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Kaleido Star


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[color=darkviolet]I'm not sure who created this anime, but it's rather endearing.

A young girl named Sora travels from Japan to the United States (I'm assuming California because that's what the setting reminds me of) to become a member of Kaleido Stage.

However her dreams don't go exactly as planned because in the first episode someone steals her bag and she has to chase after the person and boy does she ever! Fortunately she catches the guy, but unfortunately she has to go to the police station to fill out a report and as a result is late for her audition.

Sora tries to explain why she's late and is alomst granted an audtion but then the star of Kaleido Stage, Layla, comes in and says that exceptions shouldn't be made.

I didn't catch the rest of this episode because I had to take care of Abby, but I guess Sora does manage to get an audition. But there are still obstacles in her path. However Sora meets everyone of them head on...so far.

So far this series only Airs on Anime On Demand network in the US and I haven't seen any DVDs or Manga out yet. But I'm wodnering if anyone else has seen this anime and what they think of it.[/color]
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Gah, you beat me to it! :animesmil

I just started watching Kaleido Star earlier this week, and I am completely hooked. The entire first season has been released on DVD, by the way. The second season is called Kaleido Star: New Wings, and was supposed to start coming out in early March, but for some reason it's been delayed. I believe that a prequel (something like "Golden Phoenix: The Story of Layla Hamilton") was recently announced, and a while ago there were reports that a mahou shoujo spin-off focusing on the character called Rosetta was in the works. I don't know the status of the latter project, though.

Anyway, Kaleido Star is wonderful. I bought all six DVDs of season 1 in one fell swoop, but right now I'm only up to episode 8 or so. The performances are incredibly beautiful, and for me watching them is a real adrenaline rush, almost comparable to the feeling I get when I see a really well-choreographed fight scene. It has just the right balance of humor and drama, and I absolutely love Sora. I know it's kind of cliche to describe a show as "magical," but Kaleido Star really embodies the adjective. Obviously the smooth animation and great music help.

I haven't seen a shoujo anime this exciting or addictive since I finished watching Full Moon wo Sagashite. Kaleido Star is very vibrant, and it works well even when falling back on familiar shoujo conventions, since the setting is so unique. I can't wait to get home and tackle the third DVD.

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  • 1 year later...
[COLOR=Purple][I]I recently came across an anime called Kaliedo Star. I love it's plot and graphics. The movements look so realistic and well-though-out. For those who don't know of thes anime, it is based on a girl from Japan, named Sora, who comes to America to become a Kaliedo Star, just like her idol, Layla. As a young girl, Sora came to America for a trip with her parents. They went to a Kaiedo show, and Sora was immediately fascintaed by it. She then came to America to try out to be a Kaliedo Star, and thus succeeded. Anyway, it's very exciting. I'm curious on others opinions, who have seen the show.[/I][/COLOR]
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  • 11 months later...
I've seen Kaleido Star about 3 times now, with a friend too! It is a simply enchanting show! I think the characters' design was well made, and the stunts were breathtaking! Not to mention that it isn't just a show about magical girls (although Fool brings that little drop of magic this story wouldn't be complete without), it focuses on the characters' emotions, how they evolve and interact with each other.

I recommend this show to anyone who likes anime about circus, friendship, determination and beautiful art! It kept me on the edge of my seat, especially during the Mystical Act and the Angel's Act! :animesmil
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I'm always delighted to encounter other Kaleido Star fans. :catgirl:

I've been thinking of rewatching it again, but I'm not sure if I should just see the second season, the first season, or both. (I've seen the first season many more times, since I would go back to it again and again as I waited for more DVDs of New Wings to come out). In any case, I hope that ADV someday releases the Golden Phoenix OVA. Even though Kaleido Star feels complete without it, it's beautifully done and such a great watch for Layla fans.

