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Sandman Chronicles: A Rescue [M


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[size=1][color=indigo]Velvet was still blushing, and quickly returned the kiss before grabbing a pleated mini-skirt in indigo, a whit tank top, and some other things. She handed them to Leslie, and stepped out of the closet, slowly closing the door behind her. She listened as Leslie got dressed, and went downstairs to find Julia.

Someone rang the doorbell, and Velvet opened it, her face still warm. It was Sol and Sean. She smiled at them, and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

[b]?Your face is red.?[/b]

Velvet blinked a couple times, and then replied, ?[b]Leslie just took a shower and there?s steam everywhere. You two need something?[/b]? Sol began talking to her mentally, in private.

[i]Velvet, I?m worried about you. We don?t even know-

Sol, are you jealous or something?

What? No, I-[/i]

Velvet shut down her mind to him, but smiled at Shaun. ?[b]All right, you two, go home. You know we girls are fine.?[/b] She punched Sol?s arm playfully, but slightly harder than if she had actually been playing. She could feel Sol?s hurt feelings directed at her, but she didn?t respond.

?[b]Okay, lover boy, lets go.[/b]?

Shaun practically dragged Sol down the steps, laughing. Velvet had the door closed before they were even off the porch. She stood in the hallway, suppressing anger.

OOC: Tag anyone.[/size][/color]
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[color=blue][size=1]Sol was worried now. She had seemed like she was hiding someting. He didn't know what, but it worried him. He started back towards Shaun's house, hands in pockets. He glanced reproachfully at Velvet's house. He didn't know if she still had him blocked.

[i]Vel....I'm sorry. I'm just worried. Sandman might come back for you. If he did...[/i] Sol cut off.

"Shaun, what do ya got at your house to eat? I asked ya before." Sol grunted, without much enthusiam. He thought about Shaun. He was a nice enough guy, but Sol couldn't break his demenor he had for so long for some reason. He was just...walled in.

"We got some shit in the freezer. Other than that, we can, like, try to order a pizza or something. Dunno if they deliver to my house."[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=Plum]It seemed an awkard moment after the two boys left, the rude one being dragged by his friend. Julia felt out of place and didn't want to stay there any longer. At the same time she didn't want to leave Velvet.

"It's been such a long time...since-since I stood over someone's house or even had a friend to talk to.? Julia spoke in a slight whisper.

"I konw...when we hugged eachother I felt all the pain you had inside..I'm sorry about your losses..." Velvet said trying to sound assuring.

"Don't be...I don't need anyone else to carry my pain..." Julia said walking pass Velvet and leaving out the door.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]"Pizza it is then..." Sean said finally.

Sol agreed, and Sean ordered two giant pizza's for the both of them.

"Eh so Sol, what was that all about then?" Sean asked, after he had ordered the pizza, and they were both settled back in seans room again.

"It doesn't matter..." Sol snuffed.

Sean shook his head and sent a message to Velvet with his mind.

[i]Vel, give Sol a break, he's only worried about you[/i]

Velvet never replied after, but Sean snuffed that away and sat on his bed, he flicked through half a dozen CD's till he came to 'Ride The Lightning' by Metallica.

"Hey, listen to Metallica?" Sean asked, Sol shrugged so Sean put it on anyway. He switched to his favourite song; Fade To Black.

Finally he got a message back from Velvet, it was a strong signal.

[i]It doesn't matter Sean, I'll see you guys tomorrow, no funny business, and no coming over again[/i]

Sean laughed, as he stood up.

"Come on Sol, let's do some Covert Ops across the street" Sean laughed.[/COLOR]
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Velvet reached out and pulled Julia back in the house, and the girls nearly identical eyes flashed. [I]You can?t keep letting yourself be beaten, Julia!

What? I?m not!

You are! He?s battering your mind, and I won?t let you take this by yourself!

I?m not you, Velvet! I can take this!

