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Hair Colours!


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[QUOTE=Juuthena][size=1]What unnatural [temporary/semiperm/permanent] hair colours have you had, what's your natural hair colour, and what colour is it now? And finally, pictures would be fun as well. =D


[color=#B0251E]I'm pretty boring compared to many of you, hehe. My natural hair colour is black.

I've only ever really had it dyed once; electric blue. I had very vivid electric blue running through most of my hair. It was more like blue hair with black streaks, I guess.

Other than that, there isn't much I've tried. A friend of mine bleached his hair until it was white, once...and that really appealed to me. So I'd like to try that one day.

*rubs chin* But I'm not sure what other colours I'd get. I'd like to get electric red streaks next though, maybe. It seems like some of you have posted some good recommendations in this thread anyway.[/color]
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[SIZE=1]Natural hair color; medium brown. I began highlighting my hair when I was about thirteen. Since my mom would get it done she would take me along. I always got blonde highlights, nothing drastic. I did that for awhile. Last year I started dying it darker brown, one of the colors I tried had a tad of redish in it, which was cool. ^_^

I'd been wanting to blue/black for awhile but was always scared with how it'd turn out. A friend of mine had it last year. So in September I finaly got the courage to do it. I love it. The blue shows up more in sunlight, which we don't have much of at the moment. Can't wait for sunshine.

I never liked the jet black hair, I don't mean the natural black, I mean the dyed [i]jet[/i] black. It looks so artificial to me.

Whats odd is that over the summer she dyed hers back to her natural brown but added blonde highlights, which she still has now. I'm still blue/black.

I've always wanted to try something really drastic though, like light blue, but I dunno.

Blonde is so popular nowadays, so I don't plan on getting that anytime soon.

Versions of meh hair, view image. Ah three years old, the sunkist look. My hair always seemed lighter in Arizona because of the sun. ^_^[/SIZE]
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Guest Death Rose
I want blue and red and greeen hair ( not good colors to mix but whos cares) And i wish i could dye my hair sliver YAY! (so cool) i'll be like someone form anime ( Why do anime poeple have those colors for hair it kinda wierd that they where born with purple green and blue and silver hair) ( AHHHHHHHHH it to early in the morning im thinking what a nightmare)( leave anime alone it not there fault they like it) (ok) (sorry) (just thinking) Well bye
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Well, last year i attempted to dye my hair black...and well it didn't go over too well. lol First started by bleaching it which turned it a pumpkin orange, dyed it 'black' which was really just a shade darker than my brown hair, which washed out to olive green.

(the pics are really big so just follow the link)

^^ok...things aren't looking too bad...this is going to be dyed over anyway

^^not quite the color i was hoping for...but its better than pumpkin orange i guess

:animenose NAHG!!! what the duce happened?! this was brown 2 days ago!!!! :animecry:

well that's the story of my hair fiasco...lol
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