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Inuyasha: Search for the Sword[M-LVS]

lil kitsune boy

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'Inuyasha!' Kagome scolded him, 'That's not very nice.'

Inuyasha looked at her, 'You've known me how long, now? When have I ever been nice.'

'Whenever we run into another half-demon,' Miroku replied, 'You've always been very kind to them.'

'Whatever,' Inuyasha huffed, 'Just keep going.'
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"So you're Inuyasha," a man said, walking towards the group. "I've been looking for you for some time now.

The man was wearing an open black kimono and hakama pants. He stood half foot taller than Inuyasha. In his right hand was a katana and over his right eye an eye patch.

The man pointed his sword at Inuyasha. "I am Date Masamune, the One-eyed Dragon and I am here as your opponent."

"Humph. I wouldn't waste my time with a human like you," Inuyasha replied.

"So be it."

Masamune charged him. He moved faster than most human eyes could follow. Inuyasha's eyes could follow and he jumped backwards before the sword struck. Masamune's blade gouged the ground where the half demon had been standing.

"You have a deathwish, fine, die!" Inuyasha yelled as he jumped at Masamune with his claws out.

The claws were coming at Masamune's right side, but he still saw them coming and dodged the attack. As Inuyasha went past him, he spun and landed a kick in Inuyasha's back.

"You should take me more seriously," Masamune said.

"You won't live to regreat fighting me," Inuyasha said and drew the tetsusaiga.

Masamune held his sword in front of him and ran his fingers down the length of the blade.
"Mumyou Jinpu Ryo Satsujin Ken." He raised the now glowing sword and charged at Inuyasha.
"Mizuchi!" he swung his blade, but was still too far away to hit him. The glow from the blade traveled through the air straight at Inuyasha. Inuyasha raised the tetsusaiga to block it. The attack hit the tetsusaiga and then hit Inuyasha.

"You smell like a human, but I don't know any human who can do that," Inuyasha said as he got up. "But now its my turn. Windscar!"

Inuyasha swung his blade and five rows of energy traveled across the ground at Masamune. Then Masamune disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" Inuyasha said as he looked around.

"Right here!" Masamune shouted as he came down from above the half demon.

Their swords met and Inuyasha pushed Masamune back, then Inuyasha launched himself at him. Masamune recovered in time and saw Inuyasha coming. The tetsusaiga hit the ground and it erupted in a shower of dirt. When the dust cloud cleared Masamune was standing at the edge of the small crater and Inuyasha was standing in the center. Masamune had a cut running down his chest and Inuyasha had one across his stomach.

"That was close," Masamune said and readied his sword for another attack.

"Let's finish this," Masamune said.

"Yeah, let's," Inuyasha replied.

"Mizuchi!" Masamune shouted as he lashed out with his special attack.

"Nice try. Backlash wave!"

Inuyasha's windscar absorbed the mizuchi and carried it back to Masamune. Once again, Masamune was not there anymore. He had dodged the backlash wave and was in front of Inuyasha. Masamune attacked, but Inuyasha blocked it and slashed Masamune with his free hand. Masamune avoid most of the slash, but Inuyasha still drew blood.
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Tao shook her head, "Great... Some loser appears and just instantly starts a battle. I am growing tired of this."

Tao was faster than this guy... She had a special ability to always zip silently out of the way of attacks with great speed. She was also completely unseeable by any eye when she does this. She was growing impatient. She no longer wished to just stand around and wait for Inuyasha to kill this guy. She wished to get back on the road and search for her brother.

"Ok I would interfere and finish this for you Inuyasha but I am in no mood to fight some worthless human with a little extra speed. So... If you guys still want me around, which i find unlikely, You should know you can find me heading north." Tao shook her head and left towards the north.

"Uh.." Kagome wasnt sure what to say

"I didnt even get to ask her!" Miroku suddenly realized as she walked away.

Sango growled quietly with a bit of a glare, "Shes a lucky one."
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Tao announced that she was starting off ahead and Hana quickly run up to join her.

