her goggles, but decided for it since she never went anywhere without it and her jewellery.[/color]
[color=#000080]Kai wondered if it was time but just decided to hang around until she was called, tucking her mini computer into one of the thigh pockets of her cargos. She sat on her swivel chair and booted up the high tech computer. [/color]
[color=#000080]She noticed that there were accessable files that she could use and checked them. A lot of them were on the other people who were living with her, she read through them for information and discovered a lot more about them. Then she found one that had maps of the mansion, so she downloaded those onto her mini computer in case she got lost again. There were files on the rules, about the house, the Master of Games, and several other things, Kai read through them all, hungry for information. Finally she finished and rubbed her eyes, leaning back on her chair.[/color]
[color=#000080]She turned off the computer and noticed that she hadn't fully explored her room, because there were cupboards that she hadn't opened, and there was also a large plasma screen TV mounted on the wall above one of the largish cupboards. Kai felt stupid for not noticing them before, but she'd only paid attention to the computer equipment. She bent down and opened the cupboard below the plasma screen and stepped back, inside was a DVD Player, a PS2, XBox, Gamecube and a Stereo connected to the TV and stuff, but also just a regular Hi Fi system, along with a whole lot of games, DVDs and CDs, she was overjoyed to see complete Anime collections and OSTs. Kai was so happy, this place was like a dream to her. She sighed and fell onto the bed again, thinking about everything that would happen in this place.[/color]
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[SIZE=1]As Xander turned and asked Imogen that question,[I] 'Do you play?'[/I] she smiled and nodded. Since she was six she had been playing, her father had taught her at first then she took it upon herself to learn the pieces of music that she loved.

She stepped into the room and breathed in the fresh air, looking out of the window before focussing on Xander. She banished the blush again as his hair was ruffled by the wind, a spark in his eyes that, despite his gaunt look, brightened his whole expression.

Imogen sat and opened the cover of piano, running her fingers lightly across the ivory keys. She felt so alive, her fingers seemed to light as she pressed down on the middle C first, something the she always done out of habit. She ran her right hand across the first octave, testing the piano. "It's perfect..." she muttered, more to herself than Xander.

It took her mere seconds to decide on which song to play, she straightened her back and began; her fingers seemed to dance across the keys as Fur Elise fell from her fingertips. Imogen smiled and stood, her pace quickening as she felt the true emotion of the song break through, she had never played so well before, her fingers had never felt so light and so precise. When she finished she sat back down again, going back to admiring the workmanship on the piano, she didn't even realise when Xander came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, bending down to whisper,
[B]"That was beautiful..."[/B]

Imogen turned her head and reached up with one hand, pausing to think about what she was doing. The spark she had felt earlier, that rush from only a second of him holding her hand, she needed to see, to be sure. His hand didn't move when she placed her own on top of it gently, and instead Xander moved his other arm around, wrapping it around her shoulders.

Imogen was shocked, but for some reason, it felt right, she felt as if this man, someone who she had met no more than half an hour ago, was the one who she had been with her whole life. The feeling was wonderful and she relished it, leaning back into his gentle embrace.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Sean got changed after his room was empty, it sort of amused him that Halo 2 could bring so many people together, he didn?t mind really, he got to interact more with the people, and it wouldn?t be as complicated at dinner either. Sean got a tuxedo from the cupboard, he laughed as he looked at himself in the mirror, a tuxedo, he hadn?t wore one of those for a good long while.

He looked at himself once more and decided he would go for a little wander around the halls, see where everyone else was located around the mansion. He saw a few names carved upon doors, he was about to chap on Sergio?s but it would be slightly embarrassing if he was still getting changed so he walked away.

He walked back up the other side of the hall to see Kai?s room, he chapped after contemplating if it was worth it or not, but no-one answered, he listened closely and heard music so he left it and walked back over to his room.

?Am I the only one doing what they?re told? he laughed to himself.[/COLOR]
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Sergio walked out of his room, running into a funny-dressed Sean.

