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Casual gamers are taking over!


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I think that the "casual" gamers described here are actually hardcore gamers.

Casual, to me, doesn't invoke images of someone who's going to own the game for 10 hours and beat it at breackneck speeds, that's hardcore.

As for trading the games in after owning them 2-or-less days, that concept seem rather silly to me. You won't get retail price for your trade-in, so you lose money by trading it back. That's hardcore.

Casual gamers like myself just rent them from video stores, hardly ever finish them, and return them after a week. :p
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I consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer, i was born with controller in my hands, and i don't see anything wrong with casual gamers. If not for casual gamers then the gaming industry wouldn't be where it is today, they helped to drive the gaming industry into the mainstream which allows us to have a much wider selection, higher quality and much much cheaper access to games. You should be glad that there is such a thing as "Casual Gamers".

And besides, thinking that you're somehow above casual gamers and wanting to "ban" them makes you an Elitist.
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Its not that casual gamers injure me, its that they annoy me. They think that they're the "Master Gamer" because they beat the game in a short amount of time and think its their place to give other's advice about the game when ITS NOT. If you havn't played the whole game, watched the scenes, felt the story, and beaten it, then I don't want advice from you, you suck.
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[quote name='x kakashi x']Its not that casual gamers injure me, its that they annoy me. They think that they're the "Master Gamer" because they beat the game in a short amount of time and think its their place to give other's advice about the game when ITS NOT. If you havn't played the whole game, watched the scenes, felt the story, and beaten it, then I don't want advice from you, you suck.[/quote]

Well if they've finished the game and reached those points that you query about, why the hell can 'casual gamers' not give you advice? It's like saying they have no rights to, considering their feedback will be equal to that of a 'hardcore gamer' whose reached that point.

At the end of the day, I ask this question; [b]"Who cares!?"[/b].

We all put in the same amount of money, who are most of you to say they do not have the right of enjoying their games?

I buy my game, enjoy it to how [b]I[/b] want to enjoy it. Not to try to fit into some sort of 'secret code' of how you should enjoy your games.

It's like segregating the gaming generations for the way most of you are saying it, 'casual gamers' are inferior.

I don't classify myself as any type of gamer. Though I don't enjoy the overrated crap, I enjoy my games. End of.
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When it comes to a game with an in-depth story, they are inferior. They can't give advice on a character when they didn't even watch half the cutscenes and actually see the character development. I never said anything about not enjoying a game how you want to enjoy, I just said don't talk to me about it. Point is, I wouldn't care, but when I see a casual gamer gloating and giving advice on how to play the game, then it annoys me and I'll tell them to stfu :p
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[font=franklin gothic medium][color=#D6A204]But I think that makes a large assumption. It assumes that casual gamers as a whole do not pay any attention to story or character development.

How you determine that with any accuracy, I don't know. I don't even know exactly how you define casual gamers or how you know whether someone who is talking is a casual gamer. If someone is offering you detailed advice about a character, or if they are talking about a story with some obvious knowledge, are they still a casual gamer?

I just tend to think that the whole thing is a bit silly. There are people who get really into their games and people who don't. And most people are somewhere in between that. [/color][/font]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[font=Trebuchet MS][color=Black][size=2]I agrea with Silpheed to a certain extent. However, I know from my own experience that not everyone has a lot of time to devote to playing games.

Don't get me wrong. It drives me freaking crazy when someone starts poppin off about crap they have no idea about (and that goes for anything).

But my point is, There is a difference between a casual gamer and a moron. I can not play games like I used to anymore so I stick to games that are fun and quick to play, and shy away from RPG's (I know your thinking, WTF!!!! but I just do not have time for them at all). In my own opinion though, this does not make me any less of a gamer. Being a gamer is fundamentally about playing the games you love because you love playing them. [/size][/color][/font]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I think the type of gamer you're trying to single out is the "popular gamer". The gamer who buys the game based on the sole factor of how popular it is at the time (for reference, see the GTA "wave"). Mind you this is just my definition, but a "casual gamer" is someone who does it for the pure reason that they have nothing better to do at the moment.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[COLOR=Navy]Oh be quiet, kakashi! Just because I am not a 'hardcore' gamer, doesn't mean I'm inferior.

The only reason why I don't finish a lot of games is because I lose interest....not because of being casual or whatever you want to call it. I just have a short attention span when it comes to games. That's why I'm not much of a RPG fan. I love Sonic, DDR, Devil May Cry, and Need For Speed: Underground (to name a few). They never lose my interest.

I've been working on Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time since April of last year. I'm not like my friend, Regan, who is really hardcore when it comes to games. When he got the new Paper Mario and Halo 2 game, he beat it within a couple of days. I can never do that. I don't think that I am any better than him....unless it's DDR, but that's besides the point.

Who cares whether or not I'm hardcore or casual. I enjoy games, and that's all that should matter. If I beaten it, I should be allowed to give advice. I never skip anything when it comes to cut scenes and things like that.

I've been working on Devil May cry 1 for about a month and a half now and I'm just about three quarters of the way done.

Also...the reason why I only own six games is because I'm broke half the time and my parents hate video games. If I want a game, I have to buy it with my own money and on my own time. With being broke half the time is because I buy games when they are about $20. That's not casual, that's just common sense.

Plus, I have other interests too.

So, x kakashi x, don't assume that all casual gamers are alike. What you said wasn't very nice. I love lots of games, I really do. If I had the money and the time, I'd buy an XBox, Halo 2, PSP, and GBA SP, and play day and night, but I can't. So please watch what you say.

(sorry for the rant)[/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.

Like James and Japan I don't think you can just flame all casual gamers because they don't play games to the excess, many casual gamers just don't have the time to play games to the same levels that so-called hardcore gamers do. On that same note just because certain gamers don't play as many games as "hardcore" gamer do doesn't mean that they don't enjoy games any less .

I personally wouldn't consider myself a hardcore gamer, I don't play that many games due simply to the fact that I don't have the money to continuously buy new ones after finishing my other games. I've grown up around consoles and PCs, from the NES and Windows 5.1 to my Gamecube and XPS, and throughout all the time I've played games for one purpose: for enjoyment.

I know a fair few people who consider themselves hardcore gamers, and in my experience a hardcore gamer is one who spends the better part of a week playing a game to the absolute excess and coming back saying they've beaten it 100% with all the secrets and bonuses. Now I have nothing against the kind of gaming, and if they enjoyed the storyline and characters then fair play to them, when KOTOR and KOTOR 2 came out I played them like that. But after beating KOTOR and KOTOR 2 the first time at speed I went back over it, just enjoying the dialog and storyline rather than racing to complete the game 100% and declaring myself hardcore. I played the games casually and soaked up all the enjoyment I could from them.

To say that every casual gamer is a n00b who knows nothing and should shut up is plain stupidity, as are calling games like Grand Theft Auto a purely n00b game, the GTA series has built itself up as being a very playable and excellent game series. Any gamer who has completed a game and enjoyed it, or even is just playing a game and enjoying it has the right to speak the mind about it.

I think what people are trying to say is that they object to people who disrespect gaming, and that isn't being casual about gaming. I wouldn't say that someone who buys a new release and trades it in a week later is casual, I'd say they're just plain silly. Casual gamer, hardcore gamer, in the end they're all just gamers. [/SIZE]
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