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Can you be bought?


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[b]For some reason, my neurons aren't firing the way that they should be, so I'm not sure if I'll word this properly, but here goes[/b]

[b]If promised a large sum of money, say-- in the millions-- would you do something that you normally would be very opposed to (ie: something that goes against your personal moral code)?[/b]

[b]If yes, how would you justify going against your own morals for the sake of cash-- even lots and lots of it?[/b]

[b]And if not, why not?[/b]
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I would say HELL NO! Reason being I would never do something out of my own code for money because money is not everything. If somebody asked you...*Would you jump off the empire state building for say 1 billion dollars wihtout a parachute or anything to keep you from falling to fast* would you do it? I know I wouldn't because one...they either want you dead and two you wouldn't be alive after that fall considering you can't stop the impact to the pavement below and won't have the money anyway because we all know that dead people can't use money much less take it with them.
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I don't think that I can be bought [COLOR=Red][U][B]Easily[/B][/U][/COLOR] but I still could be bought because Morals are fairly weak when you tink about it. I think that I will depend on how what is asked or how much I am paid. It is an interesting topic of discussion because some people will have different Morals to myself.
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This is one of those questions that I don't think I could answer unless it actually happened. I would like to think that if someone promised me an outrageous amount of money if I did something immoral, I would stick to my beliefs and hold on to my dignity. Then again, I know that people can be pretty weak given the right circumstances, and I don't consider myself to be that different from the general population.
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[QUOTE=elfpirate][b]For some reason, my neurons aren't firing the way that they should be, so I'm not sure if I'll word this properly, but here goes[/b]

[b]If promised a large sum of money, say-- in the millions-- would you do something that you normally would be very opposed to (ie: something that goes against your personal moral code)?[/b]

[b]If yes, how would you justify going against your own morals for the sake of cash-- even lots and lots of it?[/b]

[b]And if not, why not?[/b][/QUOTE]

Initally I would refuse such a request. No amount of money could make it worth going against your own moral code. However, I am sure that there are exceptions that would allow me to do such a thing. For example, what if you needed millions of dollars to pay for a surgery to save someone you loved? I'm not sure if I could say no if something like that were the case.
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[SIZE=1]I suppose it all depends on what action I'm asked to perform and how much money I'd receive doing it. I would never kill a person, but like... have sex, sure! Why not? Cheat on a test? Definitely. In the long run, it would pay off immensely. No pun intended.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Ehrm. Probably not.

I've enough resources to live comfortably. Even if I don't, I still won't. See, I've very poor memory so I avoid anything that goes against my [i]moral code[/i]. That way, I know that I've done nothing wrong even if somebody says that I cheated in an exam (I don't. [i]Really[/i]). It really makes remembering things a lot easier.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1]If you're going to pose a hypothetical such as this, you need to place some [b]restraints[/b]. Are you talking about murdering someone, or ransacking someone's car? Are you talking about beating an old lady up, or shop-lifting? All of these go against my moral codes, but I'd be willing to break some of these for money.

When it comes down to it, I think that, depending upon the request, [b]most, if not all[/b] people would choose to take the money. This is just my perception, but people can often make excuses for what they'd do for money. I know I could. And probably would. So what? It's a hypothetical, and I can protect myself on the basis that it all depends on the situation.[/size]
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[b][color=DimGray][size=1]Definately not.

[/size][/color][/b][color=DimGray][size=1]I have a strong moral code because that's what I believe is the key to true happiness. I won't compromise that for anything, even zillions of dollars. There are some things money can't buy, like a clear conscience.

I look at when Jesus was led into the wilderness after his baptism, and how Satan was tempting him with food, security, and immense wealth. The onyl catch was that jesus would have to worship Satan. I pray that I would just be like Jesus in similar situations, and not compromise my beliefs and moral code for something so short-term.
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Guest Death Rose
No!!! Only reason why not is it is my code if it wasn't then why would it be there.(??????????????) And like firedemon said money is not everything unless your a greedy little puck who rich and show everyone whos poor and does everthing to get more cause your like that (Im soo poor).
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Hmmm would I? Like it was mentioned before...It depends on the situation...some little thing like tripping a kid as he walked by...while very mean and sort of against my usual kindness....would be pretty funny....Now going out and knocking off someone who Im sure does not deserve and injustice...that I couldn't do for all the money in the world.
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I can be bought. It is against my moral code to et my hair cut. When I failed a dreading attempt, my parents payed my 100 dollars to have it cut! Yeah I'd do some pretty bad things for money, because I am, admittedly, a greedy person. I know its nothing to brag about but... its who I am.
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The question is very basic. What exactly are you talking about and how extreme? I would need to know this before I actually decide whether or not its worth it. I would jump off a bridge with no parachute If I could live even if it meant breaking every bone in my body for tons of money. I think anyone would, its sad, but one lesson I have learned is [i]"No one can ever have enough money"[/i] It really is the root of all evil. Since there are already bank robbers etc, that are willing to bend the law, who's to say anyone else wouldn't take the chance at getting free cash for doing it either? I think secretly we all would. I would pretty much do everything and anything to get my hands on some serious cash............except maybe trying to eat someone's grandmother. That's going a bit too far. [/size]
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[size=1]I think we've pretty much shown that it depends on what you're being bought for, heh. For example, I would [i]never[/i] kill somebody for any amount of money because that's twisted and wrong. I would, however, flash anybody for a fair amount of money, despite the fact that I generally don't show off a lot of skin. It's not my cup of tea, thank you.

