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Banner/Ava Request


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[size=1][color=slategray]Okay, I love Treno's banner. It is really nice, but I have suddenly shifted moods. I'm at one of those stages.

I have no true anime theme for this, but I do have the colors I want. Any shade of grgey, any shade of ash. Not sad, per-say, just calm and nuetral. Same with the avatar. Avatar: just my name. Banner: My name, and the quote: The ashes just look pretty on your eyes.

Please and thank you!

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[color=gray][size=1]I don't like working with gray, so I didn't really make a serious banner ^^;

If you actually want to use it (I'm pretty sure it's not what you meant lol), I'll make an avater. If not, this was fun =P
I read your quote and then I searched on internet and suddenly I saw that little one with lipstick, I couldn't resist anymore >_>;[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=slategray]I like this pair, actually. All I'm gonna ask is: do you think you could make it a little softer, a little more faded? And just a tad smaller. No to much smaller, but just a little shorter. I will use them, though, so could you just do that? (Oh, and you put 'in' instead of 'on'. I'm picky, though, so don't change it if you don't feel like it.)[/size][/color]
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[size=1][color=blue]Sorry it took so long to reply (I was busy downloading fonts). I did this about half-an-hour ago, but I only redid the banner. If you want, I can also soften the avatar as well later.[/size][/color]
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