"Whoa. You really took this getting-dressed thing seriously. You put me to shame." He said, jokingly. Sean laughed, looking rather happy someone had gotten out of their room.

"Yeah, I haven't wore this for a while. You look pretty good yourself." They both chuckled once again.

"So, what brings you here, Sergio?"

"Well, you see, I came from Spain and went to college at Oxford. I don't always speak perfect ingles... english. How about you?"

"I came from Fife, Scotland. I rarely get to relax, so this was definetly a welcome getaway. Should we start walking to the dining hall?" Sergio took a moment to consider the question, then came up with a response.

"Yeah, vamanos to the dining hall." He loved using spanish, and assumed Sean knew what it meant. They both started walking slowly down the hall, talking about whatever they felt like. They heard a piano playing in the distance, somewhere far off in the mansion.

"Very good playing. Who might it be?" Sergio inquired. Sean shrugged, as he had no idea. "Anyway, you single or anything... I mean, all the girls in this mansion, there's gotta be something going on eventually."

"I'm single" Sean grinned. "And yeah, I get what you mean. I guess only time will tell." He said as they both continued sauntering to the dining hall.
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[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Indigo]Alex followed slightly behind this charming girl. She seemed so sweet and naive almost. But obvisiouly had been through something great to make her not willing to talk. Alex tried to smile at the whole idea of being around her, but it was hard. She hated being around depressing people, but there was something about this girl that she just couldn't leave.

Alex smiled at the thought of playing pool, it had been awhile and she was probably pretty rusty, but she had nothing to hide. She always enjoyed a good challenge any ways. Just then a pair of guys walked by her and Sarah.

"Where are you two off to, have a little funny." Alex said mockingly, but still very playful.

"Dinner." One said with a rich accent. He seemed a little course about her question, but didn't bother to continue the converstation.

"Hey," Alex called to Sarah. She turned around, a rather displeased look on her face.

"I think dinner has started. We should eat before we start our game. It'll step up my game a bit." Alex smiled as she placed a hand on her hip.

Sarah hesitated for a moment before agreeing to that. The two walked side by side towards where ever they were suppose to eat. Alex more or less following her because she hadn't really paid that much attention to the lay out of the house.[/COLOR][/FONT]

OOC: Hey ... sorry I changed that a bit. I still think the pool game is a good idea though :)
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Xander was confused. He didn't know why he felt comfortable around this woman. He didn't know why he found the piece she played so moving. He didn't know why he hugged her. He didn't know what the spark was. He didn't know why he was about to kiss her. All he knew was that it felt right, down in the pit of his heart.

Silence hung heavy in the air, muffling the fading strains of Fur Elise. Time slowed, as did his heart. He could almost feel the blood stop in his veins as he leaned closer to her.

Time snapped back with the rap of knuckles on hard wood. Xander dropped his arms from Imogen, turning to face the


person who knocked. It was a mousy looking young man, and from his dress and demeanour, Xander assessed him as a servant.

"Begging your pardon," he said, looking away. The servant had a faint blush in his face, obviously embarassed to nearly walk in on the two. "But the Master has instructed me to inform you that dinner shall be held shortly."

The messanger turned and left the doorway. Xander stood for a moment, still stunned, when a thought occured to him.

"Wait! We're a bit..."

The hallway before him was empty. Just dust and doors.

"...lost. Well...crap."

He turned back to Imogen, who was standing in the middle of the room, staring shyly at the floor. Xander mentally cursed Fortuna and time itself.

"The...servant guy vanished. Like a ghost, ne? Guess we've gotta find some way back to our rooms."

As if on some divine cue, a slip of paper fluttered through the window on a previously non-existant wind. It fell at Xander's feet, and he leaned down to pick it up. On cursory inspection, it was obviously a map.

"Well I'll be buggered..." he murmured.

"Pardon?" Imogen asked, looking confused.

"It's a map...a map just floated in."

