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Inuyasha: Search for the Sword[M-LVS]

lil kitsune boy

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'Do you think he's safe with them?' Sango asked, referring to the girls.

'I don't see why not,' Shippo replied, 'They seemed nice enough to me.'

'True,' Miroku added, 'But, with our past experience with demons of the cat clan, it might not have been a wise decision to let him go with them.'

'I don't see a problem,' Inuyahsa said, 'It was his choice, and it's not like he can't take care of himself.'

'Inuyasha...' Kagome began.

'You guys worry too much,' he said, 'He'll be fine. We'll catch up tomorrow and you'll see for yourself.'

They all went to sleep, with the exception of Sango, who stayed up to watch.'
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Kana was starting to get bored. [I]'Talk, talk, talk. That is all this group does, it seems'[/I] she thought from her perch in the nearby tree. Koga hadn't even shown up yet. She knew that her older brother had plans to track down Kagome and InuYahsa. He wanted to use them and their resources to help him locate and distroy that sword-whatever. She had followed him out of the pack lands at a descrete distance - so discrete that she had eventually lost his trail. Just before she had given up and turned back she caught a wiff of Kagome and headed off in the priestess' direction. That was where Koga was going, after all. [I]'Or so I thought. Where is he?'[/I] She'd been tailing the group ever since. [I] 'And what an eclectic group it is.'[/I]

Suddenly Kana heard a shout from the girl keeping watch. She knew the sentury was from InuYasha's group, but hadn't been close enough to catch her name when they had visited the den. Then the most enormous weapon Kana had ever seen came whirling her direction. She dodged it easily, but in her haste to preserve her life, she forgot she was in a tree. She lost her balance, gained it, then lost it completly and tumbled from the top of the tree with a loud crash that just got louder with each branch she smashed into. She landed in a heep on the edge of the firelight's glow.

"Sango wait!" InuYasha snapped before the demon slayer could thow her weapon again. "That sneak. . . he's mine!" He drew his Tetsaiga and rushed the intruder. "Koga! I've had it with you!" he yelled. He raised his sword over his head, determined to teach the flea-bitten wolf a lesson before Kagome gave the 'Sit' order. He wasn't going to kill him, just a bit of maiming for scaring Kogome out of a deep sleep. The wolf demon gave a token attempt at escape, but was obviously still dazed from the fall.

"Say your prayers!" the half-demon shouted as he began to swing, then stopped his action before he had gone more than an inch into the down swing. He froze, then took a deep sniff. "Flowers? Not your usual style, Koga."

Kana turned her face into the fireglow for the first time and stared defiantly up at InuYasha. Tears of humiliation welled up in her eyes. "I'm not Koga, I'm Kana. Koga's my older brother. Took your nose long enough to find the difference." she sniffed.

She stood up and looked at the gathered group. Even the cats and the other dog-boy had come to see what the commotion was. She was ssssooooooo glad her brother hadn't seen that entrance. Despite a few bumps and bruises, Kana was rather pretty. She was waif-like and dainty looking, but she had something to prove, and she was going to do it.

"So what are you hangin' around here for?" InuYasha growled. "Shouldn't you be home making pretty pelts for you to wear or somethin'?"

"I'm here to help. Find and get rid of the sword I mean. I was traveling with Koga while we looked for your group, but - uh - we got split up." she tripped over the lie. She'd never been good at lying.

"Well, go home! We don't need your kind of help!"

"InuYasha, be nice." Kogome walked over to Kana and began to assess the cuts and scrapes on the new girl. [I]'Koga has a sister. Who knew' [/I] she tought.

"But -- but look at her!" he stammered. "She looks like she should be at a teaparty. She'd probably break if you looked at her wrong."

Before he could blink as he finished his sentance, InuYahsa felt a blade pressed firmly against his throat. She was fast, he gave her that. She managed to get behind him without even seeing her move. There seemed to be a lot of fast people around here lately. Where had the dagger come from? He hadn't smelled it on her. He was even too surprized to yell a pithy insult.

Kana pressed the blade into his flesh just deep enough to draw a bead of blood. "Care to rephrase that?" She snarled. She HATED being judged for her appearance. Koga did it all the time!

"Well, as long as you're already here, you might as well stay with all of us -- at least till your brother catches up with you." Kagaome spoke, trying to diffuse the situation. Kana moved her blade away from the silver-haired demon-man and walked back to face him.

"Only if he says it's okay." she said with a growling undertone. She stared into his amber eyes with her blue ones and waited for his answer.

"Come on, InuYasha," Kagome whispered into his ear, "We can't send her out into the dark by herself. She'll get eaten."

