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Inuyasha: Search for the Sword[M-LVS]

lil kitsune boy

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Tao blinked and looked around. The patches of fur she had tied to her arms and ankles seemed to stand out now she noticed. She figured it was because she no longer had ears and claws to accompany it. She had tied the small patches of fur to herself... It was to remind her of her family. Tradition was that if something tragic was to happen the living relatives were to keep some of the loved ones fur with them untill the lving reletives got revenge. Tao took this seriously and wore the orange with black striped fur untill she found the demon who killed all those she lived with.

She tied one a bit tighter and scratched her head where her ears used to be. She never liked having human hearing.

"What are the fur patches for?" Hana asked.

"Eh... Long story. Lets just say they are a part of me till a mission is completed." Tao said staring at Sasuke's mom.

"So um... Tao what is with the armor?" His mom asked suddenly.

Tao wasnt sure how to answer, "Well I uh... I do alot of fighting. But with my skills the armor isnt really for me I normally just wore it to hide my uh..."

Sasuke's mom stared at tao as she paused, "Your tail?"


"You sure dont have one at the moment."

Tao nodded, "Its my human day. Ill have Tail... Ears... Fangs... Claws by dinner time but for now I will be human. I take it you arent suprised to hear stuff like this."

She shook her head, "Not surprised at all. I told Sasuke stories for a reason you know."

Tao nodded, "So he told us. Saying something about stories of two dog demons. He has been asking me and Hana questions about Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru... Who happen to be dog demons... " She began to ramble fastly.

Hana sighed, "Shes normally not like this... She is normally very quiet but apparently the quiet calm self is from her Tiger blood. She cant shut up when shes human."
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'Oh, that's alright.' Sasuke's mom said, 'So, you two are from around here?'

'I am,' Hana said, 'Tao is from the fuedal era.'

'Really?' Sasuke's mom replied, 'I didn't think someone from the fuedal era could come here.'

Sasuke poked his head around the corner of the stairs.

'Hey, mom,' he said, 'Should I take grandpa's sword?'

She turned, 'I don't know, do you think you can handle it?'

Sasuke shrugged, 'If all the stories you told me are true... no. No way in hell.'

'Sasuke! Watch your mouth.'

'Hehe, sorry mom.' he said.

She sighed, 'Take them both.' she said.

'Both?' he asked, 'You mean grandpa's and the other one?'

'What do you think I mean?' she said, 'Just don't lose them.'

Sasuke jumped over the railing and down from the stairs, running to a room in the back. When he came back, he was wearing a black laquered box over his shoulder that would easily carry two swords.

'Ooh, what's in the box?' Tao asked.

Sasuke laughed, 'My grandpa and great-uncle's swords. They used to keep them over at the shrine we came here from, but they were moved here a few years ago.'

'Are you all ready, Sasuke?' his mom asked him.

'Yeah,' he replied, 'We should get back, soon. They'll be waiting.'
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"I honestly think Inuyasha is an Idiot... Kagome seems to nice. how can anyone handle being that nice all the time? Shippo is ok for a bite sized little ball of fluff Miroku is a pervert and Sango is quiet. Sango is almost the only decent one out of them all... Ok Kilala is nice too." Tao rammbled.

"There she goes again..." Hana said as tao began to ramble about different things about the group.

"Then there was this one time when she threw her large boomerang and killed my great aunt but she was killing people so i guess it was needed but...." Tao continued.

"Its odd though. About the only time we can hear what she really thinks about people is when she is human. You just have to have quick ears." Hana said.

"And then He asked me the same question he askes everyone and I was like BAM and he was like THUD and I was like SEE YA!" Tao had her arms going in all directions as she talked. She was extreamly hyper.

"She has very bright orange hair..." Sasuke's mom pointewd out.

"Uh Its normally Black with orange streaks. She does have big roundish and kind of pointy black ears with orange stripes as well. But when shes like that shes... not like this." Hana said trying to ignore tao.

"And Inuyasha was like IM GONNA HIT YOU... and ZOOM I zipped out of the way and barely touched him and PAM he hit the ground."

