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OOC: this will be my last post for the weekend.

Xia ran ahead. Shadow sighed and reassured himself of his fears. "Meh. She'll never think I'm cool." He muttered to himself. He found himself drawn back into the dungeon. He looked back longingly.

He saw the pinpoint of light that Xia approached. He followed her, running after her, and making good use of his new speed. He caught up, using only a brief moment to look at the looke of pure haapiness on her face. [i]I bet she likes Grim or something...[/i] He thought, looking back to the light which was no longer there. Instead, a behemoth guarded the exit. Xia squinted, and saw it. They both stopped before it noticed them. Shadow looked grave.

"I'll go in and distract it. Don't use any spells on it until its attacks are focused on me, okay?" said Shadow, absent-mindedly putting his hand on her arm.

Xia felt the warmth of the hand, and it left, just as quickly as it came. Shadow was off distracting the guard. She paused. [i]So I can feel [/i]him[i], too?[/i]

Shadow swung at the guard. It turned, and Shadow's intense grin turned pale and atrophied. What turned was a Giant Shogun.

:ORANGE_SHADOW hits GIANT SHOGUN for 0 damage!:

"Hoo, boy." he said. "RUN, XIA! I CAN'T DAMAGE IT! YOU CAN SAVE YOURSELF!" He yelled.

He turned his attention back to the monster, once again donning his grin. "I'm faster, you fat old bastard. I dare you to hit me..."

OOC: Xia, you carry on from here! ^_^ Cover for me while I'm gone.
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Xia watched in terror as the Giant Shogun turned to face the two of them. Fear struck her hard as she realized what Shadow had said. [I]Run! You can save yourself, what did he mean by that.[/I] She thought to herself. [I]I can't leave him here, even if he wants me to. I just can't see another player flash grey, I can't stand to see another one go. [/I] She grasped her staff in her hand tightly as she took her place beside Shadow.

"What are you doing, I told you to run!" Shadow replied quickly.

"You really think I am going to abandon you, after what has been happening? I'm staying here even if we die, we die fighting or running!" Xia shouted both fear and determination filled her voice. They each jumped in opposite directions dodging the attack from the Shogun. Xia leapt back to gain casting space and Shadow rolled to teh side then dove in for an attack to no avail. The two of them fought only to find a window of opportunity to run away, but each found it harder and harder to dodge as their muscles began to weaken. Shadows attacks were only tiring him out and Xia's spells were practically useless and using up energy. Xia was hit by the Shogun, but only just, and she hit the ground hard. She cried out, this pain was a real pain and it frightened her.

"XIA!" Shadows voice was covered in concern as he watched Xia hit the stone ground with a cry. Shadow Leapt forward toward the Shoguns head, bringing his weapon down on its head. His speed was amazing and it gave a chance of survival, but why would Xia stay, why would she risk her life to stay behind when she could run. Xia opened her eyes, she had closed them on impact with the floor, but now she looked over at the Shogun and Shadow. Shadow was running in circles around it but he had been hit once she could see. Xia stood and held herself up with her new staff, she was lucky that the attack she had taken was only a minimal blow, or else she would be dead. She watched as the Shogun managed to trip Shadow, and prepared to bring his weapon down upon the fallen player. She wasn't quite sure how she did it, but with her all her remaining strength Xia ran forward, not quite sure what she was doing.

Shadow felt the impending doom as he watched the weapon fall before he could stand, but then before he understood what was happening he heard the clang of weapond clashing. He looked up to find Xia standing over him her new staff held high over her head. He could see the muscles in her arms strain as she held the Shogun at bay, he could see a faint glow coming from the staff. She shouted out a spell he had only heard once before, one that he didn't ever hear from other players, her voice echoed through the halls. Then he felt her gentle hands helping him up and holding him by the arm.

"Lets get out of here!" She would of shouted this reply, but she was way to weak to do more than whisper. The two of them ran as fast as 'their' feet could carry them. They could here the sound of the Shogun behnd them, he was recovering from whatever Xia had done, and he didn't sound pleased. They continued to run as their legs burned with pain, and their hearts beating at exsesive rates. Xia looked ahead of her into the light that lead out of the dungeon, there ahead she could see Loki, Grim, and Kia. A look of relief crossed her face as her muscles refused to support her anymore, and she fell to the stone floor. Shadow fell to his knees but managed to stay conscious. He grinned down at Xia then up at the approaching players.

"I'm glad you guys could make it." he replied weakly. Xia lay next to him unconscious, her staff still glowing faintly.
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Xia is at level 3 1/4, for not only fighting in Mac Anu from the beginning, but also dungeon crawling, and also tangling with the Shogun

Orange Shadow is at level 2 3/4, for coming near the end of the Mac Anu scene, tangling with the shogun, and dungeon crawling.

Loki is at level 2 1/2, for showing up midway through Mac Anu.

Grim is at level 2 3/4, for fighting in Mac Anu from the beginning.

Kia, if you choose to reenable yourself to level up, you will also be at 2 3/4, higher than Grim, for fighting alone in Mac Anu from the beginning.

Shadow and Loki were docked for showing up late to Mac Anu, but don't think of it as a penalty, it's just that you didn't have the opportunity to kill as many goblins.