"Hey wait for me... please!" She replied as she caught up Tao. Tao just gave her a unique smile that said 'Alright', and Hana gave her usual sweet grin. She walked along side Tao for a few m oments before turning and waving at the others.
"We'll see you soon!" She called out happily. Tao heaved a deep sigh to that remark but Hana didn't notice.

"Why didn't you stay with them?" Tao asked curiously as the two of them took off into a run, they weren't equal in speed so Tao had to go a little slower than normal.

"Because...you're my friend, and I don't let friends go off bythemselves. Is that okay?" Hana's voice was a little nervous. Toa glanced over at Hana, whos eye held a true look of scincerity in them. She didn't quite understand why this older girl found her so interesting but at the same time company wouldn't be all that bad.

"Yes thats fine." Tao stated honestly. Hana's smile grew as they continuedd to run.
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Tao liked having this Hana around... She would probably never say it out loud but she did appreciate her deciding to go ahead with her. Tao figured the feline types should stick together after all. Hana was now the closest thing she had to friends or family since the slauter. Hana was an older yet less mature sister that Tao had never had. Sure she knew her true family was gone except for her brother which was still a question mark but Hana filled the gap of lonliness that seemed to follow Tao everywhere.

"Um by the way Hana..."


"If a strange demon approches to speak with me dont say anything or do anything. It is difficult to explain but this demon's temper is always in the red zone. So I hope you dont say anything about the sword or my little brother. He is my scout... Sort of. You see he beleives I am a power hungry halfbreed , which I am heh, that is going to rid the band of demons he is with of their abusive and no longer worthy leader and claim the throne so to speak, which Im not..."

"So... Your using him?" Hana asked.

"Yes. Im pretending to be as evil as they are and learn the weaknesses of their leader."

"Can I ask why though If your not evil and you dont want to lead a band of evil demons why are you wanting to red them of their leader? Aside from the fact that evil demons shouldnt be roaming around."

"Because He is guarding something of mine. You see there is this Katana... The gem i have around my neck fits into this sword and it is a powerful sword... It is the Blade of Tigers and it only works with this stone which only works with me. My father hid it in the demons den. This demon knows nothing of it but unfortunatly he is a road block but he powerful. I know Im an extreamly strong halfbreed But... He has a large group of demons at his disposal so I must go about this differently than I usualy do."

Hana nodded, "So you are power hungy. I mean at least for this Katana that belongs to you anyways."

"Indeed. If this demon I have been talking with was to find out I am after a powerful sword he would be angry and tell his leader and they would be searching for it and there would end my stream of information. And if the leader was to learn that one of his demons was helping an enemy his ass would be toast and there would end my stream of information." Tao had not talked this much since she met up with these people and she seemed to not mind it as much as she normaly would.

"Ok. I wont say anything to cause trouble for you. I think we could take the demons he leads and him too though."

"He commands many and you still have your attention span to work on."

Hana laughed, "Oh yeah... Anyways what is this leaders name anyways?"

"He has no name. None like we know anyways. Everyone that serves him calls him master or Lord. Those who live in the forest near him though call him the Black Cobra... He has many poisonous skills so I have heard. And he is part reptile I guess."

"The Black Cobra..." Hana repeated, "Well Thats original...."
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All this talking about powerful swords and demons that needed destroying got Hana excited but she did her best to hide it. Besides she was just happy that Tao was talking this much. For a while there she was wondering if Tao was just being nice and allowing her to talk, but now that Tao has allowed her join her she was sure that they would become friends.

"So what Tokyo like?" Tao asked after a moment of silence. Hana's eyes grew with excitment.

"Well first of all there are a whole ton of people living area, you know like a 50 mil. radius, theres like a couiple million people all in that area. And the buildings are enormous, take your averag villiage hut and stack it on itself about 100 times and thats how tall some of our buildings get. We wear different clothes as you already know. We have grocery stores, shopping malls, post offices, hopitals, airports, theme parks, and so much more its unbeliievable."