I know you?re not me! That is not the point! You?re only human![/I]

Julia stopped trying to fight, and slid to the floor. Velvet knelt next to her, and looked at her sternly. ?[b]You go take a long, hot bath ? not a shower ? and I?ll order pizza.[/b]? Velvet smiled softly. ?[b]We?ll watch some movies and have a pillow fight. We need to loosen up.[/b]?

Julia nodded blankly. Velvet hoped she hadn?t hurt the girls mind while getting her point through. She helped Julia stand, and they went back to Velvet?s room. Soon Julia was in the bathroom, and Velvet ordered a large pepperoni pizza and cheese sticks. She and Leslie dragged out Velvet?s large collection of movies, and waited as the pizza came.

Velvet looked over to Leslie, and scooted closer. She hesitantly put an arm around Leslie, and kissed the girl before she had a chance to move away. Velvet looked into Leslie?s startled eyes, and said, ?[b]Leslie?[/b]?

OOC: Tag. ;)[/size][/color]
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[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue]Leslie looked into Velvet's eyes, and her skin started tingling when she felt Velvet's warm hand on her thigh. Leslie couldn't find the words to say. Her tongue seemed to be working against her. She licked her lips a little, and finally managed to say:[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue][b]"Velvet...I...Are you sure you want to do this?"[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue]Velvet kissed Leslie again, and nodded.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue][b]"Hey, you were the one that started it."[/b] Velvet winked.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue]Leslie started blushing, as she felt Velvet's hand go further up her thigh. Leslie looked away.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue][b]"I know...I was going to say sorry about that, I..."[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue]Before Leslie finished her sentence, Velvet grabbed her chin, and made her look into her eyes.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue][b]"Do not apologize."[/b] Velvet said, emphasizing each word.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue]Leslie's eyes started to water, and she pulled Velvet into a deep kiss.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue][b]OOC: Tag, Skye. ~.^ (Sorry about the shortness, I'm not feeling too good.)[/b][/color][/size][/font]
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[size=1][color=indigo]OOC: Yeah, you go sleep if you need to. ;) I?m gonna put spoilers up, so no one has to read what they don?t want to.

[spoiler]Velvet let her tongue trace Leslie?s lips, her hand resting on the other girls thigh. The other went to Leslie?s waist, and the girls lied down on the floor, Velvet on top of Leslie. Their lips were still locked, and the younger girl slid a hand up Leslie?s shirt. Velvet broke the kiss, lips trailing down Leslie?s cheek and to her collarbone.

Leslie gasped as Velvet?s hand touched sensitive skin beneath the skirt. The girls wore nearly identical outfits, and Leslie unbuttoned Velvet?s skirt.

?[b]Velvet? are you-[/b]?

Velvet pressed a finger to the girls lips, and slipped their tank tops off. Her lips traveled farther down Leslie?s torso, fingers working at the buttons on Leslie?s skirt as she kicked her own away. She paused to listen for sounds of Julia, but heard none.

Suddenly, Velvet took one of Leslie?s nipples in her mouth, trace around with her tongue. Leslie gasped lightly and her back arched.[/spoiler]


The girls jerked up, and looked to the window. Sol and Shaun knelt on the window sill, and Sol?s face was one of pure rage. Velvet hurried to dress, anger boiling up inside of her.

OOC: Tag, Spencer.[/size][/color]
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[color=blue][size=1]"No need, I have survellance of my own in there." Sol spoke, then ate the last piece of pizza. He had used the mirror and his telepathy to make it a video camera of sorts. He could access it at any time. Last time he checked was about ten minutes ago.

"I'll check in on them." He accessed the mirror again, and saw Leslie and Velvet kissing, with passion. He felt his eyes get hot, and the warmth, unwelcome warmth, spread down his face.

[i]...Shaun, Look at this.[/i] He gave access to it to Shaun, who looked pale and ghostlike after he saw. "Dude...." Shaun began, then faltered. "Man...I feel bad for ya..." Is what he managed to say. Sol felt his sadness seep into rage. He lept out the window, and landed on his feet. He was pissed.

