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Have you ever thought that maybe anime could be real?


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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Have you ever thought that maybe anime could be real? I don't really mean it the way it sounds but...How about this: You sit in class daydreaming and you can just imagine like an anime character or somthing just appears. It doesnt look like an anime character, more or less what they WOULD look like if they were real. One day I was just sitting in class staring out the window and thought, "What if a new student just came and the teacher introduced him and it was Gaara? Every one would think he was a freak if he was real but not me.." I swear he couldsa walked right through the door and I wouldn't have been suprised. I've thought of similiar things when DBZ used to be my favorite anime. I would just wonder what people would act like if Goku just smashed through the cafeteria ceiling. I've also daydremt in class when the fire alarms in the town go off. I'm pretty sure that they were once air-raid sirens by the sound of it. I thought i would look out the window and see a big mushroom cloud or somthing....thats not anime though. I guess I think too much during class. I should pay attention more but it's SO HARD when you've got anime on the brain!:wigout: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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While having an active imagination is a good thing, paying attention in class might not be a bad idea either.

I can't really tell what you're trying to say here. The title sort of alarmed me, but your post isn't nearly as delusional (no offense intended, heh) as I had expected. On the one hand it would be sort of amusing to talk about how some of the more far-out characters (Goku is a good example in this case) would act/react when if they were plunked down into an everyday situation and forced to obey the ordinary laws governing physics, hair and so forth. At the same time I don't know whether or not that's the kind of discussion you were aiming for. So I guess some clarification would be appreciated.

Oh, and you might find [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=640116][u]this[/u][/url] thread interesting... :animeswea

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Guest Ranma 1.5
a long time ago my friend used to think he actually WAS Goku from Dragon Ball Z :o
Whenever I went to his house he used to say that he had to train and he would lock himself in his room for a while and i could hear him like jumping around and stuff. It was hilarious. :p he would always come out all sweaty. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Ha ha.. I think about anime/manga/game characters coming to life all the time. I either go to their world, or they occasionaly come to mine. @.@ Its a habbit. It stops me from going insane (if that makes any sense....). It also stops me from paying attention in class as well... which isn't all that good when you go to math. ^.^ oh well.
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[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][i] Seriously if an anime character walked into a classroom and I was standing there that would be wierd. Think of how huge his eyes would be, and most of them have unaturally died hair. They would look really intimidating and most likely, scary. Could you imagine Inu Yasha with dog ears coming to your house and having to explain that to your friends? Didn't think so. Plus I'd rather not hear Kagome's annoying whinning anyways, I'm happy with anime just how it is. [/SIZE][/i][/FONT]
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I can't really tell what you're trying to say here. So I guess some clarification would be appreciated.


[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]lol sorry I was having trouble trying to say what I ment. What I really meant was pretty much what you thought it was. What would they look like, how would they act or appear. i mean if you took an anime character and put them in real life what exactly would they be like? I mean if gaara were real I doubt he'd have a demon inside of him but maybe he'd be a skitso(sp?) and his "demon" would be he's other personality. lol! like Me, Myself and Irene!!! :animesmil :animeswea [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
I think I would think that if some anime character came into my class.. I might burst out saying "Ahh!! Rabid fan!!" while running around in circles. Those crazy fans...you can't trust them.. Look at what happened to Selena...

But I do find myself thinking wouldn't it be cool if I could go into some parellel demension that was like fruits basket or inuyasha? And sometimes I think about Gundam SEED. If I ever went into that demension I could probably steal a Gundam.. :animestun
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I know exactly what you are talking about. I am always thinking about some strange fantasy that normally have something to do with anime/manga. I would be a lot happier in a world like that I think because we aren't stuck with darned laws of physics or no magic related ideas. I find it all intriguing and would die afterwards to witness such a thing.

Overall, I know exactly how you feel. Do you ever think if you were in a parallel world of anime, what would you be? look like? even if you were the same gender? What? It is easier to bring the real world to anime than anime to the real world, I think.

I often think of Yu Yu Hakusho or King of Hell((manga)) or something like that. I always imagine something that has to do with a few guys in the real world I like and then some hot anime guys. It gets to the point where I won't stop thinking about it until I fall asleep.

Can anyone relate?
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[quote name='Dagger']While having an active imagination is a good thing, paying attention in class might not be a bad idea either. [/quote][b]Heh- a quoteworthy comment...[/b]

[b]Anyhow, I think it's odd that anyone would want anime characters coming into our world and becoming real. It would ruin the magic of anime for me if they became real in any way.[/b]

[b]What about daydreaming of going into the wonderful worlds of anime and imagination and meeting them there?[/b]

[b]I would personally much rather enter the world of imagination than to subject my favorite characters to this one.[/b]
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[quote name='Dagger']On the one hand it would be sort of amusing to talk about how some of the more far-out characters (Goku is a good example in this case) would act/react when if they were plunked down into an everyday situation and forced to obey the ordinary laws governing physics, hair and so forth.[/quote][b]On that note, my kid brother (who isn't really such a 'kid' anymore... le sigh) had hair a while back that looked [i]just[/i] like Kaiba's (from YGO!) I nearly fell over. (He'd just taken a shower, and his hair seperated into little anime-esque sections.) It was the right length, the right color, the right style, and looked just strange enough to merit being called 'anime hair.'