Sasuke shook his head, "Ill stop this..." He moved the box just enough to hit Tao in the head.

She frowned at him and rubbed her head, "Hmm.." She slowed down her talking and sighed, "I just dont see why we have to travel with them. I have some things I need to do when Im back to my normal self. We dont need Inuyasha and the gang. I just dont see why you worry about catching up with them. They arent waiting. They are just going on without us figuring we will catch up when we want to"
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Hana heavd a deep sigh and began to speak as her normal self.

"I'm traveling with InuYasha's friends because I'm looking for the same mystical sword they are, because its causing problems, and my promise was to protect that world." She pointed a finger at Tao. "You're traveling with us because I envited you and you accepted... remember?" She moved her finger to Sasuke. "And he's traveling with them because they found him and he's curious about what the crap is going on. Everything staight now?" Hana finished smiling as usual. Tao and Sasuke just stood staring at Hana, not word coming from them.

"Oh my, and I though she spooke quickly." Sasuke's mom stated pointing at Tao. Hana bowed slightly and her smile grew wider.

"Actually I'm usually the one talking up a storm and asking all the questions and having a hyper active attitude, but its her turn today." She explained nodding her head over toward Tao.

"Right well shouldn't you guys get going?" Sasukes mom asked after a long silent pause.
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'Yeah,' Sasuke said, 'We really should.' He adjusted the case on his shoulder.

'Come back soon, hun.' Sasuke mom said, 'And bring your friends with you.'

'Sure,' he chuckled, heading out the door. After he cleared the gate, he turned to the others.

'So, Tao,' he said, smiling, 'Think you can handle the train, again?'
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Tao shivered a moment and nodded, "I hate that thing. If people want to travle they should use their own two feet!"

Sasuke nodded, "Yeah but its quicker to travel by car or train than to walk."

Tao didnt care how quick it was. She just didnt like the whole feeling of moving but not moving. "Whatever. At least I can feel my demon half coming back. The day is almost over, my nose can smell better, I can hear real well, and whats even better Is i feel agile again."

"Uh... Right. Well lets go." Hana said sigh another sigh.
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It wasn't long before the three of them found themselves back in the Feudal Era, and Hana sniffed out the direction of InuYasha and his friends.

"Well here comes your final decsion Tao, I'm going to find InuYasha and travel with them. You may follow me, being as I did invite you and I would love your company or this is where our paths take their seperate ways and perhaps we'll see eachother another time, its your choice?" Hana said this with no specific tone to her voice, but Tao did not see her usual wide smile that Hana had had from the moment they met. Sasuke glanced back and forth at the two of them, a pause of silence fell between them, and he could hear InuYasha's group close by.

"How was I supposed to know he'd run off, I thought he was looking for Kagome, that's why I was following you." He recognized the voice to be the wolf-girl from the earlier, and the folllowing to be Miroku's.

"You know she has a point InuYasha, you should just listen to people once in a while, then maybe you won't sound so much like an indiot."

"What'd you say Monk Boy!?" InuYasha's voice was loudest and could be heard the clearest. There was a loud crash followed by shouting,Sasuke flinched and looked back to Hana who was looking at Tao, who was starring at her feet. For the first time since they had met Hana finally seemed older than both of them.
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Tao thought for a moment... She looked up at Hana.

"I thought I told you though that I have to aquire something first."

Hana nodded, "You did."

"Hmm. I guess Im going to get it alone then. I guess Ill catch up with you guys later." She ran her fingers through her bright orange hair and sighed. She turned around and walked away.

Tao walked quickly almost angry at the whole situation. She broke off from the group for a reason and Hana followed her. Tao sniffed the air and shook her head. It was useless. She couldnt smell or sense anything near her.

"I guess if the snake man knows Im coming ill be toast. Well lets just hope I get there in one piece. He has demons all over the territory and non of them will recognise me like this... I look like a snack. Hana might think im strong nad skilled in the way of fighting as a human but Im not. I cant even use my stone unless Im part demon. That is why I need the sword so badly. Wait a second... Why am I talking to myself?" Tao shut up and continued on.

meanwhile back with hana and sasuke...

