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shaman king

Guest anime-g

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Guest anime-g
[size=2]In a world of spirits, there are shamans. Shamans who connect people with the world of spirits. They help guide people and seeks advice. Manta Oyamada is one of those people can see see spirits. One night, he meets Yoh Asakura, a lazy-lacking shaman. They gradually become best friends and Manta finds out about Yoh's past and why he's in Tokyo. As Yoh and his spirit partner Amidamaru confront spirits, they also meet many enemies like Ren. As he meets those enemies, Yoh tries to achieve his goal of becoming the Shaman King.[/QUOTE][/size]

first of im new to the otaku and i was wondering if anyone here is deeply into shaman king. well i am and this place is probably the most official place to share our shaman thoughts and opinions.

so shall we start? who is your favorite character and why?
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[B][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Welcome to OB, anime-g! (I made a rhyme!)

I happen to be quite the Shaman King fanatic myself. It's not my favorite series, but it's one of the top 10, no doubt ^^ My little brother loves Shaman King so much, he buys the Shonen Jump just to read it. Why he doesn't just buy the GNs is quite a mystery... Anyway, I don't have anything but local channels, so I don't get fox-box and therefor cannot watch the Shaman King anime. Regretfully, I don't have Cartoon Network (For Adult Swim) either. *Sigh* Alas, I am left solely to the mangas until I can get more hours at work and afford satalite (Or not-crappy cable)

Anyway, I love Ren Tao (Len, I believe, in the anime.) and Anna Kyoyama. Her 'tough-love' way of life is the best! Yoh (And any other guy) really DOES need to get put in his place! Nyahaha!

Hmm... I was wondering, how far has the anime gotten? If it's further than the manga, I'm gonna be thouroghly annoyed... Nothing I can do about it, I suppose. D'you read the Shonen Jump, anime-g?

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Hao Asakura is the best character and the best "villain" in any anime or manga that I've seen or read. He kicks everyone's *** but is considerate enough to keep a cheery grin on his face while doing so. And his philosophies on life and what he is trying to do actually make you confused as to whom to root for.
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I have all the single manga not the one in Shonen Jump. I have seen up to half of the episodes on Fox Box and I was first introduced to Shaman King in Shonen Jump by my friend. It was kind of cool at the time but I didn?t know want it was about. I guess my favorite character would be Horo Horo, because he is a snow boarder and I can?t believe he lost to Yoa which is good to. The part when they fight is pretty awesome. He has pretty cool moves. :animeswea
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  • 2 months later...
Guest otaku1412
My favorite character in the series is Asakura Hao! He's so cool, he never gives up, even if he failed for 1500 years(?). [spoiler]there's nothing here! ^_^ sorry if I wasted your time!![/spoiler]
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  • 2 weeks later...
I like the semi-evil guys, like Wooden Sword Ryu and Faust VIII. These guys can add a lot of depth to a storyline as well as some good moments. Such complexity can make anime and manga a lot more enjoyable when you don't know what thy will say or what they will do next. Ryu goes on from being a real jerk to being a wise philosophiser from his "Happy Place" speech in Volume 6. Faust follows his lineage to a T when he goes from a content doctor to a necromancer with a fuse even shorter than Ren Tao's. Like I said, these kind of characters really make you look forward to the next volume, which for shaman king, may be 3 months:(.....
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  • 3 weeks later...
YES! I LOVE SHAMAN KING! I like anna because its so funny when she allways yells at yoh. yoh is funny when he allways slacks off. Manta is funny because he is so easly panicked. Oh and Amidamaru is cool too... hmm I think I might be to obsessed with it. i have 3 volumes (1-3) and my favorite so far is volume 3. I have a question about the anime, does anyone know what channal it is on? (time warnner cable is my provider.)
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Guest albinoshadow
I'm very into shaman king. I'd have to say my fave carries are Faust, cause he's just plain awesome, and Ren cause he's him... actually i dont have a very good reason for either :animeswea *huggles Ren and Faust to death*
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  • 3 weeks later...
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] Who here reads Shaman King? It's one of my favorite manga. If you do read it, who are your favorite characters? Mine are Yoh, Amidamaru, Anna, and Bason. [/FONT] [/SIZE]

[color=darkblue][size=1][b]I merged your Shaman King thread with one that already existed. In the future, pleae try to look on the first couple of pages of the board about the subject you want to talk about instead of creating an entirely new thread. Thanks. -Lady K[/b][/size][/color]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest kitsune_yasha
Did someone say SHAMAN KING?!!?!?!? :luv:I LOVE SHAMAN KING!!!!! :catgirl: It's my fav. manga, but I don't really like the anime. I watch it anyways... My fav character is Tao Ren, as he is sooooooo cool and awesome and yeah. you get the point. I like Lyserg too, though. :love2:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Shaman King is one of my favorite manga actually, I love the art style and I find it very witty. The characters too are so much fun that I like them all!! Although my favorites are Faust, Ren. Lyserg and Yoh. I also watch the anime which is, and this is odd, one of the better dubs out there. The manga is also very true in that aspect but they cut out some of Yoh's clothing heh. Some of you might know what I mean.

I'm glad there are other Shaman King lovers out there. Sometimes it gets lost in all the other Shonen Jump titles.
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[QUOTE=Sage Kaley]Shaman King is one of my favorite manga actually, I love the art style and I find it very witty. The characters too are so much fun that I like them all!! Although my favorites are Faust, Ren. Lyserg and Yoh. I also watch the anime which is, and this is odd, one of the better dubs out there. The manga is also very true in that aspect but they cut out some of Yoh's clothing heh. Some of you might know what I mean.

I'm glad there are other Shaman King lovers out there. Sometimes it gets lost in all the other Shonen Jump titles.[/QUOTE]

i love shaman king so much!!!! its my fav manga! not just cuz me and anna look so much alike were almost identical but im real and shes just an anime character but even our personalities are alike! i know why anna is cold and distant like she is!!! e-mail me to find out [email]annatheitako@insight.com[/email]
i have the first graphic novel and my local library has the rest!!!!! l love it soooooooooooooooo much!!!!! yohXanna is my fav couple. i like hao-sama too but not with anna and i hate it when peeps put horohoro and ren and pair them up!!!
hey! for those of you who like shaman king and spirited away you should read my fanfic at fanfiction.net
its called dreamer the chosen ones! full sumary on the site!
oh! and Sage Kaley is ur real name sage? j/w cuz myne is!!!!! :animeswea
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[quote name='albinoshadow']I'm very into shaman king. I'd have to say my fave carries are Faust, cause he's just plain awesome, and Ren cause he's him... actually i dont have a very good reason for either :animeswea *huggles Ren and Faust to death*[/quote]
HAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH I HAVE THAT PIC!!!!!!! i have to dend it to my friend katherine cuz shes sorrta messed up in the head!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA i HAVE CAPTURED ALL THE CHEESE IN THE LAND AND NOW IT IS MYNE!!!!! ALL MYNE I TELL YOU MYNE!!! now i will make a great army of cheese and take over.............THE MOON!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! :devil: ( YOU: o..kay..then.. you do that! ME: I WILL AND ALL YOU MERE NON CHEESE PEOPLE WILL BOW DOWN TO ME AND CROWN ME RULER FOR ALL ETERNETY! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!YOU:run of and cower in fear of the great cheese-ness)
sorry bout that! :animeswea thats just derrick my imaginary friend.ill get a pic of him up for yall 2 c soon hes a fallen angel and i love him very much even though hes a little crazy! (DERRICK: am not! now hand over the cheese! ME: never! its my cheese!)
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