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Trinity Blood


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Guest gravesg
the anime is nicely put together but could use some hella improvements

those who have watched a few episodes know what i am talking about
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Guest gravesg
?? possible a coindence ? lol MOst likely not lol

[size=1][color=#007520][indent]gravesg, A quick warning: Otakuboards expects a certain level of quality for the posts in Anime Lounge. Try your best to use proper grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. and you wont have a problem. Make a blatent effort to disregard coherency and your posts will be regarded as spam. In short, [B]up your post quality[/B]. PM me or any of the other moderators if you have any questions. -r2[/indent][/color][/size]
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no, think crowley.... he and abel are basically the same person in my book.

[size=1][color=#007520][indent]PINKSPIDER, A similar warning as above: Keep in mind, though, that Otakuboards emphasizes conversation. So we hope you can give us a little more fodder for the conversational fire. Why are Abel and Crowley the same? A little more description can go a long way. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/indent][/color][/size]
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Guest Soul Reaper
Yeah I have watched this anime until like episode 8 and it is alright but there isnt enough action it is kind of slow to me I might not watch the rest of the anime. Is it worth watching at the end? Let me know and I might watch all of it...
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  • 2 weeks later...
[COLOR=DarkRed]Trinity Blood has really slowed down. Its actually getting quite boring . They are introducing new charcters such as Sword Dancer who was awesome.But really havent progressed the story at all. After last night episode we will be getting our first multiparter which I hope lives up to the first episode and Sword Dancer episodes in terms of action. Im still waiting for all hell to break loose.[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='Kenshin DX][COLOR=SlateGray']Trinity Blood has really slowed down. Its actually getting quite boring . They are introducing new charcters such as Sword Dancer who was awesome.But really havent progressed the story at all. After last night episode we will be getting our first multiparter which I hope lives up to the first episode and Sword Dancer episodes in terms of action. Im still waiting for all hell to break loose.[/COLOR][/quote]
[FONT=Arial]I'm not feeling that this series is going to be really big on action. It's selling point seems to be along the same lines as Wolf's Rain, which was an emotionally demanding series, and Ghost in the Shell, which was very mental - a 'thinker', if you will. Trinity Blood feels that way, and also seems to be leaning towards exploring political situations and maneuverings, though [I]that[/I] (I hope) will take a back seat to the psychological aspect.

Also, I think it would be easier to view the series not in terms of individual episodes, but as chapters, parts of a greater whole - Wolf's Rain used this same style, I believe. This way, the fact that single episodes do not necessarily resolve satisfactorily, or at all, can be overlooked, and one can expect the climaxes to be fewer and farther between as well as much larger and more dramatic. (Again, I can only hope.)

For now, I feel it best just to watch the creators develop the scenario and their characters' personalities as they see fit.

Oh, and the fact that Nightroad is a pacifist probably won't lend too well to the breaking loose of all hell.[/FONT]
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Oh, and the fact that Nightroad is a pacifist probably won't lend too well to the breaking loose of all hell.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkRed]Who said anything about Nightroad letting hell loose? Its quite obvious even from episode 1 that the Vatican isnt exactly stable .With the pope being a wuss and his older brother is definetly power hungry.And there theres also a lot of foreshadowing toward another war starting( Id go into it further but my spoilers tags arent working). Nightroad is just in for the ride

Id also have to disagree with it being like Wolfs Rain. In WR it focused mainlly on character devlopment and how these stray wolves become one pack. It focused heavy on themes like friendship, camrady , and trust. Trinity Blood does not give me that vibe at all instead of expanding characters in each episode they introduce new ones. Each episode does not flow evenly into the next like WR more like NGE where after every episode you feel like you missed something inbetween.[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Arial]Mmmm, good point about Eva. And you're right, of course. But when I compared TB to WF I wasn't saying that their themes were the same, though they are somewhat similar. Towards the end, and underneath the pack motif, Wolf's Rain seemed to focus on hope during and through despair and tragedy, and Kiba's battle (Darcia aside) was one of perseverance and determination. He [I]would[/I] find Paradise, and nothing could stop him.

I specifically mentioned Abel Nightroad because he is the main character, and his conflict is the one the series will focus on. (BTW: Yeah, the Pope is essentially a wuss. He's young, inexperienced, and serves primarily as a puppet ruler. Political dominance will be a constant struggle between Francesco's overt and Caterina's subvert tactics.) From what I can sense, Abel's main battle will be against himself - he'll have to come to terms with what his past was and accept the being that he is now, and I can recognize this easily because it's a theme I'm using as well. It's still emotional, but as you said, the themes of the two anime are not the same.

Enough of my psychobabble; I'm beginning to sound like an English professor. Sorry - it's a bad habit I have when I get into serious discussions. So, even though I'm gong to sound redundant, I want to give the series more time to develop. I love the artwork and music so far, I just hope all the suspense building (in the sense of "Will they [B]please[/B] explain what is going on?!") will be worth it.[/FONT]
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I agree that Trinity Blood is definately more politically motivated than action and blood slinging. But that's what I like about it. The essance of the characters have room to expand and entangle each other when the entire plot does not hinge on what kind of new "Kamehameha Wave" attack each character develops to beat the bad guy. The fact that Abel tries to resolve things as a peace-loving priest [I]before[/I] he opens up a can as the "cruiznik" makes him so much more of a person, rather than just a blood-sucking, enemy-kicking vampire hunter. It keeps him from being a carbon copy of [I]Hellsing's[/I] Alucard, too. It's also refreshing to see people on both sides of the Terran/Methuseleh battle are shown to be able see the pros and cons of co-existance and peace, and they choose their courses based on them. There is no bad-guy just for the sake of the story needing one!

I love this series, the beautiful animation, the plot, the characters, everything!
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