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A lonely goddess... PG-13 V,L,S


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"Kaida, the answer should be plain to you." I'sha spoke up, for once with no sarcasm in her tone. "The Lady is a goddess and can see into your heart. There is something in each of us, whether a talent, ability, perspective or something yet undiscovered that will be needed in order for us to succeed. YOU might think we'd be better off without you, but Lanin - in her divinity - KNOWS that without you, we would never make it. Nor could we make it without young Luna, the dwarf, or any of us that have been chosen. We all have something to add to the party, one way or another. If you have troubles having faith in yourself, don't stress. We all have that problem form time to time. Have faith in Lady Lanin instead. Have faith that, as a goddess, Lanin knew what she was doing when she picked you. Now, I will get off my soapbox and eat."

I'sha looked down at her plate, then sighed heavily. "No offence, Lady; but you just don't have the same flair with venison that Aranel does. That, if nothing else, is worth saving him for." She looked up at the group with mischief in her eyes. "You just don't turn over the most divine cook in the cosmos to the bad guy without a fight." She grinned, then sobered. "Besides, I like Aranel. He likes people just for who they are, and nothing more." The knight took Lanin's hand in hers. "Fear not, dear one, we will get him back in one piece. Too many care too much to let this go."

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC-- Sorry if I got preachy. I'm just a sap at heart![/COLOR]
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Luna looked around the table and was enjoying the sight of the room like a little curious girl. She listened to the confersation(sp?) and was very interested.

[I]Well I really wasn't chosen[/I], thought Luna, [I]I just wanted a job.[/I]

She ate her food and cleared her plate away. She went into the kitchen and began to wash the plates. She went out and began to collect the people's plates when they were done and washed them. She finally sat down and began to hear the confersation(sp?) again.

OOC: Sorry this was short. I just did Luna's job.
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"Thats exactly what I was about to say I'sha, thank you for doing it for me." She then pointed over to some staris near by. "Your rooms for the evening are all up stairs, if you will excuse me I'm going to retire to my room. If you need me my room is on the top floor, infact its the only room on the top floor. Good night, and sleep well you all have a very long journey ahead of you." She said this and head straight for the stairs.
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"Dwarves were not made for stair climbing." Thorn dribbled as he step after step slowly. His short legs where having a difficult time walking up the stairs like the others. He would take one step at a time sending his right leg up and bringing his left leg to the same step. He would repeat this while falling behind the others. "It's intances like this that I sometimes envy even elves. I certainly envy you dragon folk. Even the flightless one. She may be a bit sappy at times, but she seems to have a kindness that many in my life lacked. A shame that she can't see that."

"What are you grumbling about back there?" The other dragon asked him.

"Just how awful these stairs are and how much they inconvenience me. I suppose if I'm truely needed for the retrieveal of this person I'll put up with it, but don't anyone think I'm making this a daily activity. I'd rather throw myself in my own furnace before that."

Thorn reached his room and was a little pleased to discover that whoever put it together knew the exact tastes ofa dwarf. "Battle trophies, hunting medallions, and the occasional truffle. This is the life of luxury." Not to mention the two small trees with a hamok swinging between the two of them. He was going to have one hell of a nap.
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I'sha sat on the edge of her bed in her room, thinking. It was nice to be in her room again. She wasn't there often, but she always enjoyed it. She had the best of beds, big enough for her to splay her wings out and they didn't hang off the edges like most places. She also had a good armor rack, pretty tapastries and a thick rug to wiggle her toes in. Lanin was always the best hostess, and the best decorator.

She was worried about Lanin, actually. I'sha knew how much the goddess depended on her high priest - from cooking to helping her laugh. Not many people could do that -- make her laugh. It figures that Feanor would kidnap one of the few beings in all the planes of exsistance who could accomplish it. It just wasn't fair!

