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Yet another yaoi/yuri thread


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Because I know I'm not the only one who likes to talk about this sort of thing.

This thread could go in any number of directions, so I'll let you all determine what the discussion focuses on first. You're welcome to mention just about anything yaoi or yuri-related--why you like it (or even why you don't, although I'd take great care in opening that particular can of worms), your favorite and least favorite yaoi/yuri anime, the pairings you support, etc. I'll start off by highlighting a couple of new and not-so-new yaoi & yuri series; it's been a fantastic year for these twin genres, and it seems likely that they will continue to gain in popularity.

Love it or hate it, [url=http://www.kannaduki.net/][u][b]Kannaduki no Miko[/b][/u][/url] is quite possibly the most daring yuri anime ever made, well known for the tormented and passionate relationship between its two main characters. It's rather controversial, due to its depiction of [spoiler]female/female rape[/spoiler], and has sparked many intense debates. Kannaduki no Miko also has the unique distinction of being the only lesbian romance (to my knowledge) that manages to encompass super-bishounen and giant robots.

[url=http://www.uta-kata.com/][u][b]Uta~Kata[/b][/u][/url], too, is one of a kind; it's distinguished by the fact that it features a canon yaoi relationship in addition to two female/female relationships. A quiet coming-of-age story with beautiful animation and quite a bit of underage fanservice, it showcases character designs very similar to those found in Kiddy Grade.

[url=http://www.sukisyo.tv/][u][b]Sukisho[/b][/u][/url] is probably the first "real" shounen-ai television anime to come along since Gravitation and Mirage of Blaze were made. Much like Gravitation, it combines slightly insane comedy with dark drama; however, Sukisho has a more mysterious story and even some supernatural elements. It's based on a series of popular boys' love games.

Of the anime coming to the States this year, keep an eye out for the [b]Gravitation OVA[/b] and the wildly popular fantasy parody [url=http://www3.nhk.or.jp/anime/mao/][u][b]Kyo Kara Maoh[/b][/u][/url] (which has more than its share of bishounen and shounen-ai jokes). Shounen-ai anime that have yet to air in Japan include [url=http://www.loveless.tv/][u][b]Loveless[/b][/u][/url], based on a manga by Kouga Yun, and (or so rumor has it) [url=http://www.cluster-edge.net/][u][b]Cluster Edge[/b][/u][/url]. On the yuri side of things, the currently running show [url=http://www.sunrise-inc.co.jp/my-hime/][u][b]Mai-Hime[/b][/u][/url] is not strictly a shoujo-ai series, but it includes a lot of f/f innuendo and hints.

Anyway, feel free to take this topic where you will. :animesmil

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[QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]Dagger[/B]
[I]Of the anime coming to the States this year, keep an eye out for the Gravitation OVA and the wildly popular fantasy parody Kyo Kara Maoh (which has more than its share of bishounen and shounen-ai jokes).[/I][/QUOTE][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype] That statement right there is enough to hook any anime fan who doesn't mind a little shonen-ai. The magazine Anime Insider reported that Kyo Kara Maoh! is one anime that people don't want to miss. Either way, I know I'll be keeping an eye on it. This looks promising and "Blondes won't have more fun!" I'm not a blonde, but that's what the magazine said.

And as for Gravitation, the OVA. It's finally hitting America (legally) and I can't wait until later this year when Right Stuf puts it out on the market. They are the ones with the license, right? I mean, sweet little Shuichi and bad boy Yuki together in just thirteen episodes? No way. You've gotta have more. And with Ryuichi's soul soothing melody, how could you refuse?

