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Tattooed Beauties


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[b]Ok- this is one of those pointless threads, but I had to start it, because this was bothering me...[/b]

[b]On another message board, the subject of tats and piercings was brought up, and someone said that "girls with tattoos are unattractive unless it's a small tattoo-like a tiny flower, etc...in an easily hidden area".[/b]

[b]I was offended, both as a tattooed girl [i]and[/i] as a tattoo artist. [/b]

[b]I think that tattoos are beautiful as long as they're professionally and artistically done... and I really don't think that they detract from beauty.[/b]

[b]If a girl is beautiful to begin with, and she gets a beautiful piece of artwork added to her skin, how does that make her suddenly unattractive?[/b]

[b]What are your opinions on girls with tattoos and if/how it affects their beauty?[/b]
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[color=#B0251E]This is one of those questions with no answer, for a simple reason: everyone has their own preferences.

Just as everyone has their own preferences with artwork and music, so too do they have preferences in what they find physically attractive.

My personal view? If I were with someone and they had a small tattoo on their lower back or their inner thigh, or on their arm or shoulderblade...sure, I wouldn't mind that. I think that might be quite nice.

But if it was a huge tattoo covering their back, or arms, or legs? Er...well, I personally find that quite unattractive, no matter how great the art and quality of the tattoo. I [i]personally[/i] would tend to view it as a defacing of the body rather than an enhancement.

But -- and there's the big but again -- that's just what I personally find appealing and not appealing. Everyone is different. Some people adore tattooes and they like as many as possible, while others only like them in certain spots.

I don't think you should be at all offended -- I wouldn't be offended if someone said they didn't find dark-haired guys attractive...because although I am dark-haired, I understand that it all comes down to someone's personal preference.[/color]
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[color=#404142]I have no problem with woman being tattooed. I, myself, have two tattoos. I have a black/shaded dragon on my left shoulderblade, and a tribal mermaid (with some color) on my belly/naval.

Tattoo is an art, some of it may be vulgar, but that doesn't justify it being unattractive. I like seeing girls with tattoos, especially if they are suggesting. Like where my mermaid is, if I were to wear low-cut jeans and a short T-shirt, you'd see the upper half of her. It leads your eyes to wander, and makes you ask yourself the question of "does it continue?" It doesn't have to be sexual either. A tattoo that trails up the back is very enticing.

I also think tattoos can tell alot about the person's personality and style. Plus, they are fun to discover and talk about. I being an artist love to talk about them. It's just a fascinating art. To be able to put a detailed picture on skin, and it still looks as good as it does on paper [if done correctly], it's just amazing.[/color]
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I myself don't see a girl that has tattoos all over her as very attractive, but a few tattoos is fine with me.

I also don't think that putting something beautiful on something else beautiful, as elfpirate put it, always enhances the beauty of both things. Instead, I think it often detracts from the beauty. A little like putting a copy of Starry Night in the middle of the Mona Lisa.
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[QUOTE=James][color=#b0251e]My personal view? If I were with someone and they had a small tattoo on their lower back or their inner thigh, or on their arm or shoulderblade...sure, I wouldn't mind that. I think that might be quite nice.

But if it was a huge tattoo covering their back, or arms, or legs? Er...well, I personally find that quite unattractive, no matter how great the art and quality of the tattoo. I [i]personally[/i] would tend to view it as a defacing of the body rather than an enhancement.
[/color][/QUOTE][b]OK- but if the woman was extraordinarily beautiful (in your personal opinion) would a tattoo make her ugly? [/b]

[b]I understand that everyone has personal preferences regarding body art, but I have a hard time believing that an otherwise beautiful woman can become ugly just because she has a tattoo.[/b]

[b]Maybe I'm wrong, but I just can't see a tattoo being so defacing that the person's physical characteristics would change from gorgeous to hideous...[/b]

[b]And I guess I should have pointed out that it was the double standard that offended me so badly- that the person was specifically referring to women with tattoos and not tattooed people in general- that women should not have tattoos as large or in the same places that men have them because on a woman, it's "unattractive".[/b]
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I personally dislike tattoos. I agree with the fact that a few small ones are fine, but a large one is just stupid. What is the point of that? Having a dragon on my back doesn't really do anything. Plus, it costs a lot of money that could be better spent. I like art on paper. Not on your body.