He began throwing things into a whirlwind, cars, lamp posts, anything besides people. [i][b]Why?[/i][/b] Sol thought simply as he landed on the window seal, Shaun behind him. The whirlwind subdued, Sol tried to calm down.[/color][/size]
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OOC: Whoah! Great twist i love it!

Sammy was sitting on the sofa flipping through the channels with Rita on her right side and Carly on her left.

"You have 1,000 channels and theres nothing to watch..that is just sad.." Sammy said as she passed the 505th channel.

"Gimme the remote!" Carly exclaimed and took the remote from Sammys hand. She put the channel on 54, the Disney channel.

"Wow Carly looks like you got that channel mesmorized.." Sammy chuckled. Rita looked sharply at Sammy as if she were going to say "She did not just do that..". Carly's face was full of rage. She took a pillow and was about to hit Sammy when a wave of telepathic waves came through thier minds.


" SHUT UP!" the next one yelled.

"Is that Velvey and Sol..." questioned Sammy. Carly put her pillow down slowly "Lets go find out" she responded.

All 3 of them quickly put on thier jackets and went outside. They say Sean and Sol looking into Velvets window. Velvet's head was hanging out yelling at Sol. Sean looked over at Sammy and signaled her to come over. The three jogged over toward the comotion.

'What happened here?!" Sammy practically yelled.

"You firend is a lesbian thats what happened here!" Sol yelled at Sammy

"DON'T EVEN START WITH ME SOL!" Sammy said loudly but under her breath makign a evil sounf effect.

"NO I WON'T" he yelled even louder this time.


Sammy had taken the first swing and Sol took the second. Now the both of them were fist fighting and on the ground. Carly hurridly and took Sol and held him tightly. Rita was puzzled and Sean took Sammy. Sammy was trying to kick Sol from the position she was in but it was useless.

"Oh my gosh you guys.." Velvet said holding her head.

"HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT DAVID!" Rita yelled. Everyone broke into a silence, it was true they had forgotten about David and what thier cause was. Carly let Sol go who looked Sammy in the eye. Sammy looked away, when they were fighting Sammy felt a new feeling for Sol. But, she isn't sure what it is. Sammy broke away and went over to sit on a bench with her head in her hands.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Rita stared at everyone in disbelief. Here they were fighting when a friend is in need help. It irked her that she actually had to yell at them. She watched as Sammy sat down on the bench with her hands in between her head. There was an awkward silence that seemed to linger between the group. A feel of tension was starting to creep through her mind. Rita looked at the group most where trying not to make eye contact with anyone else.

?Listen we should come up with a plan.? Rita broken the awkward silence like a knife cutting a piece of cake. An agreement could be heard mumbled though them and a nod or two were placed. Sol glanced at Velvet. Rita was sure there was going to be another fight.

?Listen whatever has happened lets just put that aside right now.? Carly put in; she must have seen the glance as well. ?We can not accomplish anything if you are fighting among yourselves.?

Rita walked over to Sammy and put her hand on her shoulder, everyone else head inside Velvet?s house. ?Come on Sammy lets head inside.? Sammy looked up at her and grimaced. ?Okay.? They walked and everyone sat around the living room. Rita took a set on the floor and rested her back up against the wall.
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[size=1][color=#C82356]Being the eldest of the group, Carly looked to Sol who curled his hands into a fist. He was angry inside and it burned a hole in his spirit. Sean looked to Carly who folded her arms across her chest; he took this to be a sign to head inside. Sol then released his fists and jammed his hands into his pockets, knowing that he and Carly was the only two outside. She merely waited for him to say something, but in his mind he only said, why?

Sol sighed and walked towards the door when Carly put him in a telepathic bind. He tried to free himself but her power was greater than his. He tried to unlock her binding with his telekinetic power, but even that was no match for her telepathy. Carly closed her eyes and put a hand to her head. She looked up and walked to Sol.

