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Mistwalker on Xbox


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I heard [URL=http://www.g4tv.com/webexclusives/features/51201/News__February_25_2005.html]at G4TV[/URL] that Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi has announced that he will team up with with Microsoft to create RPGs for its next gen console. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty betrayed here. What does everyone else think about this?
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Semmy is right, Sakaguchi's [I]Mistwalker[/I] is making two [I]completely[/I] new RPGs for Xenon (said to be the name of the new generation Xbox, if I understood right.)

There are already few sketches around the net from the games (or at least one of them), but they are too vague to say anything about the games themselves (although similar magic-meets-technology style like in the FF-series seems to be in the new games as well).
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[quote name='Meggido']Final Fantasy was never and probably will never go to a Microsoft system. The reason square and Enix merged was they were both pissed off at Microsoft for trying to buy them, the way Rare was bought.[/quote]

Where do people read these things?
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[color=#B0251E]Funnily enough, Final Fantasy is probably more likely to be found on Xbox 2 or Revolution than PS3. Apparently Square-Enix is actually more upset with Sony than anyone, for legal/contractual reasons.

But they've obviously achieved significant success on PlayStation 2. So, I don't think that they're going to be too eager to make a sudden move elsewhere, other than in terms of multiplatform ventures. If anything I think we'll probably see more S-E involvement on Nintendo platforms, with DS being the first to see some pretty significant support.[/color]
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What I said before about the merger I read from a gaming magazine which is usually quite reliable with it's information.

The other reason that square won't be making a change to Xbox or Xbox2 is because they have a contract with sony that only allows the numbered games, i.e. X or XII, to be released on playstation systems or PC. That is why the GCN game was called crystal chronicles as it was the only way for them to get around the deal with Sony.
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[quote name='Meggido']What I said before about the merger I read from a gaming magazine which is usually quite reliable with it's information. [/quote]

What exactly is this magazine because what you've posted there seems like nothing but hearsy and conjecture. Nothing like this has been officially stated or even decently rumored about that I have ever seen on any site/magazine of remote value.

Rare was pretty much taken up willingly, from all accounts.
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[QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]

Rare was pretty much taken up willingly, from all accounts.[/QUOTE]

[color=#B0251E]Yep. There's an implication here that Rare was somehow taken over in a hostile manner. That isn't true.

Most of Rare's talented people left long ago. What was left was a bloated, lethargic, unproductive developer. Nintendo wisely offloaded Rare on to Microsoft, who were apparently the only company willing to buy them.[/color]
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Guest sicabee
Heres a whole article about sakaguchi teaming up with microsoft for xbox2.

[QUOTE]February 24, 2005?Microsoft Corporation today announced that Hironobu Sakaguchi, videogame legend and president of Mistwalker game studio, has joined with Microsoft® Game Studios to develop roleplaying games (RPG) exclusively for the next-generation Xbox® video game system.[/QUOTE] ....

heres the link to the article...[URL=http://www.xbox.com/en-US/news/2005/0224-sakaguchi.htm]article link[/URL]

They are making new games for xbox. Its been in talks for a while now.
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[quote name='drive_monster]I heard [url="http://www.g4tv.com/webexclusives/features/51201/News__February_25_2005.html"]at G4TV[/url'] that Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi has announced that he will team up with with Microsoft to create RPGs for its next gen console. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty betrayed here. What does everyone else think about this?[/quote]
Why do they need to make FF versions on Xbox..?
People should just get a PlayStation.. Or playstation2... whichever.
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[color=#B0251E]Guys! Hold up for a moment! Are any of you actually going to [b]read[/b] the thread?

This announcement has [b]nothing to do with Final Fantasy[/b], period. It's about a company called [b]Mistwalker[/b], who happens to be owned by Sakaguchi.

I repeat: [b]this announcement has nothing to do with Final Fantasy[/b]. I swear, the next person to post in this thread without reading it at all will face severe and painful punishment. lol[/color]
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I'm going to have to agree with Desbreko here...There is nothing to feel betrayed about...there was not contract written with sony that SquareEnix would only develope for them, it should have seemed obvious when they put games out for the Gamecube.

I say more power to them, let them utilize the graphic might of the xbox...it may prove interesting.

I did read it actually, im aware that it has nothing to do with it...It doesn't matter...I still feel like posting dribble about FF :animesmil
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I don't see anything to feel betrayed over. I personally don't have an x-box because they don't have enough RPG games that I like to play. It would be nice to have more variety in the games produced for this console.

I'm going to edit this post as I think people are misunderstanding what I was saying about x-box. I think I wasn't clear enough. I was simply trying to explain that it's current specs are capable of more than it's actually used for. So I'll just leave it at that.

Anyway, back on topic, I think it's great that x-box will be getting a wider range of games. Though untill they actually do it I don't plan on getting one any time soon.
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A few things:
-There are TVs that can show 1000x1000
-The "Graphic might" of XBOX2 means what it can render altogether, not resolution by itself. Also, XBOX2 will be inferior to PS3.

I personally dislike final fantasy, but I would love to see it on Revolution. Nintendo is the reason the game even came to America, and a decent chunk of the sales come from this region.
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