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Prefection [M-LVS]


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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]"Hey Jenny!" Geneive said when she opened the door and tried to push her brother's friends back into the house,"Hurry and get in!"

Jenny walked through the door and greeted her mother and her mother greeted her back. They began to hear the band 'Dongbangshinki' and started dancing.

They spotted korean boys staring at them and Jenny yelled, "dont-go-moe!"(
They went up to Geneive's room and started to talk especially Geneive.

"Okay, I wanna hear every detail about this!" squealed Geneive.

"Alright! Alright!" Jenny said," Well it went great and I showed him the place where we usually hang out and it went well."

"That's it, come on. There's gotta be more!" Geneive pleaded.

"Yeah...he also GAVE ME HIS PHONE NUMBER!!!!" yelled Jenny.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!" shouted Geneive.

The girls jumped up and down on the bed and Geneive screaming 'Oh My God!' to Jenny. They started to talk more about this and soon had to go to bed.

"Well Good Night, girls" Geneive's mother said.

"Night mom!" Geneive said.

"Ahn-Young-Yi-Ju-Mah-Say-Yo(Good Night in Korean)" said Jenny.

They went to sleep and couldn't wait until the next day of school.

OOC: ^ ^ I think this one is a bit short! And sorry about the long Korean word![/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]James ran up the porch steps and opened the door in front of him. Huffing and puffing, he tried to catch his breath as he looked at the grandfather clock in the foyer.
"James Alexander! You're five minutes late!" A voice called out.
"Dad, I'm sorry. I was...out." James said as he slipped off his shoes and walked into the living room. "And do you have to use my middle name?"
"Yes and what were you doing all day?" His father asked, turning around from his work at the computer.
"I was with a girl-"
"Oh really? How nice. She was nice...wasn't she?" His father questioned.
"Yeah. Her name's Jenny, she was showing me around town. She's Korean." James replied.
"I see. Well, it's good to see that you're making friends so fast." He turned away.
"So what's for dinner? I'm starving." James walked over and flopped onto the couch.
"Is there anything that you would prefer?"
"I want some steak. Let's go out and get some."
"I would James, but I have work to do. We also have to finish unpacking." His father replied with the tapping of the keyboard in the background.
"Alright..." James mumbled.
"You don't have to right now. We just got here a little while ago. All you have left is some of your clothes."
"Fine then, I'll do it Sunday or something."
"How was school then?"
"It was good, I even got to play volleyball!" James replied excitedly.
"Did you meet anyone else besides this Jenny?"
"There was this kid named Aidan in a few of my classes, a girl named Javen introduced herself at lunch, and there's this girl that hangs around with Jenny...I think her name's Geneive."
"That's good." James' father replied.
"I'm just gonna make myself some instant ramen or something." James got up and walked into the kitchen.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Jenny and Geneive woke up yawning. They went and brushed thier teeth and had breakfast. They waved bye and they both started walking out the door to go meet James. "So we are going to Six Flags,huh?" Geneive asked and Jenny nodded.

They soon came up to James who was waiting at the entrance to the amusement park. He waved hi and they all got in line. "I love this place!" James said as they entered. As they got into the first line for a ride Jenny day dreamed. "Hes so hot..."she thought to herself.

OOC:Sorry for shortness
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Sorry about my lack of posting...seems a lot has developed, but lets see if I can throw myself back into the mix...
Xander sighed as he wondered what to do. He had meant to go over to the local amusement park and maybe just hang out for a while, but figured it'd be kind of lame if he showed up by himself. He was thinking about working on the 1969 Mustang he was rebuilding when his cell phone rang.

"This is Xander." he said curtly, wondering as to who would be calling his phone from an Unknown #.

"Hey Xander, this is Alex...Alexis brother. Master O'kien told me that you were one of the advance students in his Jeet Kune Do class, and I was wondering if you would be willing to give me some private classes."

Xander smiled as he replied. "I have no problem with that man. But I was under the impression that you had quite the bodyguard in Javen. Isn't she enough cover for you?"

