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Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin [M-LSV]


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[SIZE=1]OOC: Must... conceal... murderness.... xD

Sergio couldn't eat either, being reminded of his sin. He looked at the table thoughtfully, praying to God again. Karyan looked somewhat sick and troubled.

"You okay?" She asked. Sergio looked at her face, furrowing his brow. He didn't feel too guilty anymore... he felt at peace with God.

"Yeah... Just praying for him." He crossed himself, and Karyan looked at him with a smile.

"You're Catholic?"

"Si. I was born and raised one. Having a faith feels so good to me." Why was he telling her this? Why? He kept asking himself the same question, arriving at no conclusion in particular.

"I guess I don't know what you mean. I wasn't raised all that religiously."

"I see." He said, thinking it was really too bad. He couldn't imagine his life without a God.

"Anyway... talking about faith isn't all that interesting. Hm... what do you think of this place?"

"I like it. Sort of. It's kinda creepy, with the dead person. And I also notice alot of people getting together pretty quickly." She said.

"I agree wholeheartedly. I suppose I've never seen anyone express affection so early on in their relationship. I thought people would first become friends. All this is very new to me." He said, hoping she could relate to his feelings. He had never in his life seen people sleep in the same night they met each other... except with prostitutes. Pushing his thoughts from his mind, he brought his attention back to Karyan again.

"Yeah. But maybe they're like... soulmates." She said. Sergio stood up, realizing he wouldn't be eating anything this morning.

"Soulmate... interesting. But since I'm not going to eat, I really should leave." He bowed to her, almost as a joke, and she took it surprisingly well.

"Alright, don Quixote. Where are you headed to?"

"The personal library, to snag a few books... then maybe to the upper-porch to relax while reading. And how about you, Karyan?" She thought for a few moments, then spoke.

OOC: Tag, Reiku.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan looked Sergio up and down. Reading didn't sound that bad. She was used to reading quite a lot in Moscow. She didn't have enough money to have a computer or the Internet all the time. Normally she just went to an Internet cafe and had a computer specially reserved for her.

" May I join you Sergio? I need something to do. And I don't mind reading a bit," Karyan answered. Sergio nodded, smiling. Karyan got to her feet and pushed her chair in.

Their pace was slow and thoughtful as the two made their way up to the library. Two massive wooden doors stood at the entrance of the seemingly gigantic entrance. Karyan took one iron handle, and Sergio the other.

Pulling the two giant wooden doors open, Sergio and Karyan saw the biggest library they had seen in their lives. The room was very large and circular. There was three stories of books, all looked like they hadn't been used in a long time. Dust floated in the air. You could see the small particles floating around in the soft sunlight. The room almost had an ancient magical feel to it.

Karyan gasped softly. She stepped into the room, looking around in awe. Every step she took, a small dust puff rose from the floor. Sergio followed her, looking up at the books too.

" This is amazing," Karyan said.
" I agree. Very."
" How many books do you think are in here?" Karyan wondered. Sergio was silent for while, probably trying to calculate the amount in his head. After a few moments, he let out a sigh.
" I don't know. Close to the thousands I expect."

The stairs creaked under Karyan's steps. She looked at all the shelves in amazement.
" I wonder if the Master has every kind of book in here?"
" Kind?"
" Genre. Like science fiction, historical, theatrical, philosophical."
" Most likely."

Another moment's silence and Karyan found an interesting section on fantasy. Sergio had wandered off to find some books he desired to read. Fingering down the spines of some books, Karyan looked at the covers. Most were tattered and old, but some looked as though they had never been touched.

Picking out several that looked interesting, Karyan walked back down the stairs and waited for Sergio.

[b]OOC: Tag Retribution[/b][/FONT][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: We... need... more... cards...

Sergio found Romeo and Juliet on the shelves, and smiled at his pulled it gently of it's shelf. It was wonderful... every classical work written by Shakespeare was here. Briefly surveying the rest of the section, he found nothing else interesting, and walked over to the science section. After a cursory glance, he found many books on Aeronautics ... his job, which he also pulled down. Soon, he was carrying quite a sizeable stack of books.

"Ah... no puedo leer todo... but there's so much." He tenatively descended down the flight of steps so he could get to Karyan's floor, where she looked at him with surprise.

"What do you plan to do with all those? Get buried under them?" She joked, Sergio gave a full smile in return.

"No... just so much I want to read. So I brought alot of them... and I'll probably bring a few more back to the room. Espero que no duele nunca, hm? He said idly. Karyan gave him a small quizzical look.