"Feh. Whatever. But I'm giving Koga a piece of my mind about dragging his sister around and then dumping her in the middle of no-where so we have to take care of her." He muttered, sheathed his sword, and walked away.

[I]'You just do that.'[/I] Kana thought.

"Don't mind him. InuYasha's always like that." Kagome said, soothingly.

"I know, I remember." She looked at the priestess that she had so greatly envied when the girl had visited the den. No one questioned her right to be a part of any group. It just wasn't fair.

Miroku approached the girls as they spoke, but as he reached out to take Kana's hand, she smaked him across the face. "Do you really want me to tell my brother that you asked me what you're about to ask me?" she raised an eyebrow. "If the others of the pack aren't good enough mates for me in his eyes, how do you think you will rate?" She gave a wolfish grin at the startled monk, then turned back to Kagome.

"I like her already." Shippo piped up.

"So do I." Sango agreed.

"Um - Kagome - do you have anywhere for me to sleep? I don't think I could climb the tree again tonight." Kana tried to streach out the kinks in her muscles, but stopped when it started to really smart.

"Sure." she replied. "There's a spot by me - if you don't mind that InuYasha won't be far off, either."

"I don't mind if he doesn't."

"Great, now I have to smell a flowery Koga all night long." the half-demon grumbled as everyone returned to where they had setteled in for the night to get back to sleep.

OOC: Sorry to jump in late. Hope no one minds. :animesmil
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ooc: ONE its in the middle of the night and two Tao would NOT have gone running to see what the comotion was. She has ears and a nose thats all she would have need. Concider those things when you start to control other peoples characters so I will be posting as though tao hana and sasuke had not come running.


Tao stared at the dying fire and then up at the sky whcih was getting lighter. She could feel it already. Her ears slowly shrank into her head and human ears started growing. Her tail soon dissapered as well and he claws shrunk down into plain old human hands. Her long black hair went from black to bright orange. And her eyes went from orange to blue and the pupils got larger instead of slits. She shook her head and her orange hair went everywhere. She smiled at Hana, "Well Like i said I look different as a human and so now i will blend in."
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Hana's eyes widened in awe and she smiled widely, then looked to Sasuke who was starting to stir. She nugged him with her hand to fully wake him up.

"Huh? what is it?" He asked in a scratchy morning tone. Hana jumped up and starting packing her things.

"We're going to Tokyo today, Tao and I that is... do you wanna come, or do you wanna catch up with InuYasha and the others." She asked excitiedly. Sasuke looked over at Tao who was confusingly completely human. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, then looked again... still human.

"Whats going on where'd your ears go, and what happened to your hair?" He asked confusion all over his face.

"It's my turn to be human today, you know every half demon has their day or night and today is mine, and Hana has offered to show me Tokyo. She figureed if you wanted to go back and resupply or somthing you could come to, but if you want we can drop you off with InuYasha and his gang of misfits?" She smiled a fangless smile.
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Tao grinned with her human mouth and laughed, "I bet she will beleive every word of it!"

Sasuke looked at her again with a deep look of confusion. "Why do you say that..."

"She was the one telling all of the stories... Stories start somewhere. A story told in the present started in the past. Perhaps she knew about all of this and kept her mouth shut and told you stories instead." Tao stretched, "To mess with ones past is to mess with ones present and to mess with ones present messes with the future. Perhaps you coming here was destined to happen and you perhaps are a great part of those stories you heard."

Sasuke thought for a moment, "Never thought of it that way..."

Tao looked to hana, "Lead us to your well!"
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Hana lead Tao and Sasuke in the correct direction, along the way running into InuYasha and his gang.

"Oh decided to Join us after all huh? To afraid to be on your own." InuYasha replied tunring at the scent of the three as they came into the clearing. His eyes turned to Tao immediately, taking in the fact that it was her turn to be human.

"No thats not it at all." Hana smiled adjusting her backpack. "I have to go to Tokyo today to restock, Sasuke has to get some things and explain everything to his mom, and Tao's human today so she decide to come." Hana relplied then noticed they had one more person withthem than before. She sniffed a moment to herself and stated clearly, "Wolf clan." Kana perked up and glanced at the newcomers.

"Thats right... and you smell of cat, but you don't appear to be a demon." She seemed slightly confused.

"Thats becasue my grandfather was a half/demon and so I've got the left over blood from him and dad. But hey you know what they say, be happy with what little you've got. By the way my names Hana, whats yours?" She asked holding her hand out to Kana.
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Kana gave the cat-girl, Hana, a wolfish smile and placed her hand in Hana's - not familiar with the odd gesture. "Kana. My name's Kana. Good philosophy, by the way. Wish more people believed it." She tipped her head to the side a bit. "Not that I meant to overhear, but where are you going? I've never heard of a human villiage called 'Tokyo'."