"But her leaving by herself... Wont she get hurt?" Sasuke pointed in the direction she was walking.

"Why would she?" Hana stared at Sasuke for a moment.

Sasuke pointed at Tao who was now quite far away with her quick pace. "She isnt very strong. She still is human after all..."
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Hana felt a pang of guilt as she watched Tao run off and she turned her back starring at the forest beyond.

"Why would she?" Hana asked quielty.

"She isn't very strong... she still is human after all." Sasuke stated pointing at Tao's disappearing figure. Hana tightened her hand into a fist and she could almost feel the claws that would be there in less than two days.

"Can you catch up with InuYahsa and tell tham we'll be there after we retrieve something." Hana replied taking off in the direction Tao was headed.

"Hana, wait!" Sasuke shouted after her.

"Please Sasuke, you'll be fine they're near by... I'll see you soon." She answered over her shoulder as she ran.

Tao wasn't used to runnning in human form and it was tiring, she slowed down for only a moment as she heard foot steps behind her. She turned quickly to find Hana standing only a few feet away, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry... I told you I'd help you and then I tried to leave. I promise I'll never do it again okay." Hana stated quietly, her smile coming back into form.
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InuYasha had been grumpy all day, trying to establish his dominance in the new pack dynamic. [I]Okay, we get it. You're this pack's leader. Move on.[/I] Kana thought. [I]Sometimes, this young half-demon just tries too hard.[/I]

Then Kana perked up. Her nose had found a few familiar scents on the breeze. She'd been trying to keep an ear open and her nose attuned for the three who had gone off for supplies. She stood up and bound off in the direction her scenses told her to go before anyone could question her actions. She came to a screaching, dust-scattering halt a few inches before Satsuke.

"Hey. We were beginning to think Mr. Never-listens-to-anyone had yelled at you guys one too many times and you three had decided to ditch us." she smirked. She looked up at Satsuke's face and sombered immediately. "What's wrong? Is everyone alright? No one got hurt in your Tokyo place did they?"

"No." Satsuke replied. "Tokyo was fine."

"So what's troubling you? Where is Tao and Hana?"
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Tao stared at hana, "Its alright... My question though is... You are all mature and taking charge one minute and then you just turn right around and your bouncy and carefree. Do you have a history of Bi Polar or something?"

"Well perhaps but I uh-.... Hey wait a minute... How do you know anything about Bi Polar?"

Tao slapped her forehead and sighed, "Ill explain later. I figured I wouldnt let my big mouth slip but to late. Promise me though you wont pry till later on. I dont feel like explaining it now."

Hana thought for a moment and nodded, "Yeah, alright." She looked around, "So uh... where is this Black Cobra dudes hide out?"

"This forest goes for a few miles untill you get to some forest covered hills. On the other side of that is a small canyon and he hides down in there. You would think that would be unwise considering yyou could get surrounded but his demon forces are so vast through the forest that no one can get close enough to even think about surrounding him."

"But they wont hurt you right? Some of them know about your plan or at least your pretend one right?"

Tao nodded, "Right... But they will not recognise me looking like this so we must be careful for a while. I feel the sun starting to go down so I will soon be normal again but im unfamiliar flesh for the moment."

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Hana nodded her head and replied.

"Right then shall we be off so as we can catch up later." Her voice was not as loud as usual but the tone was deffinately back to normal. Tao glanced at her for only a moment as she thought to herself.[I]This girls crazy... jumpin around and jabbering and then all somber and serious, what with her?[/I]

"Hey about my seriousness back there..." Hana brought up as they walked at a quick pace.

"Yeah, what about it?" Tao asked trying to sound as though she wasn't really curious.

"In two days the moon will be full, its just that my more demon side is already starting to kick in. So if I seem weird to you that would be why." She stated happily.

"Oh... alright." Tao thought to herself as they continued to walk and Hana spoke every now and then.
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Tao stopped after about an hour and a half and stared up at the darkening sky, "We should stop to rest for a bit. If we get close at night we will surely become snake snacks."

