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Are Most Otakus Girls or Boys?

Guest Alchemist

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Guest Alchemist
I have expierienced more girl anime lovers than boy ones at the con. I have been to. What about you.
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[color=#B0251E]One of the cool things about anime (unlike video games; though that's changing rapidly) is that it's about 50/50.

Actually, in terms of community, there are probably more females. I think myOtaku.com has something like 60% female members. On OB it's probably about 50% or so, though we can't measure it as accurately on OB as we can on myO.

So I definitely wouldn't be surprised to hear that the number is very even, or that there are more female anime fans out there, in western countries particularly.[/color]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Although there are plenty of girls that like anime, I would say that there are just as much guys. Thing is, guys (The ones around here at least) aren't exactly as open about it, as girls are. Nor do they probably feel the urge to go to social gatherings with other fans. That's just my opinion at least.

I'm sure though, that if the males were more open about it, you'd see just as many as you do females. As anime becomes more and more mainstream worldwide, that just might become a reality.[/COLOR] :D
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Guest final fantasy72
[quote name='Sepiroth']I have expierienced more girl anime lovers than boy ones at the con. I have been to. What about you.[/quote]

i myself have seen more female otakus then males...and they say all men are obsessed with anime and stuff like that
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First off, "otaku" is its own plural, like ninja or moose.

Now, everyone else has been saying it's about 50/50, or slightly in favor of girls. Well, I hate to just follow the crowd in my assessments.

But I have to this time, because they're right. Damn.
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I'm going to have to disagree with the consensus here, heh. I believe that in general--that is, offline--male "otaku" (define it as you will) outnumber female fans. Online, it simply varies from site to site. For example, virtually all LiveJournal communities are female-dominated. It's easy to get a skewed impression because females of all ages tend to be more active in their respective fandoms than males (again, this is only a tendency, but I think it applies across the board). Yet there are also plenty of forums where you'd be hard-pressed to find more than a couple of women--Anime on DVD comes to mind.

Of course there's been more of a balance lately, thanks in large part to the fact that manga has carved out a strong niche with female readers. In honesty, I'm much more used to seeing the opposite question ("Do any girls like anime?"), so this thread kind of surprised me. I guess that in itself is a sign of progress.

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[QUOTE=Dagger]I'm going to have to disagree with the consensus here, heh. I believe that in general--that is, offline--male "otaku" (define it as you will) outnumber female fans. Online, it simply varies from site to site. For example, virtually all LiveJournal communities are female-dominated. It's easy to get a skewed impression because females of all ages tend to be more active in their respective fandoms than males (again, this is only a tendency, but I think it applies across the board). Yet there are also plenty of forums where you'd be hard-pressed to find more than a couple of women--Anime on DVD comes to mind.

Of course there's been more of a balance lately, thanks in large part to the fact that manga has carved out a strong niche with female readers. In honesty, I'm much more used to seeing the opposite question ("Do any girls like anime?"), so this thread kind of surprised me. I guess that in itself is a sign of progress.


I don't think it really matters whether the male fans ouweight the females fans, or vice versa. All that matters, is that there are fans out there who freely express their love of anime. :catgirl:
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I feel online that we are pretty evenly split between guys and girls. But my experience at conventions has been that I feel outnumbered by the boys. In my group of friends from Robotech.com there are about 10 of us girls to about 30+ guys. I am sure it is because of the age group of the fandom. Back in the day (the mid-1980's) most girls were not into anime. It really was something that was more of a guy thing. Nowadays looking at the fandom, like the Inu Yasha fandom, there are both guys and girls...dare I say, an even mix of both genders.