"Oh. I don't think it could hurt."

"Double negatives in spanish?" She said, more saying than asking. Sergio was quite pleased she had picked up on it.

"Yes, there are. It's a different language... and I'm sure you can speak Russian."

"Uh-huh. Now let's go." She said, leading him out onto the deck where there were lounge chairs, as well as an umbrella and a table. The weather was also magnificent, which was a drastic change from the dreary weather of yesterday. It was probably in the upper 60s, Sergio thought. He set down most of his books on the table, taking Romeo and Juliet off the stack. He sat down in a lounge chair facing the water, Karyan lounging in the other.

"So... what book did you get?"

"It's a fantasy one. And I'll soon find out what it's about." Sergio gave her an uneasy look. He was thinking of the wrong definition of the word fantasy... not realizing Karyan meant the genre pertaining to elves and magic. She caught on quite quickly, and chuckled at the puzzled man.

"No, not like that!" She said, smiling. "It's about... mythical creatures and epic quests."

"Oh! I didn't know. Sorry. So it's like... Homer and the Odyssey?"

"Umm... yeah." She said, wanting to get to reading her book. Sergio took the hint, and started upon Romeo and Juliet... for the tenth time. But he loved the book, and it never hurt to re-read.

OOC: Anyone else gonna post?[/SIZE]
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[size=1][color=slategray]]OOC: Jumping to the next morning, like everyone else.

IC: Amelia rolled over, and nestled her head down in the crook between Tre?s shoulder and head. She opened her eyes, and looked up at him to see him watching her. She chuckled, and sat up, stretching.

?[b]Good morning. You look like you haven?t slept a wink.[/b]?

Tre sighed, and Amelia laughed again. ?[b]After last night I guess you wouldn?t have, eh?[/b]?

Her stomach rumbled, and she nearly fell over getting out of bed. She remembered her orders, and then groaned. Tre looked at her, eyes red from being tired. ?[b]What is it?[/b]? She shook her head. ?[b]Nothing.[/b]?

OOC: Apologies, short on brain cells, but I posted. ^^; And yes: need?new?cards?[/size][/color]
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Alright everyone...I will be back on OB officially by monday...so please...if you may...before that day...please try to bring the rpg back to life for I am choosing to continue it. You will all be receiving new cards, full of twists; and things you would never possibly imagine.

So by all means...post post post...please:)

take care...later

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[COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Imogen lay in bed, hugging her pillow. She had tried to convince herself that what happened was merely a nightmare, the bruises on her cheek, neck and chest proved otherwise.

Just like always, her father had beaten her into submission, beaten her until she was on the floor, her knees and palms bleeding form the effort of crawling away, crying out for him to stop because it hurt so much...

A new wave of tears flowed from the corner of Imogen's eyes, but she did not sob, she didn't make a sound. Just lay there, hugging her pillow tightly against her, ignoring the dull throb from her scalp.

She needed a shower, a bandage, something to heal the wounds. She needed Xander, but how could she face him now? It was [I]her[/I] fault that he had been hit, knocked out, how could she see his face and look into his eyes when it was all her doing.

No, seeing him wasn't even possible, she didn't have the right to talk to him. Instead, Imogen pulled herself from the bed and pulled off her clothes, stepping into the warm stream of water coming form the faucet. She sighed and closed her eyes, not hearing the bedroom door creak open.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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OCC: Time to bring this back to life...

[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The master sat at his computer screen...looking through the camera screens at everyone in the mansion as they slept; except for Marcus of course..continuing his routine in the gymnasium.

He had no need for sleep anymore...the sickness in him grew with every passing moment...savoring every last breathe that he had till his time came..whenever that may be.

[I]All such brave souls...[/I] he thought to himself. [I]Even through everything that has happened in the past 24 hours..they stay.[/I]

He laughed uncontroably at the thought...his victims not knowing the horror that lay before them. Quite dissapointed however he was at so many already breaking the rules.


Over a loadspeaker throughout the entire mansion..the masters voice boomed..awaking everyone in their gentle slumber.

"I hope you all have rested well...I have to say...I am very dissapointed in those individuals who have already disobeyed the rules which I have set in place for you. Because of this...you all will be recieving all new cards at breakfast. I encourage all of you to attend. Remember; those who have been punished...you are not allowed to speak to anyone of last nights events. I hope you see now how serious I am...and the power which I possess. This is a game...and the game will continue to how I see fit...understand."

