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What should I do?

EVA Unit 100

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OK, there's this guy at my school. I'm not completely sure that I have a crush on him, but there's a very high chance that I do. Obviously there's almost no chance he'd have any interest in me. How should I tell him about my feelings (if I even should) without freaking him out?
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[quote name='EVA Unit 100']OK, there's this guy at my school. I'm not completely sure that I have a crush on him, but there's a very high chance that I do. Obviously there's almost no chance he'd have any interest in me. How should I tell him about my feelings (if I even should) without freaking him out?[/quote]
That depends on how well you know him. When I'm interested in someone (regardless of gender) I try to befriend him/her first. Granted, I'm a pretty cautious person in general, but I'd rather be in a position where I can at least trust the other party not to suddenly become a complete jerk.

Proximity has a tendency to make crushes fade. If you hang around him for a while longer, there's a good chance you may discover things about him that would make your attraction fade. Of course, the reverse is also a possibility. Just try to be more certain of your feelings before you start contemplating confessing and so forth. No need to rush things, right? ^_^

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[QUOTE=Dagger]That depends on how well you know him. When I'm interested in someone (regardless of gender) I try to befriend him/her first. Granted, I'm a pretty cautious person in general, but I'd rather be in a position where I can at least trust the other party not to suddenly become a complete jerk.

Proximity has a tendency to make crushes fade. If you hang around him for a while longer, there's a good chance you may discover things about him that would make your attraction fade. Of course, the reverse is also a possibility. Just try to be more certain of your feelings before you start contemplating confessing and so forth. No need to rush things, right? ^_^


[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][i] I agree with Dagger. Definately don't be too clingy though. Guys hate that. And maybe once you get to know him better as a friend, and you really start liking him and he gets to know you better. Do the thing that will signal that you like him, flirt a little. Flirting can go alot of ways, and if he flirts back theres a good chance he had a crush on you too. Make sure that he's not just a big flirt that flirts with any girl though, I've made that mistake many times before. If he only flirts with you, thats a really good sign! Hope everything works out. [/SIZE][/i][/FONT]
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[quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][i] Make sure that he's not just a big flirt that flirts with any girl though, I've made that mistake many times before.[/SIZE][/i'][/FONT][/quote]

That advice is no help to me because I'm a boy as well. Which makes things a lot harder.
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[QUOTE=EVA Unit 100]Obviously there's almost no chance he'd have any interest in me. [QUOTE]

[b]And [i]why[/i] should that be obvious?[/b]

[b]I've gotta say- if you give up on having a chance with him, you [i]won't[/i] have a chance with him. You need some self- confidence, to be sure... [/b]

[b]Self-confidence is a sexy attribute... but selling yourself short [i]definitely [/i]isn't.[/b]

[b]Just tell him the truth and give [i]him[/i] the opportunity to decide whether he's interested in you or not- don't make up his mind for him before you've even told him how you feel.[/b]
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You know i think that you're really the only one who can decide to how to go about it being that you personally how close or not u are to that person. Just do it however you feel most comfortable going about it. If it isnt meant to be it wont happen no matter how you go about it. If you believe in fate but its less about fate and more about if the attraction isnt there now going both ways its unlikely to develop unless u are very close. So just take ur shot at it and have no regrets either way ya know. If it works out then it wouldve worked out no matter how u went about it pretty much (without being ridiculous) So best of luck and all this basically says is do what comes natural haha.
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