"Oh, it's definately NOT a village. Way too many people for that." Hana laughed. "It's where I'm from. Kagome, too. Just stopping by for food, toothpaste and the like. You know how it goes."

"Yeah." Kana said, noncommitally. Since she had never left home before, she really couldn't identify. "Well, have fun, I guess. Hope to see you around." she shrugged, smiled again, then turned her attention to the dog-boy.

"And you are?"

OCC: You're right, I meant dog. Sorry!
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"Well, I'm Kana. Nice to meet you." Again, she quirked her head to the side, slightly confused. "Did you know that your scent and InuYasha's scent is very similar? Nearly as similar as his and Sesshomerou's."

"What?" InuYasha spluttered. "You're nose must be defective! You have some nerve!"

"Sorry." Kana backed off a bit defensively. "I've only smelled the three of you. Maybe all dog demons smell that way to me." She looked back to Sasuke. "Hope I didn't offend you, too. Have fun in Tokyo."
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Sasuke chuckled a bit.

'I hope I don't smell [I]too[/I] much like him,' he said, 'I know I showered, today.'

Kagome laughed, and Inuyasha charged at Sasuke.

'You little...' he was cut off when he missed Sasuke, who chopped him in the back of the neck, sending him sprawling.

'What!?' everyone gasped.

'How did you do that?' Miroku asked him.

'Simple martial arts.' Sasuke replied, 'He, at least, looks human. So, it's not to hard to concentrate. Those other things were just freaky.'

Inuyasha jumped up, ready for another round.

'You're gonna get it, kid!' he said, lunging forward.

Sasuke sidestepped as Kagome clenched her fists.

'Sit!' she yelled, sending them both crashing down.
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ooc: SOOOOo sorry for not being here... I had to go to the emergency room *sigh* my body is against me i guess... Anyways im back.


Tao shifted her weight from side to side and then bounced a bit, "Ok... Sasuke are we done playing with the mutt? Can we go now? Please?"

Hana nodded and smiled, "Yeah I guess we should get going. The longer we wait the less time we have... It wouldnt be the best thing if Tao here turned back into her tiger self in the middle of the crowded streets of tokyo. Lets go Sasuke if you still want to anyways."

Tao jumped happily, "Cool! We get to go somewhere new and exciting..." Tao was acting hyper... She wasnt so cool calm and collected when she was human. Her tiger self made her less talkative but now she was human and curiosity was the main thing driving her forward.

Hana nodded, "Alright.. "
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Hana, Tao, and Sasuke all crawled out of the well and exited the building to find themselves standing on the gounds of a shrine.

"Is this your place?" Sasuke asked. Tao's eyes were wide with amazment as she took in the surroundings in every direction.

"Nope, this is my neighbors, but of course that would be Kagome, which is why she doesn't mind that I'm always going down their well. My place is this way, lets go there first so that I can change into normal attire. Hana took Tao by the arm and led her toward the large apartment building. Tao gazed up at the colossal building before her as Hana led them in.

"I live on the 27th floor, its a long ride in the elevator." Hana stated as they entered the building. Tao jumped when the elevator beeped and the metallic doors slid open. "Hey don't worry, this is what is going to take us to the top, well my floor at least." They stepped in and Hana pushed the button, and the elevator began to move up. They reached her floor ans tepped out into a long hall with many doors. The walked to number 2710 and hana unlocked it and opened the door. Tao ran toward the large window, and took inthe sight of everything.

OOC: I'll add more later, but I have to go now. Sorry its so short I'm running on a tight shcedule and my computer is in the shop. :animeswea
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Tao saw building after building from this large window. Tao watched as many tiny people below scurried from place to place. Crossing the busy street filled with odd contraptions that were moving fast and controled buy people.

"Hey what are those things?" Tao asked pressing her head against the glass, "Odd little things... They look like a cart with a cover... With no horse and is controeld by a circular object."

Hana laughed, "Your off only by one letter. Thats a Car... Cars are machines. Technology gets to be quite amazing at times."

Tao went to the wierd looking thing in the middle of the room, "Whats this?" She said bouncing on it. She was like a little kid in a new place and had to know what everything was.

Hana laughed, "Thats a couch... Better than the floor in the huts in your time I must admit."

Tao calmed down for a moment and sat down in a chair. She didnt notice her hand hit a remote and a huge box in front of her seemed to come to life. She was startled to the point she knocked the chair over backwards. She pulled herself up to look over the overturned chair at the living box. The picture on it moved around... People runnign and doing things.