"It sounds amazing, and crowded." Tao replied looking around at the open wilderness.
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'Huh, don't waste my time, human.' Inuyasha said, walking away.

The others followed, Kagome glancing back at the swordsman.

'I wonder if he'll follow us,' she said, 'He really seemed to want to fight you.'

'Like I care,' Inuyasha replied, 'We don't have time to waste on humans. We have a sword to find, remember?'

'Alright,' Miroku interrupted, 'There's no point fighting about it.'

'Yeah,' Sango added, 'If he follows us north, that's his choice. There's nothing we can do about it.'

Sasuke followed behind them, silently. His mind, a raging torrent of questions. But, mostly, he just wondered about the necklace around his neck.

[I]How the hell and I gonna get this thing off?[/I] he thought, [I]Kaede said not to try, but it should come right off, shouldn't it?[/I]

[I]Either way, I should probably wait until we stop for the night. Just in case.[/I]
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"What is a grocery Store?" Tao asked very curious of this crowded tokyo.

"Uh... Well. This time has shops right?"


Hana nodded, "I knew that Silly me. Anyways they are even bigger shops and they sell food and such."

"Next Question... What is a Post Office?"

"Heh. Sometimes people live to far from each... They cant walk to their friends house so they write on paper a ltter of sorts. The post office is where they send and recive Letters from other people."

"Shopping malls?" Tao then asked.

"Heh. Those are like grocery stores except for larger and most of them dont sell food. A mall is a huge building made up of tons of smaller shops. There are shops that sell clothes, shoes, and stuff like that. And others sell things that are electronic like video games which is something i dont think i can explain right now heh. To much detail."

"What is an Air Port then?"

Hana laughed, "Curious arent you." Hana couldnt help but laugh. It was strange after all being from the future and getting asked so many questions about it. "We have these giant metal planes... Uh... Birds. Many people can sit in these Hallow birds and the birds can fly them long distances. These birds depart and arrive at Air Ports... Kind of like ports for boats."

Tao nodded, "Sitting Inside a large hallow bird does not sound very fun... Does this bird have trouble flying with so many people sitting in its belly?"

Hana paused, "Uh... Ok these birds arent alive. They are machines. They are caled planes. I used the word bird because they are kind of shaped like a bird. Long shiney metal bodies and large wings that stick out from the side but they dont have feathers and they arent alive. People make them move."

"I dont understand that to well but Ill beleive you." Tao looked in all directions Her ears twitching at the sounds. "So then.. What is an Theam Park? Last question I swear."

"Heh. Umm... They have rides. Giant metal ones. Theam parks are giant parks with rides and other things for your amusment. Theam parks have theams kind of Like in america they have this place called Disney world. Its mainly theamed on the disney things. A bunch of movies and such. Dont ask what a movie is please. Anyways Its a place where you pay a lot of money and you get to go around and ride rides. Some are slow some are wet some are fast and some are only for little kids."

Tao sniffed the air and grinned, "Inuyasha and Gang are catching up. Knowing Inuyasha he just probably left the guy standing there looking like a fool." Tao continued to walk though. She could sense something close but hoped it wouldnt appear to talk to her till later when everyone was asleep. "We dont need to stop and wait. They can catch up in their own time. Plus the less time with inuyasha around means I dont have to keep myself from hitting him for as long."

Hana was shocked at all the questions thrown at her all at once. She smiled and continued along with the young Tiger girl.
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A long pause came between them as Hana thought to herself. [I]Maybe I could... no way she would't go for that... well maybe I should just ask.[/I]

Tao could see the thought process clearly as it crossed Hana's face, what ever it was it ws obvious that she was thinking hard about it.

"Something on your mind?" Tao asked. Hana blinked a moment then replied.

"It's nothing, maybe later. Besides I think I hear InuYasha's loud voice catching up with us." She laughed as she said this. Tao knew Hana had somthing she wanted to say, but decided against prying.