[B]Let me go, you hag![/B] An small insult, but an insult no less, came fom Sol's mouth. [B]If you don't let me go, I'll...[/B]

[B]You'll what? You don't have the capacity to even do anything at the moment and you expect yourself to try something with me?[/B] Carly stopped him and looked at him with a scornful eye. She waited for the end of his sentence, but knew that he had nothing to say, knowing that he was useless in this fight. She sighed and unbinded him, allowing him the freedom to move, but created a barrier so that he was not allowed into the home until she was finished talking to him. Sol stood there, waiting for Carly to say something, anything, yet he was the first.

[i]I saw them and I asked "why?" Why me? Why her? Just why?

I know it's hard to realize that the one person you liked, loved, whatever, has just shown her true emotions to another person, a person of the same gender as she.

How can you know?[/i] He then realized that he was out of his league when it came to relationships while talking with Carly. [B]Never mind. Look, I'll stop fighting, can I just go in?[/B]

[i]No. I know how you feel, I've been there. Not in this situation, but I've been there. I've loved and lost, I've lost, and I've just been there. It still haunts me because no matter what I do, it won?t leave until I fully accept the fact that it happened. Being a telepath of my stature, you tend to remember things that you don't necessarily want to. Let your feelings out, don't suppress them. The longer you hold it in, the harder it is to let it out, and the more difficult it gets for your life.[/i][B]"Here, go inside. It's going to rain again."[/B]

With a small sigh, Carly put down the barrier and Sol walked in. She knew how hard it was for someone to lose a person even if they were right there. It hurts, but you have to move on, knowing that a relationship is a relationship, no matter what it is.

[B]OOC:[/B] Yuck, not my best, but Tag: Anyone.[/size][/color]
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Sammy paused as everyone went into Velvets house. She stood outside and returned to her place on the bench. Sol soon came out pissed off and took a second look back at Sammy. He walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"Sorry.." Sammy said looking down.

"No...i'm sorry... i shouldn't have been so mad with Velvet, it's not like she's teh only girl on the world right?" he sad ducing his head a little lower to look at Sammy.

"I guess so.." she said still looking down. Sammy wasn't noticing what Sol was trieng to do.

"I kinda liked someone else than Velvet...but i didn't want to show it..." he said softly.

Sammy finally looked up from focusing on the ground. She looked at Sol

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously.

"Well..we always fought and bickered...ever since she moved here..." hi smiled a bit.

"Whats her name?' Sammy sad still not getting it.

Sol sighed "Samantha Sope...". Sammy looked confused.

Sol leaned over to her. At first she pulled back but then she knew it was right. She kissed him back. Wen ammy broke the kiss she said "I liked you at first..but didn't think you liked me..".

Sol nodded his head "Aways.."

OOC: Sorry took me so long i had writers block for liek ten minutes! Oh yea Jian did you wat it like that or you want me to change it? please PM me if you think i eed o cange it
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[color=blue][size=1]Sol looked at the ground after the kiss. He leaned agains the wall, letting his brown hair fall over his eyes.

"But, I don't know, I mean, Vel might of just been testing it.."

"Well, you don't know till you ask."

"Suppose your right." Sol knew he had feelings for both, but he needed to see wether Velvet was just experimenting, or not. He walked in the house, right behind Velvet, then put his hand gently on her shoulder.

"Vel, can we talk for a mintue?" He asked, trying to keep his rage bottled up. He'd take it out on something else later.

"Umm...sure." She led him to her room, and closed the door.

"Sol, I know you feel angry about it-"

"Velvet, just...tell me [i]why[/i]. I understand Leslie is cute, I've went after her a few times, but never suceeded. I just want to know if you were experimenting, or if you've had a relationship this whole time. Its not my place to ask, but I wish it was, so I am asking."[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=indigo]Velvet looked down. ?[b]We?ve never had a relationship; but I ? I wouldn?t call it experimenting, either.[/b]? Sol was silent. The silence continued, and then Velvet said:

?[b]Sol, I do love you. I always have. But? you?re to much like an older brother to me.[/b]?

Sol nodded, and then hugged her. ?[b]Hey, it?s okay, Velvet. I just ? needed to know.[/b]?