"Yeah, what is it?" Grim said in suprise. He didn't expect to see other players so soon. He recognized them from Mac Anu, happy to see he wasn't the only one who made it. "Do either of you know-" He stopped. They obviously didn't, Grim thought. He changed his question. "Do either of you have a spare sword?" Kia nodded, and handed him a goblin sword. "I picked it up in Mac Anu on accident." She said. Grim nodded and equiped it. The sword's magic stole some of his energy, he immediately felt more depressed. He still couldn't log off, and he didn't know what would happen if he turned off his computer. He still shivered from the convulsions he went through getting here.

Suddenly, Xia and Shadow came running, and collapsed at their feet. He looked up to see an armored shogun in the distance. Grim slashed his sword across the ground. "Let's go!" He shouted with more spirit than he felt.

(Sorry it's not longer, I've got to go right now.)
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Orange Shadow sifted through his inventory and found two healing potions.

"Crap, thats all I have left." He whispered to himself. He looked up at the battle ging on without him and the unconscious Xia lying next to him. He could see blood from the wound she had recieved from the shogun, he reached down and gave one of the healing potions to her. It took a moment brfore Xia's golden eyes opened and she slowly sat up.

"I'm not dead?" Her voice was shakey.

"Nope, not this---" Shadows was cut off when Xia wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm so glad... I was so afraid that---" Xia let go quickly and turned away. Shadow was blushing a deep shade of red, but luckily Xia couldn't due to her back was turned. "I'm sorry about that, I was just really happy." She replied.

"Come on its no big deal... beside the others need our help. Lets go."
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]OOC: Sorry that it has been such a while that I posted!!

?Look!! There ? there?s Grim!? said Kia

? LOL, we found him? said Loki as they rushed to him.

? What are you guys doing here,? said Grim looking confused, then he continued ?I didn?t see you..? but he never got to finish his statement because Loki let out a scream that echoed through the chamber they were in.


?Look there is the rest of group? Xia said getting up and running off to the rest of the group

?Man? said Shadow

?You?re bleeding? says Kia to Xia looking at her hand

?Well I was? she replied

?Your staff it?s new and better? Loki said examining it

? Yep, she is a rare item hunter.? Said Shadow walking up to them.

?I wonder what happened to the players who were killed? said Grim

? Would they fell the pain in the world?? asked Shadow remembering Xia?s wound.

Suddenly static filled the screen and graphics began to distort wildly. As suddenly as it started it stopped and the group was warped out of the dungeon. When they reentered they were in what us to be delta, Mac Anu that had been replaced with a giant castle.

?Looky here mates it?s a couple o? noobies looken fur some trouble? said a blade master stepping to the chaos gate. A heavy blade and wave master stepped out as well.

?Perhaps we should teach them to mess with the power of the epitaph of twilight can do? said the wave master.

? Now now my henchmen it?s not nice to pick fights with the needy.? A figure appeared out of now were. He had a long blue rob with gray hair and purple eyes.

Loki dropped his spear to the ground. ?T-that?s the guy from the painting!!? said Loki

?What painting? said Kia said

? Ah the police boy?s son, tell Daddy that* he raises staff into the air* his little baby is still to young?

? Wait? said a husky voice
and then They were warped yet again ,this time to the theta server.

? Where are we?? asked Grim

?What happened there? Shadow asked turning to Loki.

[I] beep beep beep[/I]

The new message appeared on his screen. Then one on Grims head set too, and Xia and Shadow?s as well.

?Looks like we can log off now said Loki, oh here go.

You have received Loki?s member address.

This message appeared on ever ones screen.

?See ya? he said before he logged out of the world.

The boards were bursting full of conversations about the incident in Mac Anu, and he had gotten many emails from CC corp. apologizing for what had happened.

? well I guess my adventure is just beginning? he said before shutting down his computer.

OOC: WOW that was wrong, if your confused about something please PM and I ?ll explain or fix it.
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OOC-Thanks, I'll remain unable to level up. It wouldn't make sense otherwise!

||θ-Highland City Dun Loireag||

Kia sighed as the other players warped out of 'the World', one by one, as if nothing had ever even happened. Yeah, you people go do that, she complained to herself, I'll be in here if anyone needs me...like always... Now she was in a bad mood again, and her temper was slipping.

Isn't there anyone left that I know? She silently pondered. Then she remembered with painful detail watching Balmung go down in a flutter of greyed-out feathers in front of a lowly goblin. She decided to go see him, if she could find him.

||Δ-Aqua Capital Mac Anu||

It wasn't terribly difficult to find Balmung; he rather tends to stand out in the crowd. Kia walked slowly up to him, hoping he would remember her. "Balmung?" she called to the winged player, who was sitting dejectedly in front of the magic shop. He looked up and, to her relief, recognition spread across his face.

"Kia?" he said, squinting his eyes, "You're still around after that goblin raid?"

Kia smiled gingerly at him. "You can't get rid of me that easy," she replied with a smile. She sat down next to him, looking into his deep blue eyes, sparkling with the clarity only one who actaully lives in 'the world' can see. And Kia had lived in 'the World' for a long time, so she'd had a long time to see it.

