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Guest RivaOni

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Guest RivaOni
I've not long been playing Ico although I've owned it for over a year, and I'm completely blown away by its visuals, how when your indoor your completely claustrophobic and cold, but you step outside and its like a whole different world. the deveoplers have captured the blinding of the sun when you step from inside to outside perfectly. plus yorda seems spiritual in how purely white she is.

not only have i gone crazy for ico, but im now really looking forward to the second game by this team, shadow and the colossus and to top it off its getting an EU release:D
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The game really is beautiful. The lower resolution coupled with that glowy haze that covers everything really combine into something that I think is very impressive.

I enjoy it because it's deceptively simple. You're not required to press a ton of buttons, what is required of you feels natural. It kind of reminds me of those old Prince of Persia or Flashback games. I do kind of think it's overrated in some senses, but that's true of almost any game.

It's a shame it didn't do as well as it should have, but at least the developer is doing other things.
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  • 2 weeks later...
i completed ico and i was dissapointed when i did because i was really getting into the game and when i finished it i had nothing else to play, but i find the graphis are stunning.
it was said that there was going to be an ico 2 made but i have heard nothing else about it
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i agree with anyone that says this is a great game. I have found for a very long time games have been getting bigger and bigger and biggerand bigger, but i never finish them. I hate not finishing a game.

Imagine if we never finished reading books, or hearing the whole song on the radio, or getting to the end titles of a song!!!! Arrrrrr i hate it. I appreciate that if a game is too short then players with more time to dedicate can enjoy them for longer, but quality and quantity are often mis used with games. I had really hoped when it came out that ICO would be a beacon for a new length of games, but no. Publishers are still demanding the same blaoted, unfinishable games, yukkk !!

Something else i loved about ICO was the sound track, what a brilliant way to create atmosphere that having good honest sounds of foot prints, if i were running arounda castle i doubt there would be a pan piped music echoeing around the halls!!
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