In regards to the yaoi...I would say that I took me a little while to get used to, but then I realized that it's really quite a beautiful thing. Two men(or two women if yuri's your thing) that love one another regardless of the opinons of other people and the consequences it may bring. They are truly brave and courageous, for they are more than willing to stand up for what they believe.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest Priestess Kikyo
[B]I like Yaoi and Yuri. I used to hate the stuff. Currently my favorite pairing is Shinobu/Itsuki in Yuu Yuu Hakusho. In the Japanese version Itsuki's felelings for Shinobu are well known but I'm not all the way sure if Shinobu feels the same way towards him. I like other pairings but those are pairings made up by the fans so I don't think that's what you were looking for..I'm glad that there will finally be some Yuri in Anime. I haven't seen any girl/girl pairings in Anime. I look forward to
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A question of taste:

I know that I, personally, tend to favour subtler series (where the pairings are mostly fangirl fluff and nonsense) over their more explicit counterparts, which tend to be plagued by the same troubles and tired cliches as het romances (where the pairings are mostly canon fluff and nonsense). I'd rather the characters' relationship intrigue me so thoroughly that I'm happy out in left field with nothing more than a half-baked misinterpretation of meaningless dialogue to show for my agonizing analysis than be bombarded with the coagulated mass of trite stereotypes and unengaging drama that romance series (the ones that intend to be romance series, anyway) seem fraught with.

Has anyone else noticed this pattern? If so, does it affect the choice of series you'll consider viewing?

As for the question I think I'd initially intended to answer, I'm sure the reason I like yaoi/yuri is either insufferably Freudian or... I don't know. Simply a question of taste, perhaps?
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[QUOTE=Priestess Kikyo][B]I'm glad that there will finally be some Yuri in Anime. I haven't seen any girl/girl pairings in Anime. I look forward to
Yeah, Uta~Kata is great. I hope it's licensed soon. It's not the kind of title I would normally go for, but it's superbly atmospheric and the emotions of the characters are developed with great subtlety and care. Episode 12 actually brought tears to my eyes, when [spoiler]Kai confessed to Sei (albeit much too late) and Manatsu said goodbye to Ichika.[/spoiler] Given the show's target audience, it was very daring and even admirable of the creators to include [spoiler]a male/male kiss.[/spoiler]

There aren't too many licensed yuri anime, but I know [b]Steel Angel Kurumi[/b] has some yuri elements. Having not seen the series myself, I can't vouch for its quality. However, there's a pretty cheap collection available (which contains the entire show plus an OVA sequel, or something like that), so it might be worth looking into.

If you happen to watch unlicensed anime, [b]Maria-sama ga Miteru[/b] (and the second season, [b]Maria-sama ga Miteru ~ Haru[/b]) would be one of my primary recommendations. I personally don't care for Kannaduki no Miko (or Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, its spiritual predecessor); [i]shoujo[/i] yuri series are more up my alley than yuri aimed at males. But Kannaduki isn't a complete waste of time, provided that you can take a certain amount of cheesiness and don't mind seeing the main love triangle resolved by [spoiler]having the extremely kind and determined male lead totally lose out to a psychotic female rapist.[/spoiler] In fairness, he's not at all a token character, and so Kannaduki's writers at least deserve credit for that. And the robots are decently cool.

[quote name='Cahoots34']Has anyone else noticed this pattern? If so, does it affect the choice of series you'll consider viewing?[/quote]
I'm just as critical of clear-cut yaoi/yuri anime as I would be of a het romance series, if that's what you mean. But to be honest, I'll give pretty much anything that revolves around yaoi or yuri a chance. Of course, I may end up disliking it (as was the case with Kannaduki no Miko) or being bored to tears (there are several older yaoi OVAs that fall into this category). Ultimately the selection is small enough that I try to watch pretty much everything I can, though. Slashable-ness is fun, but after a while it gets a little frustrating.

It'd help if you gave examples of the stereotypical romance series you dislike.

Slightly off-topic: It just occurred to me that you would quite possibly love Soukyuu no Fafner. Ever heard of it?

@Jung-Woo: Yep, Right Stuf is the company that licensed Gravitation TV & the OVA.

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Yah for the Loveless site finally launching (or perhaps I'm just not paying attention T_T)

Possibly a bit random, but Bleach sort of hints at a girl/girl relationship (mostly with the girl *who's name I've forgotten* always trying to jump Orihime) Mostly there as a joke or something, I think (since Orihime totally doesn't get it and the girl is always getting the crap beat out of her by Orihime's friend... who's name I've also forgotten)... but it's there anyway. My boyfriend has been screaming for doujinshi with them in it, so I thought I'd point it out since it's currently pounded into my brain ^^;