"Still," Balmung muttered, "I'll bet it must've been terrifying for you..." He looked down suddenly at his gauntleted hands. "It was for me."

Kia nodded in agreement. "It was the most frightened I've been since the second Wave." Her face blackened as a disturbing thought occurred to her. She simply couldn't remember something about herself. "Balmung?" She asked hesitantly.


"How did I die?"
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Xia removed the headset and placed on the computer desk in front of her, heaving a deep sigh of relief. She looked at her clock, 11:30 pm. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, picking up her glass from that afternoon. A tinge of pain shot through her hand and she dropped her glass, it hit the ground shattering. Panic filled her mind, [I]'That can't possibly be from... no thats rediculous.'[/I] She thought this as she walked to the kitchen looking down at her hand that still ached slightly, then retrieving the broom and dustpan headed back to the computer room.
"My hands just tired from plying all day thats all, it couldn't be anything else." She replied to herself quietly. She cleaned up the mess, the whole time thinking about the days events in the world. The cool wall, the muscle pain, the blood, and his touch, what did it all mean? After she had cleaned up the glass and changed for bed she glanced at the clock again, 11:53.

"I've got an 8:00 class tommorow, I'm gonna regret this." She stated turning off the light and crawling into bed. The night went by slowly as dreams of the previous day filled her mind, but the image that stood out most was the boy she was with all day... Orange Shadow.

Why did he stay with her, she found herself thinking the next morning whilst sitting in her history class. The day couldn't pass fast enough, she had to get back to 'The World'. The moment her last class was out she went home as quickly as possible. She didn't even check her phone for messages, she went straight into her computer room and looged on.

LOGIN: Xialynn

PASSWORD: *******


Xia was relieved to find that Mac Anu was back to normal. Everyone around her was walking about their daily buisness, most of them were talking about yesterdays events. Xia glanced down at her hand, the bandage was gone, but where the bandage once was a scar shown. A chill ran down her spine. She looked up at the people around her trying to ignore her hand, moments later she spotted Kia. '[I]This is my chance, I can apologize.[/I] ' She though walking toward Kia, who didn't even seem to notice her.

"Hey Kia." Xia replied cheerfuly approaching Kia. Kia glanced up to see the Xia, the girl from the day before.

"Hi." She remarked flatly, her face not changing at all.

"I just wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday, you know about you being tired in a game. I didn't understand at the moment what was going on, and I didn't mean to insult you. I'm sorry." Her voice was quiet.

"Ok." Kia's tone remained flat and unfeelinged. Xia found the moment awkward and smiled.

"Right well I'll see you later, bye." She replied giving a slight bow and walking toward a magic shop. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder and a voice behind her.

"Hey there Xia, hows it goin?"
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||Δ-Aqua Capital Mac Anu||

Frozen solid, Kia thought to herself as Xia walked slowly away, a confused look on her face. Kia suddenly broke into a sob again. Balmung had told her how she had gotten stuck in this world, and the details were far from pretty. No one knew exactly how it had happened, but she had been found in a park in the dead of winter, frozen to the ground, laying face-down with 'the World' running on her laptop ten feet away.

Frozen solid. She could just picture what it must've looked like, a little thirteen-year-old girl laying face-first in the snow in the middle of a blizzard, her skin turning blue from the frost. It's almost a shame that death didn't cross over to me, Kia thought to herself piteously. So much time...so much pain...

Not for the first time in her poor excuse for a life, Kia shuddered as she suddenly felt the cold metal of her own blade pressed up against her throat. Why not be done? When will I finally get to take a break from my life? Kia's mind argued with itself, her other hand grasped her blade at the sharp edge, her blood falling in a puddle unto her lap. Still, though, the hand grasped the blade and tried to pull it away from her soft flesh.

Finally, she couldn't keep hold of herself anymore. She yanked the blade brutally away with a fresh spurt of red, and passed out where she was sitting, blood trickling down the road from her slit hand.

Self inflicted pain is cool!
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Xia turned and saw the warm smile of her dear friend Leon, but she did not have time to reply to his question. She watched over Leon's shoulder as Kia's blood spilled over onto the road, and Kia pass out. She was about to run over to Kia when she saw Lord Bulmung standing over her. She watched as he gave her a healing potion and picked her small fragile body up into his arms, he then left the main street.

"Hey what was that all about, you were smiling then all of asudden as white as a ghost." Leon was confused. He was a tall muscualr Heavy Blade with jet black hair and brilliant blue eyes. He wore a tight black shirt and dark brown pants with black boots.

"It's nothing I just thought I saw some one." Xia replied covering up the fear in her voice. "So where, have you been this last month, have you read the boards yet?"

"I was gone on a really long buisness trip. I'm sorry I didn't email you about it. Anyway what on earth happened here yesterday? Did you make through the day?" His bright blue eyes lit up as he spoke. Xia listened and then filled him in on the recent events.

"Orange Shadow? Who is that?" Leons wondered out loud, his eyebrow rising.

"He's one of the players that I met yesterday... remember?" Xia replied matter-of-factly.
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OOC I have NO clue what "castle" you were talking about, Oliver, so I'm going to wait until you clarify. That post seemed a little rushed, anyway.

