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Have you ever hated someone so much their pressence makes you want to go insane?


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[FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Geez, lay off him already! He's only 13! I thought this was more like a high school thing. Talk about young, haha.

I can't believe you are 13 years old and have never been in a fight! O_o The mindset of children these days, to be afraid to fight for fear of getting sued... *sigh*

In any case, I'm at a loss. You are all just kids, haha. Fighting is usually the best solution for kids, but I guess it's wrong to say that or something. You'll all get over it with time. ^^

Seriously, people, lay off him. He's only thirteen. I mean, if this was someone closer to an adult, then I could see how you are justified in attacking him and calling him pansy. But c'mon, he's only THIRTEEN.
[quote name='James']Good job. Great advice for teens. lol[/quote] Why must you keep ridiculing me?! :animecry:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Yes, I do hate particular people to a degree that it damages my brain. It makes my head hurt to think of certain people.

Especially the people who try to get attention on anime messageboards by posting absurd and outlandish stories about wielding katana blades and trying to deal with what is, for all intents and purposes, an unrealistic and impossible problem, a problem that is so hyperbolic that it simply cannot exist in reality, only in poorly-conceived, poorly-written fictional satire.

It makes my head hurt just as much--if not more--when the poorly-conceived satire is desperately maintained by further adding pointless, trite and trivial convoluted twists and contrived plot points in an attempt to sustain what cannot be sustained.

That's what really drives me batty. When someone doesn't know how to handle satire competently.
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I can relate to this. My ex-boyfriend..BLAH I cant even say his name any more without shaking in fury. I just want to... :bash: Everything about him pisses me off and I dont even have a real reason why! His look(EWW),his attitude, his voice(all deep and "I think I sound sexy), his laugh, and his stalkerness. He joined the wrestling team because Im a wrestlerette so he would get to see me once every 2 weeks. He hated wrestling and suck so bad to the point were it was sickening, disturbing and humiliating. He refused to quit after we broke up and ruined the fun time I used to have at the games because I'd have to cheer for him for the 20 seconds he lasted on the mat. At first we were ...friends(AGGHHH) but then he just got so, "We used to be such good friends, best friends what happened? I miss you." And we were never that close. The last thing was how e always talked to my friends about me. ALWAYS. He said they were his friends after I introduced them once and even to this day they tell me he still asks about me.He even told one of my best guy riends to stay away from me! THE FRIGGIN NERVE! I've tried so hard to erase this nightmare but how can you when he's in all your classes and sits near, next or across in all of them too. AM I BEING PUNISHED BY THIS STALKER!?? :animecry:

I apologize. I guess I feel like telling a whole bunch of strangers to get this off my chest. :animesigh
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[QUOTE=Heezay][COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]My God, this guy thinks he lives in an anime cartoon or something. Guess what? Life has moved on since Rurouni Kenshin! Go outside, but MAKE SURE TO NOTICE YOU AIN'T IN FEDUAL JAPAN![/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]My 2-year old baby sister has bigger balls than you. Not to mention she could probably kick your *** in a fight.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
don't you think i know i'm not in feudal japan?!?!?!?!?!

look, what i did was shameful and irresponsible. but i've had to live with myself and what i did for about five years.you have to stand up for what you believe may be right at the time. i may have frightened the crap out of him, but you have to look at the other side of the story.

a child, armed with a katana, and no knowledge of the ramifications of life or death goes out. it will not be pleasent.

What i did wasn't the right thing to do, and i gotta live with myself for what i did, but in retrospect it prevented an even greater potential catastrophe.

and after all, we all do really stupid things in a lifetime. but it's how we atone for our mistakes that marks who we are. i have since sold my katana.
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[QUOTE=gaarasgirl90]I can relate to this. My ex-boyfriend..BLAH I cant even say his name any more without shaking in fury. I just want to... :bash: Everything about him pisses me off and I dont even have a real reason why! His look(EWW),his attitude, his voice(all deep and "I think I sound sexy), his laugh, and his stalkerness. He joined the wrestling team because Im a wrestlerette so he would get to see me once every 2 weeks. He hated wrestling and suck so bad to the point were it was sickening, disturbing and humiliating. He refused to quit after we broke up and ruined the fun time I used to have at the games because I'd have to cheer for him for the 20 seconds he lasted on the mat. At first we were ...friends(AGGHHH) but then he just got so, "We used to be such good friends, best friends what happened? I miss you." And we were never that close. The last thing was how e always talked to my friends about me. ALWAYS. He said they were his friends after I introduced them once and even to this day they tell me he still asks about me.He even told one of my best guy riends to stay away from me! THE FRIGGIN NERVE! I've tried so hard to erase this nightmare but how can you when he's in all your classes and sits near, next or across in all of them too. AM I BEING PUNISHED BY THIS STALKER!?? :animecry:

I apologize. I guess I feel like telling a whole bunch of strangers to get this off my chest. :animesigh[/QUOTE]

Actually, if you have a talk with your guidance counselor about this freak, you may be able to get out of his classes. I once had a bunch of bullies picking on me when I went to the gifted school. I told my guidance counselor about it and she not only had them punished but I was offered a class switch. Even the principle was on my side.
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[b][size=1]Hate is an extremely strong word for someone who is simply irritating...even if they are irritating all the time without pause...[/size][/b]

[b][size=1]My hatred is reserved for those people who are truly deserving of the damnation of pure hatred...[/size][/b]

[b][size=1]For instance, the people who prey upon children... and the people that murdered two of my friends over some insignificant bull****... or the "men" who rape...[/size][/b]

[b][size=1]These are the kind of people I hate- not just some irritating little neighbor boy or some obnoxious jerk at school... but that's just me, I guess:smirk:.[/size][/b]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Over time the word hate has dimmed down a bit, depending on how you use it. I mean I'm sure we all know that he doesnt hate the kid enough to wish ill or death upon him. I use hate alot when I'm only describing really extremly irratating people.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='gaarasgirl90][color=darkred][font=Fixedsys]Over time the word hate has dimmed down a bit, depending on how you use it. I mean I'm sure we all know that he doesnt hate the kid enough to wish ill or death upon him. I use hate alot when I'm only describing really extremly irratating people.[/font'][/color][/quote]

[b]Yeah, we're all aware that he's not planning to skin the kid or anything...[/b]

[b]I just tend to be picky about the overuse of words that are meant to have a strong effect when they're spoken or written. Words like love and hate should be used for real love and real hate, in my opinion... the overkill usage has diminished the meaning of so many a good descriptive word...[/b]
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Guest Heezay
[QUOTE=kabapu] i may have frightened the crap out of him, but you have to look at the other side of the story.

a child, armed with a katana, and no knowledge of the ramifications of life or death goes out. it will not be pleasent.


So, you think a child will immediately become a merciless killer the second he picks up a sword? You think this is a movie or something? You expect a little kid to pick up a sword and immediately swing it at people's necks?[/SIZE][/COLOR]

i yelled at him, drew my katana, and chased him from the room, wildly swinging my katana over my head. i caught up with him, slammed him against the wall, and put the tip of my katana to his throat, and said "if you ever come near to thinking about coming anywhere near my house again, you'll taste the steel of my katana".

[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]You know what? I think that katana would have been safer in the hands of that kid than in your hands.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Several.. in fact... past tense people Let's see... there was an idiot, let's just call him Moron Number 1... this guy would follow me everywhere around school just to annoy me. And he succeeded, but not before I let him know he did. I was at my lockers, it was during lunch, but absolutely no one was around. I got my stuff from my locker and Moron number 1 comes right behind me and puts his hands under my shirt and proceeded to breath down my neck, mind you he had no permission, or any "leading" from my part... he truly was a perve. The freak got slapped pretty hard, and I screamed at him for that. He was completely scared at the reaction, and because this moron was part of the damn football team, he started a vicious rumor of me being a lesbian. God I hated school.