I'sha wished the shadow-wizard to the coldest level of the nine hells for this. Hadn't Lanin suffered enough already? To be the goddess of personal sacrifice and suffering couldn't be the easiest job in the universe, why pick on her?

[I]'Well, hopefully the Lady will have a general idea of where we should go, or at least a direction to follow.'[/I] she mused to herself. No matter how powerful Feanor thought he was, he could never shield the bond between Aranel and Lanin. It just ran too deep.

On that hopeful note, I'sha undressed and climbed into the only bed she had ever been comfortable in. [I]'The coldest level, Feanor! The very coldest!'[/I]
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Lanin entered her darkly decored room and closed the door behind her. She heaved a sigh and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge 'he' usually slept on.

"I know they can help me, they have to..." her voice trailed off into the darkness as a tear ran down her cheek. She placed her hand where he normally lay and she imagined his hand over hers, she looked up to find only the lonliness of the room as her company.

"Just like before." The voice was male, but not Feanor's. It was only a memory reaching out to speak, the memory of another loved one lost to darkness. "I forgive you, for loving him. If he makes you happy then, he has my blessing, and I hope you get him back." The voice left her as quickly as it came, and her heart fell.

"Don't leave me again..." She could feel more tears form. "Aranel will be saved, I will not let him suffer... not like Fingolfin." She laydown on his sid eof the bed and cried herself into a lonely sleep with no dreams.

OOC: Lanin's crying can be heard softly through out the entire temple.
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Kaida sat on her bed and stared at the wall. This place was nothing like her old home and yet that old home was no longer her home. She had no home and this place felt strange. She felt out of place everywhere but here the most. She curcled up on the bed and continued to stare at the wall.

[i][b][color=orange]"Your not fit to live here"[/color][/b][/i]
[i][b][color=darkorchid]"You are an Embarrasment to the dragon kind!"[/color][/b][/i]
[i][b][color=blue]"Fireless and Flightless! Those are things that make us different from lousy lizards!"[/color][/b][/i]
[i][b][color=red]"Your just a lizard!"[/color][/b][/i]
[i][b][color=darkred]"You were a mistake..."[/color][/b][/i]

These words ran through her head over and over... The last one from the closest person she had ever known. She felt so alone just then. Suddenly though she could hear Lanins quiet sobs and shook her head. Kaida should not be feeling bad for herself, concidering herself a mere lizard with wings when someone was having a worse time than she was.

Kaida sighed, "Cant help it..."

ooc: sorry but i havent had much to post but i decided to post a little about her past
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OOC: Sorry I was in Japan yesterday.

Luna checked around the temple and made sure everything was tidy and neat. She went upstairs and knocked on one of the guest doors.

"Excuse me?" Luna knocked, "Is everything alright in there? Do you need anything?"

"It's alright in here," a deep vioce replied, it was the dwarf.

"Oh I'm sorry to disturb you."

Luna trailed off to the other guests' rooms and asked the same thing. After that, she began to go back into her room. Soon she heard crying upstairs, and she knew it was coming from Lanin's room.

"Oh dear," Luna began to worry,"I should probably comfort her."

Luna walked up to the top floor where Lanin's room was.

"Excuse me, Miss Lanin," Luna knocked,"I'm sorry to disturb you but is everything alright in there?"

She could hear some sniffing coming through the door. But there was no response.

"Miss Lanin?" Luna pushed the door open a little,"Miss, are you okay?"

OOC: Sorry I think this post was short.
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OOC: For those of you who might be curious as to how Miss Relena's character Isha, knows so much it is because she works with me and asks for details when she is posting. So when it seems like she knows too much don't worry about it she gets the infomation drectly from me. :)

Lanin glanced over at the door where young Luna was standing, a concerned look across her face.

"Miss Lanin, can I get you somthing?" Luna's voice was soft. Lanin sat up and brushed the tears from her cheeks as she replied.

"You need not worry about me child... this is the life that I was given when I became a goddess." Her voice had a saddness to it as she spoke. "I would not want to burden you with my problems dear one, thank you for your concern."