"What kind of demon is this?"

Sasuke shook his head at this... She seemed to be acting like a 3 yeard old. She was curious and scareable... She was surely from the past to be amazed at such a silly and almost already outdated device. "Thats a TV... Television... Its also a machine. Its no demon. Mainly people watch things on it. Like sports, cooking, comedy... "

Tao blushed slightly, "Im sorry... Everything is just so different here. And being human impairs my senses... Im not this excitable when I am myself. I wouldnt have falled over in the chair either if I were myself. I apologise for acting so childish. Curiosity can get the best of alot of people. Me the most I bet though..."
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'Don't worry about it,' Sasuke said, laughing, 'A lot here is confusing, just like your time to people from here. Just wait till you see a computer.'

'Com-pu-ter?,' she repeated, 'What's that?'

'A box, like a tv, but you control what's on it. You can send messages and watch movies, play games and listen to music.'

'How can you do all this with a little box?'

'It's very complicated, but I'll tell you about it, someday.'

'You don't really know, do you?' Hana asked, jokingly.

Sasuke laughed, 'Well, to tell the truth, I used to know a lot about them. But, they got a little ahead of me.'
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Hana ran into her bedroom and changed quickly, then came out holding a small flat object. She placed it on the counter and waved for Tao to come closer. She opened the laptop and turned on the screen, and the computer flickered to life. An image of a family covered the screen, Tao could see that Hana was in the picture.

"Thats you, is this your family?" Tao asked touching the screen carefully.

"Yes, this was earlier this year... before Grandpa died. See there he is, he's obviously the only one with cat ears. These are my parents, my uncle, he lived with my parents for a while, and this is..." Hana's face turned a shade of pink. "Well lets just say thats some one whos missing out on a great life with some one who loved him more than anything." She walked into the kitchen and pulled some food out of the freezer, then placed it in the microwave and pushed some buttons.

"Thats who you were suppose to marry huh?" Tao asked looking over at Hana.

"Yep, looks nice enough doesn't he?"

OOC: Sorry everything has been so short but my computer with the Toshiba people getting fixed and it won't be fixed for another 2 weeks. So unfortuneatly this is what my posts are going to be like until I get my computer back, thanks for understanding. ;)
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OOC: Meanwhile, back at the ranch. . . Kidding!

"Um, Aren't we going to wait for the others?" Kagome asked the group in general. No one answered. "HEY! Aren't we going to wait for the others!?!" she shouted this time.

"To what purpose?" Miroku asked her. "The sword isn't just going to sit idle while we rest. We know for a fact the Shesshoumaru wants it. We also need more information about Naraku's return, such as how and why for starters."

"Well," Kagome stammered, "how will they find us if we just leave? Don't you think they'll be pretty ticked off if we just leave them?"

"I could be wrong," Kana chimed in, "but I think they'd be shocked if we just sat around waiting for them. Tao has a keen nose, when she's back to normal, and so does Sasuke. They could both follow our scent trails -- Tao with her eyes shut, I'm sure. Besides, it's not like we're TRYING to hide our trail."

"Yes." Miroku agreed. "If what they told us this morning is true, then Tao will return to her half-demon self when the day is over. I'm positive they won't daudle in the future when that happens. Tao and Hana are much too canny for that. They'll catch up shortly."

"If you say so." Kagome didn't sound convinced, but she didn't want to wait for the three who had gone for supplies all by herself. Doubtfully she picked up her pack, grabbed her pink bike and followed the rest onward.
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Tao stared at the picture for a while and nodded. "Our pasts are full of interesting mysteries." Tao looked around at all the strange things. She saw a tall box making odd noises.

Tao snuck over to it as if to be hunting. She could smell something and she scrept closer. She sniffed the handle and then grabbed it with her hand. She pulled it open and laughed at what she saw.


"Thats called a fridge... It holds the food and keeps it good for a while at least. Dont touch the thing in the green box... Iv been meaning to throw that out..." Hana said watching tao pick it up anyways.

Tao lifted the lid and stared at its contents. "Wonder what this is..." And with that she gobbled down the fuzz covered green stuff. A strange look came across Taos face and hana stared absent mindedly.

"Didnt I just say not to touch that?" Hana couldnt help but feel sick for tao. Then she remembered last night. [i]'She DID eat a whole raw fish last night so I guess thats nothing...'[/i] Hana thought to herself.