In 8th grade, I hung out with some friends at school, they weren't part of the "popular" crowd, but we were a pretty big group. A lot of cool people. There was this one guy, he was a great friend.. seriously, a good FRIEND... that's all we were... anyways, he tried something after school one day, and that ended our friendship... Did I hate him beyond reason? Not at that point, but when I lost all of my "friends" because of him and his stupid twistings of stories, yes... I can honestly say that being in his presence made me insane. That was just a couple... there are a lot more... more than I'd like to get into, lol.
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[QUOTE=elfpirate][b]Yeah, we're all aware that he's not planning to skin the kid or anything...[/b]

*whistles non-chelaunt and hides cheese grater*

I really don't hate Zack, and I agree that hate is a strong word, but when your in a fit of rage, hate is the first word that comes to mind. It just goes to show that humans are evil, especially Kabapu :animesmil

Whats funny is, I've dealt with much more annoying bullies, punks and all around jack@**' than Zack, but when he gets me mad, I start to rant. Finally, he stopped coming near me because he got sick of me hating him.
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Guest Tsunomu
[QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude][QUOTE=elfpirate][b]Yeah, we're all aware that he's not planning to skin the kid or anything...[/b]

*whistles non-chelaunt and hides cheese grater*

I really don't hate Zack, and I agree that hate is a strong word, but when your in a fit of rage, hate is the first word that comes to mind. It just goes to show that humans are evil, especially Kabapu :animesmil

Whats funny is, I've dealt with much more annoying bullies, punks and all around jack@**' than Zack, but when he gets me mad, I start to rant. Finally, he stopped coming near me because he got sick of me hating him.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red] :catgirl: Well... if your still having... "ZACK TROUBLES" by the time you read this, you could do what i allways do when i want someone to leave! You get them to swear or do something bad than say "i'll tell your mom' Or 'Oh look my moms coming!' or 'GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!' SDo if he breaks something you can just say that he got mad,broke it, than ran off! perfect plan! almost works everytime... :animeswea and if that doesn't work, get a knife, send ur little borther up staires, tape zack up with tap, and than threaten him to ever come here again! Whos his parent gunna believe? that selfish piece of **** or you? anyways.... ya it should acctually work! ^^ :catgirl: [/COLOR]
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:animesigh Okay there's this girl in my school. She's soooo preppy!! Omg she thinks she's the cream of the crop, but really she's ugly, snotty, and annoying. She thinks everyone Loves her but the truth is no one likes her at all. Everytime i see her i want to kill her!! Like a jam my pencil up her butt! :animeswea pretty sad and disturbing but i do.
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[quote name='moonlightshadow']:animesigh Okay there's this girl in my school. She's soooo preppy!! Omg she thinks she's the cream of the crop, but really she's ugly, snotty, and annoying. She thinks everyone Loves her but the truth is no one likes her at all. Everytime i see her i want to kill her!! Like a jam my pencil up her butt! :animeswea pretty sad and disturbing but i do.[/quote]

[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]*shakes head* :grumble: Preps...everyones got em.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Seriously, people, lay off him. He's only thirteen. I mean, if this was someone closer to an adult, then I could see how you are justified in attacking him and calling him pansy. But c'mon, he's only THIRTEEN.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote]

You disgust me.


Why don't you suggest sending your brother over to his house to play? I mean, it's hardly unreasonable.

And, indeed, hate is a strong word and can be used both effectively and stupidly.

You can say, "I hate those ******* Nazis," and it would be reasonable. But, "I hate that kid over there," is just kinda sad.

(So are twenty year old guys who get a kick out of telling kids to go beat up their younger siblings' friends. Sheesh.)
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I, too, have had unpleasant experiances with other people (as has everyone, I'm sure). But ever since I've learned tolerence for the morons of the world, my stress has gone down considerably.

There is always going to be someone who grates on your nerves, sad, but true. Right now it may be an annoying child you go to school with, later it will be a self-confident prick you have to work with. The earlier you learn to ignore them, the better off you'll be in the long run.

As for your supposed "topic" of getting others to share their stories with you, I can't join in. Mainly because I've forgotten them. Or else they regester so low on my Worthwhile Human scale, that I don't think of them at all. If I can help it.

But I can do a general picture of people to be ignored.

People who are "aggressive" when driving 3500 pounds of moving steel. Yes, you are in a car and that makes you powerful indeed. But you need to be responisible. There are fleshy meat sacks that walk around (called pedestrians), and they don't have a steel frame to protect them.

People who are over confident to the extreme. You've all meet these idiots.

People who abuse drugs (legal and illegal) and destroy their bodies and minds. They are weak, it just offends me. (Hypicrate <- I smoke, so this doesn't really make sence from a logical veiw point. Oh well.) This is mainly because of my elder sister, she's addicted to crack and it's ruining her life. And towards the dealers, one of whom I've meet and want to murder. I am completely serious. If I got the chance, that women would have a VERY nasty "accident".