I'm pretty confident that I would never take a bribe, no matter how much it is. I really despise that, and knowing that I do feel strongly about a lot of my beliefs, I don't think I could be persuaded to think otherwise. It pretty much depends on what is important to you.[/size]
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There is no one on earth that does not have a price. You guys have limited your acceptable bribes to cash, but one must remember that cash is only a small part of the vast and varied world of payoffs. I know I sound Machiavellian, and I am, however it is a fundamental (and [i]nearly[/i] universal) aspect of human nature.

For example, I doubt many people would murder their mother for even ten billion dollars. But would you murder your mother in exchange for vast funds being directed against world hunger? Illiteracy? Cancer research?

For the not so noble among us, would you murder your mother for the true and undying affections of "the one"?

Ok, so murder is extreme. Would you do a porn movie? Illicit photos? Depends on the reward of course. Some wouldn't do it for ten million dollars, but most would do it to see the desires (not fulfilled by the movie....) of their loved ones fulfilled as a reward.

There is not a man, woman, or child on the entire Earth who could not be bought. Someone having the resurces/power to fulfill that price is a different story.
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[SIZE=1]Hmm... maybe try to add a new twist to such a scenario.

Why not be bought off to do something against your moral code (like star in a porno flick), for an ungodly amount of cash (maybe 10 million we'll say)? Because you don't want to do that stuff. Hm...

But think about all the good you could do with that money. I'm sure your sin would be outweighed by all the donations to charity, helping the homeless and less fortunate, and jazz like that. So really, [i]not[/i] breaking your moral codes directly by not cheating, having sex, or stealing, would be [i]more[/i] of a sin than actually doing it. This is all assuming, of course, that you'll actually use your reward for good intentions. Enough to "outweigh" the "evil" you've done.

Any takers now?[/SIZE]
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Some kid in my gym class asked me a similiar, more specific question . He asked me if I, a straight female, would ever have sex with a girl for 13 billion dollar. I looked at him like he was crazy and said "Hell yea. I'd do it for a few thousand." I don't think my answer surprised him, I think I have the whole school convinced I'm a lesbian.

I can be bought, but it all depends on the situation. I'm not gonna kill someone, but do something that would only make my dignity/self-respect/reputation go down? Those things are only worth as much as you make them, and really, I don't care what other people feel about me. Most things that would only damage other people's view of me, I'd have no problem doing that for the right pay.

Ok, so maybe I'm not as moral as some of you who say you would never be bought. But have you ever been in a situation where you'd make that choice? If you haven't, I'm not sure you know now what you'd do there.
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[b]Okay, I admit, I didn't begin the thread with a specific scenario in mind, but how [i]could[/i] I do so when there are such a variety of people on the boards? [/b]

[b]I wanted to ask about going against your own personal code of ethics, and since everyone's varies, I couldn't think of an apply-to-all type o' scenario.[/b]

[b]I also haven't answered the question myself, yet, either.[/b]

[b]I do adhere to my own code of ethics pretty tightly [i]most[/i] of the time, but then, out of the blue, a situation will present itself where I feel that doing the "wrong" thing would be best for most (if not all) of the people involved. [/b]

[b]In these cases, I am more flexible with my own morals (what doesn't bend breaks, neh?) and so I believe that I could be fairly easily bought.[/b]

[b]Unfortunately, I can't weigh it out like a lot of you can... the whole "I'll go to hell if I break with moral tradition" thing just doesn't (and can't) apply to me... because I'm already going to hell, if it exists.[/b]

[b]There's no misdemeanor hell, felony hell, etc... you're going to hell regardless of the intensity of your crime against God, or whomever you answer to, if that's really what's in store for us when we cease to exist on this plane.[/b]

[b]That doesn't mean that there isn't anything I wouldn't do for money-- not at all... in fact, I do think that $$ is at the root of all evil.[/b]