Net Slums

Grim gated into the net slums and looked around. He knew something seemed familiar-the place they were portaled to looked exactly like the net slums. He sighed, and wished he had stayed to find out why they had been transported there at all. That didn't matter now, he thought. Now, he needed answers.

"Helba!" He shouted, his voice echoing in the distance. It gave him shivers down his spine; he didn't know what was real anymore. "Helba!" He shouted again. This time, a tall wavemaster in a white dress appeared before him. "What?" Said Helba in a serious tone. Grim swallowed before starting. "I need you to do something for me."

"Like what? She replied coldly.

"I want you to take me to Mac Anu." Grim stated. A slim smile appeared on Helba's lips. "You don't need a hacker to go to the root town." She pointed out. Grim grinned. "No, I want you to take me to the [I]real[/I] Mac Anu, the one that was attacked."

Helba grimaced. She knew what he was talking about, Grim could tell. "What do you mean?" Asked Helba.

"It's obvious. CC corp couldn't possibly fix the problem without first rebooting the world, and that would be nearly impossible, seeing as there are millions of players on the world at a time. A restart would cause mass complaints, not to mention a drop in sales.

"So, instead of fixing the problem, I'm guessing they cut off all access to that Mac Anu, and replaced it with a copy, passing it off as the real thing. Am I right?" It was Helba's turn to swallow. "You're a fool. The problem was fixed, they didn't need to reboot at all."

"You're lying." Answered Grim. "I'll even go a little further. I bet, they never even controllled the situation in the origional Mac Anu, right? I'll bet that portal they came out of was never closed, was it? And even further, I bet that same incident is likely to happen again." He grinned. Helba's expression didn't lead on to whether or not he was right, but she did at least know what he was talking about. Helba smiled. "Logical, however untrue. The portal was closed, though you are right that the problem was not fixed. However, I saw to it myself that this could not happen again."

"How?" Grim demanded.

"I sealed the portal myself." She said. And with that, she was gone.

Mac Anu

Grim frowned, and gated into town. It wasn't as crowded as it was when they were attacked. That's right, he thought, there was a festival that day for the returning Crimson Knights.

He walked deeper into Mac Anu, saving his game once, and then standing atop the bridge. There wasn't alot going on today, except for a few special challenges CC corp had set up to make up for the problems yesterday. Grim thought for a moment, and then turned back to the chaos gate. He remembered something Helba herrself had told him. When there were changes in the world, they always showed up first in the Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground. He warped there immediately.

Hidden Forbidden Holy Grounds

Grim appeared at the end of the long pathway that led to the church. It seemed normal, except the sky had turned red. He to the church doors, which were sealed tight. Out of habit, he knocked. Almost instantly, he heard voices on the other side. "Bear!" One shouted, sounding female. "There's somebody out there!"

"Hello!" Shouted a more masculine voice. "Uh, Hey!" Grim shouted back. "Is there anyway you can unlock the doors!" The male voice shouted. Grim tried the handle. "No, I don't see how I could!" Grim shouted. They talked among themselves, when suddenly, the game glitched, and the voices stopped. There were footsteps behind him, and he turned to see a somber-looking double blade girl. "Excuse me." She asked. "Have you seen two other players?" Grim thought for a moment. "There are two in-" The doors were open when he turned around, and the church was empty. He looked back at the sky, to see it too had returned to normal.

"In where?" The girl asked. "Uh, nevermind." Grim replied. "Don't lie!" Shouted the girl. "I know you saw them, so where are they?"

"Hey, who do you think you are?" Shouted Grim. "I'm...Tsukasa." She said.

"Like the player who was trapped?"

"I'm not trapped anymore. I got out."

"I heard Tsukasa was a male wavemaster."

"I changed my character. I...thought I was a boy at that time, the World was controlling my memories." She said. Then she gated out.

Grim frowned at looked back into the monestary. Everything looked normal, except there was a monster portal behind the statue. He walked into the monastary. An iron gate held him away from the portal, so he couldn't see what it held. He tried to jump over the gate, but he stopped in mid air, and was gated out.

:Five Minute Time out.: said a message on his screen. :For attempting illegal activity in the world: Grim sighed, and waited to be gated back in.

Mac Anu

Grim arrived, just as he saw Balmung walking away, into the alley, he could see legs dangling from his arm, and a head cradled in his other arm, but he didn't stop to ask. Instead, he stood back on the bridge, out of ideas. He saw Xia, but didn't go over. She wasn't going to be much use in figuring this out at this stage, she knew only as much as he did. Grim frowned and let himself fall off the bridge, just as the boat was passing underneath. "Watch it!" A crimson knight barked. He forgot-Crimson Knights were back, and the boat was their territory. He frowned and lept off the boat. Everything seemed peaceful. "Can the World really calm down so quickly after that?" He asked himself.
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"Wow, it looks like I missed all the fun." Leon stated smiling smuggly. Xia's eyes widened.

"Fun... you that we had fun? There was nothing fun about that situation, I really felt the damage I took." Xia was not happy with Leons opinion of the previous day. She held up her hand so that Leon could see the scar. He took her hand and inspected it closely.