"Ok. The moment your demon half comes back will we be leaving again?"

Tao thought about her plan for a moment and then nodded, "Why not. Ill have my regular scent back... The demons there will recognise me. But for now we wait if that is ok with you."

"Ok!" Hana said sitting down.

Tao smiled and hana pointed at her.

"What is it?" Tao asked.

"Your fangs are growing back already."

Tao laughed, "First thing to always come back are my teeth. Then ears tail claws and the last part is my hair for some reason."

"Hmm Today was sort of long and exhausting. We didnt even fight anyone and Im tired... "

"I think the train drained you of your energy for its own evil uses!" Tao said with a smirk.

"The train isnt alive. It cant suck anyones life out. Its just a-"

"Machine." Tao finished. "I know... That was a joke."

Hana nodded, "Oh heh I see."
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Sasuke sighed, pointing in the direction the girls had gone.

'What's wrong, Sasuke?' Kana repeated.

'Nothing, just thinking.' he replied.


'Everything that's happened,' he said, 'Yesterday, this whole world was nothing more than a story... Today, I'm neck deep in it.'

He adjusted the case on his back, again.

'Hey, what's in the box?' Inuyasha asked him.
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Hana opened her pack and began to sift through its contents, Tao leaned in closer to see if she could see inside the bag. Hana looked up and smiled raising an eyebrow.

"Looking for somthing?" A playful tone filled her voice. Tao sat back.

"No, what would I possibly be looking for." Tao replied.

"Oh I don't know... this maybe?" Hana asked as she pulled out a chocolate bar. Tao's eyes brightened and a smile crossed her face.

"Uh huh, I thought so." Hana replied tossing the bar to Tao, who caught it and began to open in happily.
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Tao bit into the chocolate just as soon as the wrapping was peeled away.

"So uh can I ask you now?"

"Ask me what?" Tao asks devouring the chocolate.

"Why you knew about Bi Polar..."

Tao shook her head, "Heh figured. The truth is I have been to your time once before. I was only three at the time but I remember some things I heard there. I cannot remember what I saw because we of the Tiger clan mature differently of course. For the first four years of a cubs life our eyes are sealed shut. Sure a lot longer than an ordianry regular house cat but we are demons after all."

"That seems like a long time. How then do you know you were in my time?"

"Iv never heard birds sound so high pitched like that... I have not heard birds sing songs like that either."

"Oh... Cell Phones. Yeah I guess you were there. They sure wouldnt work here. Cells wont be invented for some time. But why were you there do you think?"

"Not a clue. Apparently we were somewhere where they talked about different things. Machines, Equipment, and Health issues too. I heard Bi Polar and many other things there. Of course at the time I didnt care. I was only three after all. But now that im older I think about what I heard every once in a while and wonder why I was there."

"And theres no one to ask..."

Tao nodded, "No one but perhaps my father. But if he is dead or not is still a mystery. I dont care to much now."

The conversation stopped silent for a while. Tao looked up at the moon which was appearing slowly. She wondered about all her relatives. What her family would say if they were still alive. Suddently Hana coughed.

"What?" Tao asked.

Hana laughed, "You must have been really deep in thought to not notice your back to normal."

Tao looked down and saw her claws were back. She looked behind her and saw her tail and she could feel her ears twitching. "Heh... I guess I was..."
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"InuYasha!" Kana reproofed, "Show a little compassion. The boy just got dumped by two babes and you show up all 'Lemme see in your box.' If your nose can't tell what's inside, have a bit of restraint and wait till he shows us." She rounded on the now blushing Satsuke. "You ARE going to show us, aren't you? You've got all kinds of fasinating new smells in there."

Satsuke shook his head at the increadible wierdness he found himself surrounded by, regained his composure, and walked to join the rest of the group. InuYasha glared at Kana, then followed Satsuke.

"Was it something I said?"
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Sasuke laughed. He set the box on the ground and opened it. Inside, there were two swords. One was a katana in a sheath with torn wrapping on the hilt. The other was a straight sword, it's hilt wrapped in red cord leading down to the coin shaped pommel. There were supplies for cleaning them inside, as well.

