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I would ask him to train me and hed say no. Then Id help them fight off a demon and Id ask if I could travel with them to destroy Naraku and hed say yes. So as we raveled every time we would rest in a village hed teach me how to fight better and by time we reached Naraku's castle Id be the next best at wielding a sword, only one would be better and that would be Inuyasha. :animesmil
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I would definetly want to meet Ryu Soma from Argentosoma. There are many reasons; a few being....

1. Why doesn't he get over Maki? Hello Batman complex? It's over, she's dead.

2. does he get off on smacking little girls around?

3. Is that grey shadow over his eye really from "head trauma"?

4. Does he use Clairol?

5. is he attracted to Dan Simmons?

6. Does he believe Lex Lang got screwed out of a beefier role?

7. Ask him why a PILOT has a puff of hair that would make Spike Spiegal blush?

8.Why oh why did Gainax do the story?

9. Is Guinevere a good kisser?

10. Did youi see the whole thing with Sue and Dan coming?

All in all, these are all pretty decent questions. I would also ask him to eat something, he is too skinny. But so hot....so very hot.
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Hmm... I'd go for Yami no Matsuei's Watari Yutaka. I would love to meet this *talented* scientist and go into some sort of apprenticeship under him. A, the things I could learn from someone imaginative enough to try to make a gender-changing potion! Oh yes, and that would mean free and unlimited access to his Ultimate Castella-Cutting Machine Jason-kun! *squeals*

But then I'd have to die first. Bummer.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I would wanna meet Yukimura from Samurai Deeper Kyo, and ask him if he would like to drink Sake with me (an offer he can't refuse, since he likes good sake) and then I'll talk about his past and goals and gaze at amazement at him ^^
And then I'd stick around for a friendly bout between him and Kyo.
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I'd want to meet kabapu from excel saga, because he's so funny!!

if this question includes My own original anime, then my answer would change from kabapu to khain from "the one winged angel saga" khain is a master swordsman and the ultimate anime mysterious character.
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Guest vasheschic_15
i would so totally love it if vash would be real. i so totally have a crush on him i would be older though maybe 25. it would be so great with him if he was real: :love: :love2: :heart: :luv:
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]It's becoming clear that Ryuichi is one of my favorite anime characters. ^__^

If I were to meet Ryu, I'd ask him what makes him so giddy all the time. A lot of people think that he has a Multiple Personality Disorder, but in his case, I couldn't really call that a disorder.

He's so silly and makes no sense. And I think what makes me like him is that he is the total opposite of me. In that "Best and Worst Anime Characters to have as Roommates" thread, I said that I would love to have him as my roommate. Ryu-chan needs someone to take care of him. :p Plus, I'd love to hear him sing.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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The person I'd want to talk to is Sesshomaru. Well, first I'd ask Sesshomaru what that thing on his back is. Ya know that little fluffy thing, I just want to know is it his tail or something, the public has a right to know. You know come to think of it that's the only question I have.
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[QUOTE]The person I'd want to talk to is Sesshomaru. Well, first I'd ask Sesshomaru what that thing on his back is. Ya know that little fluffy thing, I just want to know is it his tail or something, the public has a right to know. You know come to think of it that's the only question I have.[/QUOTE]
Hahahaha..I would like to know that as well.
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Guest Hieis Black Cat
Heh, I would want to met Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho. but, I wouldn't be able to ask him anything. 1) because I'd be afriad that'd he might kill me 2) because I'd be too shy around him and blush WAY too much around him...and yeah...But If I got to met him before I died then my life would be complete! ^_^ HIEI ROCKS MY SOCKS!! *ahem* Okay, that was gay...please...ignore what I said about the socks...please...ummm yeah..I would have questions for him though, but I wouldn't ask him them. heh heh...
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Guest Tiffany Lords
No question, I'd love to meet the Saiyuki boys. But mostly Gojyo. Why? OK, he's hot, and...he's nothing but trouble. Which makes him even hotter! :animenose

Nuff said! :animesmil
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Guest Inu Aikouka
Either InuYasha from InuYasha,because half demons are positively the BEST THING EVER,or Chise from Saikano because...uh,well,just because.
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[SIZE=2]If you had a chance to met your fav anime character who would it be, and what would you say to them??[/SIZE]