Everyone was now wide awake as they got out of their repectable beds and began to dress.

"Breakfast is in one hour...see you there." as a loud click could be heard as the master ended the transmission. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]

OCC: Alright...let us see who we still have on board...everything will be revitalized at breakfast I assure you.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]OOC: Nice to see you back Kairi[/b]

Karyan awoke to the sound of the Master's voice eminating over the speaker system. She wanted to bury herself under the sheets of her bed and not go to breakfast. But, she sighed heavily and slid out of the bed.

Fondly remembering the day that had just past, Karyan wondered if Sergio was awake. They had spent the whole day together reading and making smalltalk between each other. She had become absolutely absorbed in the way Sergio read. It was quite amusing watching the fluid expressions on his face as he read the lines. Karyan felt herself chuckle when a particularly amusing expression crossed the Spaniard's face.

Walking down to the dining room, Karyan felt a prickle of fear roll up her spin, like she was being watched. Casting her eyes to the side walls, she looked for anything out of the ordinary. Her pace quickened a step.

Quickly Karyan entered the dining room. The Master sat at the top of the table, a wry grin on his face.

[i]Her greatest desire....and her greatest fear is the same thing.....how interesting.....she will be an excellent one to play with....her mind I mean.....[/i]

Karyan sat at the breakfast table and began to eat some fruit that was lain out before her, waiting for the others.....and the impending doom of receiving a card.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=Purple]Sarah was the first to stir in Alex's room. She made some noise which rose Alex from her slumber. Adian laid next to her, nude again. The night before had been interesting, if only she could remember more of it. Sarah had left the room for sometime before coming back to sleep on the couch again.

The girl moved towards the bathroom as Alex pulled herself from her bed and slidding a robe onto her perfect body. She leaned over the bed to playfully kiss Adian as she walked over to the table and sat down for a brief moment.

"I'm going to finish getting ready in my room, I'll meet you at dinner." Sarah said as she left Alex's room. The Irish woman said nothing, only nodded as the girl left. Alex started towards the bathroom before she was met by Adian's naked body. The man teased at her before the red head broke free and rushed into the bathroom to free herself of the night before.

After both Adian and Alex had finished their preparing before they made their way towards the dinning hall. Upon entering, Alex took notice of the woman sitting at the table, picking at some fruit. She smiled broadly as she and Adian sat across from her.

"Hello, the names Alex from Ireland."

The girl nodded. "Kayran."

"This is Adian, my french stud." Alex winked and brought a light chuckle from the woman. Adian cursed to himself as he played with a glass of water. Alex chuckled at him as she gathered some fruit for herself.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS][i]French stud huh? I agree whole-heartedly[/i]

Karyan watched Adrien and Alex ate. Adrien didn't look too happy about something. What it was, Karyan didn't care for much. She didn't know either of these two from a bar of soap. But, she decided she might as well get to know them. This was a game after all. And all games have tactics - no matter how simple they seem, or complex.

" So, how's things so far?" Karyan asked vaguely. It was always a good question to start a conversation with.

A smile came to Alex's face. " Very good. Interesting, you could say."

" Interesting huh? How would that be?" Karyan enquired.

" A long night of ..... games," Alex replied vaguely. She played the game well.

" What about you Adrien?" Karyan asked the man. He was rolling the glass on its bottom edge. Alex nudged him lightly in the ribs, making jerk up with attention.

" I cannot say it hasn't been interesting. But all the same."

" What about you?" Alex asked inquistively, resting her chin in her palm, pretending to be interested in what Karyan was about to say. Karyan smiled wryly. It was like a tennis match - back and forth with questions that produced masterfully vague answers.

" I agree. It has been interesting. I have a dread and thrill growing over the handing out of new cards. I wonder what they'll bring. Something that concerns my fear would be excellent. Maybe you'd like to help me with that Alex?"

Alex looked at Karyan strangely. She hadn't had someone beat her at her own game for a long time. " What's your greatest fear?"

" My greatest fear....and my greatest desire....is companionship....in any way, shape or form," Karyan said, smiling an evil smile. She left Alex and Adrien stunned and sat back in silence.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[b]OOC: [/b]Yay, I'm glad this is back now.

[color=Navy]Kai had already been awake and was lying on her bed with an anime CD playing. She was still puzzled over what had occured last night, with the men coming in to take Sean, then returning with him later, unconscious.