"That can't be, what is this some kind of joke?" Leons voice was filled with disbelief.

"Yes its a 'World' wide joke, let me tell ya, we all emailed eachother and decided to make it a joke!" Xia was raising her voice by now, and passerbys were looking at them.

"Well what do you expect me to think, that you really bled in the world and that you felt pain? I can't believe that Xia, I mean really if you were gone for a month and I told you this would you believe me?" Leon was trying to make his point, but Xia just looked at him. He tell that he'd hurt her by the look on her face.

"I was hoping that you'd believe me no matter what I said, considering we have been friends for 5 years now." Xia turned away and took a few steps. "I'll see you later." And with that reply she walked off.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]OOC: The whole castle thing (was very rushed) is that the original Mac anu was hacked and the graphics were torn down and rebuilt into the form of a castle were dwelling inside are the 3 henchman (an unnamed twin blade, heavy blade, and wave master) who lesion to a wave master (who is most likely a hacker) who is dressed in blue robs, who claims to have the full version of the epitaph of twilight (which if you know the slightest thing about .hack you?ll know that the original version was lost when Emma died)So basically they turned the original delta into there head quarters that is in the world. With a chaos gate that only they can access and use. And just like net slum it is unable to be monitored by administrators at CC corp. Sorry that that was so mind-boggling.

IC: Loki ran home from tennis practice and dashed upstairs to his room, throwing his bag and racket on the sofa as he ran. His computer was already on when he arrived . He put on the headset and checked his mail. He had 3 new messages

Subject: Your post on the board sender: NoObkiLleR

Hey man,

I read your post on the boards about you going to investigate the stuff with the server issues yester day. I?ve got a friend that may be able to help you but he hates Noobs so?to prove your self to him come to Theta sever and I?ll help you and some of your friends get to the bottom level of the dungeon in
Hidden Dark Side Aqua Field

See ya then

Ps; member address included
Subject: The incident Sender: CC corp.

Following the up rising of goblins that attack delta these new rules are put into affect.

1. Weapons may once again be used in all servers, however due to rule number 3 if you are caught using it in any way that in not good conduct we will apprehend you and possibly freeze account.
2. Administrators will be patrolling the root towns and all areas/ dungeons if you are caught violating the user agreement your account will be frozen.
3. Player killing (PK) is no longer allowed in any area in the world, no excess/acceptations. Account will be temporarily frozen
4. If you are caught exchanging information/ rumors on the board/ world your account will be suspended. It is now in violations with rule number 2 seeing how the use agreement was amended and this was added. If you no longer agree with the agreement please see an administrators and he will get you a meeting with us, via the world

Thank you for following these rules and we hope you enjoy your time in the world.
CC corp.

Subject: none sender: CC corp.

Your post on the message boards was deleted. Please do not attempted your ?investigation? any longer or your account will be frozen.

Thank you,
CC corp.

[I] Well that sucks, oh well they say if they catch me my account is suspended [/I]

After reading his mail and the boards that looked like they would help him on his search (most of which have been deleted), he logged into the World to begin his session.

[I] Well I better find Noobkiller and some of my ?companions if I?m going to continue to get info. [/I] he thought as he searched the city for Noobkiller and any one of his friends. He was walking up the bridge when he saw a big crowd gathered around seemingly a few characters. As he butted his way to the center of the group he recognized Kia, Xia, and Grim immediately. The other player, the one getting all the attention was a young looking blade master with?wings. Loki could not believe it you could get wings. He wanted a pair for him self, but his thoughts skipped as he saw Kia recovering from he injury that was on her neck.

? Loki? said Xia looking up

? What Loki? said Kia miraculously recovering from the wound quickly.

? Ah you,? a heavy axmen walked up to them before continuing ? Your Loki, I?m Noobkiller, and this must be your party, righty oh lets go then? he said in a heavy English accent.

? Guys will you please join my party? asked Loki to Xia and Kia.

?No Kia you should rest? said the blade master but stopped in mid sentence ?Orca wants to see me stay out of trouble Kia? he said before running off to the chaos gate.

You received XIA and KIA?s member address

Ok sure nothing better at the time? said Kia getting to her feet as the group of people slowly went to follow the blade master

?Come on now I got other things to do now? Noobkiller said asLoki, Xia, Kia and himself made it to the chaos gate.
? Where is Grim? asked Kia

You have received Grim?s member address

Flashed up on the screen

? Sorry had to restock? Grim said joining the party.

?If only Orange shadow were-? but Xia stopped her self

?Alright Hidden Dark Side Aqua Field? said Noobkiller.

The group warped to the area.[/FONT]
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OOC: Don't ask about the "I'm listening to:" references. I was listening to the song while writing the post. If you have the song, play it, if you don't, you'll live.

IC: (Listening to Glory Box and Biscuit by Portishead)
Shadow walked around the World, not distracted by missions or quests or events. He simply absorbed the atmosphere of Mac Anu.

He sat at the side of one of the rivers, able to glance at passing players. They paid him little heed, except for some new characters, who commented about his headphones.

