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Hair Colours!


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[size=1][color=#C82356]My natural hair color is black, or a dark-brown, the only time I've dyed my hair was in the 7th grade and it was blonde highlights, which turned my head really yellow, and at the moment I just want to dye my hair a spontaneous color. A friend of mine said blue, another said purple, silver, green, or even red.[/size][/color]
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[font=Book Antiqua][color=silver]I'm a natural red head. Right now my hair is red, though it's dyed. I've had my hair (forcebly and willingly) blonde, black, green, different shades of red, acctually blood red, deep aubern faded back into black, different shades of litteral orange, black with blue streaks, blue with black streaks, deep blue, white and gray. Half of those were experiments by my brother. :/ He's constantly tieing me down and dyeing my hair ;_;[/color][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=silver]lol. But My hair's not too fryed because I haven't been dying it quickly. Each of those colours have had a year or more in my hair.[/color][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][color=#c0c0c0]Current hair colour:[/color][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][color=#c0c0c0][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/Eeep/mehtired001.bmp[/img][/color][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][color=#c0c0c0]EDIT: Found it!!!! took this a day or so after I dyed my hair most recently. It's faded now and the camera I took the first pic with sucks ***.....[/color][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=#c0c0c0]...and yes...my house is a mess....so shush....[/color][/font]
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Brunette, and never dying. :) I'm the girl who's never needed her hair colored because I have those natural highlights. Very rich dark brown, but like most brunette's, looks almost red in sunlight. :) Simple, but I like it.
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Well, my hair is naturally a blackish shade of dark brown. I've never actually dyed it, but I have spray-colored my hair on occasion. A few years back, my Drama: Stage Craft class was covering how to apply stage make-up to make you look old. I washed the fake wrinkles off of my face, but kept the silver hairspray on for the rest of the day. Since then, one of my friends made my nickname Sisqo (the R&B singer who, for a time, dyed his hair silver).

A few Halloweens back, I was dressed as Beast from the X-Men, which gave me the chance to color my hair blue. Once again, it was sprayed on, but it took me 3 days before it completely washed out. I think I've still got some left in the can around here.

I promised myself long ago that I would never dye my hair blonde, as I just never thought black people looked right with blonde hair. Red, maybe. Blonde, no.

I've been thinking about putting a grey streak diagonally across the top of my head. Not completely across, though. Like maybe starting in the middle up front, then veering off to the side for about an inch or two. If not grey, maybe dark blue or dark red.
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[quote name='Juuthena][size=1]. Right now I'm looking at [b]Atomic Pink and Cupcake Pink by Special Effects[/b']. It's supposed to last really long, but that's why I'm concerned. According to a ton of customer reviews, once you do this pink, it'll be long before you can change it.[/size][/quote]

That's what I used last, Cupcake Pink ([URL=http://www.sweethypocrisies.com/obpics/data/media/36/pinkssm.jpg]Picture[/url]). It's a great color. How long it lasts really depends on how you use it. With most Special Effects stuff, if you bleach throroughly, it's going to last a pretty damn long time for a color of its type. I bleached a little, mostly the top area and that pink was in there for months (I had to cut off the remainder of it, it just wasn't fading). The stuff where I didn't bleach didn't last nearly as long.

It seriously sounds like you're doing this stuff too often though, if I'm reading this right. You're going to wind up scorching your hair.
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[size=1][color=slategray]Well, right now my hair is black, and I must say I look lovely in it. ;) But, my natural hair color is dirty blonde.
When I first dyed my hair black, everyone freaked out. Meh. I kept re-dying my hair all year, because after awhile everyone got used to it and though I looked cool with it. But... I am getting the urge to dye it another color. I was thinking, right before school starts again.. I'll just bleach it. That will freak everyone out even more. And if I do bleach it, I'll be dying it hot pink afterwards. That should be interesting. I just know for sure that I will be dying it a new color before school.
Claire loves hair dye.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]That's what I used last, Cupcake Pink ([URL=http://www.sweethypocrisies.com/obpics/data/media/36/pinkssm.jpg]Picture[/url]). It's a great color. How long it lasts really depends on how you use it. With most Special Effects stuff, if you bleach throroughly, it's going to last a pretty damn long time for a color of its type. I bleached a little, mostly the top area and that pink was in there for months (I had to cut off the remainder of it, it just wasn't fading). The stuff where I didn't bleach didn't last nearly as long.