Though has anyone here seen Mirage of Blaze? I've been eyeballing the box set and know like zip about it O_o
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[quote name='GTK']Yah for the Loveless site finally launching (or perhaps I'm just not paying attention T_T)[/quote]
It launched pretty recently. I was so happy. :animesmil

[quote]Possibly a bit random, but Bleach sort of hints at a girl/girl relationship (mostly with the girl *who's name I've forgotten* always trying to jump Orihime) Mostly there as a joke or something, I think (since Orihime totally doesn't get it and the girl is always getting the crap beat out of her by Orihime's friend... who's name I've also forgotten)... but it's there anyway. My boyfriend has been screaming for doujinshi with them in it, so I thought I'd point it out since it's currently pounded into my brain ^^;[/quote]
Hehe, I'm a big fan of Orihime/Tatsuki (Tatsuki being her tough-looking best friend, not the over-enthusiastic girl with red hair). This sort of functions as a corollary to the fact that I'd rather see Ichigo get together with Rukia than Orihime. In one of the most recent episodes (19 or 20, I think) Orihime and Tatsuki had a really romantic (which is to say, it could have easily been interpreted that way) [spoiler]farewell[/spoiler] scene, when Orihime [spoiler]decided to go help Ichigo & company save Rukia.[/spoiler] It was very touching.

[quote]Though has anyone here seen Mirage of Blaze? I've been eyeballing the box set and know like zip about it O_o[/QUOTE]
I've seen the series as well as the three-episode OVA. The show is quite good overall, but it can be confusing; I had to do quite a bit of digging online before I found out exactly what happened [spoiler]between Naoe and Kagetora in Kagetora's most recent pre-Takaya incarnation.[/spoiler]

Would you like me to provide a spoiler-free summary of the basic premise?

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[i]A question of taste:

I know that I, personally, tend to favour subtler series (where the pairings are mostly fangirl fluff and nonsense) over their more explicit counterparts, which tend to be plagued by the same troubles and tired cliches as het romances (where the pairings are mostly canon fluff and nonsense). I'd rather the characters' relationship intrigue me so thoroughly that I'm happy out in left field with nothing more than a half-baked misinterpretation of meaningless dialogue to show for my agonizing analysis than be bombarded with the coagulated mass of trite stereotypes and unengaging drama that romance series (the ones that intend to be romance series, anyway) seem fraught with. [/i]

[color=darkslateblue] Eh. I am a wierdie, but a lot of people also agree with me at the same time. My taste, basically, is this: obsessing over gay couples that are either 1) A minor part of the show (i.e. Cardcaptor Sakura w/ Touya & Yuki) or 2) Not even gay in the show (i.e. Right now, it's Full Metal Alchemist w/ Roy & Edward) A large part of the whole 'OMG YAOI!' fanon is that we like to take regular characters and bend them, hence emphasizing the word 'fandom'. For some reason, I just never get into series dedicated to gay people...like Gravitation. I watched the anime series and like it for a while, but I haven't even touched the manga. Full Metal Alchemist? I think I obsess over every scene that even show Roy and Ed in the same room. Oh yes. :whoops: [;_; The characters in shows that aren't about gay couples are better looking, too!]

The only series I like right now that could be considered 'mainly' about a gay relationship is Legal Drug. But then again, that's a maybe. I don't even know if CLAMP intends for the two main characters to get together, or it's some fanservice thing.[/color]
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Hehe, I'm a big fan of Orihime/Tatsuki (Tatsuki being her tough-looking best friend, not the over-enthusiastic girl with red hair). This sort of functions as a corollary to the fact that I'd rather see Ichigo get together with Rukia than Orihime. In one of the most recent episodes (19 or 20, I think) Orihime and Tatsuki had a really romantic (which is to say, it could have easily been interpreted that way) [spoiler]farewell[/spoiler] scene, when Orihime [spoiler]decided to go help Ichigo & company save Rukia.[/spoiler] It was very touching.

I've seen the series as well as the three-episode OVA. The show is quite good overall, but it can be confusing; I had to do quite a bit of digging online before I found out exactly what happened [spoiler]between Naoe and Kagetora in Kagetora's most recent pre-Takaya incarnation.[/spoiler]

Would you like me to provide a spoiler-free summary of the basic premise?