He left, and Velvet was alone. She sat on her bed, her mind whirling. She had just told Sol no. And it hadn?t hurt him. That was so hard for her to believe, but it lifted a weight off her shoulders. Looking up at the creak of the door and the floorboards, Velvet burst into tears.

Gentle arms went around her as Carly sat down. Velvet buried her face in the older women?s shoulder, and they sat there for ten minutes while Carly cooed to her softly.

?[b]Carly, I hate this![/b]?

?[b]I know, Vel, I know. Sometimes you wish this had never happened.[/b]?

Velvet nodded, and Carly still held her. ?[b]God, how much I need a real mother figure.[/b]? She smiled softly, resting. ?[b]And god how tired crying makes me.[/b]?

OOC: Tag, Arika![/size][/color]
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[color=blue][size=1] After the hug, Sol went down the stairs. He felt...empty. Like he had a hole in his chest. He went into the bathroom, and locked the door.

"Goddamn it!" He yelled, wiping his eyes with his arm as the tears came out. He felt so damn empty. He loved her...His rage began to overflow, but he pushed it back down. Sol slammed his fists against the sink. "Damn it damn it damn it!" He stopped cussing, and went out, after his eyes had went from red to normal.

"Hey, Sammy." Sol greeted her. "I don't know what to do now..." He began to tell her what he had spoke about with Velvet.[/color][/size]

OOC: My brain is dead. Sorry for the short post. >_<
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[size=1][color=#C82356]Holding Velvet in her arms, Carly looked back on the days when she wished that she could cry. It was hard for her to show emotion for it never really came to her as a human effect, only that she could feel others' emotions was the only closest to hers. She understood how Velvet felt and what the situation was like, but she never once cried herself, not even on her own time.

Velvet looked up and choking sobs exited as hiccups. Smiling, Carly comforted her and wiped her tears away. She could see that Velvet missed that bond between a mother and a daughter, while Carly missed having that relationship. She smiled and suddenly, at that moment, felt as if Velvet and she had been searching for each other all of their lives.

[B]"You must be tired. Do you want me to stay or can you handle the night alone with the others?"[/B] Silence hung in the air as Carly awaited an answer. [B]"If you want me to stay with you, I can."

"No, I think I can handle it. If I need anything, I can call, right?"

"Of course, sweetheart. I'm only a thought away if you ever need anything."[/B]

Velvet smiled feebly and hugged Carly. [B]"Thanks."[/B]

She left and Carly was alone in the room, left there to think of her own days, the days that left her angered and alone. She sighed and stood, knowing that those days would stick by her, never leaving, only a motion picture in her mind, reminding her. Yet, she knew that in her heart that Velvet may be the bright star against her dark nights. It may seem that she had become a surrogate mother, someone who can depend on her and look up to her, someone who just needs someone to be there, carrying her when troubles get her down... at least there someone.[/size][/color]
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Sammy wrapped her arms around Sol.

"It's ok...it will be all right.." she whispered.

Sol wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her deeply. Sammy pulled him closer. They continued to kiss until someone entered, it was Sean. He looked around eyes wide.

"Um.. sorry to interrupt but have you seen my toothbrush laying around?" the both pointed in the bathroom ontop of the counter.

"Oh..." Sean slowly made his way over to the counter and picked it up. "Thanks..." he slowly walked out of the room wondering what they were doing before he got thier. He snickered and walked down the stairs.

Sol looked at Sammy and asked her a question as they were swaying.

"Your not gay are you..." he asked his face very seious.

"Uh.." Sammy said.

Sol looked very worried at that moment.

"Just kidding! No im not!" she laughed hysterically falling on the floor. She barely made out the sentence

"You...you..shouldv'e...seen..your face! HAHAHAHAHAHA" she was rolling on teh floor holding her stomach.

Sol was the only one not laughing.

OOC: Hey how do you make your pos all balcked out like that steph?
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[b]OOC[/b]: Spoiler Tags: [*spoiler] text [*/spoiler] - Sorry for the short post.

[COLOR=DarkRed]Shaun started walking down the stairs, toothbrush in hand, but stopped, the air was cold around where he was standing. He rubbed his hands together and turned around, he thought to himself, and walked back to the room with Sammy and Sol.