"No, I meant you used 'buggered'. Thought that was just Brit-speak."

Xander shrugged. He made no such distinctions, using whatever words floated into his head. He eyed the map, and saw a room labeled "piano" adjacent to a staircase. There they were, he assumed, and he checked the rest of the map.

"Guess we just go up those stairs...two floors, then a right will lead us to our rooms..." he looked up. "Well, since I have a map, shall I help lead you to the dining room?"

Imogen raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking me to dinner, sir?"

"Why yes, madame, I think I am. Do you approve?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]*shakes head*...that was all that Marcus could do after that. [I]I was only being polite...wasn't asking for a relationship or anything.......[/I] walking back to his room...as the group departed...he waved goodbye to Sergio and went into his room.

*sigh*...''I hope she didn't anything the wrong way.'' he said to himself as he locked the door behind him and began to strip. Set apart from his own belongings...there were already sets of clothes folded up into the draws; all to his exact size and style of liking.

[I]Least I got to meet some new people...I wonder what they thought of me...[/I] wondering if they liked him as an individual. It was like starting his life all over again...what a humbling feeling he felt inside.

Suddenly a large gong could be heard echoing throughout the entire mansion.

[I]must be dinner time now...[/I] as Marcus quickly looked to the clock lying at the edge of his bed. 7:00pm on the dot...

At the end of looking through all the clothes options...Marcus decided to be semi-formal and put on a black pair of pants with a black silk shirt as well. Placing his black hat on the bed...he quickly combed it to his liking and walked out the door.

[COLOR=Black][B]***Within the Dinning Area***[/B][/COLOR]
"Is dinner prepared..." asked the master as a servant approached him.

The servant...covered in pure white; unlike the drivers from before. "Yes...everything to their liking has been prepared for them."

"Excellent...that is all" as the master waved a hand; sending him away from his presense.

Pulling out the chair from underneathe the circular table, the Master sat himself down, leaning his cane up against the table as he awaited for the others to arrive.

[I]Come my little children...come to me.......your fate awaits you. [/I] again...an evil looking grin spread across the old mans face. The thirteen civilians had no idea what they were getting themselves into. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]

OCC: Important information...if you all want to have your next post just making your way to the dinning room...thats fine. Or the next one to post can bring us all together so I can get things going:) By the time you see my next post of on this rpg...you all will have recieved your first cards. Please...do not read them until after reading my post on here.

Also...hugoxx will be leaving us unfortunately...however I have already found another to fill the 13th spot. Angelus_Necare...her profile is already up on Adventure Inn and I'd greatly appreciate you all too take a look. Other than that...you all are doing beautifully...I apologize if the beginning was a little boring; now the fun begins; starting with the dinner.
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Sergio and Sean finally made it into the dining hall, joking the whole way down. He had confirmed Sean was genuinely a nice guy, as well as a few bits of personal information. Trivial things like hobbies and music were exchanged, and it turned out that Sean liked rock, while Sergio preferred classical. They were very opposite, but in the same respect, were much alike.

"Wow. It's pretty decked out. Nice stuff." Sean said as he peered into the hall. All sorts of food had been layed out, the room was decorated richly, and more people were coming slowly. They hovered around the entrance, talking to one another. Sergio noted that Sean seemed to always be the life of the party. [i]Must be very interesting...[/i] He pondered, also glad he had befriended him.
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[size=1]Alicia felt a shock go through her as their hands touched, and she looked up at him, their eyes locking. She quickly took the plate, and looked down at it, hiding her obvious blush. They ate in silence, and then things were normal. Alicia began talking about her work with Tre, who seemed fascinated, before they took out the X-Box, and began play.

The pair had been playing games on the X-Box when a servant came in to tell them dinner was ready. She was very polite and precise, not smiling once, which disturbed Alicia. She smiled fleetingly at Tre before disappearing into her room and quickly changing into a skirt and sandals with a halter top. Tre smiled at how quickly she changed, and how she looked.