I totally forgot about the [spoiler]farewell[/spoiler] scene *dies* Cute~ but if it helps any, I think that was episode 20.

But a Spoiler free summary would be much loved~ *heart*

Randomly, I ran off and watched Uta Kata and Kannaduki no Miko... Uta Kata is way too cute for me *dies* But Kannaduki no Miko isn't too bad (haha, I've only seen one episode though) so much thanks for mentioning them~
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[quote name='maladjusted][color=darkslateblue']Full Metal Alchemist? I think I obsess over every scene that even show Roy and Ed in the same room.[/color][/quote]
Hahaha, I feel so [i]dirty[/i] for being fond of that particular pairing. But as Sukisho's full title goes... "Sukina Mono wa Suki Dakara Shouganai!!" :animesmil

[quote name='GTK']But a Spoiler free summary would be much loved~ *heart*[/quote]
The main character, Takaya, is a tough but otherwise ordinary high-schooler. Things start to change when he meets Naoe, a mysterious businessman-type who informs him that he's the reincarnation of the feudal lord Kagetora, who committed suicide centuries ago. It turns out that he, Naoe and several other acquaintences are all nobles who have been reincarnating for time immemorial, with the sole goal of fighting out their unfinished battles and grappling for control of the so-called "Feudal Underworld." As a result, Mirage of Blaze has quite a bit of action, and the main characters have to exorcise a lot of errant spirits.

There are hundreds of years of history between Naoe, Kagetora and the other principal cast members. As a result, the relationships are very, very complicated. The fact that the show is based on a series of yaoi novels doesn't become apparent until about halfway through, when suddenly all hell breaks loose and some revelations are made that will totally change one's perception of the characters. Bear in mind that Mirage of Blaze can get extremely dark & angsty (though it handles this aspect of the story well), so you should avoid it if that's not your cup of tea. It's a great anime, but it'll leave an ache in your chest.

The OVA takes place some time after the TV show; however, it's not much more than a simple sidestory. It's worth seeing just for the amazing battle sequences, which have much better animation than those in the television series. Oh, and it also features a certain now-infamous [spoiler]"hotel"[/spoiler] scene...

[quote]Randomly, I ran off and watched Uta Kata and Kannaduki no Miko... Uta Kata is way too cute for me *dies* But Kannaduki no Miko isn't too bad (haha, I've only seen one episode though) so much thanks for mentioning them~[/QUOTE]
You're very welcome. :catgirl:

While following Uta~Kata, I was quite surprised to see the underlying darkness kick into full gear. I can't remember when [spoiler]Ichika's eyes first turned red,[/spoiler] but it was definitely a big turning point in terms of the show's development. After all the sleazy yet strangely endearing transformation sequences (or maybe it's their sleaziness that makes them endearing?) and neat story resolutions, the last thing I'd been expecting was that kind of plot twist. There are some [spoiler]crucifixion-style[/spoiler] scenes later on in the show, and the episode storylines start to focus a lot on Ichika's [spoiler]self-loathing and mental torment.[/spoiler] And of course there's the fact that [spoiler]two of the four main characters basically die.[/spoiler] Uta~Kata happens to be extremely deceptive in a number of regards, but it isn't that much cuter than, say, Narutaru or Elfen Lied. :animeswea

It'll be interesting to see what you think of Kannaduki no Miko's storyline. That show just goes all over the place, heh.

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[QUOTE=maladjusted][i]A question of taste:

For some reason, I just never get into series dedicated to gay people...like Gravitation. I watched the anime series and like it for a while, but I haven't even touched the manga... CLAMP intends for the two main characters to get together, or it's some fanservice thing.[/color][/QUOTE]

WWHHHAAA!? I absolutely LOVED :catgirl: Gravitation! :catgirl: I wonder why you don't like series which focus on yaoi relationships... you're certainly not the only one! Maybe you like the 'what if' fantasy/ imagination element. We all like to dream... :animeblus

I for one obsessed over the characters in Hikaru no Go (see my sig) :animesmil getting it on although they never did in the anime. But I still think that I would pay good GOOD money to watch an episode with them getting happy together hee hee lord knows i've already spent enough money on doujinshi featuring them...i'll say though that sometimes we just don't want the sexual tension to end because, like falling in love, it's that first three months that makes us all warm and squishy!