People who lie. Just tell the damn truth! lying has never made anything better. Also from my sister. She lies about everything and it infuriates me. White lie's are included in this, if a friend looks bad in a pair of pants, they get told.

Just random people. There are more, but I'm done with listing them.

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i remember this one kid in middle school. eventually he acquired the name "stalker". he was one of those loser kids who kept thinking i was his friend because i talked to him once. because of that he followed me everywhere whenever he got the chance: during recess, in P.E class, omg it was so annoying. i couldnt stand being around him any longer. even though i was blatantly mean to him, he still kept talking to me. at one point i just ended up punching him a couple times. it wasn't the best way but it worked!
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[QUOTE=Annie][color=#404142]I can most definitely relate to this. Now, I've not discussed this openly, and I won't explain details. So, this will be cut and dry, but it will give you enough.

Two years ago, I fell for this guy. His name, is Butthole [we shall name him this for obvious reasons that will unfold]. He and I real pretty good friends. We always hung out, always together, never argumentive. Well, one night, we went out to dinner and to play some pool. He confessed that he really liked me and that he wanted to kiss me. Now, he was 21 and I was 17. I never had any real experience with relationships. I was naive. However, I retorted in the fact that he had a girlfriend. Butthole then proceeded to spill his guts about how bad their relationship was, how badly she got on his nerves, how he was seriously thinking of breaking it up. I told him once he does that, then maybe we could talk something.

However, me being a stupid, unexperienced teenager, Butthole decided that he wanted to screw with my mind. Promises of being together, of how much he really cared about me, all he whispered to me for many nights. And I, being a stupid, unexperienced, hopeless romantic, I waited on those promises and whispers. He gave me so much attention, so many promises...only to be crushed with a year of hoping and dreaming. He never left his girlfriend; he only used me.

No matter how hard I tried to get away (which I succeeded for a short two months), he always pulled me under. It seemed I couldn't get away from him, no matter what my heart and mind told me. So, I left for the Air Force. It was there, in Basic Training, I realized how f^Ck#ng idiotic I was. I had wasted an entire year of my life; and I was emotionless--well, almost. I grew up in Basic Training, and I only thought of one thing. I was [b]not[/b] going to be subjected to my stupidity again. There is no way in Hell I would allow it. And when I got back, I didn't. He attempted to come around me; but quickly realized my hatred for him.

To this day, his very [real] name makes me furious. It was wrong of him to even start anything. And what probably pisses me off, is myself. For allowing myself to become victim to that entire year. Everytime his name is mentioned, everytime I'm reminded of him, I'm reminded of my shame.

Scarred? Most definitely. But scars don't kill. There's only one for me..one who's helped me to heal my wounds. And he's 1,982.2 miles away.[/color][/QUOTE]

Wow, kind of similar to a situation I was in, minus the Air Force.

My best friend's brother is a pain the butt. He's in 6th grade but acts like a 3-year old. He screams when he's not allowed on the computer (which BELONGS to my best friend, so she should have the final say as to who can use it), and he always says things to make her feel bad, like making fun of her weight or namecalling. He pisses her off more than does any emotional damage to me, but it still makes me mad the way he acts and I have no respect for him whatsoever.
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[SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Omg do I ever but I don't think it's their pressence that makes me go insane it's their remarks or gestures towards me and I can't stand it. This just so happens to be one of my ex-girlfriends from 2 years ago who's just a total... arg I can't think of something appropriate to say so I'll just stop there.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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Two people.

The first is my Grandma. She whines at least two or three times every time we see her. "Well, my rash has been getting worse. I don't know if I'm going to be around this time next year." Yeah, you've been saying that for a decade now. Not to mention that she ruined our trip to Oregon with her fake heart attack. (which was really just an anxiety attack... I'm not joking) And when she's not whining, she's telling the most boring stories you will ever hear. "...and my niece said that she won't have pig for breakfest. And then my husband told her that they're having bacon. She said that's fine, but she won't eat pig. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" GRRRRR, STFU *****! Lately though, I'm less annoyed and more amused by her whining. Its just so pathetic that I can't help but laugh. My mom got mad because she left a message on our message machine saying thaat she wasn't feeling well and not to call her, and I started busting up laughing at how stupid she sounded. Her stories still piss me off, though.

