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Older Fans of Anime?

Julie Elric

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Hello everybody,

I wanted to start a thread to introduce myself, as well as get a chance to make the acquaintance of other Otaku's in this forum that might be closer to my age. I don't know how true this will prove, but I sometimes get the feeling that many of you are in your twenties or younger...

So, though I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it, I'm a 31 year old female with a recent love/interest/obsession with anime, and I would like the chance to talk to other older Otaku's.

I have three older brothers, and I used to raid all their stuff--comic books, novels, music. I got most of my hobbies and personal tastes from them, (as well as this lingering tomboy quality that I'm actually quite proud of) and though I was always interested in anime (I saw the old classic [I]Akira[/I], when I was 13 and [I]Ghost in the Shell[/I] when I was 14.) I never got into it much.

Then I find myself in grad school with a little disposable income, cable TV (which I haven't had for almost four years) and a tendency to stay up late. Result: adult swim addict, and soon, total anime addict and newly christened Otaku. Then I start looking for anime in half price book stores and borders, start checking out manga too, then buy it up like it's going out of fashion.

It might take some of the shame off of this admission to admit that I'm going into young adult librarianship--for precisely the reasons I mentioned above--lifetime love of comics, graphic novels, sci-fi, etc etc.

I would pleased to talk to anyone of a similar age. :animesmil


Hope to hear from you.

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Welcome to theOtakuBoards Julie Elric!

We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that, than having a ton of introduction threads. Because of that reason I am going to lock this thread. Your message will still be up so people can PM you individually. I am very happy you found your way to the message boards here on theOtaku. You will meet lots of really nice people here who are in your age group...myself included. I am 29, feel free to PM me if you want to chat. :)

If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun!

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