Having said that, give me my Gravitation and Ai no Kusabi anytime!
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[quote name='zensho']Having said that, give me my Gravitation and Ai no Kusabi anytime![/quote]
Oh, I'm so happy you mentioned this. Ai no Kusabi is quite simply the best yaoi anime ever made. :catgirl:

Really, though, Ai no Kusabi is far better than it has any right to be, and it's one of the few titles that can almost be called a yaoi classic. Not only that, it's more than capable of holding its own against comparable mainstream titles. It has everything: incredible artwork & animation, great characters and a very rich and detailed setting. It's just too bad that so few people seem to have seen it.

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Now, before you start getting my brain all jellied, when you're saying "yaoi" are you actually meaning "yaoi" or are you actually meaning "shounen-ai"?

Anyway, if you ARE actually meaning "yaoi" I haven't ventured that far yet, just shounen-ai. I have the first DVD of Gravitation, the first four mangas of Gravitation, and, which I'm surpised isn't mentioned yet, the first two manga volumes of FAKE. FAKE has intense kissing scenes bewtween the main two male characters, but hasn't gonw over it's 16+ rating yet. And the whole conflict between one of the two characters, Ryo, is "Wow, Dee (the second male character) kisses really good ... but wait ... I'm not gay ... I can't like him ... Or can I ..." just yanks you around. And I'm begging for the third volume, because this romance actually is so great, and there's TONS of action in it, too!

Yuri/shoujo-ai doesn't really apeal to [i]me[/i], but I'm not against other people reading/watching it. (After all, if I (a girl) can watch two boys kiss and enjoy it, who am I to say a boy (or another girl) can't watch two girls?)
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[quote name='Black Moon']Now, before you start getting my brain all jellied, when you're saying "yaoi" are you actually meaning "yaoi" or are you actually meaning "shounen-ai"?[/quote]
Both. I understand the need for some kind of distinction. However, given that those terms are pretty much obsolete, I tend to use them loosely, and will probably keep doing so until "boys' love" catches on among English-speaking fans.

[quote]Yuri/shoujo-ai doesn't really apeal to [i]me[/i], but I'm not against other people reading/watching it. (After all, if I (a girl) can watch two boys kiss and enjoy it, who am I to say a boy (or another girl) can't watch two girls?)[/QUOTE]
I really wish more people had this attitude. The fandom would be a much nicer place if only everyone could just get along. :animesigh

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Guest savani
i really enjoy both yaoi and yuri. i don't like hentai, but i'll go pretty dang close. im a kinky little perv :animenose: :animeblus

i guess i like them because they're kind of something different. different meaning that they're not the prevailing type of romance in the states.

i really would like to read/see more, so any new ones i can get my hands on is awesome

actually, i may like yaoi and yuri partly because im bi.
hmmm... yeah.

as for my fav pairing.....
id have to say... god i can't choose. oh well. i like 'em all.

yaoi and yuri rox sox ;)

i must say, tho, that i can't stand people who are opposed to yaoi and yuri simply because it's not het, but i won't go into that now. :animesigh
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Some yaoi/yuri also falls under that category (although it usually isn't referred to as hentai, for whatever reason). People will get picky about terminology and tell you that "yaoi" only refers to sexually explicit material, while "shounen-ai" is basically everything else, but this is kind of misleading, given the history of these terms and the fact that they've dropped out of common use in the Japanese fandom. Personally, I tend to use "yaoi" and "yuri" as catch-all words for everything dealing with same-sex relationships, whether explicit or totally innocent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Personally, I never understood the appeal of the genre. From what I can gather major appeal is fanservice, but ultimately I don't think I could enjoy any show for fanservice alone. I don't have anything against shows with some shonen-ai/shojo-ai elements in them as long as they have more to back it up. I enjoy Gravitation, and I actually shed a tear at [SPOILER]Shinji's final confrontation with Karou[/SPOILER] in Evangelion. However, most of the shonen-ai/shojo-ai I've seen/read bits of seems to be mostly just fanservice with very shallow, angsty plots. For anyone who is a fan of the genre, why do you enjoy it?
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[quote name='EVA Unit 100]Personally, I never understood the appeal of the genre. From what I can gather major appeal is fanservice, but ultimately I don't think I could enjoy any show for fanservice alone. I don't have anything against shows with some shonen-ai/shojo-ai elements in them as long as they have more to back it up. I enjoy Gravitation, and I actually shed a tear at [SPOILER]Shinji's final confrontation with Karou[/SPOILER'] in Evangelion. However, most of the shonen-ai/shojo-ai I've seen/read bits of seems to be mostly just fanservice with very shallow, angsty plots. For anyone who is a fan of the genre, why do you enjoy it?[/quote]
Forgive me for merging your thread; this one had only dropped to the second page, so I figured it would make things a little neater to combine them.

