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What would you do....


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[COLOR=royalblue] Ok ppl, I know that we are all from different places, of different ages, and so on, but I really need advice....
A few weeks ago my friend was raped, she asked me not to confront the guy but I know him...and I run across from time to time...and everytime I see my skin crawls, but I never talk to him and he doesn't talk to me either... But I'm afraid of when he will try to talk me..What should I say? Should I just say hi and bye and then leave, or should I curse him out???

Please help me!!!!!![/COLOR]
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This is serious. You should talk to your friend a lot and be by her side right now. she really need it. How is she feeling now.
For the other guy, I think he need to be punish. Your friend ask you not to bring him out, probably because she is afraid or feeling humiliated of what happen. May be you can try to convince your friend to report him to the police, before he hurt any other people. May be your friend need some counceling too.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i]
[B]This is serious. You should talk to your friend a lot and be by her side right now. she really need it. How is she feeling now.
For the other guy, I think he need to be punish. Your friend ask you not to bring him out, probably because she is afraid or feeling humiliated of what happen. May be you can try to convince your friend to report him to the police, before he hurt any other people. May be your friend need some counceling too. [/B][/QUOTE]

Lotus has the right idea completely. This guy definately needs to be punished.
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well i wouldn't go telling the cops on him. If your friend didn't report him, she must be too embarrassed about it. if you really want him in jail, you should try to convince her to report him. Also, my sister was raped about a year ago, and this was a similar situation. Besides the fact i beat him bad enough so he will never look me in the eyes again or my sister, that might not be an option for you though. just don't talk to him
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I aggre with Lotua and LM. Follows those advice.

If I were in that situation..I would do the same thing Harry did..beat the living tar out of him. But that's me and like Harry said..you wouldn't want to do that...however this guy HAS to get punished. Try to convince your friend to report him. BE by her side also. I bet she'll be needing a good friend to trust in ok. She's going to need you if she decided to report him.
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My g/f nearly had this experience when i was away in canada. so when she told me on what happened, i just simply went to the cops (and punch the guy's lights out before i went) but the reasonable thing to do is go to the cops. dont let the violence and anger get the best of you. if you know the guy personaly, talk to him in a reasonable matter (hmm..maybe i shouldve tried that)
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Thats a really seriouse problem. First of all I know how you feel, my friend who was in collage was raped, but she was scared to tell anyone besides me. I pleeded with her to tell the authorites or atleast let me. She made me promise that I wouldn't. I didn't tell the authorites anything...untill...That same person came exactly one month later and murdered her...He came right after I left..not even 5 minutes...I felt like crap for weeks..Every night I cried...I felt like it was my fault..In truth it partially was....

Anywayz the point of my story is...Try your hardest to get this guy in jail, before he hurts her again. I don't think he will just rape her, and leave it at that.. That would be too risky for him. Even if she tells you not to, please tell the authorites before it is too late...
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Ok I was just listenin' to 'In the End' (Linkin Park) and am now very psyched up and angry now, that reape has gone on once again.
This is only me, don't approach this guy, he is unpredictable and unreliable, if he approached you, curse the hell outta him! If he tries to put you in danger, scream, hit him, kick him in the DINGDONG Yeowch, balls so to speak.
Be there for your friend and talk to her. I'm with ya. Don't back down.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Well I understand what all of you are saying but this situation is a bit more difficult than that..#1 They don't see each other anymore... I've been the only one to run across him since the incident and so I try to act as if I don't know him...He hasn't approached me..or anything but like I said when I see him I wanna curse him out but I though my friend should have reported it too and Lord knows I wanted to get some friends up here to beat his AZZ but she didn[t want me to do all that. Her family knows and I definetly know, but I hope that he doesn't do this sort of thing to anyone else I know...So all I can really do is warn my friends..But I still wish I could get someone to beat his AZZ....ooh I wanna do it so bad...
But I think I'm gonna calm down right now!!! But if you think there is more I can do tell me please....[/COLOR]
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Please, please try to get your friend to go to the police. An ex of mine tried it on with me so I told him where to go and gave him a black eye but left it alone after that. One year later and he was sentenced to 7 years for raping 2 girls. I didn't want to report him for trying it on and as he was my mate before I was reluctant to go to the police but I wish I had for the sake of those other girls. I know how your mate is probably feeling but that kind of person is likely to do the same again. The best solution to your problem is to get him behind bars where he can't talk to you or anyone else but in the mean time if he comes up to you try to tell him you don't want to talk to him and walk away if you can. I know it may be hard to ignore him after what he did but if you get carried away and hit him he would probably do you for assault.
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1st off.... Your friend needs to get off her stupid butt and call the cops. I'm sick an tired of these women, and sometimes men, complaining that they got raped and not doing anything about it. GET OFF YOUR *** AND CALL THE COPS! Your civil rights and liberties have been violated by the scum of this country and you are just gonna sit there and whine about it! If you (I use you, not refering to one person, but anyone who it applys to).. If you are gonna sit back then you diserve nothing to happen... You are gonna let this piece of garbarge get away with RAPING YOU and you do nothing..... pathetic in it's own self....

2nd, as a friend of hers, you have the right to go to the cops.... If she's embarassed... which BTW she has nothing to be embarassed about for she did NOTHING wrong, except not go to the police, then you should do it for her.....

Bottom line people, rapists are scum... absolute scum! They all need to be thrown in jail, they all need to have their penises cut off, they all need to die as far as I'm concerned.... the only reason why they don't is because some women are too afraid.... Afraid of what?..... YOU WERE RAPED for crying out loud.... and if you don't do anything this time, this guy is gonna do it again, and again, and it may happen to you again and again..... You NEED to call the police.... there is no other option.... beating the guy up won't do anything.... Now you're just as guilty.... he raped this girl, thats against the law, you come back days or weeks later and beat the guy up... that battery.... and that is also against the law.... Just call the police....

Things like this piss me off..... you're right if you say I don't know for I have never been in this situation but.... jesus..... if someone breaks into your home.. you call the police... Someone breaks into your body and you do nothing????.... come on.....

CALL THE POLICE! And do it now!... the longer you wait the less evidence they have. And the more likely this pigshit gets aquitted.
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