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Cowgirl Banner/Avi


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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Yes well as the titel suggest I want a cowgril banner. I have a picture that I want.

Here is the picture:

[url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/misc827.jpg [/url]

I want either of these two qoutes.

"I'm a cowgirl
I get straight to the source
Bang di dom bang
And my gun is my force"
"People say that I'm a bad girl
And I enjoy it all the time"

Thank you in advanced for whoever does this.

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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Here, complete with western text and antique photoshoping, is the finished project!


And banner:

:D. Hope you like them.

[SIZE=1]I had fun making these ones...dunno why....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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