He walked in again, this time bursting into something worse, he took a deep breath and pulled Sol away from the scene. He took another deep breath and punched him, hard smack in the nose.

?Wha! What the hell was that for??


Shaun turned around and walked back down the stairs, dropping the toothbrush onto the cold hard floor. Shaun disappeared into another corridor, leaving Sol clutching his nose.[/COLOR]
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[color=blue][size=1]Sol gripped his nose, then let the blood flow down. It was the blood of a coward, he knew. Running from his fears. He let his flow down his hand, onto his arm. [i]Better on me than in my stomach.[/i] Sol told himself, and wiped it away, flicking his arm at the sink as blood flew off of it.

He walked back to Sammy. "I don't think that this'll work out." He told her, having cleared his nose from the clotting blood. His voice was husky, and deep, from the punch. He looked at her. "Its just...unnatrual. One second we're trying to kill each other, the next..." He trailed off.

"But..." Sammy started.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Sol left. [i]Maybe I was too harsh...[/i] Sol proceeded up the steps, wondering if he had let her down easy enough. He knew what he had to do, and he had to do it fast. The stairs ended, the rise of the height like the rise of his anticipation.

Sol traversed the hall to Velvet's room, where the door was closed. He knocked on it gently, and when he heard no answer, he pushed it open. Only Carly sat on her bed, quiet.

"Carly...do you know where Velvet is?"

"I think you just missed her. Try the other set of stairs. She probably took them, instead of the Main Stairwell."

"Thanks...and if she shows up here first, just keep her occupied." Sol left the room, the door closing with a soft clink. Indeed, another set of stairts were there, in a walk in closet in the middle of the hall, half concealed by shadows and clothes.

Sol ran down the stairs, being careful not to trip. He saw Velvet at the end, and she turned around a bit, just enough to see the tearstains on her cheeks. He reached the end.

"Velvet..I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. I...you may....I was hurt, no matter what my reaction was up there..."

"What I'm trying to say is....I lov....love you." He finished, looking at her.[/color][/size]

[b]OOC:[/b] Tag, Mouse!
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[size=1][color=indigo]Velvet was completely silent. Her mind wasn?t blocked to him, neither were her emotions. She was cold as stone to his touch. She didn?t move, and the her lips parted, and she responded. ?[b]Sol, I can?t do this. I can?t watch everyone grow close and away from me, but I can?t grow close. I have no options left, Sol. I grow close, I risk hurting someone. But I can?t just watch everyone go on without me.[/b]?

Velvet lifted her face to look at him, tears streaming silently down her face again. Sol stepped closer, and she didn?t move. One hand went to her chin, tilting it up. Velvet?s deep purple eyes looked at him full of tears, and then he kissed her, gently. Her eyes closed, and she leaned against his familiar warmth.

[I]So soft?

So warm?

So familiar?[/I]

Sol?s arms wrapped around her waist, and her lips parted beneath his. Her hands went and laced through his hair, as the kiss deepened. Velvet pulled back, opening her eyes. They were still full of tears, but she blinked them away as she saw Sol?s broken nose. ?[b]Oh! Sol, your nose, what-[/b]?

Sol smiled sheepishly. ?[b]Shaun. He punched me for you.[/b]?

Velvet flushed, and looked down. ?[b]He did? Why?[/b]?

Shaun answered for himself, standing behind them. ?[b]Because Sol loves you and was trying to deceive himself. And because you?re my friend and I can?t let him do that to you.[/b]?

OOC: Tag anyone![/size][/color]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Shaun grinned and punched Sol?s arm.

?I?ll be seeing you two later? he winked to Velvet and Sol who both just shook their heads, Shaun laughed and ran up the set of stairs. Hearing muffled whispers and compressed hugs going on behind him.

?Now?? Shaun, clasped his hands together and rubbed them, thinking of what hat happened, he walked out onto the open street, it was cold and silent, he looked up into the moon, it was low tonight, and so big, it was even quite bright without the street lights that were flickering on and off.