Tao swalloed a few times and shrugged. Tossing the dish over her shoulder she started searching for something else.
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Tao shut the fridge door almost completely ignoring him. She searched through drawers and found an odd looking thing. It was short and skinny with a round end. She held it up and then grinned. She snuck around the corner and leaped out infront of saskue and held it to his throat.

"AHah! Be afraid!" Tao said playfully.

Sasuke looked down at the item held to his throat, "Tao... Thats called a spoon. I prefer chopsticks but yeah its for eating with. It is no weapon."

Tao glanced at her spoon and tossed it over her shoulder with a shrug. Hana stopped her before she could go off in search of more things to mess with and toss around.

"Im ready... Lets get to your place Sasuke."

With that they headed out. Playful childish human Tao just couldnt stop asking what things were for. She made them stop at a vending machine.

"Ooo! I want one!"

"You collect bugs? Thats what this machine is for. Bug collecting..." Hana said.

"Can i have one?"

"Uh... sure I guess." Hana paid and Tao got her insect.

Tao held it carefully and then with a grin on her face she chommped it down and swallowed. "Tasty... Neat contraption."

Sasuke and Hana again a bit grossed out drug her to Sasuke's house, "Ill be good i promise!" Tao whined as they kept her from touching anything.
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Hana was still cringing from the thought of eatting what Tao just found delicious. She shook her head and looked over at the giddy tiger, human girl walking next to her, her eyes looking at anything and everything. She smiled her usual wide smile and thought about the awsome friends she had made in the last day, and the fact that she was able to bring one to Tokyo with her was absolutely wonderful. She couldn't wait to see how she weould react to the trains.

The three of them approached the train station, and Hana bought them all tickets.
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As they pulled Tao along tao stared at everything and asked questions and even before hana or sasuke had time to answer one question Tao would ask another. This girl never seemed to run out of energy. Hana bought some things and they walked onto a contraption.

Tao instantly wondered why they were boxed in, "What is this?"

"A train..."

"Is a train some sort of cage?"

"No... You will see."

Within moments it started to move. Tao's eyes got wide and she leapt into the air. She grabbed the bar abover her and held on tight. She hung there for the entire ride. She was above most peoples heads and she had her eyes shut as she waited for the thing to stop moving.

Tao was getting more than her fair share of stares from other people getting on and off the train.

"Id prefer to walk..." Tao mummbled as the train rolled on.
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'Yeah, but it'd take us an hour to walk what we just covered in five minutes on the train.' Sasuke said as the train slowed to a stop.

Tao slowly lowered herself from the handrail, then bolted for the door as it opened. Hana and Sasuke found her on the platform a minute later.

'I don't like the train.' she said.

Sasuke laughed, 'It's not too bad, once you get used to it. Anyway, we're almost to my place, now.'

After a little walking, they found themselves outside a large house. Sasuke opened the gate and motioned for them to go inside.

'This is your house?' Hana asked, 'It's huge.'

Sasuke chuckled, nervously, 'Yeah, I guess.'

'You live in a castle?' Tao asked.

'No.' Sasuke said quickly, 'It's just a house. It's used to have a whole lot more people, but now it's just me and my mom.'

'Anyway,' he continued, 'Let's hurry.' He almost ran to the door, holding it open.
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Tao enetered without an invatation and looked around, "Interesting... Much different than the huts back where Im from. My cave wasnt this fancy."

She then got a funny look on her face.

"What is it?" Hana asked.

"Uh... You know Iv had this sword tied to my side for this entire time... I find it odd that no one has asked about it or even noticed it. My armor isnt from around here either."

Sasuke nodded, "This is a strange place. People have strange things so you look some what normal to them I guess. Being human helps heh."

Tao nodded, "Im sure if i had my Ears claws and tail they would notice me a bit more"

"Ears? Tail?" The voice came from another room.

"Oops..." Tao said covering her mouth as if she had said something wrong.
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'Hey mom.' Sasuke said as the woman popped her head around the corner.

'Sasuke, where have you been, you were supposed to be home two hours ago.' she said, 'And who are your friends?'

'This is Hana,' he pointed, 'and Tao.'

'That's lovely, dear.' she said, pulling him aside, 'That one's wearing armor and a sword, what's going on here?'

He chuckled, 'Well, you know those stories you used to tell me?'

'About your grandfather?'

'Yeah,' he said, 'Turns out, they're not stories.'

'Well, duh.' she said, pausing, 'You fell down the well, didn't you?'

'Yeah,' he replied, 'I thought I'd check it out, back there. We just came to pick some stuff up.' She looked at him, appraisingly.

'Ok,' she said, finally, 'I doubt I could stop you if you really want to.' She turned to the others.

'Make yourselves at home while Sasuke gets his things.' she said, kindly.
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