'That looks like the Tetsusaiga.' Kagome said.

'And the other is the Tokijin.' Miroku stated.

'Alright, where the hell did you get these?' Inuyasha demanded.

'These were my grandpa and great uncle's.' he said, picking up the katana and pushing the sheath under his belt. He picked up the straight sword, revealing another sheath under it.

'But, I guess it would be a bit weird for you.' he said, 'That would mean you're one of them.'

'Like hell I am!' Inuyasha shot back.

'Right,' Sasuke said, 'Anyway, shouldn't we get going? This sword isn't going to find itself.'
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"Well, that [B]would[/B] explain their similar scents." Kana said to no one in particular as they set out. She didn't have any gear to gather up, so she offered to carry anything extra that anyone might have. Most people just smiled and shouldered their own luggage, but Kagome let her carry some of her foodstuffs. They smelled exciting.

Kagome wandered up to Satsuke "So, how can you carry both of those swords at once? Don't the evil/good natures of the blades kind-of cancel each other out when one person uses them? I mean, I know that the Tetsusaiga is a protection sword used by half-demons like you and InuYasha; but isn't the other one nearly it's opposite, used to destroy and other evil badness?"

[B]"THAT IS NOT THE TETSUSAIGA!!" [/B] InuYasha bellowed indignantly. "The only Tetsusaiga is right here on my belt, and it's mine!"

"I don't know. Just look at the version Satsuke is carrying." Kana chipped in. "The wrappings are a lot more tattered and worn than InuYasha's, like it's been used for years by someone who never went anywhere without it. Sounds like a silver-haired someone we know. Besides, the smell almost alike."

Kana jogged up to Satsuke. She continued her train of thought in a low voice so no one else could hear. "Actually, they smell exactly the same. It's just that yours has A LOT more of his scent worn into it. Like it's been there for many seasons. The other one smells like Sesshoumaru, too. . . so I believe you. . . if that's any comfort."

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Sasuke smiled.

'It is, kinda.' he said.


'I don't really care all that much,' he said, 'They belonged to someone I respect, that's all that matters to me.'

'Have you tried them out, yet?' Kana asked.

'Nah, I'm not sure what would happen.'

'Well, that's why you try them!' she said, a bit excited.

'Hey, kid.' Inuyasha said, looking back, 'You smell that?'

He pulled the straight sword from the sheath on his back.


There was a gust of wind as a woman appeared on the trail ahead.

'Inuyasha.' Kagura said.
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Kana cocked her head to the side. "You know her?"

"Yeah," InuYasha growled. "She's bad news. . . usually of the Naraku kind."

"Wait! Isn't she the one who went after Koga's shards?" Kana started to bristle and her tail began to wave angrily.

"She's the one alright." InuYasha confirmed.

"A few reasons why she might be here come to mind." Miroku spoke thoughtfully. "Either she's still after the Jewel of Four Souls, Naraku wants the sword we're after, we have something else Naraku wants, or she just missed me sooo much that she just had to come back for more."

Sango rounded on him. "Everyone! Remind me that I owe him a slap or twelve when we're not so busy!"

Kagome cut everyone off from the attack. "Hold it you guys. Why don't we see just exactly what she wants before jumping to conclusions. Kagura usually gives us a chance to come quietly. We never do it, but at least we'll then know the reason for her appearance."

"But Kagome!" Inuyasha sputtered as he tried to get around her in order to charge the spawn of Naraku.

"SIT BOY!" InuYasha and Satsuke smashed into the ground with an audible thump.
"Oops. . . sorry about that Satsuke. I forgot it would get you, too."

"Maybe if you specify them by name instead of just saying [I]boy[/I] the command wouldn't get them both accidently." Kana suggested.

"Hhumph. You lot are just as rag-tag as I remember you, even if your numbers have grown." Kagura was at her condensending best, and it did not bode well for the outcome of the meeting.
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ooc: Goodness Sorry... Im back now


Now that Tao was back to her regular self she grinned showing long fangs, "I guess its time we headed to the Black Cobra's hiding spot."

