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Does this sound appealing

Guest Harlem Nocturne

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Guest Harlem Nocturne
I need help, does this plot appeal to you and does it seem like a good idea?

So you've died. You've become another blip in the long history of earth, but something's wrong, you're not in the Pure Lands. Instead, you've found yourself in a strange place with others like you. If you can't go to the pure lands, then you don't want to be dead, besides, you're not done in the living world. You have unfinished business to take care of, maybe you want revenge against your murderer, to see you loved ones once again, or maybe you simply want to go back simply because you want to live again. Death is not fair, but you're given an option. You can achieve the second breath and return to Earth, but at what price? You must venture down into the Yama world, into the threshold of The Thousand Hells, if you can fight your way out of there, then maybe you can return home, and finish what was started.

Basically I want an asian theme to the rpg, and I want people to get creative with their sign-ups, but not quite so much that it takes away from the integrity of the game. Also, I want to use the chapter system to progress the story.
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I think this has potential. The names you chose for everything like "Yama Lands" and "The Thousand Hells" make it intriguing to the reader. And heck, you may even have a title for this already... I liked that "second breath" line. You could call it [b]Second Breath[/b]. I'm guessing when you say "Asian" you mean things like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon or Hero. It could work.

All you need now to figure out is, are all the people who sign up traveling together through The Thousand Hells or seperately? Doing it seperately could be an excellent excuse for using the Chapter System James made and that'd be a very good bonus (as long as you get the right people who are dedicated). You'd also want to think through why these certain people were the ones chosen to go back. I'm sure many murdered people want to return and get revenge, but why just this group? And what lies in The Thousand Hells that is so important for them to achieve to get back home. Just some important plot points. Before starting an RPG like this, it's always a good idea to have lots of these things planned out (but keep it open enough for players to be creative).

Graphics would be cool for this. If you need help, I might be able to get in here and do something. It's just about how much effort you want to really put into this.
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  • 2 weeks later...
As far as powers go in my rpg, I kinda want to have the characters learn new things along the way from the npc's, but I don't know how that will translate into the chapter system without people posting when the feel or what not. I have a strict storyline I want to follow, but I have a problem with finding a way to execute it within the rpg. Oh yea, I'm harlem nocturne.
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