Shaun sat down on a bench on the street, it must be late, no lights were on in the street anymore, and he could sense deep snoring, and silent clicking of keyboard keys as teenagers tried to keep quiet so there parents wouldn?t know they were up.

?Geh, what a day!? Shaun exclaimed.

?What a day, indeed? said a deeper voice from behind Shaun, he tried to turn around but there was a rope already around his neck, he tried to kick out, but his legs and feet were already tied together. His arms flailed out but as soon as they came close to the man they got brought down and together.

He felt a strong presence of magic, and his cries for help from his mind ending up nowhere because of the magic around Shaun. He resorted to normal cries for help, he managed three before his mouth was taped over.

?Your friends heard that, you better hope they don?t see us? said the voice.[/COLOR]
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[color=blue][size=1] Sol's arms were still around her waist. He smiled and pulled her closer. She took her hand, laying it gently on the bridge of his nose.Sol took her hand, lacing her finger's with his. He began to focus on his nose, and where it was broken. He began to pull it together, and go into the very cells themselves, making the cartilige produce much faster, healing his nose.

"Vel....I'm sorry." His hands went back around her waist. He bit his lip softly.

"Sol..I know it looked bad for you, when me and Leslie were..." Sol let her trail off, as he knew how to finish her sentence. As her words drifted from the air into his ear, he pulled her close in for another kiss, his lips touching her's softly, then with more passion.

"After we get things settled here, I proimse we'll save David." Sol told her, breaking the kiss gently, then resuming. His hand pressed her lower back softly.[/color][/size]

[b]OOC:[/b] Tag, Steff.
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Sammy heard something and looked around. It was was sniffeling, she followed the sound and followed it to a bush across the street. When she tip toed to see who was behind the bush she saw it was Leslie. She made her way aroud the bush and sat next to her.

[U]"Whats the matter ?"[/U] * Sammy asked her in Mandarin Chinese.

Leslie looked at her her eyes red. "[U]"I didn't want to..but...but..i started it..and...i like...someone else.."[/U] she anserwed her.

Sammy wiped away Leslie's tears. "It's ok...no one cares anymore..well i don't care..".

Leslie smiled and stopped crying. Se took Sammy's hand and hugged her "Thanks.." she whispered.

"Your welcome..." Sammy started to blush.

OOC: ! Oh yea i found a picture of Sammy! Yay! Tag Alice!
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[color=blue][size=1] As his hand pushed against the small of her back, he felt how much she missed David. Sol felt slightly guilty, but banished all thoughs of that, as the present moment seem more... requied than the pang of guilt that shot though his arms to his head.

[spoiler]Sol pushed her down gently, still kissing, his lips hot, as his hands flirted along the edge of her tank top, the soft skin on her waist gentle to his touch. He took it, and began to pull it up, kissng up her body. Sol threw the tanktop aside. He began to kiss the side of her breast, up to her nipple.

His hands went down to her skirt, and began to undo it, anticipation rising. He pulled it away when it was off, and began to pull down her panties gently, Sol's finger brushing her soft, smooth skin, as a ripple went up her body.[/spoiler][/color][/size]
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[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]Sammy continued the hug, and buried her head into Sammy's chest.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue][b]"You're so warm..."[/b] She whispered.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]Sammy looked down at the Chinese girl.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue][b]"What did you say, Les?"[/b] Sammy asked.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]Leslie looked up at her and smiled.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue][b]"Nothing. Hey, Sammy. Do you want to know who I actually love?"[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]Sammy tried to think of the answer, when Leslie leaned forward and kissed Sammy's nose. Before Sammy could say anything, Les held a finger to her lips.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue][b]"Shh...Don't tell anyone, it's a secret."[/b] She said, smiling at Sammy's surprise.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]Leslie closed her eyes, and buried her head in Sammy's chest again.[/color][/size][/font]
[b][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#4169e1]OOC: Sorry, terribly short post. But it's a cute moment. I'll let you take it from there, Pandia. ^.~[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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