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[QUOTE=wrist cutter]Anyway, it's not up to me to decide what rules I feel like obeying, because it isn't my choice. My opinions aren't important enough to decide these things. [QUOTE]

[b]I think it[i] is[/i] up to you to decide- that's what free will is for, after all... and if your opinion isn't important enough, WC, then whose [i]is[/i]?[/b]
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[quote name='elfpirate][b']***I'd like to point out that I am in no way an advocate of anarchy, but I do (perhaps arrogantly) think that certain laws simply do not apply...***[/b][/quote]Oh, I wasn't talking about you if that's what you're thinking. I was talking about the general populace of teenagers who take pride in breaking rules. You have a valid reason to be pissed off, because you saw a problem and actually [i]tried[/i] to do something about it.
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[quote name='Who?]Oh, I wasn't talking about you if that's what you're thinking. I was talking about the general populace of teenagers who take pride in breaking rules. You have a valid reason to be pissed off, because you saw a problem and actually [i]tried[/i'] to do something about it.[/quote]

[b]As all people should, neh?[/b]

[b]No, I didn't really think you were referring to me, but I thought I should point out that I'm not just another angst-filled, anarchistic, rebellious-for-the-sake-of-being-rebellious kind of person.[/b]

[b]If I break a rule/law, etc...it's because I've made an informed decision to break it- usually based on the principles of the matter at hand. I would never break a rule just to be a rebel. That mentality is for chumps and children.[/b]
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[color=#9933ff]I'm rather afraid to start an arguement with wristcutter simply because I don't have the witty comments or the above normal writing skills to combat him, but so what if we don't like to follow stupid rules? Did anyone ever say "I HATE YOU BECAUSE YOU FOLLOW THE RULES?!?!" No. It's okay that you want to follow them, but I think it's also okay not to follow stupid rules.

For example, there's this one rule at our school which is really dumb - no card games because they're considered "gambling." Of course, there are some teachers (which I love) because they look the other way, but gosh, some of them just have a really big sick in their butt and I can't even play solitaire around them. That's a bit silly if you ask me. Oh yes, because I'm going to gamble with my the other half of my multiple personality disorder? lol.[/color]


[color=#9933ff]Moving away from the "stupid rules" category, what about civil disobedience? Breaking a major law to prove a point? Wasn't that what Martin Luther King was all about? And though I haven't really read too much about him, Henry David Thoreau was really all about civil disobedience, too, right?

So I think if it's important enough, like the things Martin Luther King did, or what Ghandi did, it's okay to break the law.

What do you think?[/color]
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[quote name='MistressRoxie']but so what if we don't like to follow stupid rules?[/quote]

Then you're going to piss me off. I can be angry and resentful even if I don't have any sort of rationale for it. There's nothing to stop me.

[quote name='MistressRoxie']It's okay that you want to follow them, but I think it's also okay not to follow stupid rules.[/quote]

But stupid is an opinion. Whether or not the rule is stupid is irrelevant. A rule is a rule - that goes above opinion. It doesn't matter what you or anyone thinks unless they have enough influence/money to do something about it.

[quote name='MistressRoxie']For example, there's this one rule at our school which is really dumb - no card games because they're considered "gambling." Of course, there are some teachers (which I love) because they look the other way, but gosh, some of them just have a really big sick in their butt and I can't even play solitaire around them.[/quote]

But you're only seeing it from your perspective. What would motivate the school to make such decisions in the first place? Perhaps there was once a problem with gambling and parents complained about their children using their lunch money for card games. So they bitched until the school board's hands were tied. And thus the rule was made in order to appease parents and "crack down" on the problem. Oddly enough, know who you have to blame for this? [i]The people who were breaking rules in the first place.[/i]

Why are you playing cards during class anyway?
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[QUOTE=wrist cutter]Then you're going to piss me off. I can be angry and resentful even if I don't have any sort of rationale for it. There's nothing to stop me.

But stupid is an opinion. Whether or not the rule is stupid is irrelevant. A rule is a rule - that goes above opinion. It doesn't matter what you or anyone thinks unless they have enough influence/money to do something about it.[/QUOTE]
[b]You very well can be angry an' resentful. There's no rule stating you can't.:D [/b]

[b]I have to disagree that it's an irrelevence. Wouldn't it be stupid to follow a rule that said that you had to wipe your butt with a fistful of throwing stars? [/b]
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[b]I have to disagree that it's an irrelevence. Wouldn't it be stupid to follow a rule that said that you had to wipe your butt with a fistful of throwing stars? [/b][/QUOTE]

But who is going to make such a rule? It's not like they're going to impose something like this on you at school or work anytime soon. The only place such a rule could be imposed on you is at some entirely voluntary place, in which I suggest you leave rather than attempt to follow it. You can't compare "wipe your *** with throwing stars" with "no card games at school".
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[quote name='wrist cutter']But who is going to make such a rule? It's not like they're going to impose something like this on you at school or work anytime soon. The only place such a rule could be imposed on you is at some entirely voluntary place, in which I suggest you leave rather than attempt to follow it. You can't compare "wipe your *** with throwing stars" with "no card games at school".[/quote]

[b]Okay, sure- hopefully no one would make such a rule, and it wasn't intended to be comparable to playing cards at school.[/b]

[b]My point was that there ARE stupid rules... and sometimes, we choose not to follow a rule because it's just plain ridiculous. I mean- spitting in public is illegal in a lot of states, but I bet everyone has done it at some point or another... and there are few who would hold a big nasty goober that they coughed up in their mouth until they got home, just to uphold that law.[/b]
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[color=#9933ff]Thank you elfpirate. that's a big part of what I wanted to say, but you said it better.

No one knows how this card playing rule came into affect at my school, but most of us believe it's one of those outdated rules from the 60's or something. The official rule says your not allowed to gamble, be dice-rolling, or playing cards.

I know of absolutely no one at my school who plays gambling card games. The only one that I can possibly think of is poker, and half the kids at my school, again, don't know how to play poker. lol.

So because of that stupid rule, we can't play solitaire, old maid, go fish, rummy (sp?), spit, BS, etc. And none of them have anything to do with gambling.

Why was I playing cards? Well recently, we have to take these retarded preliminary tests to the HSPA to see if we need remidial classes next year to pass the HSPA. We had extra time at the end of the tests, because the juniors, taking the actual HSPA had testing for another hour. So my friends and I were going to play cards when the Art teacher (a psychopath anyway) yelled at us for having cards out. :/ So that's where that example came from.[/color]
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Rules are important.

Rules are what keep a society orderly and civilized; you can judge how far along the path to social development a nation is largely by its people's ability to wait their turn in line.

True, some rules can be discriminatory and outdated, but simply breaking them willy-nilly doesn't solve anything. If a rule is silly, it should be dealt with in an intelligent, collected manner.

There will be rules that are clearly in need of breaking, like former laws disallowing black people from sitting at the front of busses, but these are typically rare.

People need to think more about the motivation behind the rules they're breaking, before they start ragging on "the Man" for imposing them.
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