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Religous question(Do not read if you are easily offended by talks about religon)

Drizzt Do'urden

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Guest Alchemist
To me that the whole original sin is a way to scare people in to church. Religous fundamentalist are always talking about how the unsaved are violent and kill people, etc. Load, the funny thing is most atheist and non-religous like myself, are not violent and do not kill. Also they say getting your children involved with youth religous groups decreases there wanting of alchol and smoking, onceagain a laod. I hae a friend who goes to 3 different churche services every SUNday, yet she still goes out and drinks and gets laid. But calls heself a good christian.
In general religon is mostly for people who can not think for themselves. And need a giant light orb to tell them everything. Godelsensei is upport ya.
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If by "light orb" you mean "truth" , then yes. Yes indeed.

Everyone has original sin, because it is just another term for the fallibility of human reason. It doesn't make non-religious any more violent than religious though. I think you are doing some heavy stereotyping there by assuming that we believe that crap. Although if it's fundamentalists you are talking about, then maybe you are right, I forget if Roman Catholic is fundamentalist or not. I'm pretty sure it isn't though.
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[quote name='Sepiroth']Religous fundamentalist are always talking about how the unsaved are violent and kill people, etc. Load, the funny thing is most atheist and non-religous like myself, are not violent and do not kill.[/quote]I second Gravy Train in saying that I have [i]no idea[/i] what the hell you're talking about. Not even Fundamentalists think that. Guess that goes a long way to show how far making up **** off the top of your head will get you, lol.

[quote name='Sephiroth']Also they say getting your children involved with youth religous groups decreases there wanting of alchol and smoking, onceagain a laod. I hae a friend who goes to 3 different churche services every SUNday, yet she still goes out and drinks and gets laid. But calls heself a good christian.[/quote]Once again, just who is telling you all this? Let me guess: your marvelous intuition. Youth groups (most of them, at least) do [i]try[/i] to get kids away from that lifestyle, but it's quite obvious that it doesn't always help. As for your friend, I'd say that that's not who you should be basing your view of Chrisitanity off of, but that's definitely more her fault than yours.

[quote name='Sephiroth']In general religon is mostly for people who can not think for themselves. And need a giant light orb to tell them everything. Godelsensei is upport ya.[/quote]Hasn't this issue already been cleared up? [b]Religion is not a crutch for depressed people.[/b] And moreover, you're not cool or smart for thinking it is.
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A classical, socialistic view of Religion, or more specifically, Christianity, by Rosa Luxemburg, a polish, female, Socialist-Democrat. (The article is long, I know, but if your interested...)

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