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Weird Weather


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[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Over the last three - four days, it's been snowing an awful lot. As lovely and picturesque as it is, it's very strange, because in Ireland, it NEVER snows, and when it does, it NEVER sticks, and, when once in a blue moon it does stick, it's gone in aboot two hours. But it's been snowing constantly for four days! I've never seen anything like it in my life (some people are sooo deprived)! My dad said the last time it was like this was in 1984, the year before I was born.

I don't know "weather" (you like that?) to chalk it up to El Nino, Global warmin, the End of the World as we know it (and I feel fine), or what!

I was just wondering if anybody can offer any explanations, or has anybody else experienced unusual weather over the last while.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
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[size=1]Seen "The Day After Tommorrow"?


Anyway, yeah there have been a lot of...different weather phenomenon occurring. Western Australia is undergoing a bit of a drought [worst one for years], the East Coast is copping some batterings from storms, yeah... the question is, do these weather oddities represent a problem on our behalf, or are they naturally occurring cycles? Some people lay it down to the shifting of the Poles, but I wouldn't say I'm well enough versed in meteorology to say, lol.[/size]
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Last year, our country was visited by some 24+ typhoons, a few of which entered the Typhoon Hall of Fame for having the highest number of casualties and properties damaged. What we called "supertyphoons" back in the late '90s brought rain that seemed like mild drizzles compared to the typhoons of '04. Yeah, freaky weather that was.

Hey, is it true that average global temperatures reached record highs somewhere in the last five years?.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=#004a6f]Where I live (Ontario, Canada), all four seasons show themsleves pretty well. Summer can get pretty hot an winter pretty cold.

This years winter was a bit crazy. It started out pretty cold, the way it usually is. The snow is too cold and dry to stick together, so there's no point trying to make snowmen.

But then a week ago, the it got pretty warm and sunny. The snow shone brilliantly in the sunlight, it was quite blinding. Then later it melted away and we also got heavy rain. Rain in febuary? Weird....

It got cold again and the snow is back. I think it's all caused by global warming. It's messing up the weather.

Not too interesting.

But two years ago something weirder happened. There was alot freezing rain, and everything got covered in a thick layer of ice. The trees vere covered too, down to every twig. The ice was so heavy the tree branches sagged and dangled on the cars below them. Whole branches were ripped off some of the trees, and some of the smaller trees were literally torn in half. What's even more awkward is that it was spring and it had suddenly become so cold. Some of the trees were just growing new buds and leaves and those were all lost.

Despite the damage caused by the ice, and the safety hazards it posed (people in the past have been killed by branches that gave way due to the weight of the ice), it was quite a beautiful sight to see.[/COLOR]
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[size=1]I've heard a lot about the weird weather as of late as being part of a cycle that starts up near the beginning of each millenium. I don't know how accurate that is, but the idea of the reoccuring cycle makes sense to me, especially when you realize that these strange changes are happening all over the world. Here in Florida we got a landmark number of hurricanes to hit the coast this season. I've lived here for about 18 years, and there haven't been any hurricanes to really travel across the entire state as Charlie, Ivan, and Francis did in about a decade. Then you think about the recent tsunamis and quakes over in the Pacific, as well as the buckets of snow that the north is seeing (compared to pretty mild winters here in the south - I wore a t-shirt yesterday), and you figure there's definitely something going on.

It would be interesting to find some articles about this, actually. I'll try and find some and post them here later. :p[/size]
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[size=1]Okay, I'd like to draw everyone's attention to something: tsunami. The Tsunami that happened, killed millions (or whatever it was)? That certainly would have an effect on the weather everywhere else. That's partially why California got so battered; leftovers off the tsunami. And then there were all those hurricanes back in Spetember. :) Weather has an effec on weather.[/size]
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The reason the weather has been particularly odd lately is because of the Sun.

We are in a period of high solar activity.. For the last few years or so we've been bombarding solar flares all over the place. This effects the earths electromagnetic feild, which then effects the jetsteam, which is the source of the overall weather pattern.

To contrast, the Iceage occured during a period of very low solar activity.
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[quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']But then a week ago, the it got pretty warm and sunny. The snow shone brilliantly in the sunlight, it was quite blinding. Then later it melted away and we also got heavy rain. Rain in febuary? Weird....[/COLOR][/quote]

Ah, Jesus, the snow blindness! The kind of weather that renders one stepping outside, only to scream, "Augh! Mine eyes!" Ski goggles are a beautiful thing, truly.

Anyway, the warm week was caused by a warm front from the States. That's why it got so damn smoggy. A smog warning--in winter!

