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Most Annoying Video Game Character

liam mc

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[quote name='x kakashi x']Well, concerning Tidus, it wasn't so much his funny attitude that got on my nerves, it was 1) He's stupid, as in, not smart and 2) Hes always whining. To explain my first comment he always asks stupid questions about things most of us would already know the answer to. I feel sorry for Auron have to answer his completely retarded questions everytime a thought crosses his mind. To explain the second, he whines a lot. I would rather a tough, non-affection character then one that complains everytime you get a new mission or something to do. He acts badass in the very beginning, a big blitzball player of Zanarkand, but as soon as hes taken from his element he becomes whiney and annoying. As far as his limit breaks go, no one was really talking about his playable character, more his personality. Main characters usually do have the best limit breaks, Cloud's Omnislash for example.[/quote]

my feelings on Tidus, again lol. The basics are all there, even when he isn't whining, hes asking stupid questions or laughing hesitantly and its just annoying. He wasn't a terrible character, but after hours on a game you easily get tired of him.

Onimusha has a lot of, well, not good characters lol. The story is alright, and the gameplay is ok I guess, but theres really nothing to hold on to. 3 games is more then enough for this series.
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Hmm....Most annoying you say? Well....
I suppose at the top of my head I would say the most annoying character that I can think of would be Squall at the moment. Why? He seems like a complete dumbass with not really wanting the girl Rinoa or Selphie. I know if I was in his shoes I'd be all over them but that is beside the point....I really can't think of any other character being annoying other than the battles...man they never end....
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[quote name='x kakashi x']Onimusha has a lot of, well, not good characters lol. The story is alright, and the gameplay is ok I guess, but theres really nothing to hold on to. 3 games is more then enough for this series.[/quote]

And yet, #4 is on its way.

[url=http://ps2.ign.com/articles/610/610036p1.html][color=blue][u]Onimusha 4[/u][/color][/url]

I like the Onimusha games, so I'll probably buy the fourth one too.
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It's official. There's actually a character I hate more than Leo Stenbuck. His name: Lloyd Irving from [i]Tales of Symphonia[/i]. God, I can't stand that guy. Yes, he's good in battle (I use him whenever Presea isn't in the party), but as a character, I can't stand him.

Not only is Lloyd, like Leo, the kind of guy who's upset after killing his worst enemy (this made worse by the fact that whenever he's not whining about killing someone, he's saying how much he wants them dead), he's also an idiot. I realize he's not supposed to be the brightest bulb, but his lack of knowledge was way overdone. Plus, he's an idealist, and I mean a [i]major[/i] idealist. As in, I don't think anyone who believes what he does qualifies as sane. Christ, I wish I could whup him like I did Leo Stenbuck (too bad you never get to fight Lloyd).
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I believe the most annoying game character in the history of all games to be Amy Rose from the Sonic games. In the original games like Sonic CD she couldn't talk and that was a good thing becuase these days her high pitched voice and her attraction to Sonic just piss me off. I seriously was hoping that Sonic would just leave her to be killed or something in Sonic Adventure.
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