People have come up with all sorts of complicated psychological theories that attempt to explain why women like yaoi; in the process, they often miraculously forget the main reason that men like anything to do with lesbians--because it's attractive. So obviously there's both a sexual and an aesthetic element to it.

Beyond that... I dunno, I just find it appealing. To me both yaoi and yuri (when done well) feel "different" because, as is probably the case for most of us, I grew up on heterosexual love stories. I suspect a lot of females enjoy the fact that having the characters involved be members of the same gender creates more obstacles for them to overcome--which is often construed or presented in such as way as to be/seem romantic. I guess that's where the angst factor usually kicks in.

I feel like I said this somewhere else, but there really aren't very many yaoi/yuri anime out there. Manga is a different story, although most of the better yaoi manga are still unlicensed, and it's virtually impossible to find English-language yuri manga. Despite this, there's a much wider variety of yaoi/yuri stories available in print. As far as anime go, there are only a couple shows/OVAs that I think are good compared to anime in general as well as to the rest of the genre.

People cite appreciating the aesthetic element of yaoi/yuri as evidence of shallowness, but that's an unfair accusation, in my opinion... it's no more shallow than becoming interested in mecha anime because giant robots kick ***, or deciding to check out a slice-of-life series because its trailer has really awesome music & animation. For me, at least, the inclusion of yaoi/yuri hints/relationships/whatever is simply a hook... for the anime in question to truly grab me, it has to actually be decent, just like anything else.

Now, if you're referring to the slash fandom (which comprises all those fanfics based on pairings that are very obviously not canon), that's a somewhat different situation. But it appeared as though you were referring to canon yaoi/yuri.

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Damn you, Skippedry, and your saying pretty much what I wanted to say. First.

However, instead of just re-stating everything, I'll point out another thing I consider an important factor in girls reading [i]yuri[/i] (or, if you want to be anal, [i]shoujo ai[/i]--at least for the most part) comics: men. Or, more accurately, a lack of men as important characters.
Since most series, regardless of genre, tend to involve male characters as the [aptly-named] "Man", it's interesting to see a series that is entirely female-oriented. This is especially the case since yuri tends to have an actual plot, something yaoi is famous for being bereft of.
It changes the perspective and also manages to be sort of "exclusive", if you will.

I'm sure there are other reasons for girls to read yuri, but this one is definitely significant, even if a reader doesn't realize it.
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[i]Now, if you're referring to the slash fandom (which comprises all those fanfics based on pairings that are very obviously not canon), that's a somewhat different situation. But it appeared as though you were referring to canon yaoi/yuri.[/i]

[color=darkslateblue] :3 That's me... If you were wondering about the slash fandom, it's very much aesthetic (in my opinion, anyway). Most of the authors take the two best looking guys (usually it's the main character and some cold-hearted bastard...or some cocky guy...or the masculine one) and pair them up together just because they look good together. Basically, this fandom would comprise of a bunch of fanservice. But, there are always excellent authors who can make the fanfictions wonderful things to read. :) Many of the people who are a part of this fandom don't seem to like the canon yaoi/yuri as much, as far as the people I know. It's just the fun of it, I guess.

Oh, and before anyone says anything.

PLEASE don't come here and say 'I respect this blah blah but I hate it when they pair two NON-canon guys/girls together! It's just wrong.' I'll accept it if you also hate it when people pair heterosexual way non-canon people, but that just doesn't seem to be the case with 99% of the people who use this way to go against slash. [/color]
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