He looked out, scanning the river before him for goblins. He would ask passerbys about the goblins, and they would just laugh. He never figured out the reason for their disappearance. He walked up to the warpgate, and was prompted to enter a passcode.

He entered:
SPECIAL AMAZING NEWFOUNDLAND and was transported to an area suited for his level. "I think I'll just level today. Not much else to do..."


After an hour of playing, he had explored the dungeon, gotten the treasure (which was fairly useless, just gold catchers), and fought as many enemies as his hp would allow.

"Hello," a new player said. She was not familiar, and a new model character. "I need help getting through this dungeon... will you help me?"

Shadow stood, looking at her intensely. "Sure. Let's go." He walked off into the dungeon, remembering to party up before he did so. The new character followed him closely, occasionally putting the voice recognition software to impure uses by humming pop songs. "Lordy, what a day..." Shadow said, as they entered.
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Xia heaved a sigh as she follwed the party, her heart just wasn't into adventuring today. She attempted to start convertsation with the other party members but the big guy kept giving her glances that replied "Shut up". She looked around at her surroundings, dull and stoney just like every dungeon. She brushed her fingers along the stone wall, a game just like it should be, not cool like yesterday. Her thoughts began to wonder as she walked along behind the others.
[I]Contact me sometime, I'd like to do that again. [/I] Thats what he said, she looked down at her hand. He had helped her bandage it the day before. [I]I sent a message to him before we left, I hope he gets it. [/I] She thought to herslef still ignoring those around her.


"XIA! Pay attention!" Kia shouted.
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||Δ-Hidden-Dark Side-Aqua Field||

"Xia! Pay attention!" Kia shouted as the battle began, a few low-level monsters appearing in front of the grooup. Why I have to get dragged into these fights, I'll never know, she thought to herself, scolding herself for yet again foolishly agreeing to go somewhere with a bunch of players she didn't know.

A goblin lunged at her with a short, blunt dagger. She whirled easily to the side and with a slash that registered as a blue-tinted blur to the eye, the goblin fell in two pieces onto the cavern floor. Kia turned away before the gush of goblin-blood sprayed out. Yet another problem with being trapped in 'the World' is the sick, twisted ability to see the blood of fallen enemies...as well as your own.

Kia quickly turned to see how the others were doing. Her eyes grew wide with fear as she saw a gaint wyvern fling the others off of it, like bees nettling a bear, and stare straight at her. It took one giant step towards her, its foreleg like a mountain of scales, and she slowly began to back away from it...

...But after a few seconds, she felt the hard, cold stone of the cavern wall pressing up against her back. "Ummm...guys?" she called weakly, shaking in fear as the others got back up. The great dragon roared, and suddenly it's head plunged down towards her. Kia closed her eyes slowly, and everything seemed to slow to a complete stop for a moment. Is it finally time? she asked herself. Her arms flew up, almost as if welcoming the dragon to crash down on her...

OOC: And for anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, that thing is NOT supposed to be here!!! Help!!!
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"Ga Nom!" Xia's voice rang through the caverns as she cast her spell. It didn't do much but it did however change the focus of the dragon. She ripped her staff tightly and took a deep breath. [I]You distracted it now you have to deal with it![/I], she thought to herself. Her heart beat quickly inher chest and she leapt back from the dragon as it attacked.

Kia opened her eyes, almost angry that Xia had inturrupted but at the same time relieved knowing that the dragons attack would not have felt so good. She watched as the other party members jumped into the frey, dodging and attacking mostly to no avail. [I]Do they have a death wish?[/I] She thought watching their hoepless atempts.
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After leading the newbie through the dungeon and a few interface details of the game, Shadow said his goodbyes and went on his merry way.

He kept hearing a birdlike chirping, very strange indeed, but he ignored it... at least until it followed him to Mac Anu. "What the-"

:Message to ORANGE_SHADOW from XIA:
Hey! We're exploring HIDDEN DARK SIDE AQUAFIELD, so feel free to join us if you want! Hope you'll come.
:End Message:
:Do you wish to reply?:
"Sure. Start message. I'm coming as soon as I can. Meet you there! End message."


Shadow had gated into the area, and loitered for a minute. He figured that Xia was probably down in the dungeon, so he donned his trusty headphones, and drew his sword. He ran in, wondering what she would think if he was too late.


The dragon smiled a sharp, toothy grin at the party. Grim was beat up, and so was Xia. She was recovering from a previous attack. Loki and Kia were scraped up, but fairly useless, their MP being sapped away using spells to no avail.

"Okay... we need help, fast!" Xia whispered. then she heard the chirping noise.

:Message to XIA from ORANGE_SHADOW:
"I'm coming as soon as I can. Meet you there!"
:End Message:
:Do you wish to reply?:
"No..." Xia said, shocked at the miracle.

Xia's eyes widened as her health suddenly sky-rocketed. Grim was similarly healed, and the MP of the party was also restored.

Shadow looked triumphantly over the crowd. He held the bottle casings fo numerous health and mana potions, which disappeared.

"Looks like I came at the right time!" Shadow said, wielding his sword heavily. "Grim, I have a new skill. Let's use two at a time. Xia, health support."

Kia settled purposefully with her strange blue blades. "Alright, I can use some techniques as well."

