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A lonely goddess... PG-13 V,L,S


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Thorn tapped the end of his axe against someones door attempting to arrouse them from slumber. He wasn't sure who was inside of the bedroom, but he was aware that it was someone that they need to bring along."Wake up your lazy bones friend. Even a dwarf doesn't sleep this long." He announced through the door.

"Go away," came from the other side, "so sleepy."

"I guess I'll just have to get you up myself." He slammed on the door forcing it wide open.
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  • 2 weeks later...
"While not the way I would have rousted everyone, it was entirely too much fun to watch." I'sha grinned madly. "Dwarf, I think you are my new hero."

Thorn grunted, but kept prodding the sleepy adventurers with the handle of his axe (sword? I'm not sure which one he weilds, so add correct weapon here) to keep them moving. Once everyone had been caught up on the particulars of the who, what and why of the journey, Lanin kissed them all on the cheek and thanked them for their willingness to come to her aid.

"I've made sure your packs are full of provisions -- which ever are your favorite. Don't loose the packs I gave you. For as long as you are in my service, they will never run out of the rations you desire and your waterskins will never run dry. Wine, you're on your own for. But I can at least provide you with something to drink." Lanin sighed heavily. "I wish I could be doing this. . . or at the very least, going with you."

"We know, Lady." I'sha said. "We'll get sweet-tall-and-loveable back for you. Never fear. We'll also do our best at a little revenge exacting while we're at it. Just keep your eyes on us when you can and give us any information that you come across."

Again, Lanin bid the group farewell. After she made sure everyone was ready, she gave a small wave of her hand and they were all teleported away from her temple and on their way to beginning their adventure. :animesmil
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