[b]If it were something that wouldn't make me live the the rest of my life full of regret, I'd probably say "screw the cognitive dissonance and bring it on!"[/b]

[b]But if it were something like killing an undeserving person or truly hurting an innocent, I don't think my conscious would allow it unless the benefits greatly outweighed the guilt complex (as was mentioned earlier in the thread-- what with the charities and all).[/b]

[b]My conscious is never going to be clear, so I think I can handle tagging on a few more crimes without hating myself for doing so...[/b]
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[QUOTE=Arcadia][size=1]I think we've pretty much shown that it depends on what you're being bought for, heh. For example, I would [i]never[/i] kill somebody for any amount of money because that's twisted and wrong. I would, however, flash anybody for a fair amount of money, despite the fact that I generally don't show off a lot of skin. It's not my cup of tea, thank you.


[color=#B0251E]Same here. Mimmi and Annie can attest to the fact that I would strip for reasonable amounts of cash.

Anyway, yes, I think it does come down to specifics.

If someone paid me a million dollars to pose naked in a magazine, would I do it? Possibly. Maybe for more money than that, but, I think there [i]would[/i] be a price.

But would I kill someone? No. Not for any amount of money. I also doubt that I'd actually commit any type of violent crime for a high amount of money...but again, it really depends what you're talking about.

I think that in terms of crime, I probably wouldn't do it. But if it's just breaking a "moral code" or breaking a personal boundary of some kind...then it's possible. But yeah, it does depend on the specifics (what I'd have to do and how much money is involved ~_^).[/color]
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[quote name='James][color=#B0251E']I think that in terms of crime, I probably wouldn't do it. But if it's just breaking a "moral code" or breaking a personal boundary of some kind...then it's possible. But yeah, it does depend on the specifics (what I'd have to do and how much money is involved ~_^).[/color][/quote]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Yeah, if it was something that was just kind of against my morals, I would probably take the money and not think twice about it, as long as it wasn't like $5 (literally and figuratively). If it was something major, though, then I wouldn't accept it for any cost.[/COLOR]
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I've thought about this question for a while now. When I first read this thread it made me think of the movie "Indecent Proposal". In the movie a young couple who are in need of money when a very rich older man offers to pay a million dollars to have one night with the wife.

Having a relationship outside of marriage to me is wrong. That would definitely be breaking my moral code. Even if I were really down and out there is no way I would cheat on my husband for any amount of money. That is my own personal ethics. I respect my husband and would never go against my marriage vows.

Now there are other things I have in my moral code which I can "bend" depending on the situation. For instance, I feel that lying is wrong. You shouldn't lie to others. But there are times when I don't tell the entire truth. Someone asks me how I am doing, I will reply "fine" or "ok" since that is pretty much the generic answer. Most of the time when people ask that they don't really want to know exactly how you are doing. Even if I am not feeling my best I will say I am fine.

My marriage vows are set in stone. I will never change that no matter how much money is involved. But if you wanted me to, let's say eat veal, if you paid me enough money I probably would. That money I would then take and donate to animal rights groups like WWF. Take the negative to do something positive with it.
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Seeing as how I have basically no morals what so ever, I can be bought very easily.

Some of you have said that it all depends on the context of the "contract," example posing nude as opposed to ending a life, however I differ from you on that aspect. If offered enough money, I would kill someone and not feel any different. No exceptions. It would simply be just another job.

I guess it's easy to do almost anything when you feel like you've lost any reason to live. Not having what some of you call a "soul" also helps.
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Having a relationship outside of marriage to me is wrong. That would definitely be breaking my moral code. Even if I were really down and out there is no way I would cheat on my husband for any amount of money. That is my own personal ethics. I respect my husband and would never go against my marriage vows.


[color=#B0251E]You hit the nail on the head, for me at least. I would never be bought for something that would hurt someone else, or violate a very serious commitment that I've made. No money in the world could convince me to cheat, for example.

But would I pose naked for a certain amount of money? Or eat a really disgusting food that I hate? Possibly. At least in those circumstances, I'm not really hurting anyone -- I'm just overcoming a significant personal boundary of my own. I think that's the distinction I'd make with this sort of thing.[/color]
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[size=1]I'd have to say I can be bought pretty easily, probably not pose naked because in my opinion I look kind of weird (Although James seems to have some kind of weird naked fetish) I'm not up for public humiliation.

Killing someone is out the question too, no matter what amount, because when you think about it, you're screwed and in jail in the end anyways, not worth it.

Other than those things, and sleeping with someone for money, i'd do just about anything to get my hands on some quick cash.[/size]
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