"Yes miss Lanin." She replied as she began to close the door. Lanin spoke up again.

"Luna... just Lanin please."



The next morning, breakfast sat at the table waiting for each member of the company. Lanin sat quietly speaking with another, as she waited for the others to awaken. The man sitting at the table looked to be elven but he also looked as though he should be sitting in his grave. What skin he had was shivled and white as death, his gnarled boney hands were adorned with beautiful rings and his eye gave off a glowing light.
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I'sha tromped down the stairs. It was just too much effort to be delicate in armor. She knew Lanin understood. After layers of cotton, leather, chain and plate, graceful just went right out the window -- unless she was in battle, but that was a totally different story. She made her way into the dining room, once again missing Aranel and his so-cheerful-that-I-can-hardly-stand-it-this-early-in-the-morning greeting. He always had a kind word for everyone each morning, whether you wanted it or not.

As she made it past the entryway, she saw that the goddess had a guest. I'sha wasn't suprised. She would pull every powerful string she had to get Aranel back.

"Hey Lich-man. How are you this very bright morning?" she smirked as she slid into her accustomed seat.

Galathon winced. "I have asked you not to call me that. I am a Balenorn, not a lich. There is a world of differance."

"Yeah, yeah. One's good, one's bad, one is only elven, the other can be anything. Come on, dead and not sucking blood is dead and not sucking blood. At least you're not a vampire. I'd have to kill you on priciple if you were."

"I'sha, you never change." the undead wizard sighed. "Disrespectful and snyde as the day I met you."

"Damn Straight I am!"

"One day that mouth of yours will get you into more trouble than you can imagine." The Balenorn prophesied. I'sha knew that Galathon's premonitions usually came true, but she wasn't about to let him know that his words could shake her, so she made light of it.

"What do you mean 'one day'?" She did, however, stop needling him.

"I'sha dear. I'd like you to still be breathing when the rest join us for our morning meal. Please stop teasing my guest and wait for the others to arrive. I know - I know, you don't do quiet very well. You're almost as loud as a dwarf sometimes, but for me, please."

"Only for you Lanin, only for you. . . and maybe, one day, for Aranel, too."
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  • 2 weeks later...
Lanen heaved a sigh and closed her eyes for a moment, then turned back to her guest.

"How do you suppose the rest of your guests are going to react?" Galathon asked.

"We'll take that one at a time, now won't we." She replied smiling her usual sad smile. "Now tell me, last time you saaw Feanor did he say anything about what he is currently doing?" She asked quietly. Galathon paused for only a moment before he answered.

"No, I have no idea what he's up to." He stated, not looking Lanen in the eye.

"Galathon, come now, how long have I known you, and how offten do you know at least a piece of whats going on?" Lanen's voice had almost a pleading tone to it.

"A couple hundred years, and I always know somthing."
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[B]Luna went downstairs to join Lanin and the other guest.[/B]

"Good morning," Lanin said with a smile.

[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Good morning, Mi--I mean Lanin," Luna said.[/COLOR]

[B]Lanin smiled and talked with her guest. Luna went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for everyone.[/B]
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"I know that I slept in late didn't I?" Thorn said comming down from his pleasant sleep. That was the most comfortable night that he had in a long time. He was suprised to see not very many people up and moving about. "Wow, guess I wasn't the only one. You know it's a strange day when the majority of the people turn out lazier than a dwarf." He sat at the table and admired the white cloth on it. It was well woven and seemed to have a firm bond.

"You appear to be in a more pleasant mood than normal." The goddess said to him.

"Yeah, I must thank whoever prepaired that room. It was perfect." He smiled. "The only thing that I found that bothered me was something that sounded like the sound of a woman crying. It was kind of depressing for a little bit there, but I'm feeling great today."
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"I'm glad you slept well and enjoyed your room. I do try to decorate to my guests desires." She replied smiling, not mentioning the crying from the night before, anyone who n\knew her knew that her crying herself to sleep was normal.