OOC: Sorry it was so short I'm really short on time, but I'll add more later tonight after work. Lates :animeswea
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'Hey, kid,' Inuyasha said, suddenly, 'You smell that?'

Sasuke looked up, sniffing the air.

'Cats?' he asked.

'Yeah, looks like we're catching up.' Inuyasha replied, 'When we do, don't mess with 'em.'

'Why not?'

'Because,' Inuyasha said, impatiently, 'I don't feel like wasting any more time.'

'Inuyasha,' Sango said, 'Go easy on him. He still doesn't know what's going on.'

'That's not true,' Sasuke said, defensively, 'I think I'm starting to get it.'

'Yeah, whatever,' Inuyasha sighed, 'Just remember, we don't have time to waste.'

Sasuke sighed as they continued on in silence.
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Tao watched as the gang approched, "I am not just a cat you two... I am of the Tiger Clan"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "Come one we dont have time for this..." He continued to walk.

Sasuke looked up and saw that Tao was looking right at him with a Kind smile.

"How are you so far Sasuke?" Tao asked. "Good I hope."

Before Saskue could even think about answering or not Inuyasha stepped in between Sasuke and Tao.

"Hey! Just quit it with the chit chat miss FUR! We dont have the time." Inuyasha ignored kagome for a slight moment.

Tao smiled and looked right past Inuyasha and continued to smile at Sasuke. "I sure hope you dont let him boss you around and tell you what to do... Just because you have a move he has doesnt mean he can tell you what to do. Just remember that. Sure kagome has a little power over you but she is nicer than that. Dont let him tell you what to do."

Inuyasha was amost so angry Hana could imagin steam flowing from his ears. Inuyasha ignored the tiger girl and kept walking. He knew if he took action that well his face would be full of dirt. Plus taking action would waste time.

Tao liked that not because she was afraid of him but because it was pick at him. Miroku took this moment and grapped Tao's claws but before he could say anything he was face first in the dirt with a mark across his face. Tao didnt draw blood but figured he got the message. Sango came over and pulled him off the ground and pushed him along after Inuyasha. "Sorry about that Tao..." Sango mutters. Tao nodded and watched the walk on.

Hana looked at Tao, "Arent we going with them?"

Tao laughed, "Yes... Just not so close. We can follow from behind. Plus if I need to take a different route I can. Many paths can lead to the same place after all."
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Sasuke ran up beside Tao, an embarrassed smile on his face.

'Sorry about that,' he said, 'About the whole tiger/cat thing, I'm afraid I still don't get much of what's going on.'

He shrugged some of the tension out of his shoulders, 'So, that guy who showed up earlier... Sesshomaru? Who is he? Do either of you know?'
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[size=2]Tao nodded, "Yes now that I think of it. Sesshoumaru is Inuyasha's older half brother. They really hated each other and would fight to kill each other but their fights have died down and they are no longer as angry with each other as before. Sesshoumaru Hates humans and halfbreeds."[/size]
[size=2]Hana decided to add something, "But even though he hates Humans he has a Human child wander around with him. He protects her and once Naraku kidnapped her and he went to kill naraku but that battle got interupted by inuyasha. Anyways he got Rin back and they continue to travel around."[/size]
[size=2]"Strange how a demon who hates humans lets one follow him around like that." Sasuke said looking around.[/size]
[size=2]"Actually I dont think he hates humans as much as before... And I dont think he hates them as much as he lets on." Hana smiled.[/size]
[size=2]Tao nodded, "He had the energy whip thing you used earlier. I might not have been there but I have great hearing you know."[/size]
[size=2]Tao smiled, "Actually the Tiger thing was directed at Inuyasha because he will never stop calling me that. Plus I enjoy getting on his nerves. I may be part of the Tiger Clan but that doesnt make me better in heart than Hana here. I dont think my self higher than her."[/size]
[size=2]"Oh... Ok." Sasuke nodded.[/size]
[size=2]"Plus... Why should I be proud. There is no reason to be proud about being the last Tiger demon alive... Well as far as I know anyways."[/size]
[size=2]"What does that mean?" Sasuke asked.[/size]
[size=2]Hana's ears twitched, "Eh... Shes the only Tiger Clan member left."[/size]
[size=2]"I AM the tiger clan..." Tao laughed, "But I am not going to sit around and whine about it. I have hope that my brother is alive and I wont stop my search for him untill I have proof that he is either alive or gone for good." Tao then noticed that the gang was extreamly far ahead.[/size]
[size=2]Tao pointed to Inuyasha and the others, "Arent you going with them? Cause It looks as though you are being left behind. I dont mind if you hang around though. Its up to you. Remember that."[/size]
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Hana smiled widely at Tao and Sasuke.

