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Project: INFINITE [M-LV]


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[LEFT]Inna and Francesco had come across a clearing were they had seen Nina and Elisa fighting, Inna had been apalled, why were her friends trying to kill each other? Before she had been able to ask them, Francesco had hurried off. Not wanting to leave him alone, for fear that he would kill more people. Inna hurried to catch up with him.

"Cesco, Cesco. What did you say to Nina?" He looked back at her and replied.

"I was telling her of the need to cleanse the earth of those not worthy of it." He stopped for a minute, before continuing on. "She did not understand yet, but she has great potential." Inna frowned.

"But can't we live alongside them? I'm sure that eventually they will learn to understand us!" Francesco whirled around.

"Don't you see? Why would we want to live with them? They see us as monsters, and besides, we should not be forced to live with those lower than us." He turned around and walked faster then before, Inna followed cose behind him, waiting for his bad mood to clear.[/LEFT]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Nathen stalked a young girl walking from the lake to her village. He licked his lips. She was a young, pretty girl, with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a short denim skirt and a checked shirt, which was slightly too small for her. He followed her silently. Just before she reached her village, he came out of the bushes and moved towards her. She looked startled, seeing a part human, part lion creature emerge from the undergrowth.

He snarled slightly at her, smelling her fear in the air. He stood on his hind legs, and popped his claws out.

"Hi there, little one," he said, approaching her. He came right up to her, and stroked her soft hair back. He had missed the feel of skin. The only kind he had touched since joining the Project was warm, pulsing flesh, ready to be eaten. He felt her warm skin, and she looked terrified.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you if you keep still," he said, untruthfully but comfortingly. She stilled herself, making sure not to start shaking. He moved closer to her, smelling her perfume, taking in every scent around her. He ripped off her shirt, seeing her heaving bosom. He loved it. He had not indulged in this kind of thing since he had been changed.

"I'm mostly human, just like you," he said as she tried to cover herself back up. He lowered her gently onto the ground, and began lifting her skirt. She gasped slightly, and then a white-and-brown blur flew from the bushes and struck Nathen. He fell to the floor, and the girl got up and ran away, back to her village.

"What the hell are you doing, Theo?" snarled Nathen jumping to his feet, and popping his claws. His fur bristled with rage, and he began to change into his fully-transformed lion form, ready to fight.

"You were going to rape her, Nathen! We can't allow ourselves to drop to that level!"

"I was not going to rape her, Theo! I can't be blamed if I need to indulge in some of the pleasures denied to us because of what we look like!"

"So you were going to rape her!"

"Shut up, Theo, or I swear I will have no qualms about killing you!"

"You won't kill me, Nathen!"

"Oh, won't I?" Nathen lunged at Theo, his claws and teeth bared, ready for a fight. Theo flew upwards out of the way, and Nathen hit the ground in a cloud of dust. He coughed, expelling the dirt from his breathing system. He swung a paw at Theo, who dodged, flying out of the way of danger. Nathen snarled, and ran past Theo, giving up fighting him. He found the girl, crying at the side of a stream, still shirtless. He reverted to his mostly-human form, and walked up to her.

"I'm sorry," he said, "But you don't understand how hard it is to be like this!" He walked closer to her, and she backed off. He simply took a seat next to her, and cradled his head in his hands. He shook with grief, and tears ran from his eyes and dropped onto the ground. She hesitantly put an arm around him, to comfort him, and he threw her to the ground once more, and leapt on top of her, lifting her skirt again...

(OOC: Sorry if it's a bit of a taboo subject)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Indigo wandered through the woods...[i]everyone leaves me, sooner or later...[/i] First Nathen and his temper tantrums; then Elisa with her her petty squabbles...[i]guess it's a good think I don't need them, either.[/i] He didn't reflect on what a lie that was...a sound hit his ears. Someone sobbing....he broke into a run. He broke out of the trees to see Nathen struggling with a gi..no, not struggling with...something snapped, and everything went white hot with rage.

"GET OFF HER!" Her kicked out, hitting Nathen in the ribs and off the girl. He kicked his fellow expiriment again, knocking him further away. "SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THAT!" The girl huddled, sobbing. Indigo stripped off his shirt, dropping it onto her before turning back to Nathen, his normally soft eyes snapping.

"Not even [i]animals[/i] do [i]that[/i], Nathen. You've sunk lower than the humans, even." He braced himself between the girl and his semi-friend. "Don't touch her again, or I'll kick you somewhere that'll do a lot more damage than your ribs..."

[COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Naughty Anarchy...sorry if I took over, but Indigo's doing exactly want I'd want someone to do if I was in this situation...from a girl's point of view...>:^([/COLOR]
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Glass spread across concrete and tiled floor as a wall placed rock flew into the convenience store's front window. Francesco flew through the new opening and landed heavily with the sound of crunching glass. Inna just rolled her eyes as she used the front door. "You could have just used the door, like everyone else."

"Now where's the fun in that," Francesco replied in his usual emotionless voice. "Besides, you don't want to me to kill anyone, so I have to amuse myself somehow." Without another word he proceeded to ransack the store's selection of cold meat. He really prefered fresh meat, but wth Inna hovering over his shoulder there was little chance of going on a hunt. After eating his fill, Francesco tossed some food, drinks, a map, and a few first aid items into a bag.

The pair exited the small shop through the rear entrance, and found themselves in a back-alley. Next to the door was a motorcycle, one obviously designed for speed, with the keys still in the ignition. "I guess the owner isn't too bright. Good thing." Inna looked at him, confused, as he started the bike and checked the gauges. "Do you even know how to ride that thing?" She asked. "More or less. It's similar to one the scientists trained me on. Guess they wanted to enusre I could move quickly, if need be. Hop on."

Inna looked a bit leary about riding on a motorcycle, and stood back. "Didn't you say you wanted to visit New York?" Francesco looked over, and held out the only helmet on the motorcycle. "Just think of the fun we'll have." The start of smile appeared at the edge of his lips as thoughs raced through his mind.

OOC: Anyone else wonder what evil he is plotting?
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1](OOC: Don't worry, Ozy, I wanted someone to interfere)

Nathen snarled deeply at Indigo, now placed between himself and the girl. Indigo stripped off his shirt, revealing muscles combining those of a human and a zebra. Nathen ripped off his own shirt, revealing rippling, sinewy muscles that truly belonged to a lion.

"You stand between a lion and his prey, Indigo?" growled Nathen.

"She's not your prey. You weren't even thinking of eating her, were you? You just wanted to rape her and leave her!" replied Indigo.

"Wrong. I was going to rape her and then eat her," said Nathen, before lunging at Indigo. He jumped and thrust one of his powerful legs into Nathen's chest. He fell to the floor, feeling at least three of his ribs break.

"Stupid child," said Nathen. He leapt at Indigo, ripping a wound open on his chest with his razor-sharp claws. Blood flowed out and dripped onto the floor. Indigo clutched his chest.

"You cut me! We're supposed to be looking out for each other, Nathen, not killing each other!"

"I'm just following the natural order of things, Indigo! The lion hunts the zebra to kill and eat. It's the food chain, something I don't suppose you've heard of being a vegetarian!"

Something in Indigo snapped, and he rushed Nathen, punching his body and face repeatedly. Blood began to flow from Nathen's muzzle, and he fell to the floor, his face disfigured from Indigo's assault. His face was bruised, his muzzle smashed, his nose broken, and teeth falling from his mouth. He got to his feet clumsily and snarled:

"This isn't over, Indigo!" Then ran into the forest, away from his so-called "friend".[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]He was standing near the point the red dot was last seen at and he saw the young girl cowering by the river and he walked over to her helping her up.

She cowered away from him . Are you one of them? she asked in a quivering voice.

No I'm one of the good guys he said smiling.

So your trying to kill them all. She said

Well not exactly my mission is to capture and interrogate. i'm kind of on a mission on my own behalf my country wants me to kill i just want to find out why they are like this.

The girl turned and looked at him. They're not all bad they just have some flaws. the one who tried to hurt me seemed to have a dual side to him the animalistic side and the human side. the human side was completely different than the animal.

Craig turned and looked at her well where were you going.

i was going into the city to my family.

He handed her a pistol and a shirt of his here use these that pistol won't kill him but it will knock him out and if you get him by any chance call me my phone number is on the jacket. Ok.

She smiled pulling the shirt on by the way The name's emily what yours?

Name's Craig... Seargent Craig Walker U.S Army.

She extended her hand and he took it in a hand shake Nice to meet you she said.

He turned and got into the jeep leaving her behind he looked at the tracker and began to follow the red dot he looked over his shoulder as he drove off to see another one of the kids sitting down and hu just shook his head. thi sin't the one I'm after for the moment.[/COLOR]
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