"Thorn, allow me to introduce you to my friend. This is Galathon, he is head of a wizarding school up north. He may have some information for you and your companions to run off of." Lanin replied gesturing toward Galathon who was glancing over at the dwarf now, his eyes glowing brightly.
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"Yes...a wizard." Thorn spoke with hesitation. "Perhaps it is better if we wait for the others before we begin all of this sharing and planning." The suggestion hadn't been because it was true that this was better, though it was. He had said this because he felt he had more self contro in a group and Thorn tended to not get along with those who's soul strength is magic. Thorn was a hardworking dwarf that didn't understand why folks couldn't just get their hands dirty. He felt that magic was just the creation of those who were too lazy to do hard work themselves. "Right now I am more interested in filling this deep void in my gut. What do you have for breakfast?"

Thorn had noticed the subtle glow in Galathon's eyes, but he tried not to stair or even show interest. Just another characteristic of magic he did not like.
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[B]Luna came out of the kitchen and prepared a nice meal.[/B]

"I'm sure hungry," Thorn said.

[B]Luna handed him a big meal and handed Lanin a nice elegant meal and the same for her guest. For I'sha, she made her favorite meal(though I don't know what it is so make it up). She made a lot of things though nobody else was up.[/B]

[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Enjoy.." Luna smiled and went into the kitchen once more to get the drinks.[/COLOR]

[B]She brought out four kinds of drinks: milk, water, apple juice, and orange juice. After that she went back into the kitchen.[/B]
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Galathon smiled to himself, he could see the dwarfs nervousness and irritation, he knew the dwarves out look on magic users. He heard a soft voice in his mind.

"[I]Be nice Galathon."[/I] The vioce was Lanins, he knew this as a fact because it was not the first time it had happened. He picked at his meal, even though he couldn't taste it, he could remember what it tasted like.

"So tell me lady goddess, for my own curiousity, why did you dissapear so suddenly yesturday? If you don't mind my asking that is?" The dwarf asked between bites of delicious food.

"Because, Feanor is stronger than Lanin, and she is only truly safe in her own temples. Isn't that right Lanin?" Galathon answered quickly.

"I was asking the lady good sir." Thorn replied.
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"Are you trying to get on my nerves magician?" Thorn asked with great contempt.

"Magician?" Galathon sounded insulted. "I'll have you know that what I do is real not mere illusions."

"A cowards form of fighting if you ask me. I don't see the point of fighting if you are not willing to stand so close to your opponent that you and him share breaths and you can only see their eyes. Melee is a mans way of fighting and I'm sure even those fine ladies upstairs understand the value and pride someone can gain from just going head to head with your opponent."

"No listen here..." Lanin cut him off with a shake of the head.

"Don't try to start any trouble Galathon." Lanin spoke. "We are weak enough as it is already, we do not need to be even more vunerable because of harsh feelings amoungst our people."

"He is not our people." Galathon replied.

"You know something." Thorn said. "I know that I may not look or act like the rest of these people here, but I am on your team. I at least owe you for the room and food that you filled me with. I pledge all of my smithing skills and warriors honor that I will complete this mission for you my lady."

Lanin giggled to herself. "You're such a loyal little dwarf."

"Yeah well." Thorn got a short wave of blush and straitened back out. "I do what I can."
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Galathon narrowed his eyes at the dwarf, never in all his years had anyone spoken to him as he did. He stood and thanked Lanin for the meal then left the room, heading for the stairs. Lanin sighed, then leaning her chin on her hand she glanced at the dwarf, who looked slightly embarassed.

"I apologize good lady I didn't mean to make him leave." Thorn replied quietly stroking his beard.