"You know, I think you'll really like it here once you get used to it... I know I do. Oh and I think you're eyes are really pretty." Hana paused a moment, her cheeks growing a little red.

"Hana, you just that outloud." Tao replied placing a hand on Hana's shoulder. A look of panic suddenly crossed her face, and quickly turned around and began walking.

"Well we really should get going right? Haha come on, lets go." Here voice had turned queit and meek as she kept her eyes turned from Sasuke.

"Did she really say what I think she said?" Sasuke asked shyly, his own cheeks slightly pink. Tao smiled and had to keep from laughing.

"Don't worry about it." Tao replied quietly so only Sasuke could hear.
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Tao couldnt help but laugh in her mind. She figured it would be an odd couple... a cat and a dog but who cared really. A few years difference in age didnt mater for demons or even half demons either for they live much longer than normal but it all still made Tao wan to laugh.

Tao turned and caught up with Hana in a blink of an eye. Sasuke had to catch up.

"So uh. Where you two headed?" He asked.

Tao looked at him kindly, "Same way the others are, though we might take a different route. I have extra buisness to attend to."

"Yeah shes after a sword."

"Uh... The sword the others were talking about?" Sasuke asked.

"No. A sword that belongs to me and only me. I is a powerful sword in anyones hands but... Only me and my little stone here around my neck can really give it its full power. So if a demon appears dont attack it. It if says something about me being power hungry and slaying his leader then just play it cool. Like say your my underlings and I am power hungry. Itll be just an act of course but he doesnt know that."

Sasuke seemed to understand. He wondered though if he should go to the others and travel with them or with the two girls. He decided that he could stick with the girls for a while and if he needed to go with the others he was sure his nose could lead him there sooner or later.

"Hehee" Hana laughed and continued along with Tao and Sasuke.
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"You're lucky you know." Hana stated toward Sasuke. He turned his head to glance at her, confusion crossing his face.

"I'm sorry what did you say." Sasuke asked as politly as possible as not seem as though he wasn't aying attention. Hana turned her amber eyes to look at Sasuke, then glanced up at the top of his head.

"Your lack of ears... thats very impressive for a half demon to not even have the ears of the type you are. Look at InuYasha and Tao, they're both half and have the ears to prove it, but you... you can almost pass of as normal." Her eyes turned to the ground. "All except for your eyes." Her voice was quiet. Tao listened to Hana speak, and couldn't help but to hear the slight sadness in her voice. [I]I wonder what it could be?[/I] She thought to herself.

The three of them walked with few words for almost the rest of the day, Hana would say somehting every now and then but it wouldn't carry on. Tao answered a few questions that Sasuke had sitting in his mind.

"So why don't you have the ears Hana?" Sasuke asked that evening as they sat around a fire.

"Hana 's demonic blood id what we would call... watered down." Tao replied.

"What does that mean?"

"I'm really only 1/8th demonic, my grandfather was a half demon. So I've just got the smallest amount of demon blood." Hana stated sifting through her pack.
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Sasuke sighed, 'This is all a bit much to take in one day, but I'm getting the hang of it. This just means all those stories my mom used to tell me are true, I guess.'

'Stories?' Tao asked.

