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Naruto RPG, anyone?

Xander Harris

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Hmm. I notice there are no Naruto RPGs around here... but I notice a lot of people in the Anime forum are big fans... would anyone be interested in a Naruto RPG? I think if I started one it would be new characters.

What I am trying to decide, though, is what time period to set it in... before the Naruto series starts? During the sand/sound/Konoha/Orichimaru war? Perhaps a historical tale about the ninja wars/thunder villiage/main and branch families (y'know, Neiji's whole backstory...)? Or something about the glory days of the Uchiha clan? Or something set 100 years in the future, where Naruto is Hokage (yes, I know that's still speculation at this point... but it would make for a fun story)? There are a lot of possibilites... what would people be most interested in?

The characters would probably be new graduates/starting Genin like Naruto and company were, but I'd be open to suggestions of other power levels...
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I think a story based on Uchiha clan would be cool...
Sasuke and his brother Ichiro (or whatever)
and their trials in life...
Since your in charge you get to be Sasuke...or whoever...
(If you dont I could take Sasuke and you could be Naruto...Joking...hehehe)

Post ASAP please..this is gonna Rock!

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[SIZE=1]... I'm not sure if this would work. It'd take a really strong plot to pull it through. And everyone would try and god-mod with jutsu in battles. I'd recommend an internal conflict within Hidden Leaf village. Might be more interesting than good ninja vs bad ninja.[/SIZE]
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Actually, I had an idea for a Naruto RPG quite some time ago called Seeds of Tomorrow. It was about the Shinobi wars way back before the Nine Tailed Fox Demon attacked the Hidden Villages. But recently, me and my freind had started a Naruto RPG (pen and paper), dissassociated with Naruto's Main characters except for some of them being teachers or proctors.

It would start off as everyone being in a Shinobi cell after they had finished a few missions as Genin's and then going into the Chuunin Selection Exams. Then during them, or shortly after, some form of invading force threatens Kohona and possibly a few other Hidden Villages, and the new Chuunin's have to ban together and fight alongside the higher shinobi. A horrible twist, a few bad judgement moves later, things turn for the worst, and the villages are left in a near World War, remenescent of the Shinobi Wars. Like, are confused as to who is attacking who, blame each other, attack each other, and then only the chuunin from all around who were actually in the chuunin exam understand what is really going on. This would all happen in the actual story of course.

But this sort of thing would require a strong 'dungeon' master and quite a few NPC's. But if anyone's up for it, I think two or three members such as me, Xander, and anyone else interested (Retribution?) could handle it.

It'll just need good orginization, planning, and possibly a chapter based system (ala Kill Adam) and it could actually turn out pretty great... hell, excellent even. Kinda gets me excited.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE=ReFlux][color=darkred][size=1] But this sort of thing would require a strong 'dungeon' master and quite a few NPC's. But if anyone's up for it, I think two or three members such as me, Xander, and anyone else interested (Retribution?) could handle it.

It'll just need good orginization, planning, and possibly a chapter based system (ala Kill Adam) and it could actually turn out pretty great... hell, excellent even. Kinda gets me excited.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]
[SIZE=1]I'd love to help out with a Naruto RPG. But we'd have to have sign-up cuts, and make things competitive so that we don't get some shoddy RPer as the main character solely because they saw it first.

And we'd have to work hard to keep things tight. Yes, the Chapter system with goals would be the best to do, and each chapter would last perhaps two pages or so. That way, it wouldn't be too long before more people were included.[/SIZE]
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Or we could, again, go in the direction of Kill Adam and have only certain characters involved in certain chapters, so things don't become jumbled and confused, aswell as having a posting order.

Yes, your right about sign up cuts, but thats no big sweat. And as to their being god-modding, we can put a limit on the amount of jutsu's a single person can have. Since their only genins, they'll have a limit on how much thay can have. Possibly a maximum of 3 or 4. We could also find a Naruto web site for Jutsu and character reference to have as reference material.

But yeah, if your up for it, then I am, most definetly.The sign up order could possibly be in the order of like

Main Style: (Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu)
Chakra Focus: (speed, strenght, illusion, weapons, or magics)
Physical Appereance: (including height, weight, body frame, eyes and hair)
Biography: (this'll have to impress)
Team Mates: (since all the members will have atleast two partners, it might be good we either tell them to choose their partners, or choose them for them for them by village... I don't know...)

It might also be cool to have someone...(Retri) make special banners and wall papers for the RPG...?

(Hope I'm not getting to ahead of myself...)[/color][/size]
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[SIZE=1]Banners and wallpapers? I guess. But it'd be cooler to have personal emblems for everyone or something. Something customized, and yet still tie into the RPG somehow.

The sign-up sheet looks good, but you might want to include a "fighting style" field. It worked pretty well in my spar, and it should translate pretty well over into this. Perhaps people could also be specialized in certain weapons? Kunai, shuriken, katana, things of that nature.

But really, we should take baby steps and instead of planning banners and wallpapers and sign-up sheets. What's the plot going to look like, first of all?[/SIZE]
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Good ideas.

Fighting Style = Main Style/Chakra Focus

I did forget to include Jutsu techniques. That would really help I think.

But yeah, it would be a good idea to take baby steps.

Well... it could start out with each of the characters like finishing up their last genin assignment. Then they hear from their sensei about the Chuunin exams. They take it from their and go into the whole Exam without knowledge of what it is and go from their. After a long test (5-8 pages), the mysterious invaders (a new Hidden Village [Land of Waves Maybe?] or a samurai clan who hate shinobi, or just a corrupt existing village) start coming in and attacking Konoha Village (and possibly the other villages). The Villages blaim each other and go to war. Only the Chuunin who where in the exam trust each other and know that the other villages are innocent, ban together, and try to find the real culprit.

Thats my idea, but if you have any better, please, please tell me.[/color][/size]
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