"No need to apologize, hes not going anywhere far. You've just insulted his pride and he needs to go cool off, and you didn't do anything wrong he insulted your honor as a dwarf and you need to worry." She looked over at the stairs, she knew Galathon was still there. "I know he's akward, undead, and sometimes down right rude, but he's one of the only friends I have left. Please forgive his rashness?" Her eyes turned back to the dwarf, they were sad as usual.
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[B]Luna peered inside the dining room seeing there was a deep conversation going on. Galathon had left the table and Luna kind of got disappointed since no one eat there food. She decided to see what Miss Lanin's guest was doing.[/B]

[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Excuse me sir? I'm sorry to bother you but are you alright?" Luna asked with her soft voice.[/COLOR]

[B][COLOR=DimGray]Galathon grunted and said, "Yes I am. I just admiring the temple, that's all."[/COLOR][/B]

[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Oh I see. Well just call me and I'll get you whatever you want, sir. Oh, by the way my name is Luna sir."[/COLOR]

[B]He nodded.[/B]
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I'sha took Lanin's hand in hers. "Oh, I don't think you're quite as alone as you think. You have [I]us[/I], after all. I know we'll never be as close to you spiritually as your clerics and priests, but we're still friends - right?" She grinned at everyone gathered. "Besides, the gratitude of a dwarf is never something to be taken lightly."

Everyone chuckled and Thorn ducked his head. I'sha wan't sure, but she thought he could be blushing. . . maybe it was just the morning light.

"Well, since everyone else seems to be sleeping in this morning, My Lady, why don't you brief those of us that are here, and after you zap us to where ever it is that you want us to start out from, we can catch them up. Besides, that's what they get for abusing you hospitality and skipping your meals for something as paltry as sleep." Again, I'sha smiled wolfishly and waited to hear what the goddess had to say. :catgirl:
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Lanin smiled and began to speak.
"You'll be staring in the noreastern moutains about 300 miles from here. From there yu should head to the city of Aleria, it is a city of winged elves, normally they don't take kindly to visitors but I told them that you were coming."

"I beg your pardon, but why aren't we just teleporting there?" Isha asked curiously.

"Because they have a magical barrier against teleporting, and it cirlces the city by about 50 miles, it is one of the stongest barriers I have ever seen. There you will find an elf named Thelin, he should have some information for you, and unforunately thats all the info I have for you." Lanin replied before sipping from her glass.

"Little information is better than none my lady." Thorn stated before taking another bite of his food. Each of them glanced over at the doorway as Galathon re-entered the room and sat in his seat next to Lanin.
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"Dear Child... haven't you realized your true reason for being here yet?" Galathon asked a tinge of sarcasim in his voice. Luna gave him a wide eyed puzzled look.

"True reason, I don't understand what you mean." She replied

"Little Girl... you are meant to join that group of misfits and save Aranel." Galathon stated.
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"Humph. . . you, with your school of undead and paladins, call [B]us[/B] misfits? Who ever heard of litches, evil or not, studying with holy paladins? I definately think you're a pot calling a kettle black." I'sha was in a good mood, and no one's crabbiness was going to mess with that. She turned to Luna. "Little one, we definately need you with us. Not only are you wonderful at foreseeing everyone's needs, we need you because you ARE small. Many of us are so used to seeing the world with an eye on the grand scheme of things that we need someone exactly like you to point out the little details that we would usually miss. You can be the eyes and ears for us around people who would normally not speak to someone armed and in armor. So, whenever you're feeling insignificant or [I]'unworthy'[/I] of our not-so-grand company, just remember -- we [I]need[/I] you." For once, I'sha's smile was gentle and warm. She had a neice just about Luna's age, and she didn't want to frighten her off. Lanin had warned the knight more than once that she was far too intimidating and/or over-the-top for most to handle. She tried to keep those warnings in ming when speaking.

"Well, My Lady, how long are you going to let those sleepyheads snooze? Finding themselves magically rousted out of bed might remind them of the purpose of our visit to your temple and the long journey we have ahead of us."

The wicked grin was back. :naughty:
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