It seriously sounds like you're doing this stuff too often though, if I'm reading this right. You're going to wind up scorching your hair.[/QUOTE]

[size=1]It's the last time I plan on dyeing it for a long time, though. If my hair wasn't turning grey right now, I wouldn't mind letting it grow out as is, but it's terribly messy, and araslkdjksajd. Yeah, definitely the last time. I had it highlighted with just bleached bits last summer, then dyed the entire thing brown, then got icky aqua-y highlights in, then bleached, and now I'm blue. Not THAT terrible, but this month has been quite a crash course for my hair.

But ! it's fantastic the pink doesn't fade off! I really want it to last so I can just grow out my hair my natural dark brown again, but with the ends the remaining pink. And I plan on mixing Atomic Pink and Cupcake Pink together. Love how it looked on yours, by the way.

By any chance, do you remember how much you paid for it? My dad's a tad hesitant that I'm buying all the stuff online with the shipping and handling and askdj, but Hot Topic's the only other place I know that sells it and it supposedly costs $15 there. =/[/size]
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I only pay around $8 a bottle for Special Effects... But I don't go to Hot Topic for it. I assume it would be most expensive there. I go to a local place.

You might even want to try eBay. I've gotten quite a bit off there for next to nothing.

ArunueShekamari - I really like that color in your second picture. I can't even make it out in the first one, lol.
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[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]I only pay around $8 a bottle for Special Effects... But I don't go to Hot Topic for it. I assume it would be most expensive there. I go to a local place.

You might even want to try eBay. I've gotten quite a bit off there for next to nothing.

ArunueShekamari - I really like that color in your second picture. I can't even make it out in the first one, lol.[/QUOTE]

[size=1]I tried searching on the 'net for a store that always has it in stock, and Hot Topic's the only thing that showed up. I'm ordering it [url=http://www.amphigory.com/special_effects_hairdye.html]here[/url] tomorrow morning. I hope their bleaching kit's good, as I'm ordering two. _-_

I went to several beauty salons + random stores on Haight street, but the only brand they held was Manic Panic.[/size]
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Guest Malum_Mae
[FONT=CenturyGothic][COLOR=Indigo]I've changed my hair color since I was 15 and to be honest I really don't remember my natural hair color. Let's see these are the colors I've done so far,
strawberry blonde/black with red streaks in the front that later faded to bright orange/brown with blonde highlights/white for a very long time/deepest indigo/blonde/brown with white streaks in the front/brown with chestnut streaks cause my school made me for grad pictures/ auburn/red/black/blonde/bright red/white/deepest indigo with one white streak in the front/ black with streak/black with streak and red highlights cause work said I looked to goth (no duh)/brown with streak for along time/bright red and I mean bright like this :o /deepest indigo with deepest plum streaks/brown/blonde/flourescent pink with lilac purple roots/blonde/ and finally blonde with blood red streaks that faded quick cause of the stupid pool. An since I haven't seen my natural hair color in so long my friends made me promise to let it grow out for new years next year. I'm kinda afraid to see my real color. :animedepr[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[font=Garamond][size=2][color=seagreen]My luscious glory is naturally brown and I've never really had the urge to dye it. If I did dye it, though, I would make it bright red, and then style it like Jimmy Urine. The only problem is that at my school, if your hair isn't a "natural" color, they make you take it out, which I think has to violate some sort of laws about free expression or some other lot.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Garamond][size=2][color=#2e8b57]I would also like to see what I would look like with shockingly white hair. Very white. Or how handsome I would be sporting a hot pink mohawk. Ahh...I can only imagine for now...but, soon, it will happen...[/color][/size][/font]
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I've got the most boring hair color in the world. It's mud brown. :animesigh
I have dyed it pink before...got ALL over my clothes lol....yeah...I did it myself! :nope:
Haaaahh...It actually looked pretty cool...kinda like Rose's from FMA.
I did it for Halloween, but I left in in for about a month afterward, I freaked those NORMAL peoples out!!! :freak:

But Master dyed his hair bright, bright red! (Even though he's already IrishCanadian)
It was so friggin hot! ...So bright it blinded me... :hippy:
So remember peoples! Don't dye your hair to bright unless you want to permanently scar the peoples around you! :: points at the glasses that'r falling off her nose:: :animeknow
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i've put blonde streaks in my hair back when i was ten, and dyed it highliter orange once for halloween. lucky for me, that was permanent. lol my naturaly hair color is dirty blonde. i haven't dyed my hair at all besides from thw 2 incidents io just mentioned, but in a couple months, i'm getting my hair dyed blue.
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[color=darkviolet]I don't know why I just thought of this but:

When I become an old lady with gray hair, I'm going to dye my hair pink. The same shade of pink as Utena, ChibiUsa, ChibiChibi and Tickled Pink from RainBow Bright.

