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Band of Brothers


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[b]I have no idea if there had been a thread on this subject before, but if there was, I never saw it, so ...meh.[/b]

[b]In my opinion, the Band of Brothers series is by far the best depiction of the realities of WW2.[/b]

[b]It follows the 101st Airborn division from boot camp to the end of the European campaign, and is based on the actual stories of the men of the 101st.[/b]

[b]I watch this series obsessively (yeah, it's definitely worth the $90 or so) and never get sick of it.[/b]

[b]Even Mark Walburg is cool as hell in this series...[/b]

[b]So-- any of you as into this as I am? What are your favorite things about it and why?[/b]
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i love watching anything about WW2.

I got Band Of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan for Christmas, both amazing.
Just watching these things makes you appreciate the Soldiers of WW2.

Anyway I havent watched the last episode yet, but so far Band Of Brothers is one of the best things i've ever seen. i think i'll watch it all again, thanks for reminding me :animesmil
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Band of Brothers is great! Very reallistic, i get quite drawn into it. Of course i couldn't actually say how realistic it is, seeing as durring WWII i wouldn't be born for over another forty years yet, but a really great series!
I ceartainly will watch it numerous times.

(Have you ever seen any episode of Boomtown? It's almost all of the same great actors in a "law&order" esque story.)[/COLOR]
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Oh geeze, I love BoB. I still remember where I was when I watched each episode when it first aired on HBO. My favorite episodes are the ones concerning the Battle of the Bulge (Bastogne and Foy and those ones) I had them all downloaded for quite awhile but I was sick of the kind of grainy quality of 'em. I went out and bought the box set last week. Been watching them ever since.
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[quote name='boxybrown305][color=darkred']Band of Brothers is great! Very reallistic, i get quite drawn into it. Of course i couldn't actually say how realistic it is, seeing as durring WWII i wouldn't be born for over another forty years yet, but a really great series![/color][/quote]
[b]Well, as far as the realism of BOB-- the men that were there (101st) all say it is so incredibly close to the reality of war and that even the characters were right on the money. After all, they were consulted on almost every detail during the film's creation. [/b]

[b]They claim that nearly everything that happens in BOB is exactly the way that it truly happened...[/b]
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Yeah, Band of Brothers is by far the most accurate portrayal of World War 2 I've ever seen in media. Far exceeds Saving Private Ryan. I'm extremely impressed with the way they categorically followed the events based on [i]real[/i] post-action reports, accounts, and records of each occurance. The interviews of people beginning each episode (I'm not sure if that was part of BoB on HBO, it is with the DVD set) are especially touching as each person is actually a member of Easy Company (you find out who was who in the final interviews).

While the action is certainly striking (easily matches SPR), the true meat of the tale lies in the story elements and character development. The interaction between characters in times of war, and the reactions to the brutality of war is striking. I think this media is perfectly acceptable as a learning tool to understand that brutal and dark period of our history (from the dark emerge heros..). The gritty feel of the movie is perfectly appropriate and accurate. They used real firearms (blanks) and shot on location for the most part (sparing the cities, which they most likely had to intermix European on-site filming with destructable set-peices).

This series is perfect for anyone remotely interested in World War Two.. a must buy. You at least owe yourself a viewing.
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