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Musashi banner


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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]Could someone please make me a banner of Musashi using the pictures I've attached? Please have it say "You're gonna get it now, pal!", and my name, with a nice border. I know what I have is pretty similair, but I can't properly combine the images to make a good banner. Danke, danke.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]Awesome avi and banner. But, could you change the font, giving it a more...edgy looking? Oh,and could the avi be of older Musashi? Sorry if I sound ungrateful, I really do like them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]No worries. Ungrateful would be "those are awful". You complemented me, therefore your wish is my command.

Older avi:


Edgier banner:


Anything for my public, luv, anything for my public. ;)[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]I love you!!!! *begins to chant* all bow to the great OZY JONES!!! Whose artwork is paralleled by only the Gods themselves. *bows* :animeswea Wooohhh....glad I got that out of my system. Thanks for the righteous avi and banner. I am forever indebted to you. :animesmil [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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