At about 7 in the morning she heard the loudspeaker in her room crackling and got up, turning off her radio and listening. Then the message came through from the master, saying that he'd give them new cards at breakfast. Kai shrtugged and changed into baby blue top with a low 'V' neck and her navy blue cargos. She put her goggles, ring and necklace on before seeing it was about time for breakfast.

She was about to look around for her mini computer but remembered what happened and looked into the bin where the crushed parts lay. She picked the bin up and left the room, searching quickly for a servant, asking them to throw out the parts and if they could get her an engraver and someone who could use it well. They said they'd try and if it was possible, they would be in her room by the time she got back.

Kai thanked them and played with her ring, she wanted to put a new date on it. She sighed and wandered off down the hall toward the dining area.

Kai saw that a few of the others were already there and took a seat, she wasn't sure what the card today would hold, but she was worried, the last one alone had traumatised her already, and she didn't know what it would hold this time around.

Kai pushed the things out of her mind and started to eat some food, she realised she was really hungry for an unknown reason.
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[color=red][size=1]Tre and Ameila were in her room when they heard the annoucment. Tre felt his that his eyes were growing heavyer every second, but he knew he had to make it an hour. Alicia was sitting next to him on the couch, as they had started watching Kill Bill Vol 1.

"I guess we get out of the torture of these cards, eh? Only to be thrown into another death trap." Tre smiled weakly, trying to stay awake by making conversation. He wasn't doing so well, but he had to keep trying.

"Guess so. I wonder......will we get in trouble if we tell our cards to another now?" Ameila wondered aloud.

"Better not." Tre said simply, remembering last night. "Let's finish Kill Bill, then it'll probably be time to go eat." The movie continued, people losing limbs, blood so much to the point it's almost hilarious. Tre watched the movie finish, the credits roll, and waiting for Vol 2.

Tre pressed the off button on the remote, the DVD Player turning off. It was still a couple of minutes till breakfast.

"Guess we should go now, eh?" Amelia nodded, and Tre waited for her at the door patiently as she finished doing her hair, and changing clothes.[/color][/size]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Freeking sweet! It's [b]aliiiive![/b] I'm so happy...

Sergio woke up slowly, being rather annoyed that he had to sleep with the lights on all the time. Was darkness such a bad thing? It must be, if a rule forebode staying in the darkness. A very peculiar rule, but a rule nonetheless.

Stretching as he got out of bed, he remembered what had happened yesterday. He had talked to Karyan, and saw the immense library. One could call it a very uneventful day, but not go so far as to say it was boring. The Russian girl was very intriguing, he thought, and she had seemed very curious as to how he read. It didn't bother him, but the thought also nagged at the back of his mind. Maybe he needed to read another astrophysics book to get his mind off of such things.

He picked up the book "Einstein and His Theories," seemed suitable. He got dressed into a black shirt and a pair of loose jeans, reading the book as he walked down the staircase. Several other people were chatting in the dining room, and probably loudly; he could hear them from around the corner. Perhaps it wouldn't be the best place to read his book?

"I should just talk to people..." he resolved, striding into the hall and taking a seat. Karyan, Alex, and Adian were all talking to one another, and Kai was silent. He sat a fair distance away from everyone else, picking up his book to read it as a donut and cinna-roll were placed before him on a platter. Nodding in approval, he set down his book and dug into his favorite breakfast foods. They tasted better than ever, but in the back of his mind, he wondered exactly how the Master of the Game knew his preferences. Years of stalking him? He didn't worry too much about it; the food was too good for that. Once he had finished a good part of the meal, he picked up his "interesting" book, and picked up where he left off on Quantum Mechanics.[/SIZE]
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I really dont know what to do guys...I'm very tempted to close the thread and start up a completely new thread so that new rpgr's can come into the mix..a reset so to say.

Since so many people have gotten up and left without telling me...I can't just simply kill everyone that isn't posting cause that'll just make the story a complete mess...*sigh*...if anyone has any suggestions for me...please let me know...cause as of now...we only have 6 out of the beginning 12 now left.

This story when it first started was amazing...i've gotten quite a few complements about it...and i'd hate to see it die; or not be used to its full potential. As I said...my only choice is to restart the rpg...PM about your alls thoughts please...thank you...i'd appreciate it a lot if you would.

Again...i am sorry for such a good story coming to a halt all of a sudden...and some of that is partially my fault. If i do start a completely new story...small changes will be made so that it never happens again.

take care...later

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