The nice thing about my core group of friends at cons is the fact these Robotech boys fawn over us girls like we are gold. It does make me feel special. :D
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]From my observations I'd have to say girls. Most of the people that I know that are into anime are girls, but don't get me wrong there are also boy's who are Otaku's but not merely as many as girls.[/COLOR]
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Well, coming out of my high school I would have to say more boys are into anime than girls. Most girls in my school are to prissy to like that kind of stuff and think it's stupid. I on the other hand love anime and that's what sets me apart from the other girls in my school. Now don't get me wrong there are other girls besides me that like anime to like my best friend Yukina. (Not reveling her true name) But I'd have to say mainly boys.
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Guest Ctarl Ctarl Red
[quote name='Sepiroth']I have expierienced more girl anime lovers than boy ones at the con. I have been to. What about you.[/quote]

I have to agree with you on this... At first all the anime lovers I knew where boys, but then I started more and more girls wearing inuyasha t-shirts and such at school. Then I joined theotaku and otaku boards and almost every site i went to it was a girl... I think its possible that there are more gilrs then boys... And I like this ~_O
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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Times New Roman]Female anime fans in the UK is extremely rare, yet if you go to Japan it's the exact opposite, and yeah I agree with Dagger as I too have noticed that the number of female fans seems to change from site to site, OB seem's like part of a minority of site's which has at least a decent number of English speaking female anime fans[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1] I rarely ever see male anime fans on websites or forums ever. So I was suprised when I came on here, there were acouple guys on the site. Its so rare, usually the ones that are, are the mods and thats it. I guess it deals with your experiences, but I have to agree with whoever said that men just arn't as open about liking anime as women. My boyfriend likes it and hes more open about it than I am though, but they are rare to see online. I've never been to a convention before but from the pictures I've seen the majority of people there are female. I'd be shocked if it was 50/50 here on OB, but I think, there are more girls if I'm not mistaken. I don't really know. But that is just what I think. [/SIZE]
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Well, in my experience, Anime is a 'cult genre' (for lack of a better phrase) hobby that attracts more females than any of the others I am involved in. RPG players, (American) comic book readers and video game players are predominantly male demographics.

For some odd reason, however, manga/anime manages to attract a fair amount of females. For once I lucked out and stumbled into a hobby with chicks... who would have figured :animesmil

In my personal experience, males who watch Anime easily outnumber the females, but the gals are still there and noticeable.

However, perhaps a line should be drawn between "people who watch some anime" and "people who are real fans of Anime, watch a lot of it, and frequent message boards like this one"... EDIT: I was going to say that guys would come out on top if you chose the first definition, because it's hard to find a guy who HASN'T watched at least a little DBZ or somesuch in their time. But then I remembered 'Spirited Away', of which the same could be said of for women, and my theory went out the window....

Anyhow, yeah, there are female anime fans. Ain't life grand? :p
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I'd agree with 50/50. But most of the places I've been there have been more of us girls there than guys.
Especially at my school where only, ooo, let's say....4 boys total in the entire 8th
grade like manga/anime, but there's an entire clique of girls that ranges from about 15 to 20 in number that are extremly devote otaku (Including me!!!!! :catgirl: ).
Talk about a big difference! But also, when I get on a chat room I feel the exact oppisite about things because almost all ofthe otaku there, if any, are guys.
I guess it just depends on where you go. Ahh....now I'm all confuzzled... :animestun ....
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In my experience i've seem to have found it the complete oposite of what most people are saying in this thread. Throughout my school years and into college it seems like most fans of anime i come across are guys (like myself). In fact i met one of my best friends in High School because he was reading a manga before class and we started chatting about it. I have really yet to meet any girls in person that are into anime and really open about it. The few that i have met tend to be really shy about it and almost appear to be ashamed of their hobby in the open, while most guys that i have met are extremely open about it and embrance their hobby. Maybe it's just the area i grew up in but thats just the way its been for me.
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I don't think there should be too much of a difference...

What I think is interesting is
how many girls like anime directed towards guys, and
how many guys like anime directed towards girls.

Although I know many guys who watch Anime, I know way more girls who do.
This might be because I hang out with girls more?
Also interesting to note... is that I find a random stranger talking about anime, it's almost always a guy. hm...

For the past four years, my school's Anime Society has been lead by girls. Not because of the lack of guys, it's due to the talent in Anime and Manga art that the respected leaders wield...
Of course... the society was started by a guy... and the teachers who takes responsiblity of us are guys.

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