[quote name='elfpirate][b']OK- but if the woman was extraordinarily beautiful (in your personal opinion) would a tattoo make her ugly?[/b][/quote]
Depends. If she has a small butterfly, no. Anything large wouldn't make her ugly unless it's in plain sight. I don't want to make out with a hot girl with pictures all over her. It's like getting a bunch of pop-ups when you are really into something online. It crashes my computer.
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I don't want to make out with a hot girl with pictures all over her. It's like getting a bunch of pop-ups when you are really into something online. It crashes my computer.[/QUOTE]

[b][color=darkred]You rock, Morpheus![/color][/b]
[b][color=darkred]That is by far the best response I think I'll get on this topic! Absolutely hi-larious. I'm going to have to share that with the rest of the artists down at the shop...I might have to put it in my signature, as well, when I finally get around to making one...:D [/color][/b]
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[color=#404142]Princess_Keiko, your avatar frightens me to tears.

Moving on, I can see the point of how a large piece on a woman's body would be unattractive. It would distract from the natural beauty of her body, which I find stunning in itself (mostly).[/color]
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[color=#B0251E]Elfpirate, if I thought a girl or a guy was very attractive physically...lots and lots of tattoos would definitely change my view. That is to say, they might still be physically attractive but they're covered in paint -- it's like a really gorgeous person being covered in mud or something, you know? It's obscuring their natural features.

Having said that, it's not only a personal preference thing, but it's a case-by-case thing. I suppose that if someone had one big tattoo on their shoulderblades but nowhere else...that'd be totally fine. I really can't say, I think it comes down to the individual.[/color]
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[size=1]Personally, I don't really like tattoos. Even on a pretty woman, I feel that tattoo's give off a feeling that I don't like. I guess something really small, and discrete I could get over, but for some reason women & tattoos does not equal attraction. Something about it just puts me off. It is a feeling of being rough, and just...not the type of person I'm after, lol. As I said, thats how I feel though, not how it necessarily is. I just don't like tattoos on women. It has never appealed to me.[/size]
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[quote name='Annalisse']I have no problem with woman being tattooed. I, myself, have two tattoos. I have a black/shaded dragon on my left shoulderblade, and a tribal mermaid (with some color) on my belly/naval.[/quote]
I'm looking forward to seeing those. ~_^

Similar to what a few people have said here, I do find it very attractive when a girl has a small tattoo on her hip or a small one on her lower back. If it's just one or two places with a non-obstrusive tattoo, then all the better. It makes the girl kind of exotic. ^_^

With that said, however, I'm not interested in dating the "biker types," whose bodies are entirely covered.

I find my reaction also is based on what kind of tattoo (what the image is). A rose or a butterfly or something to that effect I really like, but when the back is turned into a canvas of skulls and demon-ish-looking things...I'm not too attracted. I'm actually mildly repulsed and/or morbidly curious.
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I'm not very interested in tattoos in general. I don't mind them, but I can't think of a single time I've seen one and thought "that's hot". Well, actually, this girl showed me this one Jack Skellington she had and I thought that was pretty damn cool...

Plus, these lower back designs always just remind me of porn stars. In anything I've ever seen (even just articles with pictures of that said person), they seem to have some weird tribal design on their lower back. I'm not saying that I think people who have them are some how slutty, but that I'm just reminded of those porn stars lol.
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[size=1]I like tattoos, but I prefer the smaller ones to larger ones. As others have mentioned it really depends on the size and location of the tattoo. I'm not into the ones that completely cover your arms, torso, legs, and any other part of your body. However, if a guy had a relatively smaller tattoo on his shoulder, maybe part of his chest or lower back, and I found him attractive, I would gladly jump him.