Grim and Kia took Shadow's cue, and the trio rushed simultaneously at the dragon, swords raised. "Warsword!" They yelled in unison. Xia yelled "Ga Nom!"

The dragon's focus was not on them, and it soon regretted that fact.

:SPECIAL! Triple strength attack!:
:SPECIAL! Quintuple strength attack!:
:SPECIAL! SPECIAL strength attack!:

OOC: The bell rang! I leave the special strength attack to your descrition! ^_- Sorry if it was a little too "Heroic"...
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The battle had ended in a devistaing clash between the party and the dragon, but the died and players prevailed, much to their great relief.

"Did we really just do that?" Xia asked quietly to anyone who would listen. She brushed away the dirt on here leggings and looked up at everyone. Loki was glancing down the hall to make sure no one was going to pounce, Grim was inspecting his weapon. The large axemen was rolling his eyes, Kia was glancing about, and Shadow stood proudly with a smug grin crossing his face.

"I came as fast as I could." He replied happily, triumph filling his voice.

"Well it was perfect timing." Grim and Xia each replied this in unison, they gave eachother looks that said 'get off my brain wave'.

"Wow... in stereo even, not bad.' His headphones were hung around his net as to here those around him. "So, do we have any news on yesterdays mishaps?"

"Thats kinda why we're here." Xia explained. "We're not really here on your run-of-the-mill dungeon crawl. Loki's pal here said he could help us with some information." The axeman glared at Xia for the word 'pal' being used to describe him. Xia noticed the look but attempted to ignore it. "How about yourself, you find anything out?" Xia smiled as she asked this.

"Nope, not me, I was just leveling, nothing exciting..." He paused a moment.

"What is it?" Xia's voice was curious.

"I met a new player today, she asked if I could help her through the dungeon..."

"And?" Xia steped closer. Kia turned and began to walkaway, most of the others following suit.

"I helped her, it was just a simple dungeon crawl." Shadow replied not noticing the step back he took. Xia looked over to see the rest of the party walking away, she turned to run in their direction.

"Hey guys wait for us!" She cried out. Shadow quickly caught up and walked next to her.

Grim leaned over to whisper in Kia's ear.

"I'm not sure if they're being obvious or just oblivious." He replied quietly trying not to laugh. Kia glance back at Xia and Shadow, Xia was inspecting the walls as Shadow walked along side, his arms behind his head and his headphones on.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Noobkiller healed Loki with a Repth spell and helped him to his feet.

?Wow are you that you guys are that low level, you fight like your pros?

?Well maybe some of us, I?m ?I? m not to good at this game see I?m just a dec..?

?Uh oh your peeps be leaven us mate lets git going? said Noobkiller as he walked away from Loki.

[I] Just like in the real world [/I] he thought.

With the assistance of Orange_Shadow and noobkiller (lv. 14) the rest of the dungeon was about the same, although no more dragons appeared. Once they reached the last lv. Things began to get ugly. The accidentally walked into a room with 3 magic portals.
Out of the 1st, 4 goblins appeared, the 2nd 2 earth witch, and 4 more goblins in the 3rd .

?Xia stay back and heal us got it? said noobkiller

?Okay? said Xia in a I don?t like when strangers tell me what to do voice

Orange shadow lunged at a goblin only to be smacked against the wall by two more.

[I] What [/I] thought shadow [I] no not again I can feel the wall its colder bumpy, not like when we first entered the dungeon. I?ve got to warn the others [/I]

? Repth? screamed xia as shadows hit points suddenly returned.

Noobkiller sliced through two goblins at once, the was attacked by both earth witches,

?Heal me mate!!? he said in a demanding tone

However Xia was healing Kia and when she finally got to noobkiller he had died.

?OMG some one bring him back? said Loki killing one earth witch with the help from Grim, while Kia and Orange shadow killed the other.

? No need for that anymore mate? said killer back with full health. ?Me partner got me covered?

?Where I don?t see-? but Orange Shadow never finished as a twin blade shoot through the closed door and killed the remaining monsters with one swing/spell each.

?Noobkiller there are two monsters in the lower level the?they won?t die?

?I know that mate? said Noobkiller turning to the group of friends

Static suddenly filled the room and Noobkiller and his ?mate? started to turn white.

?What?s going on? said Grim

The static stopped every thing was almost normal, except their 2 comrades had been replaced with the same wave master and blade master from their trip to the castle. The wave master was dressed in black robs with purple symbol on the back. The blade master was in a biker punk black outfit with the same symbol on the back.

?Well well ,I think we?ve meet before right Rainer? said the blade master to the wave master

?I think your right? said Rainer ? I wish Clay were here to watch these weak little noobs die? he finished as he picked up his staff and pointed it at Xia and said ?Me ANI Kruz

Bats appeared out off nowhere and began to fly at Xia, Shadow jumped in the way, dieing almost instantly. Suddenly the blade master (named Rentin) charged and killed Loki. Xia, Kia , and Grim where cornered as Rentin charged again?

OOC: ummmm the evil peoples lvs. Are
Clay (who is not there)-70
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Xia's heart stopped for a moment as she watched Shadow flash grey before her eyes, then suddenly Loki follwed suit as the two charcters continued there rampage. Xia, Grim, and Kia now stood with their backs against the wall, fear pulsing throught their minds.