[COLOR=Plum]My would be Sesshomaru becase Sesshomaru is cool and I would say "I have always wanted to met you and don't kill Inuyasha becase he is a half-demon he is your brother. But I am so happy I am metting you. Can a follow you like Rin and Jaken??" That's what I would say.[/COLOR] :animesmil
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Guest animeaddict99
[FONT=Courier New][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkOrange]I'd probably want to meet Seto Kaiba from Yu-gi-oh. He is so awesome...and I'd ask for a job application for Kaiba Corp...so I could get...closer to him :animesigh[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]Heh... You THINK you wanna meet Sesshy... Until he goes all Demon Dog on you and starts tearing off your limbs ^-^

But seriously, I love the Inu brothers as much as any other obsessed-female-Inu-fan, they're on my 'Top 20 Hottest Anime Guys' list. But I wouldn't really want to meets them for real. Mass destruction, man, mass destruction.

Anyway, I wanna meet Kyo from Alice 19th (# 9 on Hottest Anime Guys' list) 'cause he's so damn sweet. And no really hurtful abnormal powers! (Except the Lotus-Word thing... But I choose to ignore that.) Really, Alice and her sister are so lucky! Even though Alice is living with the guilt of having sent her sister to some other dimention due to the effect of her Lotus-Words and the sister is lost in some abbyss... Alright, maybe I don't envy them.

Jonouchi (Joey) and Balon (Valen) from Yu-Gi-Oh! Mostly 'cause I love thier accents... And maybe Yugi, just out of the sheer curiosity I've had for a few years now... I've narrowed it down to three things I HAVE TO KNOW 'cause they BUG THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!!

1) Why are you so frickin' short, kid?
2) Who the hell is your hair dresser? You didn't PAY for that do, did ya?
3) How are you able to keep a sharp, heavy object arount your neck 24/7 w/out getting bruises, or at least a major pain in the neck!? And with your luck???

My baby, Shuichi Minamino (Kurama, for those who don't know... Shame on you :mad: ) I love his hair. I love his clothes. I love his attitude. I love his whole 'Rose Whip' thing. He's so frickin' hot. I love him almost as much as OliverWhip.

Kagome, to ask her HOW SHE PUTS UP WITH THE MADDNESS! My extreme hate for Kagome aside, she really is amazing. Despite my utter love for everyone else on the show, with the constant near-death-experiences, the fact EVERYONE is depending on her, and the ANNOYING FACTOR contributed by Miroku, Shippo, Inu, Myoga, Jakken, and nearly everyone else, Kagome's amazing! I'd have gone crazy! Seriously, who can deal with that? WHO!?

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I have a couple I would want to meet...

1. Itachi from Naruto. I love him he is sexy and thats all I can say!!!

2. Gaara from Naruto. Same reason as Itachi up there.

3. Every one in team 7 from Naruto.

4. Tsunade from Naruto. Heck she is just cool...

5. Soujiro from Rk. AWWWWW he is sooooooooooooo CUTE!!! :animenose

And last but not least Number 6. Rosette and Chrono from Chrono Crusade. Ahhh...the love.
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Guest shika
I think that I would very much like to meet one of two very different characters. (the only similarity is long hair... really long... i have a thing for long hair on guys. )

#!: Inuyasha. Of course the main character of my favorite *anime*. I would love to meet him, just because... I wanna get him really mad, laugh, then see if stroking him behind the ears would work to calm him down. Thats something I wlways wanted to know. Also I would LOVE to get ahold of that beautiful long hair *drool*. I'm sure he didn't have a brush way back then, and i don't think demons have magical hair detangling powers, so that would be interesting... Also b/c of my whole romantic and idiotic attraction to him, I'd of course like to try my luck at having him fall in love with me. HA i am soooo pathetic!

#2: Duo Maxwell. Me and him would get along so great! We both have great senses of humor, he has gorgeous long hair, and i just think we'd get along really well... It'd be great to hang out with him and of course, romanance is never bad either... *drool* the haaair!

:catgirl: :animeshy:
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[COLOR=DarkRed]I would sooo meet Alucard from Hellsing! He could turn me into a vampire (that would be so awsome!). :devil:

But if he wouldn't let me be a vampire then it would be SUPER COOL to hang out with Spike, and the rest of the Bebop gang! :D :cool:
Then we could go bounty hunting for Vash, and meet even more awseome people!

I'd still soo rather be a vampire though...[/COLOR]
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