Sora remains one of my favorite anime heroines. But the cast as a whole is sympathetic and interesting. I came to appreciate even characters like Yuri, Leon and May. As you said, it's the characters that really carry the show.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest pixxi wings
I loved what I saw of Kaleido Star. I didn't ever get to finish it, but I hope I get to sometime. I used to want to work for Cirque du Soleil so it really struck a chord with me. But ... I've grown up a little in the last two years and realized how utterly impossible it would be to get a job with them. XD

Kaleido Star is right up my alley, though. But being a very broke high school senior, I can't afford to buy it. ;;
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Ive seen about half so far. The voice actors were the first thing I noticed of course. They are splendid! The animation is also very good as is the artwork. The actual story looked kinda lame at first. Then as I watched more it got INREDIBLY sweet! The characters have great personalities and have good interactions. Also fool is uber funny! I can't wait to watch more!
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  • 1 month later...
I would rather say that I also have to welcome circus in the lives of people. Really an inspirational story of a young girl who wants to be the apple of the stage...

A good story with a fairy or something??! Who might have guess? A good one...
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  • 3 weeks later...
[color=#4B0082]If I had to describe Kaleido Star in one word it would be, of course, "amazing." Yes, a silly reference to the episode titles, but it's true. Every episode was absolutely delightful to watch and it actually made me sad to finish the series because it meant there wouldn't be any more to watch.

Sora is one of my favorite and most believable characters I've seen in an anime. She's not the stereotypical wonder girl where everything just works out for her. She messes up, she has doubts, she feels like running away when things get painful—she [i]does[/i] run away—and her overall display of emotions just seems more realistic than in most other series that I've seen. She's also just very likable due to her personality. Some of those odd expressions of hers had me cracking up at times, and chibi Sora in the eyecatch scenes is adorable.

The art style, animation, and music are all beautiful, as everyone has said. I really like the clean look of the animation that the show uses, with just enough detail to make things look good but not overly complex. And I can't stop listening to Tattoo Kiss. Seriously, Last.fm tells me I listened to it 75 times last week, including the English and instrumental versions (I got the single for it).[/color]
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Guest AbyssRiot
this was one of my favorite series. it made me laugh, cry. and fly. sometimes all in the same episode.

i've seen both seasons and i was sad to see it end. noe i just got to see the ova about Layla.

*runs off to netflix*
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  • 4 months later...
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Finally finding myself in the mood for a good lengthy series, but still too nervous about starting Juuni Kokuki, I decided to FINALLY start watching Kaleido Star, having only seen the first ep months ago. Seven episodes in, I'm loving it, as expected.

Fool is just plain win. He deserves his own omake XD "You sould take a bath." it never gets old XD I also love his terot reading. Anywho, this show has it all, from the stirring drama (and some seiyuu really showing their teeth) of episode 5 (I almost cried!) and then instant fun comedy in the next ep, the show has a lot going on. Episode 7 is made of awesome in so many ways - namely the utterly brilliant performance at the end, but I just could not stop loving a certain little diabolo player :wub:

I so hope she comes back. Also, the scene where [spoiler]she hugged and kissed Sora was just perfect. Even I blushed :animeblus XD[/spoiler][/COLOR]
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Iv'e seen season 1 and 2 now...yea this show is SEXXXXXX. Well actually I think the first season is better than the second season. The second season they start using like....Circus 1337 Sp33k which got annoying after a while. Both are 5 star anime though.
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[color=#4B0082]It's hard for me to decide whether I liked the first or second season more. On one hand, season 1 has an inherent advantage in that it was fresh and new, but I also loved season 2's story just as much. I disliked Leon from season 2, but I loved May and there was also more of Rosetta. Plus, [spoiler]the Angel Act is so much more awesome than the Legendary Great Maneuver.[/spoiler] Both seasons have their advantages.

Maybe after I rewatch them and have a different perspective I'll be able to pick a favorite.[/color]
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[QUOTE]I disliked Leon from season 2, but I loved May [/QUOTE]
It's the other way around for me I hated May(still do) but Leon was always awesome in my opinion.

[QUOTE]and there was also more of Rosetta.[/QUOTE]
Which I thought was good until she [spoiler]got more attention than Sora[/spoiler]

[QUOTE]Plus, [spoiler]the Angel Act is so much more awesome than the Legendary Great Maneuver.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay disagree there. [spoiler]The Legendary great maneuver was utterly epic to me. It's was equivalent to the first time I saw a person get decapitated in an anime with full gore. [/spoiler]
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