I don't know if that will emberass my kids or grandkids, but I don't really believe I'll care. Since I'll be an old lady. And children should respect their elders. :p

But for now I will keep my mid length layered hair deep red and sedate. That way I have a better chance of being hired for a job[/color]
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[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I don't know why I just thought of this but:

When I become an old lady with gray hair, I'm going to dye my hair pink. The same shade of pink as Utena, ChibiUsa, ChibiChibi and Tickled Pink from RainBow Bright.[/color][/QUOTE]

Have you ever seen that show... It's some English show that's usually on PBS about people who work at some department store. I have no idea what the name is.

Anyway, there's an old lady on there that always has purple or pink hair. I don't think you want to look like her lol.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I will admit currently my hair is brown-black. If I ever dye it, bleach will have to factor into the act heavily...I want to dye it either maroon or flaming pink...

And when I'm old and grey, forget pink...florescent green and spiky is the way to go. ;)[/COLOR]
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For bleach, is 40 vol. okay? I spent a good portion of yesterday going through LiveJournal communities about hair trying to figure out what everyone's opinion was. See, along with my order, the two bottles of bleach are both 40 vol., however the top layer of my hair has been bleached already. Er, so basically...

Is 40 vol. really damaging?
Would I have to start from the bottom -> up bleaching since the hair closest to my neck is still darkdark brown?

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[QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]Have you ever seen that show... It's some English show that's usually on PBS about people who work at some department store. I have no idea what the name is.

Anyway, there's an old lady on there that always has purple or pink hair. I don't think you want to look like her lol.[/QUOTE]
[size=1]XD 'Are You Being Served'. I've seen it, and I know who you're talking about. Yeah, as long as she doesn't put her hair UP, she should be fine. :sweat:

Anyone know a good brand for highlighting hair in light golds and dark reds?[/size]
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[b][size=1]I think my hair has been every colour imaginable...[/size][/b]

[b][size=1]I usually change it about every six months or so, but more often than not, it's some form of blue or it's a bright spring green... and occasionally it's both...[/size][/b]
[b][size=1]Right now, my hair is dreaded and it's both green and blue... I like my hair colour to look like the sea, and I think I did a pretty good job of that.[/size][/b]
[b][size=1]The only problem is that my natural haircolour is really dark, so I have to strip all the colour out if I want the haircolour to look like it's supposed to. It totally fries my hair. If it wasn't in dreads, it would probably look pretty frizzy and ugly, but with dreads, it's kind of hard to tell how damaged the hair actually is...[/size][/b]
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[COLOR=Indigo]Ive died my hair a a crap load of different colours. Ive had it purple, brown, silve, orange, blue and well black i think. But honestly my original hair colour is the one that ment for me. I look good in it and its an awesome colours.

my original hair colour is a orangish-red with blonde highlights. Its strawberry blonde and i love it. ^^[/COLOR]
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Guest Death Rose
Hey everyone! My hair has been all kind's of colors has i even had more then one color hair. Sometimes my hair turns out to look bad really really bad :animedepr i was soooo sad sometimes to think my hair can turn out like that :animecry: but im better.
Bye love
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I've always thought about trying blue or pink hair, but never got around to it. Mainly I like to use a strawberry blonde color. Since my own hair is dark blonde even when the red fades it looks really nice. I use to have nice pale blonde hair but as I've gotten older it keeps getting darker even to the point where I have dark reddish brown hairs in the mix. lol can't complain though, it's better than getting gray hairs I suspose. :animesmil Sersiously though I didn't realize you could dye your hair silver, perhaps I should try that next. Since the blonde's in my family never get gray hair It's proably the only way I can get it! LOL
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