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Guest Dark Pyro

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Guest Dark Pyro
this is for people wothink ICP are the ****. so post your responses here.

me i think that ICP is the f**king S**t to be honist.
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[QUOTE=Dark Pyro]this is for people wothink ICP are the ****. so post your responses here.

me i think that ICP is the f**king S**t to be honist.[/QUOTE]
Please put a little more effort into your posts. Try telling why you like ICP, or perhaps a favorite album of theirs. Also, watch your language. I know you censored the words yourself, but I'd rather you didn't use so many in only a couple of sentences.

I'll leave this thread open for now, so it'll have the chance to actually go somewhere.
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I'm sorry I don't feel the same way you do about ICP, but really, they aren't as great as most people say. All their lyrics don't have much significance...they're usually bits and pieces of coherent sentences linked together with lots and lots of cuss words. It also kind of erks me how they always degrade women. Maybe I'm just strange like that, but I don't usually care for things that subject women to such an enormous degree.

-the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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1st off, that post was horrible...

2nd, unfortunately, every ICP post I have ever seen on any forum has never gone well, and I expect that this one will go the same way, so I ask that this be close to avoid the obvious flaming that will come from this thread.

I personally enjoy ICP and everyone on their label. No real reason, I just like it.
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I'm closing this thread, but not to stop a flame-war that hasn't even happened yet. If I closed every thread that I was afraid was going to devolve into a flame fest, this forum would be packed with lock icons.
The person who began the thread can't continue to join in, and there simply isn't any ICP-related discussion going on.

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