?[b]You look beautiful.[/b]? Alicia flushed. ?[b]Thank you, Tre.[/b]? That was all she mumbled as she took his arm, and the servant led the way to the dining room.

Alicia acutely felt Tre?s warmth as they walked down the hall, and pairs and singles joined them. Alicia finally looked over the rest of the people who had come, and smiled at each one. They all walked in a group, and Alicia began talking with a pair she found named Imogen and Xander.

Two large wooden doors opened inward into a large room; the dining room was circular, with a large, circular mahogany table in the center. The Master sat at one of fourteen spots, and Alicia caught a glimpse of maliciousness in his eyes before it was replaced with old age and a smile.

The girl and Tre sat down as servants bustled about, setting things on the table, pulling out chairs and helping everyone be seated. Alicia was seated near the Master before she realized she had been separated from Tre and was now sitting next to another girl and a man; both she had not met yet. She looked down the small way to the Master, hands folded neatly in her lap.

OOC: SO sorry for my lack of posting, everyone! I hope this made up for it![/size]
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[color=red][size=1]Tre cussed, almost aloud. He'd been separated from Alicia, and was now sitting by two strangers. He looked around, and saw her almost across from him. He smiled inside. At least he could see her. Tre looked at the master, who had a peculiar look, with multicolored hair, the predominate color silver. He had eyes that were unsettling, but when he looked again, it was nothing but kindness.

The servants were bustling around, platters set down every so often with a small clank. Tre tried to catch a glimpse of what was in them, but the tops remained on. The smell of food wafted into his nose, tickling the senses. [i] Her hand....the blush...I think it was shared.[/i] Tre smiled on the inside.

"I wonder what's for dinner." Tre said to the girl sitting besides him He realized his manners, and quickly piped up. "I'm Tre." He smiled.[/color][/size]
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[color=Navy]Kai finally decided to leave for the dinner and switched her Hi-Fi off. She closed the cupboard doors and left. She looked around the hall and didn't see anyone, she shrugged and pulled out her mini computer, pulling up the map for the way to get to the Dining Area they were supposed to go to.

Kai walked along, she wasn't sure if she was going the right way, but knew she had when she saw others in the dining hall. She spotted the Master at the head of the table, she loved the colour of his hair because it was a silverish white and his eyes opposed his hair, being almost pitch black. She looked around for a spot and took one beside Sean, with Sergio on the other side of him, and on her left was someone she didn't know.

[b]"Hey guys." [/b]she greeted, sliding into the chair, they greeted her in return and they talked for a while. The two guys were still wondering about how she'd fixed the XBox so quickly on the spot.

Kai just explained that she'd used her mini computer to discover the problem, and that she carried her kit with her everywhere, taking it out of her left thigh pocket to show that she was carrying it, then pulling her mini computer out of her right thigh pocket.

They continued talking and Kai played the ring on her ring finger of her right hand, twisting it around. She pulled it off and looked at the date engraved on the inside of it, [i][b]'Don't forget 3 Oct.'[/b][/i], that was the date she'd lost her family, the date when her mother had rejected her and tried to make up for it by constantly feeding her money through her bank account. Kai sighed and slipped it back onto her finger, running a hand through her hair before sitting up as the servants began to serve the food.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan left her room dressed in black jeans and a black leather tank top. Walking down the hall, she thought about the incident with Marcus. Little did he know of her past, or she his for that matter.

" Maybe I was too harsh..."

[i]No....you weren't Karyan.....you're just thinking that to make yourself feel better. You can't trust anyone. Not a single soul but yourself.[/i]

Karyan's gray eyes darkened. This was true of course. Her past was as dark as her eyes, and even more fathomless.

Entering into the hall, a servant showed Karyan to a seat between two males she didn't know the names of. Sergio and Sean sat opposite her. Kai was on the opposite side of this male. The male next to her introduced himself.
" I'm Tre."
" Karyan."
" Nice to meet you Karyan. Where are you from?"
" Moscow, Russia."
" Really? I'm from New York."
" What's it like?"
" I love it. But I thought this would be an adventure."
" Hmm...."