"What do we do know?" Grim asked either of the girls, his voice no more than a whisper. Rentin's ears perked up and a cruel smile crossed his face as he gazed down at the three frightened characters that remained.

"Do now... hmm, thats a question I could probably answer for you." His eyes narrowed at Grim.

"You sick animal..." Xia's voice was full of rage, and her golden eyes with hatred. Rainer laughed and his hollow voice filled the cavern around them, he smiled thinly at Xia as he took a step closer. Xia tightened her grip around the staff in her hands.

"Come now, should we really be throwing insults at eachother." There was a pause as he took another step closer. "After all, your all going die anyway."

"It's too bad ya know because... your kinda cute" Rentin replied with his cold voice.
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||Δ-Hidden-Dark Side-Aqua Field||

Kia eyed this 'Rentin' character cautiously. He seemed to be the leader of the group. Another short observation, and she decided that there wasn't much of a chance that her, Xia, and Grim were going to get away, backed up in a corner as they were. I guess I have to reveal my secret now, she thought, half saddened, half frightened. She stepped up in front of Grim and Xia and drew her far-too-long blades.

"What's this all about, anyways?!" she laughed, trying to sound nonchalant, calm, cool, though fear was shaking her to pieces on the inside. "You got something against newbies, or do you just feel like being an asshole today?!" 'Rentin' gave her a strange look. As long as he doesn't touch me, she whispered to herself.

"Ooooh...little miss n00b has a bit of a lip!" Rentin laughed, drawing his blade.

"Hey, Rentin, should I give the mouthy one some more bats to shut her up?" Rainer asked, waving his staff slightly in her direction.

"No, Rainer," Rentin laughed, taking a step towards Kia, "You've already had one!"

"Hey, so have you! No fair!" Rainer growled, obviously faking anger.

"Yeah, well, I'm closer to her," Rentin stuck his tongue out at Rainer and took another step towards Kia. "As for you..."

Kia tried to take a step back, but bumped into Grim and realized that it had been an outstandingly stupid idea to try to stand up in front of such high-level players. It wouldn't matter, that evil voice in her head noted, high or low-level, you'd still die from the pain. Besides, you've got your own little surprise, remember?

I don't want to hurt them, though! Kia shot back. But suddenly, Rentin swung the blade. Fine, she told the other voice in her head, go ahead. But don't hurt them too much.

That's what I thought.

In a flash of movement, Kia's blades suddenly snapped forward and across, drawing an 'X' through the air. It took a full second to register, but Rentin's blade, which had only moments before been screeching down towards Kia's fragile body, now fell in three cleanly cut pieces onto the ground.

"Don't lay a hand on me," Kia's voice growled, though it was in fact the dark, evil side of Kia talking. "I won't hesitate to kill you right here."

Rentin jumped forward with the decidedly shorter, but still nice and sharp remains of his blade, throwing a swing that even Kia's alternate personality couldn't stop. The short blade slashed in a swift downward motion across Kia's left arm, opening a deep gash that began to well up with blood...her blood. Kia, not the other person inside her, but Kia, screamed in pain before the evil side clamped down on her and, through eyes streaming tears of pain, slashed once, twice, three times furiously at Rentin's arm.

Rentin Damaged: 0
Rentin Damaged: 0
Rentin Damaged: 0

"What was that?!" Rentin laughed after a moment's pause, having completely failed to notice the three deep gouges in his arm, nor the one in Kia's that was now gushing blood.

Kia glared menacingly up at him. "You want to log off and get to a hospital, kid," the evil side growled, clutching at her wounded arm. "That damage didn't stay in the game."

"What are you talking about?!" Rentin laughed, looking down at his arm. Then, as he looked down at his arm, he saw it. Not in the game, no, but wherever he really was. A terrified expression crossed his face before he was engulfed in yellow rings, signifying that he had logged out.

"Rentin, wtf?!" Rainer shouted nervously, "Where'd you go?!" Kia looked at her blades, dripping with Rentin's character's blood.

"He probably went off to get a very large bandage," the evil Kia replied with a smirk before the real Kia took over again. "I...I cut him real-really deep..." she whispered, her voice quaking.

"I got no idea what you're talking about, girl, but I'm going to look for him!" Rainer shouted before logging off himself.

Kia turned to the Xia and Grim, who looked like they'd just seen a ghost or something. "I...I can't believe...I-I lost control..." she whispered, terrified at what she'd just done. Kia! The voice inside her shouted suddenly, You've lost too much blood, you're gonna-

Too late, she sighed, and collapsed face-first onto the cold stone floor, blood leaking steadily from her arm.

"Erm, what just happened?" Grim asked uncertainly, peering down at Kia's unconscious body.

"I, uh, I think she just passed out..." Xia replied, kneeling down cautiously.

-Kia is trapped in the world (hopefully you knew that by now)
-Kia doesn't have HP, but rather takes damage according to how much damage she would take in real life
-Players touched or hit by Kia in the game can feel it in the real world
-Kia has two very different personalities which constantly stuggle for control over her body
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