The second is this kid that I used to know, Westly. I'd heard about the guy before I met him. I knew that people often completely misjudged people with small quirks, so I decided to hang out with him on the dodgeball wall. He got mad when I nailed him in the stomach and left. What did he expect? Its dodgeball! My second encounter with this kid was in sixth grade on a basketball court that I just so happened to be passing through. "Get off of the basketball court or I'm going to tell the teachers on you!" "Free country." Instead of turning around, I kept going. I wasn't getting in his way, and through the basketball court just so happened to be the quickest way to getting where I was going. "That's it, I'm telling! Teacher, he's cussing!" "Hey Westly." He turned around and found his basketball hitting him in the face. Keep your words and actions soft and sweet, because someday you might just have to eat them. Pretty funny stuff, and it lead to me meeting one of my best friends.

In eighth grade, Westly needed a ride home. I decided to give him another chance. After all, people do change and mature with time, and its not cool to assume that people aren't going to learn from their mistakes, especially when they've been so severely and constantly punished as Westly had been. (his trying to get kids busted for any minor rule breaking earned him a lot of enemies) I asked my mom if she could give him a ride. No problem. The next day, do you know what the first words out of his mouth were? It sure as hell wasn't a happy hello, or a thank you, or a tell your mom I said thank you."Your mom kinda looked like freak." WHAT THE HELL?! That's not the way that you respond someone going out of their way to keep you out of a strong storm. I don't think that I need to tell you what happened next. And just for the record, my mom doesn't look odd at all.

Needless to say, I pretty much severed all ties with Westly after that. The only other time that I really interacted with Westly past that point was when he tried to get his payback by kicking me in P.E. class. That was the second to weakest kick I have ever felt by somebody my own age. (there was this Mexican kid that kicked me in the stomach after I refered to him as the fat kid when the girl that I was talking to mentioned Salistino... that little bastard made me laugh... he's alright) I kicked Westly's *** for the second time. And from what I've seen of him since then, he still hasn't changed. He is the most disrespectful and weak person I have ever met, as well as the most deserving of the punishment that he gets as a result. I hear that he's getting a lot of sympathy dates from the ladies these days. Don't you get it, girls? He doesn't deserve your sympathy. He's the one that makes life at school just a little less fun by playing spy, and the one that repays friendship by selling people out. (poor Chris... planning out and skipping a day of school shouldn't have been any of Westly's business, and he knew that Chris has strict parents) Don't reward the shrimpy bastard for being a shrimpy "bastard".
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well, hate a lot of people, some people I don't even know, but what I do know of them, causes me great dislike. This includes celebrities such as Britney Spears (who can't keep her legs closed, or her mouth for that matter, especially at the alter), Jamie Lee Curtis (who is infact incredibly old, yet tries to be young and "stylish" as she might call it, yet the only thing she does well is kill trends that had previously been started), and basically every rapper ever (your not cool, your not gangsters, and no one loves you).

In terms of people I actually know, theres lots of them I hate too. Its better to group them rather then mention them personally.

I don't like wiggers for one. Your not black, get over it, just because you wear long shirts and walk like you were shot in the leg, doesn't mean you were, and doesn't mean your like 50 Cent.

This leads to the disliking of stereotypical black people. Now, this is not a racist comment, because I do have friends that are black, however I hate the ones that are loud, ignorant, and needlessly outspoken.

I hate stuck-up people. Anyone who thinks that they're better then someone else needs to look in the mirror and see past their skin to the inside, where they will find themselves empty and alone as a consequence of their actions.

I hate posers. Most people relate this to music or some state of mind, I just don't like fake people. Someone who tries to be cool by saying "Oh yeah, I smoke weed all the time, man, I was so drunk last hah." Most people that flaunt these things are actually trying to compensate for not doing them in the first place. Don't say you smoke if you don't just to be cool, its not cool, and neither are you.
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There is a certain person in my family that i cannot stand. Every time i do ANYTHING they will criticise me or just generally be unpleasant (at least once each day).

Example: If i were to say... watch an anime, they would immediatly go on about how pathetic i am and how i need to get a life!
I could go on but i really dont want to go into more detail
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