[i]An adventure he says? By the way the Master of Game described this 'opportunity', this 'adventure' should be more than we bargained for. There is [u]always[/u] a catch.[/i]

Soon the food was served and the lids were taken off the silver platers. Delicious aromas wafted more strongly off the food as everyone tucked in. Mostly the table was quiet, but some people were talking softly amongst themselves. Karyan looked around nervously. When is this 'game' going to start?[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]The dining room was brilliant, a large cathedral ceiling with gold leave covering the whole surface. Ornate chandeliers hung in lines, white candles flickering daintily on each of the perches.

Xander looked down at Imogen and moved an arm to rest his hand on her hip; she jumped slightly and looked up to him, smiling shyly. He winked in response and pulled out a chair for her, she laughed and sat down and he took his place on her right hand side, a man who she hadn't seen sitting on her left.

Imogen turned and held out her hand, [B]"Imogen Nesbitt, it's a pleasure."[/B]
The man looked up and took her hand, smiling slightly, [B]"Name's Marcus." [/B] he replied, shaking Imogen?s hand lightly.

[B]"What do you think of the place so far?"[/B] she asked, trying to spark some form of conversation, even small talk would suffice. [B]"It certainly is wonderful,"[/B] Marcus replied, casting his eyes to the golden ceiling, [B]"Eerie how that old guy seems to know everything about us."[/B] he looked at Imogen and chuckled, she laughed and nodded, shifting her chair to look at Marcus properly. A thought occurred to her, she hadn't seen anyone else?s rooms, save Xander?s, and didn't know if it had been a coincidence that hers was so much like her old room. Maybe all the rooms were mostly the same.

She dropped her voice to a whisper in case one of the servants heard what she said, scared that the Master would take offence to her question,
[B]"What was your room like?"
"Perfect."[/B] was Marcus' short, and awed, reply. He leaned closer to Imogen so that he could whisper back, [B]"What about yours?"[/B]
She nodded, [B]"Exactly the same as my favourite room from when I was little."

Imogen nodded again and leaned even closer to Marcus, her eyes flickering nervously to the Master. He wasn't looking and she said, [B]"Do you think he?s been stalking us?"[/B]
Marcus was about to reply when a bell sounded, both he and Imogen looked up to see a whole line of servants, all dressed smartly, coming through the large doors in single file, each of them carrying a sizeable tray of food.[/COLOR]

[B]OOC Kairi, I haven't had a good chance to interact with Zoku in WOTB, now's my chance to get to know you, so to speak.[/B][/SIZE]
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[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Indigo]Alex smiled at the Master of Games who sat perfectly posed on the other side of the table. She shook her head at the mere thought of his name as she delicately sat down and watched Sarah sit next to her.

[I]Charming girl.[/I]

Alex turned her head to look at a rather handsome man and he seemed to be well to do. Alex licked her lips as she folded her hands in her lap.

"My name's Alex Miltray, and yours?" She asked him coyly.

He turned his head elegantly and a smile played across his lips upon seeing her. He gave her a quick once over, trying to keep his gentleman appearance. "Adrien Lemont from France." He smiled brightly, nodding his head gently.

[I]Oh, he's french. Delightful![/I]

"I would be from Ireland," Alex smiled playfully drawing herself up to bring attention to her figure.

The waiters began to dance about them serving food. Only the best food was placed before, as it was at home. She smiled and brought her attention back to her food. She saw that Sarah only stared at her, as if she was going to cry or something.

"Hey, cheer up. We're suppose to be enjoying ourselves here. Change of scenery and people." Alex looked at Sarah. "Here this will cheer you up," Alex passed Sarah a small pink pill.

"What's this?" She said taking it into her hand.

"Its called ecstasy. It will make you feel like you're in heaven. Try it." Alex nudged her gently. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
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