Not that Kaiba's hairstyle is exactly off the wall, or anything, but the resemblence was striking. :)[/b]
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[QUOTE=Lore][b]On that note, my kid brother (who isn't really such a 'kid' anymore... le sigh) had hair a while back that looked [i]just[/i] like Kaiba's (from YGO!) I nearly fell over. (He'd just taken a shower, and his hair seperated into little anime-esque sections.) It was the right length, the right color, the right style, and looked just strange enough to merit being called 'anime hair.'

Not that Kaiba's hairstyle is exactly off the wall, or anything, but the resemblence was striking. :)[/b][/QUOTE]

My friend once tried copying Yugi's hairstyle..didn't turn out that well..>>; But it WAS pretty funny..but I like copying Sakura's (CCS) hairstyle, every once in awhile I'll cut it just like her's and random people would run up to me and be like "OHMYGOSH!!! You look just like that cartoon girl!" And I'm like it's anime and her name is Sakura get it right! Ha..gotta love when that happens..
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sometimes in school i think about anime a lot. u see anything is possible .reality and imaginary can sometimes blend in.DONT THINK IM CRAZY BUT roaming through school i imagine over body i see as a anime character . I also think that what i said before about anything is possible. i think it takes a great mind to come up with great stories like gundam or fullmetal,etc. Id like u all to think about what i said
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sorry i didnt finish.Those great minds i wwas talking about must have been thinking like us in this thread. But overall i think anime is about the writer. ur probably thinking what does this kid mean well let me explain. Sometimes people want a adventurer about anything. It could be love, companionship, or even saving the world. So this writers put it down on paper. this is where reality blends into imaginary
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[quote name='gundampali23']DONT THINK IM CRAZY BUT roaming through school i imagine over body i see as a anime character . [/quote]
[b]Heh- you're not crazy-- a lot of us do that. I even sketch the people I come into contact with as anime.[/b]
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[COLOR=DarkGreen]Heheh... the closest I've ever gotten to thinking an anime was real was when I had a dream that my best friend did something like in the movie "Akira". That's about it.

But there is this one guy in my school who thinks he's Sesshomaru from Inu-yasha. He randomly glares at me when I'm talking to his girlfriend and whenever I call him Fluffy or Fido, he threatens to go all demon on my a**. o.o;

And we're in High School for crying out loud.... -.-

So to start getting back at him, I messed around and was like, "Don't make me bust out my Sharingan!" and he called me a freak for making fun of him. xD

Better watch out Fluffy... I've got assassins! :blowup: [/COLOR]
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I have daydreams like that pretty often. I sometimes think of what it would be like if I was walking through the woods near my house and I either run into a demon and right before I die Inuyasha and the gang come to save me or I fall into a pit or well and am transported back to Fuedal japan and meet Inuyasha. Whatever happens I end up haing special powers and help them fighting demons and Naraku.

I also think of what it would be like if I met Ed Elric (The Fullmetal Alchemist), like there are a bunch of bandits using alchemy and I am being attacked by them then Ed saves me and teaches me how to use alchemy.

I once had a dream that combined a bunch of anime and video games: Pokemon, Digimon, Zelda and some others. (I was about 9.)

I love having these daydreams during school because it makes the day go by faster. I hope I have a real dream about anime tonight because it being the weekend I can finish the dream for once. (Normally I am woken up just befoe it is over) Well I am getting tired so see ya :animestun
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I have dreams like that all the time.

Like just yesturday, I had one that I was Sailor Moon, which really freaked me out since I haven't watched it since I was like, nine oo;

Anywho, I was battling Goku (where does he fit in with SM..?) and out of nowhere Vash came and kicked Goku's bum. Then me and Vash got married and but then Meryl came and started yelling at me and then she hooked up with Tuxedo. It was really weird and I'm gonna be having nightmares of that for awhile..
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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest SexySS.Sakura
I know where your coming from with this post. There have been several occations where I have felt the same. I always wonder what would happen if Piccolo were to come crashing down making a hole in the road when we are in the car or if I and everyone else were to see Piccolo fighting Cell outside my school window what would people do. Haha I have even wondered what the girls of my school would think were Seto Kaiba to show up and I am 17.

Don't get me wrong I can differentiate between reality and fantasy but even the best of us can't help but wonder sometimes. The small little what if's that nag at the back of your brain especially and I know this is sad but frankly I don't care if your in love with an anime character. *coughs Piccolo coughs* Anyways yeah I have often pondered on something similer and even wished it were true.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I often imagine that anime is real, just because I'm in a bad mood. Like, for instance, if my piano teacher ticked me off, I'd daydream that outta nowhere, Motoko Aoyama from Love Hina would leap through the window, and threaten my teacher until he apologized.

I'm sorry, did that sound paranoid? :animeswea
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