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Supes 5 news, and other comic stuff

Omar Harris

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Long time no see, everybody. Anyways, I'm a big Superman fan (I don't care how one-dimensional anybody may think he is), so I just had to make a thread. Well, after what, almost 2 decades, Superman 5 is finally on the way. The film will be much along the same lines as Batman Begins, i.e. the early adventures of the Man of Steel.

Though I'd prefer a straight-up sequel, I'm glad that this project is finally off the ground. Other news is that it will be directed by Bryan Singer, who left X-Men 3 to do this project, which is a bad sign for the X movie franchise. Remember the last comic book movie franchise that changed directors for hte 3rd film (yes, I'm looking at you Batman). Like Christopher Reeves, a complete unknown, soap-opera star Brandon Routh, will take the role of everyone's favorite Last Son of Krypton, with Singer stalworth Kevin Spacey as a certain bald megalomaniac. (SWEET!)

Anyways, this is a thread for your opinions, or for Superman or comic book movie stuff period. Have fun
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[font=Verdana][size=1]Since this thread seems to focus more on the upcoming movie than the books, I'm going to move it to Music, Movies and TV Forum. If you have any problems with that, PM me.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]Thread Moved.[/size][/font]
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[quote name='Omar Harris']The film will be much along the same lines as Batman Begins, i.e. the early adventures of the Man of Steel.[/quote]
Actually, the official title is [i]Superman Returns[/i]. Singer has stated that it won't be an origin story. It'll be Superman's return to action. Return from what? I have no idea.
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[quote name='Manic Webb']It'll be Superman's return to action. Return from what? I have no idea.[/quote]

Hopefully a return from the last sucky movie into something halfway decent again. I'm not a big fan of Superman at all (or even really a small fan), but it would be nice to see him in a halfway decent film.
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For most of the late 90s there was a constant shuffle between directors, and story details for the film. The biggest rumor was that Nic Cage would be Superman, and the story would loosely revolve around 1993's "Death of Superman" storyline with Superman battling Doomsday (in this story, a creation of Brainiac) and being killed and ressurected. Others were that Superman would die and be replaced by his and Lois Lane's son.

I would have liked to see Doomsday in the film as Superman's enemy. My idea would be that we do a "Batman Begins" tell Superman's origins, but more in-depth, with Lex Luthor creating Doomsday from Superman's DNA. But I'm looking forward to what we've got already.

Other notes: Tom Cruise is currently attached to the Iron Man film which will be written by the creators of "Smallville".

Marvel's "Man Thing" movie is being reduced to a straight-to-video feature. Not a good sign. Man Thing is Marvel's answer to DC's Swamp Thing, about a man who is turned into a sentient, swamp-dwelling, plant monster. The diffference is that a.) Man Thing is mute, and not all too bright, having lost much of his human IQ, and b.) Man Thing is empathic, his touch having the ability to burn people who are fearful, or sinister.

The film was originally slated as Marvel's first horror film.

No new director attached to X-Men 3, though we do know that Joss Whedon, who writes the "Astonishing X-Men" comic book, possibly the only decent X-Book on the market right now, will NOT be involved as most fans would hope and rumor.
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[quote name='Omar Harris']No new director attached to X-Men 3, though we do know that Joss Whedon, who writes the "Astonishing X-Men" comic book, possibly the only decent X-Book on the market right now, will NOT be involved as most fans would hope and rumor.[/quote]

I seem to be in the minority, but thank god for that. I am getting tired of his run on Astonishing X-Men already. For each interesting character development there's a few other goofy things that are just totally out of place or down right lame.
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Yeah, the Danger storyline looks pretty weird, and I'll admit that I'm probably the only X-Fan who wanted Colossus to stay dead, and now Marvel's ruined that for me. But his dialogue is spot-on (did you expect anything less from the creator of Buffy? =)
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[quote name='Generic NPC #3']I seem to be in the minority, but thank god for that. I am getting tired of his run on Astonishing X-Men already. For each interesting character development there's a few other goofy things that are just totally out of place or down right lame.[/quote]
Yeah, I've heard a lot of complaints about the godzilla-thing at the beginning of #7, and its irrelevence to anything that's going on in the story. I guess that, as a Buffy/Angel fan, I'm used to Whedon's habit of putting some random cannon-fodder monster at the beginning of each episode, just for the sake of showing the heroes in action. It did work for the sake of Cyclops' team trying to become more public friendly. I'll also give Whedon credit for writing Emma Frost better than Grant Morrison did.


I'm amazed by Marvel's promotion of the Fantastic Four movie. A couple of online trailers, a huge website, a large line of action figures, a video game, and an animated series tied in to the movie. They haven't gone on a campaign like this since the first Spider-Man film. This movie is either going to be a blockbuster hit, or a spectacular flop on the level of The Hulk-- huge for the first weekend, but everyone walks away disappointed.
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