Alex chuckled nervously. "Oh yea, she is a great fighter, but she's not always around you know. Not just that, but I really don't care much for guys picking on me and thinking I can't defend myself."

"Fair enough then. How about I meet you at the dojo in half an hours time? That good for you?"

"Umm...sure, but, isn't the dojo closed...?"

"Don't worry about that. I'll just meet you there in a half-hour. See you then" Xander clicked off the cell and walked over to get his gi and other training materials together. At least he sould have something to keep him busy for the next couple of hours.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: Okay...that's a little fast. But just remember, they aren't going out...yet...

[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]James scratched the back of his head. remembering that he was supposed to do something earlier. It preoccupied him while he waited with Geneive and Jenny for the first ride, the ferris wheel.
"Are you okay?" Jenny asked him.
"Yeah. It's just that there was something that I was supposed to do today. It's bugging me that I can't remember."
"It'll be alright." She reassured him.

James' cell phone vibrated in his pocket as they walked up to the car they were going to ride in and he snatched it out quickly. "Hello?" He asked as the door to the car shut behind Geneive.
"James? Is that you?" A quiet voice questioned.
"Who is this?" James asked, confused.
"It's me, Brandi." The girl replied.

"Who are you talking to James?" Jenny asked.
"No one Jenny. It's nothing." He shook his hand at her.

"Listen Brandi, I'm sorry I forgot to call you, but can we do this later?" He asked.
"Who was that?"
"Who was who?" James was puzzled.
"That girl. Don't tell me that you've only been there a week and you've already found someone." Brandi replied.
"What are you talking about? Why are you acting like this, Brandi?"
"Never mind." She hung up.

"Girls." James sighed as he sat back in time for the ride to begin.
"What was that all about?" Geneive asked.
"It was a friend of mine...back in New York. Her name is Brandi...I promised that I'd call her to let her know how I'm doing here."
"I thought you said you never had a girlfriend." Jenny replied.
"I never did. Although everyone thought between our two schools that we should go out. She thought it would be okay, but I said no. I always just thought of her as a friend...nothing more. She acts like we are going out...but we're not. Never have, never will." He sighed.
"So that's what you forgot to do?" Geneive asked.
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[SIZE=1]Aidan never was one for amusement parks, but his best friend Tim had persuaded him into going. Of course, he usually didn't ride the coasters, he only walked around, eating funnel cake and watching Tim flirt with girls. His hobby got him into trouble, flirting with the wrong girl.

Arrogantly, Tim walked up to a girl in the park, who Aidan recognized as Geneive from school. He swore under his breath, and peel off from his friend, trying to save himself from the huge explosion about to occur.
"Hey," Tim began, about to be shot down completely. He mustered every ounce of charm in him, which wasn't much, to talk to her.

"Damn... what's he doing?" Aidan whispered to himself. He made sure his cell phone was on, so that Tim could find him later. Walking away from the train-wreck waiting to happen, made his way to the soda-stand, and he purchased himself a Root beer.
OOC: Sorry about not posting for a while.
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" Um... i dn't think she likes you...somebody else does, in case you wondering.." Jenny looked away and sighed. "It is called flirting..oh yea you must now know what that is. Let me try this...Ching-chang-choi-ching...is that better." Tim snickered.

"No i don't know becuase you just made yourself look like an iggnorant fool in front of a crowd with the rough size about the popular group" Jenny held her hand out as if she were presenting an oral report. "So if you ever attempt at speaking the Korean language, please read this."

In teh blink of an eye a dictionary was sliding down Tim's face. His face was very red and a drop of blood fell from his nose. "Oops? Ken-cha-na?" she chuckled like a blonde girl and got into the ride as the line proccesed. Geneive and James were in awe never seeing Jenny act like that.