'Yeah,' Sasuke said, shrugging again, 'She used to tell me about my grandpa and great-uncle. Apparently, they were pretty famous dog demons from around this time.' Sasuke stopped, turning towards the direction of the others.

'No, no way.'


Sasuke shrugged, 'It's just, my grandpa was a powerful dog demon from this era.' He turned back to the girls, 'I was thinking that maybe Inuyasha was... nah.'
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Tao thought about this for a moment, "Well you have Inuyasha's Iron Reaver Soul Stealer and you have Sesshoumaru's whip... Id say the odds of them being your relatives are extreamly good. But then again you never know. Perhaps its inuyasha that is your uncle and Sesshoumaru is you grandfather. You never know but I understand your curiosity. I am related to a man from the future."

He glanced at her, "Who?"

Tao's ears fell slightly, "I dont know. He died shortly acter my birth. Thats what my mother says anyways. She only told me that he came here a long time ago from the future. She mentioned a place called... Kyoto."

Sasuke nodded, "Thats not Tokyo but its close."

Tao sighed, "So I know nothing of my human side but im sure I could go through to the future."

"Your father died before you were old enough to know him. How sad."

"Actually my mother said that he died as if she wasnt really sure. Or perhaps that he was dead to her... not in a physical way but perhaps a emotion mental way. I really dont know."

Hana stopped and looked up at the sky, "He could have returned to the future. Bake to Kyoto."

"Who knows..."

Hana's stomache suddenly started to rummble. "Its getting really dark out... And Im hungry for a meal"

Tao looked around, "Be right back." In an instant she had dissapered. But about a minute later she reappeared with several fish in her hands. "Fish anyone?"

Sasuke stares, "I dont want raw fish today so ill find some fire wood."

Hana nodded in agreement, "Ill help."

Tao looked confused and took some leaves off a nearby bushes and put the fish on them. She didnt see what their problem was but shruged it off and took a bite into the fish and chewed it. By the time the others returned with enough wood for a decent fire she had just one bite left. She ripped the last pice of meat off the bones and chewed it as she looked up at the others.

"What?" She said once she realized they were looking at her like she was crazy.
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Tao looked at the look on Sasuke's face and then at the bones of the fish in her hand. She laughed and shook her head, "Sorry about that. You know real tigers dont just catch their food and cook it over open flames after all. I sometimes let my tiger instinct get the better of me. Ill eat it cooked next time I swear!"

Sasuke nodded, "So uh I just realized whe dont have a way to start the fire..."

Tao stood up, "Stack the wood as you would when you make campfires Ill handle the rest."

Hana and Sasuke did so. Making it like a nice campfire the wood sat there without the fire. Tao took the jewel off its chain and held it in one hand. She held out the other hand and a small ball of fire began to grow. With the gem in her left hand her right hand created a nice sieze ball of fire. She tossed it onto the wood and it instantly caught fire. No starter fluid no matches no need for newspaper for Tao's gem could handle it.

"Right on..." Hana said getting close to the fire to stay warm. Tao grabbed some sticks and peeled the bark off a few places and then put the fish on the sticks. She stuck each stick into the ground at an angle so they could hang over the fire to cook the fish.

Tao smiled, "There. Food is cooking."
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Hours had gone by since they atr they're fire cooked fish and sasuke had fallen asleep. Hana quietly looked up through the trees at the stary sky above, she was very tired and knew she should be sleeping but she just wasn't able to sleep.
Tao glanced over to see that Hana was still awake. Curiousity got to her and she had to ask.

"Hey Hana." She whispered as not to wake Sasuke.

"Yeah?" Hana replied.

"Earlier when you were talking to Sasuke... well you looked sad, why? I mean I don't mean to pry, if you don't want to tell me you don't have to."

"No I don't mind...you know how half demons have that one night of the month that they become completely human. Well you see my problem is exactly different, on that one night they go human, I become almost full demon. Normally I wouldn't really see this as a problem, except that I was engaged but my fieance saw me one night. He was terrified of me, called me a freak... he broke off the engagment, and then moved to America." Hana's voice shook slightly and Tao could tell she was crying.
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Tao's ears again seemed to fall with the mood, "Im sorry."

