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Lots of you seem to be into good rock music! Any maggots around here?
I love slipknot, one of my favourite bands! I have my own forums, which are quite successful, and working on a webpage too! [/FONT]
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Slipknot rulez! I have been to a few concerts of there's and I must say, they put on a brilliant show. At the place I saw them, two of them jumped off the stage and started running from the security guards. As one of them passed, my cousin leaps out to touch him. He said the orange oufits felt like... orange outfits.

Anyway, I particularly like the songs Pulse of the Maggots from V3, and Snap which was on a movie soundtrack.
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Awesome, wasn't so sure i would get any replies lol
I've yet to see them in concert! They're at Download though.. so i could be going there! Not sure yet. Lets hope so, hay?
I don't have one fav song, i love loads! My fav album is Vol3 though, then S/T, Iowa, MFKR.
Fav members: Joey, Corey :)
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I must say with pride that I too am a slipknot fan.

I will be going to download 05 to see them in concert, and intend to be in the front row (where i was in download 04)

my favorite slipknot songs are: DIsasterpiece, The heretic anthem, Metabolic and Duality.

anyone else got Joey Jordison signature sticks?
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If you don't kill me, I'll say it. Slipknot is over rated. Some people listened to their music, then, magically, their shirts appeared in Hot Topic and everyone in the world is a maggot. It drives me insane when people come up to me and say :You're weird. You aren't a maggot!" so I tell them that they are posers and my friend who is a real follower punches them in the face. :D It is very funny
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Yeah I love Slipknot,been a fan ever since the beginning (I even liked stone sour,which corey was in) and their concerts are crazy, but I think now they're just getting too popular.All the wannabe rockers like them which rather annoys me. I mean people who like "Simple Plan" like Slipknot, seriously get real, they're making all the true fans look bad
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[quote name='Princess_Keiko']Yeah I love Slipknot,been a fan ever since the beginning (I even liked stone sour,which corey was in) and their concerts are crazy, but I think now they're just getting too popular.All the wannabe rockers like them which rather annoys me. I mean people who like "Simple Plan" like Slipknot, seriously get real, they're making all the true fans look bad[/quote]
i'll agree with that. where i live poeple like that have even started rumours that fightstar and slipknot are going to merge and do a double-act (rediculous i know, but poeple here are stupid and ignorant).

right. time to get the nuke out of the shed....
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[quote name='Princess_Keiko'](I even liked stone sour,which corey was in)[/quote]
[COLOR=DarkRed]James Root -guitarist for Slipknot- also played guitar in Stone Sour. There was some other band that had other members of Slipknot in it as well, but i can't remember the name.[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]i heard that there is a cd from 1995 or something and its really rare and worth a lot...

...but i also heard it sucks big time. the only members that were there were clown(drums) and the sampler craig(he was on the guitar...)

hey who else thinks that craig just gets paid to headbang? i mean he wasnt there once and you know what happened? sid filled in and did both of there jobs... that just shows how pointless he is

but w/e he can stay, its cool[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed']James Root -guitarist for Slipknot- also played guitar in Stone Sour. There was some other band that had other members of Slipknot in it as well, but i can't remember the name.[/COLOR][/quote]
Yeah..I know, besides james didn't join slipknot until later, he only filled in for the first guitarist that quit.
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[QUOTE=The Drizzle][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]i heard that there is a cd from 1995 or something and its really rare and worth a lot...

...but i also heard it sucks big time. the only members that were there were clown(drums) and the sampler craig(he was on the guitar...)[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=DarkRed]That's the other band i was talking about earlier. I still don't know the name either though...[/COLOR]
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