Hana nodded, "So what are we going up against?"

Tao nodded, "He is of the snake. He has eadly venom and I have heard he has basalisk traits but that seems to be a myth only considering his followers havent told me that when they stare into his stupid eyes they drop dead..."

"Perhaps thats because their dead?"

Tao laughed, "I would figure my scout would have said if his buddies had done that. But it is a good point. His venom... He has different kinds depending on when he uses to attack. His own fangs are deadly... The venom could kill you almost instantly. But from what iv heard he doesnt like it to be that easy. He wants to be entertained I guess."

"Sheeesh Of course hiding in a canyon would make me bored so yeah i get it."

Tao yawned, "Yes. He has many spines on his body as well though I beleive. Various effects come from the venom. I beleive his right arm has illusions and the other has blindness. Might be the other way around... The scout didnt know which did what. There is also a spike on the tip of his tail... That poison slowly just eats away at your flesh... Like acid more than venom. This acid can be flung at us... One whip of his tail and a small stream of acid vemon could be coming our way."

Hana's eyes were wide, "You really need this sword?"

Tao looked at hana as if that were a stupid question, "Yes. It is a family thing. Also if this sword we are searching for... not mine but this other one the others are looking for that is. Anyways if that one is a powerful as they say jsut about every demon is out to get it... We could use all the strength and power was can get hold of."

Hana nodded, "True... I guess your Blade of Tigers is worth the risk of getting melted.."


In no time they had reached the canyon. ,"We should wait till morning..." Tao said yawning, "I have been awake far to long. Since the middle of last night. Plus being human takes alot of energy."
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"Right then you sleep and I'll take watch tonight, I need less and less sleep the closer I get." Hana stated setting her bag down on the ground then sitting next to it. Tao glanced over at her, she didn't seem like her happy self, infact almost as if she was dreading something.

"You really don't like becoming full demon... do you?" She asked laying down next to the fire Hana was building. There was a pause of silence before Hana spoke, like she was searching for her words almost.

"In all honesty... no, I don't enjoy it at all. Not only do my physical attributes change but my personality takes a complete 180. I say and think things that I would never in my concsious mind would even think of, and well even though I'm proud of my demon heritage I just wish it didn't change me so much."

"Thats nothing to worry about, I mean how cruel can you possibly get?" Tao replied nonchalantly. Hana looked up at her, she was definatley serious about what she said.
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Kagura smiled, 'So, how long until you go after the sword we've heard so much about?'

'I don't know what you're talking about,' Inuyasha said, drawing his sword, 'But, if it's a fight you want...'

Kagura raised her hand, 'No, not this time.'

'Then what the hell do you want?' he asked, angrily.

'I'm simply here to confirm a rumor,' she replied, 'About a new demon.' She looked at Sasuke.

'What?' Sasuke asked, 'I dunno what you're talking about.'

'Don't play the fool with me, boy.' she said, 'Word travels quickly with demons, and I just happened to be close by. Interesting story, if short.'

Sasuke looked at her, a quizzical look on his face.

'Well, I really must be off.' she said, hopping onto a giant feather, 'Don't disappoint me, Inuyasha. If I find the sword before you, it may be a little anti-climactic when I destroy you.'

As she disappeared into the sky, Sasuke looked at Inuyasha.

'Ok, she's a *&#!ing weirdo.' he said.
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"Oh, she's worse than that!" Kana growled, not understanding some of Satuske's words, but recognizing cursing when she hears it. "She's a sadistic Murdress. She slaughtered over half the hunters in my tribe then turned their corpses on Koga. It was one of the very worst experiences of his life. He still wakes up with nightmares over it."

Slowly everyone calmed down and prepared to continue with the day's journey. Weapons were sheathed and snarls were replaced by grim faces.

"So it's a race." Kagome summed up, glumly.

"Not to put everyone in a worse mood, but. . ." Shippo wasn't terribly happy to be asking this, "how do we know which direction to be looking for this sword-thing?"

Kana shurgged. "I'm just following the group. Anyone else?"
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