But Geneive has seen her signature attack, throwing a Korean dictionary at someones face. It happened before at the mall, the park, a Dongbangshinki concert, a parking lot....
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OOC: Sorry... :animeswea Innocent and I were just talking about how we were going to approach this. But please...I'm begging you! Check your words...I'm a big spelling freak and it tears me apart when you just make little mistakes like "teh" instead of the or "liek" instead of like. It just throws me a little off-track when I'm reading this. Okay...I'm done rambling.

[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Hey! I never said that you could walk away from me." Tim ran after them as the crowd dispersed. He grabbed Jenny's wrist rather forcefully and twisted her around to face him. "How dare you even think to humiliate me like that?!"
"Let go of me!" Jenny yelled.
"No, not until you apologize." He replied, furious.
"Hey. Let her go." James grabbed Tim's arm and forced him to let go by wrenching his arm toward him.
"Make me, skater boy." Tim replied, examining James' clothes.
"Listen, I'm not looking for any trouble. But you harassed these girls first." James said as he let go of Tim's arm. "You should never touch a lady without her permission."
"Oh, and I'm supposed to take etiquette lessons from you?" He snarled.
"I never said that." James replied calmly as they walked out of line, Geneive and Jenny following them.
"Whatever. Don't get in my way again. And you," He turned to Jenny and Geneive. "Stay the hell away from me."
"With pleasure." They replied.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: Hey! This is getting interesting!!!! ^ ^


Geneive sighed.

Thank GOD I'm out of that mess, Geneive thought.

"Thanks Jenny and James," Geneive said.

She turned around to see if the guy left but spotted a guy she saw at school. He was really familiar to her. She smiled at him and ran to the line of another rollercoaster called 'Spider Twister.'

"Come on you guys I wanna get in the front of the ride!" shouted Geneive.

Jenny and James ran over and rode their ride and Geneive had a blast! ]

OOC: I gotta edit this later cuz my bro has gotta go on the comp. sorry!
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[SIZE=1]"What the FUCK!?" Aidan shouted loudly at Tim, completely in disbelief. It was completely unheard of, as Aidan never really talked, so much as yell at the top of his lungs. The pack of girls, James, and a great deal of other people around.

"What the fuck were you doing? Seriously, you need to grow up. Don't [i]ever[/i] say another word to me." Aidan said, completely pissed he would talk to people like that. He didn't want to have a "friend" like Tim anymore.

"Shut the hell up, Aidan. You're a bitch. You can't do shit." Tim said as he shoved Aidan from behind. He turned around, with a frown on his face, just shaking his head at him. Immediately, he took a swing, and connected with Tim's stomach. He doubled over, gasping for breath, as Aidan disappeared into the crowd again, the ring around the two slowly dispersing.
OOC: Is anything going to happen in this RPG? Seems kinda dull...[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Jenny, James, and Geneive began to walk back home. They laughed and talked on the way.

"Thanks for inviting me, you guys,"Geneive said," I had a blast!"

"No problem,"Jenny replied,"Oh did you guys like that water ride?"

"Yeah it was so awesome!"exclaimed James.

"Yeah I liked it when we got wet!" Geneive said cheerfully.

"Well no duh," Jenny said,"We liked it as well, not only you."

"Yeah..right,"Geneive said.

All three of them laughed and soon they reached to Geneive's house.

"Hey guys this is my stop,"Geneive said,"I'll see you guys later."

"Yeah see you later,"Jenny and James said.

Jenny and James left and Geneive went up to her door and found her keys. She opened the door.

"HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Brandon yelled as Geneive came through the door.

"Woah!! Take a chill pill, little dude. You high on sugar or something?"

"Of couse he is," her mother said and gave her a hug,"So how was it with your friends?"

"I had a blast! It was so cool and we almost got to ride all of the rides!" exclaimed Geneive.

"Well I'm glad you had fun, dear,"Her mother said,"BRANDON, YOUNG MAN! GET DOWN AND STOP JUMPING OFF THE WALLS!!!!

[I]Woah mom's loud[/I], thought Geneive, [I]and as for Brandon, he's just too much on sugar.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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