Oh well, it's been resting comfortably between negative thirty and negative ten for the most part, as is to be expected. (That's with windchill, of course.)
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Ya, the weather really has been odd lately... The coldest it's gotten this winter where I live (Quebec, Canada) is around -25, which is with the windchill, and that is a major bummer since I myself rather enjoy the cold. Also, we probaly didn't even get 7 CM of snow at one time. This is rather odd considering the incredible amount of snowfall my area has gotten over the last couple of years. Global warmin', I tells ya. But who's to say? Maybe it is just a cycle running its course. I wouldn't be suprised if it was the sign of the end of the world as we know it. Either way, my only concern is that eventually my beloved winter will dwindle away and become just another warm month... Damn pollution.
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[size=1][quote name='Rhian']Okay, I'd like to draw everyone's attention to something: tsunami. The Tsunami that happened, killed millions (or whatever it was)? That certainly would have an effect on the weather everywhere else. That's partially why California got so battered; leftovers off the tsunami. And then there were all those hurricanes back in Spetember. Weather has an effec on weather.[/quote]This might be more accurate if you were talking about a Tornado. Tsunamis are [b]waves[/b] caused by [b]earthquakes[/b]. Nothing at all to do with weather, and the tsunami would not have affected global weather patterns, lol. They're completely unrelated things.

And it killed 300,000 people.[/size]
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[QUOTE=Latharix_sama]Wow wow wow!!!! It's snowing in Ireland?! and it's sticking?! Omigawd! I have to come visit you!!!! Gawd...it must be real purty...all white....::dreamy::


[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen]Well - no, not anymore, it's stopped. But it was really cool for a while.
We made snow balls and snowmen. It was the best day . . . :animesmil [/COLOR] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/RIGHT]
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[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]Tsunamis are [b]waves[/b] caused by [b]earthquakes[/b']. Nothing at all to do with weather, and the tsunami would not have affected global weather patterns, lol. They're completely unrelated things.[/size][/quote][color=indigo]You're telling me that millions of tons of water's being displaced by the Tsunami cannot have an effect on weather patterns?[/color]
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[size=1]The water receded after the initial flooding. If it had hung around, then maybe some localised weather effects would have occurred, but it didn't. I was pulling up a statement that I found to be incorrect: a Tsunami is not a form of weather, and it wouldn't have had an effect on said weather. The water didn't sit around on the land, it was either absorbed and drained into groundwater, or it receded back into the ocean. It has no effect on the weather, and especially not on California's weather.[/size]
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[color=#9933ff]So then the weathermen with the colors maps that showed (over an elapsed time) the motion of the waves in the indian ocean, from the tsunami earthquake to other parts of the world were completely wrong? Aww, shucks.

I don't thtink the rain now has anything to do with it (too much of a delay period), but I remember right after it happened, Cali was getting some crazy waves in the ocean, and places had to be closed because of it. That definitely was because of the earthquake moving the waves.

Last year we got 22 inches (that's 56 CM for all you normal people) of snow at one time. And we had two snow days last year. Actually, I'm posting right now because I have a snowday! I love these things *smile* ^__^

I know that in other places, like Thailand where my dad is, a few years ago the weather was really really strange. The temperatures near the late end of the day would turn up to be like... 50°F (10°C). And just so you know, normal weather in Bangkok is like... 90°F (32°C). People were buying stuff like space heaters to keep themselves warm. lol.

A couple years ago, I remember Texas got a light snow. In September it got torrential rains. And there's always something wrong in California. Either extreme drought that causes fires, or too much rain that causes landslides. Or the earthquakes from the fault line.

Wacky weather everywhere!!![/color]
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Melbourne (Australia) is renowned for having strange weather, but February was bizarre even for us.

Normally it's our hottest month of the year with temperatures regularly up around 35 degrees celsius.

Not this year! Early in the month a 'cyclonic low' developed directly above the city, dumped the most rain we've ever had in a day and promptly turned everything upsidedown. We had days that were less than 13 degrees.
Quite seriously it feels like winter in Melbourne at the moment. A few sunny days but generally windy, gloomy and cold.

It's very odd and it's making everyone grumpy and sick! I hope the sun comes back soon.

This image is from where I work, the day after the huge rain, that buliding and lamp are normally on a walkway next to the river....

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[size=1]I can understand Northern Australia being hit by some unusual tides, I can even see how more Southern parts of Australia could have been affected. I was at the beach that day, I saw that tide come in, and it came quickly.

But for the life of me I cannot determine how it rounded the Cape of Good Hope and the Cape Horn, and turned North before hitting California. Or how it made it's way past Australia, across the entirety of the Pacific Ocean and into California.

[url=http://go.hrw.com/atlas/norm_htm/world.htm]Care to show me?[/url][/size]
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According to the Australian Bureau of Meterology the wave generated by the Indian Ocean tsunami didn't reach North America.

There is information on the meterological aspects of the tsunami and a good animation showing where the wave would travel at

It's worth a look, it's very informative.
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