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Rival Schools

Guest Tiffany Lords

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Guest Tiffany Lords
Hi! New person, please be gentle :D

Was wondering if there were any fans of the Rival Schools gang of characters hanging about here? Rival Schools was a game for the PS.

I don't pretend to be a huge expert on the game itself, but I think the characters are really, really nifty. Anyone have any favorites?

You can probably guess who mine is. :p But I really like most all of them.

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[color=darkred]I never really played Rival Schools properly, you know. There was the one time when the newsagent across the road from my old school had it on an old arcade cabinet, where I managed to catch a tiny glimpse of it, and also the other time when I played the demo on the Japanese version of Pocket Fighters, but that's it.

Anyway, heard the game's terrible as a fighter, though the idea is pretty cool after all. I mean, promoting gang and school rivalry is always the right way to go. Eh, kids!? :stupid:[/color]
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[SIZE=-3]Wow, I haven't played Rival Schools in...so long. *dusts off copy*

That was a pretty good fighter, loved the characters. The whole school rivarly thing (Hence the name. ;)) was pretty entertaining, especially when you paired fighters up from the same school. My favorite character was Shoma, that bat wielding baseball player who took crap from no one. He really had the temper to back it up too. But by far, coolest thing was beating the story mode with him and unlocking his Home Run!!! game.

That...kept me occupied for months to come. :D[/SIZE]
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Ah, yeah, my friend used to have this game. Maybe he still does, I'm not sure; I haven't played it in years.

I do recall that I had fun while it lasted, though, but my memory is horrible and I don't remember too much about it. :p Wasn't there another name for it, I think for a game that was released on Dreamcast?
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[QUOTE=Syk3]Ah, yeah, my friend used to have this game. Maybe he still does, I'm not sure; I haven't played it in years.

I do recall that I had fun while it lasted, though, but my memory is horrible and I don't remember too much about it. :p Wasn't there another name for it, I think for a game that was released on Dreamcast?[/QUOTE]

The sequal to Rival Schools for Dreamcast was awesome. I disliked Rival Schools immensely because it reminded me of a cookie-cutter Street Fighter EX clone--which was itself a stale, mediocre fighter. You know, these games didn't feel like an extension of the player in the same way that their two-dimensional Capcom brethren did. The gameplay felt sluggish and awkward. But, yes, I was pleasantly surprised by Project Justice on the Dreamcast. It was a lot more enjoyable. The action was more responsive, fun, and flashy. If memory serves me correctly, it felt a lot like Tekken Tag Tournament--only on a more simple scale. So, while it still didn't re-invent the wheel, so to speak, it was a definite improvement and a gem worth searching out if you're a big fan of Rival Schools.
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[QUOTE=Sol-Blade][SIZE=-3] My favorite character was Shoma, that bat wielding baseball player who took crap from no one. He really had the temper to back it up too. But by far, coolest thing was beating the story mode with him and unlocking his Home Run!!! game.

That...kept me occupied for months to come. :D[/SIZE][/QUOTE][font=trebuchet ms]Me and you both buddy, Shoma was my favorite character too, mainly because he reminds me of myself, always carrying that bat around and what not (for me it's a camera). But Rival Schools was a pretty decent game for it's era, I always had a blast releaving stress by kicking some virtual-***. :cool: [/font]
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