Tao smiled slightly, "Speaking of full human half beast days... Be prepared to fight well tomorrow if we run into trouble because tomorrow Is my day."

"Uh... Its not even a full moon..."

"Nope. I change into a complete human every 45 days. Not based on the moon or sun or positions of the planet... Just every 45 days. So tomorrow I may look a bit different. But that shouldnt be a problem except for I wont be able to use my gem. I can still fight but now with claws and gem weapons."

"Oh... Ok"

Tao then tought about a while back.

[QUOTE]A long pause came between them as Hana thought to herself. [i]Maybe I could... no way she would't go for that... well maybe I should just ask.[/i]

Tao could see the thought process clearly as it crossed Hana's face, what ever it was it ws obvious that she was thinking hard about it.

"Something on your mind?" Tao asked. Hana blinked a moment then replied.

"It's nothing, maybe later. Besides I think I hear InuYasha's loud voice catching up with us." She laughed as she said this. Tao knew Hana had somthing she wanted to say, but decided against prying.
Tao remembered this moment from a while back and had to ask, "A while back before the others showed up and seconds after my storm of questions you had this look on your face... What did you want to say. I know you wanted to say something..."
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"It's not really that important." Hana replied quietly.

"No really, what was it?" Tao pushed.

"Well... I was just wondering, maybe... one of theses times I have to go back, maybe you can, well come with me. You know... see tokyo and all. I mean if you don't want to I completely understand." Hana's voice was covered in nervousness. "Oh and about my engagement... don't worry about it. I'm slowly getting use to the fact that he's really gone and never coming back. Besides I don't need to think about him when I have such a great new friend." She replied, Tao could see her smiling in the dim fire light, it was the kindest most sincere smile she had ever seen when it came to someone speaking of her.
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Tao nodded, "Id love to... Though my ears and claws might scare a few people."

She watched as the boy just one year younger than her sleep. He must have been extreamly tired. She looked up at the stars in the clear sky and then found the moon.

"We could go to Tokyo Tomorrow... Sasuke could get some things he needs like food and such if he wanted."

"Why tomorrow?" Hana asked.

Tao had to laugh, "You forgot already? Tomorrow is the day I become fully human."

Hana nodded, "Oh right. No need to wory about looking odd and getting stared at."

"Thats right. No ears No claws No tail."

Hana blinked, "You have a tail?"

Tao smiled ,"Yes... I do. I keep it hidden because I get enough stares because of the ears and claws. Its funny. I once walked around with my tail in plain sight. Little kids who knew nothing of this 'evil power hungry' half demon they used to pet my tai land tug at it. Thats not why I hide it though."

"Why do you hide it then?"

"In battles if I am in this form... Well it gets in the way. Enemies can use it against me. Something easy to grab ahold of swing me around and throw me off a cliff."

"Speaking from experiance?" Hana asked.

"Yes..." Tao laughed, "After that I fixed my outfit to keep it hidden."

Hana grinned, "Can I.... see it?"

Tao laughed, "I knew you were going to ask that." Tao stood up and untied the lightweight plate of armor around her waist. This wasnt skin tight but she always kep it to keep the tail hidden. She always took it off before transforming. She looked at hana and removed the bit of armor. She turned around.

In the back of her almost skin tight clothes was a hole. You couldnt see anything inside the hole because something was blocking it. Her tail of course was coming from that hole. It un curled and stretched out. It was extreamly long and black... It had a few orange stripes but not many. Tao poked Hana on the head with her tail.

"See... I can control almost every thing it does... Its almost like another hand but its not usefull in battle so i just cover it up. It will be gone tomorrow though."

"Right. Fully human for you..."

Tao nodded and sat down, tail still out, "So could be go to your time tomorrow? While Im still human?" Tao looked at sasuke, "He can come if he wants or go back to travleing with Inuyasha and the others its up to him. So can we?"
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