With that said, though, I really think that the tattoo should have some kind of greater meaning other than just "looking cool". I don't like the butterflies that a lot of girls get. You don't get a tattoo because it's a trendy thing to do. You get it because it's symbolic of something that is important to you. I have a friend who got a design on her lower back done in memory of her father, and that to me is beautiful. Another friend got a dragon done on her leg, and it looks great and is easy to cover up if need be.

That's the other thing - the location is so important. There are a lot of employers who simply won't hire you if you can't cover them up. Also, especially with women, what do you think will happen to that tattoo on your belly when you get married and start having kids? You think the picture is going to stay all crisp and cute-looking? lol

Me and my siblings have all also agreed that when Matt (my brother) turns 18, we're going to get very small, matching four leaf clovers. The four leafs stand for faith (in our case, faith in our family), hope, love, and luck. It's a kind of bonding thing, not only to each other but also to our partial Irish heritage. It's great to me because it's something creative and lasting that we can do together, and it also shows how important we are to each other.[/size]
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[COLOR=Blue]I think there is nothing wrong with tatoos at all. It's art, and it's a way to exspress one's self as well. I met many people with tatoos. Some were small, some bigger. For exsample, one of the people who I used to take the bus with (Who was very pretty I might add :)), said that she got a tatoo. I asked what was it, and she said a rose, but it looks fake because there was so much color in it. I asked if I could see it, and she said okay. She slowly walked to the back, and showed me. It was a rose tatoo above her left ankle. :wow: Wow. "Nice." I said. It did look a bit fake. "Go ahead." She said. "Huh?" "Touch it." :animeblus "You don't..." "Hey, it's okay. I won't be offended." :animeshy: She wanted me to touch her ankle to see it it was real? It was real, alright.

Lots of people here at my school have tatoos. Most of them are small, and cute. But if you want to get a tatoo, it's no problem with me. Just as long as it's tastful. I don't like it if it's somthing sexual, or offensive. I wanted to get a tatoo on my left arm. It was going to be the Kanji for "Courage". Mom and dad went crazy when I told them I wanted one. I work right next to a tatoo/pirceing place anyway. I might do it anyway. But, I'm algergic to pain. They use needles, and I've heard it hurts. I'm going to think about it.
What do you guys think?


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Personally, i think that big tatoos can deface the natural beauty of the human physique.

it's sort of like drawing a crude stick figure cartoon in the midle of a monet, or putting sticky notes with "i did this" over an original koshi rikudo drawing.

small tatoos are fine, but it's ultimately up to the people under the needle.
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=RED]I'm an artist and I appreciate artwork, whatever surface it's on. I've seen tattoo's that are awesome. I would never get a tattoo myself because I know that I would always see one later that would make me regret the one I have. I do use temporary tattoo's though, and I've drawn my own tattoo's on. They're fun and you can put them anywhere.
You can use them like jewelry or as an accent to the clothes you wear. Tattooing
is painful. I don't like pain. It's the only thing that makes me cry...besides pure joy. If I'm going to cry...I want it to be from sheer bliss. ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='Dragonboym2][color=blue'] I'm algergic to pain. They use needles, and I've heard it hurts. I'm going to think about it. What do you guys think? [/color][/quote]
[b]Uh... yeah, it hurts... but after about 10 seconds, the area usually goes numb, thanks to the brain's natural opiate effect, and it just feels like pressure and heat.[/b]

[b]And about those needles- the furthest that they penetrate the skin should be about as deep as the thickness of a nickel- and that's at maximum.[/b]

[b]If you're uncertain about getting a tattoo, I say [i][u]Wait Until You're Absolutely Sure. [/u][/i] [/b]

[b]And even if you're sure, it's always a good idea to wait a few years and ask yourself again if the image you've chosen still has meaning for you... enough meaning to carry it with you to your grave. Yes, I said years. Too many young people end up getting really stupid, immature designs tattooed on themselves and regret it when they've grown up a little. It's not a small decision... you're married to your tattoos once you've got 'em... unless you have the loot and the intestinal fortitude to withstand the unbelievable pain of having it removed via laser surgery.[/b]
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