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Tokyo Babylon/X


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WARNING: do not read this unless you have at least seen X!

[COLOR=DarkRed]I just saw the Tokyo Babylon movies, and have already seen X (both the series and the movie). [SPOILER]Now having seen Tokyo Babylon, it's nice to have more background info on Subaru, though i don't understand what events came to the point of Seshiro killing Subaru's sister, and led them to be enemies. I understand that they are enemies (in X) for the reason that Seshiro killed Subaru's sister (i don't remember her name right now), and that they were destined to be enemies in the first place what with being opposite dragons and all... BUT WHY?[/SPOILER]

Perhaps it is because i haven't read the manga, although i definately will. If anyone knows please explain it... I MUST KNOW![/COLOR]
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Tokyo Babylon is an earlier work by Clamp. It is created before X. The manga has 7 volumes in total with a continue storyline between Subaru and Seishiro in the background. There are 2 original stories animated. These 2 stories are not from the manga.

[COLOR=White]In the second episode of the of the OVA, the one with the train killer, there is a short scene about two people talking under a sakura tree in the very beginning. The child wearing white was Subaru and the young man wearing black wais Seishiro. They met for the first time under the tree. Subaru was 9 years old and he just started his training. That day, he was waiting for his grandmother, the last leader of his family. Unfortunately, he ran into Seishiro at work, who just killed a child. Seishiro was surprise by the child and he made a bet with him. Seishiro would spend one year with Subaru. If he liked Subaru after one year, he would let Subaru live. If he did not find any interested in Subaru, he will kill the boy. Later, Seishiro worked as vet near Subaru's home and they became friends, all understand Seishiro's control. By the end of one year, Seishiro decided that he ..... [/COLOR] Enough spoiler. Anyway, Sumeragi and Sakurazukamori are the most powerful Omnyojis. Due to the difference in their power, they can only be enemies.

If anyone want the rest of the story, just let me know and I can post more information. Tokyo Babylon is one of my favorite work from Clamp along with RG Veda.
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OK, more spoiler.....

[COLOR=White]At the end of one year, Seishiro decided he did not like Subaru enough and he is going to kill Subaru. Hokuto knew who Seishiro is all along and she wanted to save Subaru. She went to the Sakura tree to look for Seishiro, so she can be killed for Subaru. The full detail of her death was not reveal until volumn 16 of X. This was left open in Tokyo Babylon manga. From X, before she died, Hokuto used her very limited magic power to cast her final wish: if Seishiro killed Subaru in the same way, the attack would in turn kill the attacker. The was what happen in X. Hokuto died protecting her brother. [/COLOR] However, did Seishiro really want to kill Subaru? It is for the reader to draw the conclusion. I don't think Clamp will ever let us know clearly.

I love to discuss this piece of work. Tokyo Babylon is so well written.
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